The Free Press WVThe original sin: 2011 I am qualified to speak for and support this groups goals.  I will see to it that the Governor does a Blue Ribbon Study of Gilmer County education successes and work with you to stop this consolidation to one school causing the destruction of FOUR communities in Gilmer County. The children won’t be forced to travel.

Result: Change of plans. “I was never against consolidation! I can’t be part of this.  I’ve been elected and put in as President of the board.”  I’ll destroy you.
Local BOE President swears: I have local political influence and will see to it that intervention ends within the first year.  I will be Superintendent and promise to fire the High School Head Administrator.

Result:  Ron Blankenship stays three years and Gabe Devono is appointed by the state as Superintendent of Gilmer County Schools July 1, 2014. The President turns in his resignation but withdraws it. His public goodbye quote regarding Mr. Blankenship? He had “promised the Superintendent to never be an impediment to anything he wanted to do”. Later informed new Superintendent and the Board “they” had been “misled”.
BS continues collecting expense checks for many “principled closed door meetings” no one seems aware of but himself. Once more no communication with local BOE. Even the OEPA and WVBOE begin to see a problem with him. Superintendent approval is guaranteed as BS is put in place over multiple planning committees for more money.

Result: Board President actually says and believes there’s no need to speak with fellow board as he does not feel he “would ever do anything wrong”. Everything is under control. Name dropping constantly. All was done in the name of a local business owner per BS. Leading Creek goes live and more checks collected for Governance Board and RESA meetings with no report to the Board, no report to the public, no report, no accountability, no transparency, really, no board involvement whatsoever. Attempts to personally attack fellow board members in illegal executive session fail.
Sets up a board member to report on questioned educational statistics at the High School. Tells no one.

Result:  When the Head Administrator responds to the report and asks who wanted it done the Presidents participation is revealed.  His response was well yes I did but the board member “WENT TOO FAR!” taking no accountability for his own promotion of board dysfunction. In fact creating and supporting it.
Reports he has it on good authority Gabe Devono will be leaving June 30, 2015. He will be the next Superintendent.

Result:  No change in the takeover status. Gabe still here.
Insists on a move to Minnie Hamilton offices increasing rent to the BOE by four fold.  Funds for education go to support a financially distressed County Commission. Attempts to force an illegal executive session fails.

Result: No cost savings.  More politics and the pretense of financial control goes back to WVBOE. Medical facility use is now diverted.  A chiropractic office is turned away.
No public information,in fact, board President supports the state appointed Superintendent’s position of no information to the board. The President lets Teachers and Staff know he does not believe control should be returned to the local board. They are not ready. Same thing is told the OEPA afterwards says he is satisfied with the recent audit.

Billy, he gets kind of silly, and is sort of like the good looking drug addict that steals all your connections and as soon as they have all your connections and don't need you anymore you get dumped. Gilmer County found out how it feels to become part of Crooked County. In fact BILLS FRIENDS in Charleston during events tells everyone, "Hey look here comes one of those Crooked County Crooks.

Billy, he gets kind of silly, and acts sort of like the good looking drug addict that steals all your connections and as soon as they have all your connections and don’t need you anymore you get dumped. Gilmer County found out how it feels to become part of Crooked County. In fact BILLS FRIENDS in Charleston during events tell everyone, “Hey look here comes one of those Crooked County Crooks, when they see him.

Result: No change in intervention status. One elementary school on a riverbank, in a flood plain and students sent out of county. Money lost. Current attempts to hurt the head High School Administrator are done in the name of protecting made up reports of sexually abused sixth, seventh and eighth grades while the real goal is an attempt to decrease her paycheck in retaliation over an old disagreement going back to a vote of no confidence from the GSC professionals.  Even though he knows doing so endangers any possible future for a High School/Middle School. Seems not to matter, nothing good for the school system appears to matter to President Simmons.
Totally denies actual public board votes to expand minutes request information and items on an agenda took place. Sees and hears nothing that does not support a state agenda and keep him the only one to meet with the Superintendent, the SBA, the BOE or hear of any plans.  Publicly refuses to support expanded meeting minutes or answering the questions of anyone in public delegation or from the board time and time again.

Results:  Public anger, board exasperation. No information.
The Big Question: Why is someone who is very willing to throw Students, Teachers, Parents, BOE staff, BOE members and even local philanthropists under the bus to protect and glorify himself allowed to continue in a leadership position? Why support this farce?
Recommendation: No vote for Lying BS. Show some real support for the capable and honest members of our Board of Education. Send the message it’s time to go BS.
LIAR  fabricator,  fabulist,  fibber,  prevaricator,  storyteller

Related Words:exaggerator,  mythomaniac;  calumniator,  defamer,  libeler,  libelist

slanderer;perjurer;  distorter,  falsifier;  equivocator,  palterer;    talebearer;  charlatan,cheat,  cheater,  counterfeiter,  cozener,deciever,  defrauder,  dissembler,  dissimulator,  double talker double dealer,  fraud,  hustler,  knave,  mountebank,  operator,  pretender
~~  Gilmer County Concerned Citizen(s)  ~~

What can you expect from the man who believes Night Comes To The Cumberlands was the Master Plan for West Virginia’s economic development and Don’t Buy Another Vote I Won’t Pay For a Landslide was written as a political comedy?

We remember the excess levy meetings where Bill told us all we had to vote for the excess levy or else pay for student text books out of our own pocket.  What a fib.  The public found out too late federal law mandates the books be provided by the public school system.

Comment by Won’t Be Too Late Next Time  on  05.09.2016

Always talks about his history with Glenville State. Always first in line to put it down and push to shut it down. Never a good word about Glenville State College from Bill since he left.

Comment by G Man  on  05.09.2016