Archive for February, 2011

By Lisa Wexler /exclusive feature article for the CalPatty Press and the Secret Seven Coalition of truth blogs of Central West Virginia/Editor Edison-Crooked County Crooks website!

Friday February 5th, 2011 was the fourth anniversary of the CalPatty Press and we’ve been celebrating FOUR YEARS of bringing West Virginia the REAL TRUTH!

Prior to the invention of the truth blogs and the Central West Virginia Underground Press that also includes hardworking  journalists that have quite a track record for exposing bad cops and corruption in the WV Judicial system, the Crooks from Crooked County and all the counties in WV literally got away with murder, rape and other heinous crimes for years, but starting in 2006 with the CCC website, Lone Meth Ranger and CU all of that changed!

We scored our first big victory when the Crooked County Crooks website formed a coalition with the Lone Meth Ranger, the TEAM RANGERS from Calhoun County and the very appreciated Calhoun Underground. Out of that meeting was born the CalPatty Press 5 February 2007, and that was when things really started to break loose!

The CalPatty Press Cow Patty was first thrown against Power Elite that were CROOKED AS HELL February 5th 2007!

By February 2007 the Secret Seven Coalition had been operating under a strict clandestine situation and environment, always staying hidden and bringing in some very well respected and well educated out of state help for consultants. When those consultants confirmed our worst fears, that even some of our own attorneys truly worked for the Power Elite; we knew we were fucked! And to put it in the words of the one honest State Trooper we have had contact with, “You knew this was going to be a long drawn out uphill battle!”  And buddy it was, and still is!

Now lets get to the history:

The Lone Meth Ranger Newsletter that you can handle and hold!

In the famous Circuit Court Case of the Lone Meth Ranger …

John Manis Richards’ attorney, Robert Catlett, has requested the dismissal of a felony indictment after State Police in Grantsville say they lost evidence taken from the residence of the LONE METH RANGER who we all know as Johnny.

Much like the Kelley Mace meth case a few years ago, there was no analysis of an illegal drug, nor was the illegal drug ever presented.

Cpl. Doug Starcher testified numerous times during the Mace case that State Police had an illegal substance (meth) in their possession, taken from her residence using a search warrant.

The case was eventually dropped, when Starcher could not produce the evidence.

A State Police internal investigation and a criminal investigation of Starcher’s sworn statements, indicating perjury, produced no repercussions for the officer.


“Starcher’s sworn statements, indicating perjury, produced no repercussions for the officer.”

Imagine that!

In Johnny’s case… Catlett’s motion further claims proper police procedures were not followed, including the obtaining of chain-of-custody receipts.

Richards’ attorney cites a letter from former detachment commander Sgt. C.

Calhoun County Team Ranger Leader -The LONE METH RANGER!

J. Ellyson, stating he discarded the alleged meth lab materials from a garage located in the barracks, indicating they were not properly secured by Sgt. Darrin Campbell.

What is even more interesting is that State Police from CALHOUN COUNTY, testified in a hearing late last year, that they had in their possession evidence in the case against the Meth Ranger… when in fact all evidence had already been destroyed for months!

So what are we at the Cal Patty Press alleging, besides allegations of out right lies… just like “JUST OK” Gerry Hough?

What are we at Cal Patty alleging besides outright lies told about evidence destroyed during testing for controlled substance… when there was no testing done?

What we are alleging is… that, STATE and Calhoun Officials fell into a genuine CalPatty COW PATTY and nothing was going to be the same for them again, since they were now being investigated by the people of Central WV!

Every time you fall in a Cal Patty COW PATTY it sticks to your face!

24 April 2007

“Calhoun Circuit Court Judge David Nibert dismisses all charges against JOHN MANIS RICHARDS, “The Lone Meth Ranger” today. Richards was indicted by a Calhoun Grand Jury in January 2006 after ex-police Chief Ronald James Gordon Sr. along with the Grantsville State Police arrested Richards on August 2, 2005 for allegedly operating a meth lab in Grantsville.”


“A defendant who is clearly disliked by local law enforcement cries out from day one for an analysis of the physical evidence, and then that evidence disappears. This draws a much darker picture than mere negligence.”

That according to Richards’ attorney Robert Catlett.


Prosecutor Matt Minney, was advised by State Police, that physical evidence that would have been used in the J.M. Richard’s case was destroyed or discarded by the agency.


JUST WAG….of the little peter’s of the po po!

As we say naw naw….naw …naw naw!

“You fool around with evidence and somebodies gonna get hurt!”

“The Lone Meth Ranger” rides off into the sunset, saying…

If you were looking for evidence you came to the wrong place!”


The local papers highly criticized Richards statements, at the time of their individual reports and publications, but all that was said by Richards came true… just like he said it would!

If Richards tells me to build an arc, I’m going to build the arc, because the flood may be coming!

However, he declined to comment or make any statement at press time, other than to say…

“The truth speaks for itself!”

If that’s not a prophet talking, I don’t know what is!

Imagine that, “The Lone Meth Ranger” may have been telling the truth all along! The facts certainly seem to point in that direction, and isn’t that what we base our justice system on, facts?

State and federal agencies are now looking into several Calhoun County

TEAM RANGERS under the leadership John Manis Richards (The Lone Meth Ranger) and the Calhoun County SS contacted 14 victims of sexual assualt, some while under home confinement and most all subject to drug testing. Drug testing was sometimes overlooked in exchange for sexual favors. In one instance a mother and a daughter were both sexually assaulted. Out of the 14 contacted 3 came forward to testify against Ron Gordon.

investigations and of course the Rapist Police Chief predicament, has certainly turned into an enigma… or was that enema!? Gordo Gordon, the touchy feely human  dinosaur, who squirts if you squeeze him, but only on women that he has on house arrest, under his supervision.

How about the people as sweet as candy, like April McCroskey and Deputy Bandy!?

Stealing from old people similar to the allegations against Tim Butcher and Rosabelle Gainer Cunningham just up the old Crooked River! A social worker, a cop, the Glenville city attorney, and the president of the local chapter of the American Cancer Society, all under allegations of theft!

Rumors of war and reports to the feds are flying about the area in Gilmer County, often referred to as Crooked County. It was heard via a grape-line connection, that a complaint was made to the FBI involving the wrongdoings in the A J Woofter estate and that information was referred to a US attorney. More than $25,000.00 is unaccounted for from a 1994 accounting involving the A J Woofter estate. The CalPatty press was told experts are working on all of the figures, since it is believed highly likely, that as much as 100,000 additional dollars could have been wrongfully taken from the estate. Formal complaints have been filed that have also pointed the finger at the office of Vance Golden in Wood County, for intentionally sending the accounting, sought after for five years, to the wrong address.


Remember the Calhoun Lagoon of Conspiracy we were talking about? Well it’s starting to fill up. Of course we called it correctly just as soon as the CalPatty Press editors were informed of Gerry Hough being brought in on the “Bandy” is not so dandy trial. Gerry claimed some BS sob story about the chain of evidence, and transcripts missing, and how by what could have only been an act of god, Hough suddenly had no case against the former Chief Deputy.


24 May 07

What Hough tried to wrangle past the judge was so completely over the top…we couldn’t quite believe it… even for someone from up the Crooked River!

Now it appears because of another case of missing evidence and a mysterious shooting that just happened to coincide with a couple other mystery gun shots in the night, all within hours of each other!

The early days of the Secret Seven were certainly active with all the corrupt cops in Calhoun County, the order of the day was stay well armed and keep plenty of ammo on hand. Nothing much has changed since then except most all of the bad cops are gone from Calhoun County!! Bandy was ruined by the Court Case. The Police Chief Gordon went to prison for the sexual assaults while using his badge to blackmail women into sex. Dellinger was prosecuted for crimes while on duty as a Sheriff and CJ Ellyson, the best friend of Gerry Hough was given the boot for stealing all the evidence, money, drugs, guns from the police lockup. JD Nicholson the Police Chief that replaced Gordon was later beaten by a man with a baseball bat, while another man with a baseball bat stood lookout-JD was beaten severely about the head and shoulders and died two weeks later from injuries. While JD was in the hospital it was determined he was addicted to pills. The men that attacked him in broad daylight with several witnesses present were never held accountable for the beating that led to the death.

It would appear to any reasonable person, that Sgt C J Ellyson has been relieved of his post, relieved of his duties and of course we’re relieved that he’s relieved for he is a dangerous man with a gun!

Our friends just down the road at the Calhoun Underground were the first to relate all of those shootings together and now the man that ended up with a oh-so-mysterious gun shot wound is not going to be suiting up anytime soon.

This is not the only reason the Sgt got the boot!

Now Sgt Ellyson will be missing me and missing you too!

Ellyson blamed the Meth evidence debacle on Sgt Campbell who also won’t be back to the Grantsville detachment of the State Police. Campbell was given the more honorable option of retiring. How can we ever forget the old falling off the ladder, can’t ever come back to work trick.

Misconduct! MYSTERY!

Possible criminal charges?

Somebody better dam up that Crooked River and damn soon!

25 May 07

It was reported earlier that week that, “Circuit Court Judge Richard A. Facemire “Abandoned his role of impartiality and neutrality and that his role in both questioning witnesses and making comments to aid the prosecuting attorney in the presentation of the state’s case seriously affected the fairness, integrity, and public reputation of the judicial proceedings.”

Justice Larry Starcher wrote “We also find that the judge’s conduct in this case weighed in favor of the state’s case to the point that the judge’s partiality became a factor in the determination of the jury to such an extent that the appellant did not receive a fair trial.”

In other words Crooked County tactics were used, but the Supreme Court called it for what it was …”Just another attempt to violate the civil rights of a person captured and to declare them guilty before the trial was even heard.”

What other dirty deeds and wrongdoing can be expected from the Crooked County folks that make their own rules? Really you can’t put nothing past them! Are federal agencies keeping a watchful eye on the repeat offenders for bending justice to fit their own “personal” agenda?

Sgt. C. Shane Dellinger, problem bad boy from Braxton County had no ticket to paradise and certainly no “E” ticket, in fact he had “nothing!” Nothing but

Christopher Shane Dellinger became involved with the famous TODD SMITH the leader of the Fire Starting Cult in Grantsville. Pill poppin and Bed Hoppin was the main activity in Calhoun County-Last Summer C Shane Dellinger had his 4 felony convictions reversed because of an error Judge Facemire made with a juror. Facemire currently leads the Circuit Court judges for most cases reversed by the Supreme Court. Brandy, Dellingers long time girl friend also shown and took part in parties with Smith and his now dead cult member girlfriend, Kelli Nicole Stamper Lawson.

an excuse and a piece of paper that said he was cool, but not cool enough.

Dope parties with the Cult and all their hotties is not necessarily how an officer of the law should conduct himself, so not only did we have that Crooked County Judge Facemire’s number we had the goods on Dellinger-pictures and all, and here was a cop going deep deep deep into the cult and coming out smelling like Tuna and Methamphetamine.

“No relief in sight to dry up that Calhoun Lagoon we were all talkin bout”

Soon the SS jumped into Dellinger’s shit with both feet!  Soon we made it known that Dellinger had an association with the Cult! his involvement with

Christopher Todd Smith who is a local confidential informant. It seems someone with power in Grantsville didn’t want Sgt. Dellinger to get Smith to the FBI as a meeting was scheduled for the informant to meet with an FBI agent along with Sgt. Dellinger.

Somebody fucked that all up for those boys for before 07 was over they were both busted and busted good!  Could have been the SS?  Again?


13 June 07


Cops on the list!

RON GORDON–Grantsville Police Chief, wanted for rape by the SS!

Sgt C J Ellyson–state trooper

Sgt Campbell–state trooper

Shane Dellinger–Grantsville Police officer and Bad boy deputy from Braxton!

Chief Deputy Bandy(charged with theft and burglary)

Doug Starcher–state trooper-twice accused of perjury, but Gerry Hough did not bring charges forward and let Starcher off of the indictment for perjury if he lost the evidence against Chief Deputy Bandy and daughter to the former Calhoun County Sheriff, now Glenville City Cop.

WEXLER on Bad Cops!

CalPatty Press: How about the many complaints about State Trooper Starcher the most hated of all law enforcement officers?

Lisa Wexler: “Now I understand that Trooper Starcher ONCE AGAIN stands accused of perjury and wrongdoing.”

Calpatty Press: You seem to have a problem with Gerry Hough, exactly why is that?

Wexler: “Hough is dishonest first of all, he has no problem with presenting false facts and information to a Grand Jury and has no problem lying to juries in circuit court cases! I could go on and on about Hough, but since I know he is being investigated for wrongdoing, I promised I would shut up about him, but I just can’t! Basically he’s a fake and not very bright for a lawyer”

“ANYTIME Gerry Hough appears as Special Prosecutor, then the fix is in… as we have seen that situation time and time again. For all Hough is– is just another Crook from Crooked County, having come to the rescue one of his own. If it’s a bad cop he is to prosecute, then that bad cop will have all of his troubles washed away and soon you will just hear no more of it! Hough accomplished that criminal task not just once but TWICE in regards to Starcher and is going to pull the same crap with Deputy Bandy just wait and see!”

“It would appear to a reasonable person that just about anywhere in Central West Virginia, all it takes is an allegation from some person with a personal grudge and any normal person like YOU or ME could find themselves tangled in a wicked web of evil spun by the Spin Meister’s of corruption.”

CalPatty Press: What is it that disturbs you the most about the Central West Virginia political structure and law enforcement ?

Lisa Wexler: “The buddy system and ‘home cooked’ law enforcement and political structure!”

” By that I mean it’s who you know in this town, and surrounding area’s, if your a prominent person with a high profile position you could practically commit murder and get away with it, and for all we know, that has already happened!”

” A good example of what I am talking about is when Tim Butchers’ (Glenville city attorney) son got pulled over for DUI-then failed the field sobriety test! He didn’t go to jail or court or nothing! That’s some real bullshit!”

“It seems that the tide has changed and improved greatly when it comes to the issues of bad police officers and bad police work! People believe it now…there have been so many infractions, that it is almost unbelievable and has brought national attention to central West Virginia!”

“Maybe there is hope now”

Finally there was hope and the hope spread to the hundreds of citizens in West Virginia that have written to us with their own experiences of corruption and criminal activity by the many public officials in Central West Virginia.

The SS brought an end to SIX BAD COPS before the summer of 07 was out, and then the court orders started to hit, specifically from Judge Facemire, he was going to be god damned if anyone told the truth about him–  an attempt was made to shut down certain websites and the situation certainly met with some casualties. The Crooked County Crooks website good for 1000 hits a day on journalscape was sunk in 2006! Blown out of the water after Kenny the owner was deluged with court orders and letters from attorneys–and that is when the SS hired some expensive attorneys of their own, and started to fight back.

The CCC “Crooked County Crooks” website which cast light on official misconduct in Gilmer County for several months in 06 and 07 was knocked off the web twice, by threats, letters, and intimidation from public officials, lawyers, judges and crooks. Kenny Smith owner/operator of Journalscape, explained to CCC editor Lisa Wexler and the rest of the crew that, ” I just can’t take it anymore!” So the site was just gone! The CCC website took another damaging hit and lost all their bandwidth by early fall of 2007  on another server and did recover from the wounds until the end of 08.

Intimidation and threats did the “CCC” in during the second attempt at flying the flag of freedom. During most of the earlier CCC “Pirate raids of truth,” John Manis Richards was sitting in jail getting broken reports about people he was told would be joining him soon!!

Around this same time John Manis Richards found himself wanted by the Law and had to hide out, but it was not long before and ambush was set up by the daughter of the Gilmer County Sheriff was partying with one of Johnny’s good girl friends.

Many feel Johnny was jailed immediately, because of the” Lone Meth Ranger” website and he was told to his face to shut-it-down! Then they slapped the cuffs on him!

The site remained up, but no more entries. Johnny was gone, but not forgotten, and it turned out the dope and the cops were  rotten-just like he said all along!

Johnny’s outspoken and down to earth approach was a threat to the local “Powers That Be” and they weren’t gonna stand for that anymore!

But, Johnny had his say and he was right! Damn, they must have hated that, when that happened!

Now we understand a federal attorney has asked for that specific “second court order” by Facemire–he declared it illegal and wants to bring court action, but Tara Kennedy who held the paper-work and initiated the court order for Facemire has refused the request for the documents– and also one very well know attorney has also refused to give up the document requested. Only a federal subpoena will most likely gain access to the suspected illegal document drafted by Richard A Facemire 14th district circuit court judge.  But, as you know in Crooked County–they make up their own  rules!


02 July 07     


Everett Campbell took a gamble and blew that fucker away!

Anytime a person pulls a 357 with intent to wound, or kill, it’s certainly no misdemeanor!

357 Evey on the right with defense counsel. SS sources discovered Everett Campbell was working as a confidential informant, and, an ex-felon carrying a weapon.

But what the hell do you want!? We’re just talkin bout Crooked County!

Pulling a 357 in anger is always a gamble to all involved, and a gamble with your own life as well. But, the Gamble paid off for Campbell!

Slapped with a misdemeanor!

How the heck could the court, or the jury, or the prosecutor, categorize a cold blooded killing with a 357… as a misdemeanor?

Mark Todd Medley the man killed, was unarmed, and had just called 911!

Certainly a reasonable person could assume, that an unarmed man, that had just called 911 was no threat! Medley was making an active effort to call for help!

Here is the popular opinion on the Cold Blooded murder swept under the rug in Crooked County.

Carl Robinson

I think this is a tragedy that a man can kill another in cold blood and still walk the streets. I think that we here in the USA have the best court system in the world but it has flaws. I suppose there are more votes from Campbell and his family and friends than there is from Medley and his family and friends who lived over 100 miles away. Medley was a loving father and a good friend of mine who I will miss very much. He had three great kids who will miss him much more than me. I hope the Judge in this case sleeps well at night because many of Medley’s family will not for some time to come.


09 July 07

Of course also at this time the SS was not only battling bad judges, crooked attorneys and corrupt prosecutors they also had the long on-going battle with the FIRE STARTING CULT!

Here is one of the many letters received by editors of truth blogs from citizens, it pretty much,”Tells it like it is :”

So ya wanna know why there are meth makers and rapist and other crimes going on.I know why, cuz Mr.Hot Toddy And Lucy and there drugged up so called friends go and tell them that a nice young women who is off of drugs has been for several several years is making a meth lab in their home.I know that these people aren’t from around here,came to this small town to stay away from all the drama,which I might add  is right here in Grantsville, WV and it is so much worse.I have known this young woman’s boyfriends family for years and I know there is no such thing going on in that home.I feel they need to go after the real criminals here.Lets just say that they wasted all that time looking around a home in which nothing was found when they could have been out looking for real criminals.And of course I was told the police was very sorry and said it to the ones who was in the home that they were really sorry. I know how rumors start in this town and of course it has not even been 12 hrs and I have already heard some pretty bad stuff about them and when I asked where the info came from I was told Hot toddy an Lucy and there no good friends!

“So if we were going to prove a point, it seems that’s it’s whoever gets to the cops first-they believe that person and persecute the rest!”

Then the SS started studying the origins of corruption and it all boiled down to the Primogeniture Monarchy’s that have control of Crooked County!

Primogeniture Monarchy’s in Central West Virginia have to be put to a hot poker!

“The time is now- or we will have a lot of time to be sorry later!”

The Primogeniture Monarchy’s long established in Crooked County and surrounding areas must finally be stopped!

Eric Von Facemire circa 1914(later immigrated to Central WV)

They have controlled political agenda’s-court appointments of local public trust positions-shew in magistrates-bought and paid for votes, and a plethora of other deeds not in the best interest of the general public!

In fact, “They really don’t give a damn about the general public!”

“The Primogeniture Monarchy’s only care about lining their own stuffed pockets and making their supporters and friends comfortable and secure in their own hog-pen of corruption!”

Then along comes the CALHOUN UNDERGROUND!  And the find folks at the Underground had plenty to say too, but we will let them tell the story!

Secretly, I was following the works of the CU editor( which will remain a secret)–I knew she had the stuff to join the fight. I had followed her works long before the CU site went up and in secret. “It was secret stuff!” I watched her comments and admired her art.

She herself was quite surprised to realize that I knew her identity, the very first day her site went up! It was all later discussed by secret communications. All this talk about secret stuff must sound foolish to many that don’t know.

“We are all dead or worse, if they, ‘the powers that be,’ get a good grip on us!”

We have already been told that by the people that know. Enough feathers have been ruffled now. We are all targets and we know it.

“When men come to your house at night with guns, then you know!”

I was very surprised myself to find that her and I had been on the same page all along. And no she isn’t me. In fact our fight isn’t really much different than the fight from 39-45 in France. So we have all destroyed most of the evidence that link us together and have lawyer-ed up.

In the astute observation of the Calhoun Underground:

Now is the time to Exercise Your Rights!

The time is right.  The common citizens of  Calhoun and Gilmer County are discussing the problems. Not just radicals and malcontents, but ANYONE that has learned the true facts about who the people are really running things in their totalitarian existence.

“The bad cops, judges, prosecutors and corrupt lawyers  are  being talked about in coffee shops, the library, the post office, on the street!”

It is all because of the Secret Seven Coalition of truth blogs, and it is  because of the fine people of West Virginia, who have finally gathered the strength to fight back.

The Secret Seven Coalition are tired of having our lives, families and careers destroyed by corruption in the courts, in the city government, and by all those greedy, self serving public officials that have proved to be dishonest and ruthless–only interested in self gain and attaining wealth at the expensive of the common citizen.

Finally in the year 2011 we are getting the response from the people that made the state of West Virginia the great state it used to be—-all agree the time has come to fight back.

With your help we are going to take by our County and then take back our state.

Wild Parties sponsored by POWER ELITE icons and the children of those ABOVE THE LAW local residents, and all their EVIL has influenced our youth! ( Cell phone photo of Power Elite Party totally protected by Po Po)

Back room of local Power Elite Party led to drug use and RAPE of local young girl!

By Rina McCoy/Cosmos Communicator/Editor

Revenge of the Ghost Wolf exclusive in celebration of the 4th anniversary of the CalPatty Press!

THE REAL STORY of How BUTCHER and Gainer-Cunningham take thousands from A J Woofter Estate…Local Cops do nothing! GSC also implicated in wrongdoing!!

This article was salvaged by Cosmos Communicator, then revised to meet requirements. With all the crimes committed inside the courthouse there has been a huge demand for information on the Butcher and Butcher law firm and the citizens are outraged. The citizens are outraged because it has been the covert West Virginia SS that has been busy doing all the Police Work in Gilmer County and the STATE POLICE are on record for actually being briefed on how the crimes inside the courthouse took place, and then taking no action, but also then alerting Gerald B Hough about the crimes so that he could recruit other POWER ELITE to help him cover up outrageous felony crimes taking place right under our noses!
Early last year SS members Council of Concerned Citizens and American Patriots discovered that all the current Board of Governors were serving and getting paid!  ALL of their terms were expired! Time was up, but they were just going to continue to make their own rules until an article came out in the GILMER FREE PRESS- Central West Virginia’s number one mainstream media source!

Glenville State BOARD OF GOVERNORS all had expired terms and it took an article in the FREE PRESS by the people for the people to get the governor to do the right thing!

This was the short article by the people for the people that got the attention of the Governor who finally got off his ass and got something done- even if it was much too late last summer 2010!

At last, the failure by Glenville State College Board of Governors to appoint new members to replace themselves has left the troubled college without a legitimate Board of Governors.

The West Virginia Legislature enacted Senate Bill 653 to establish Boards of Governors at our colleges and universities.

Each board includes lay members appointed by the Governor, and none is supposed to serve more than two terms in succession.

However, some members of Glenville State College’s Board of Governors are in their third term.

The intent of term limitations is to ensure that institutions do not become unduly influenced by citizens who remain in place indefinitely.

As the result, by systematic replacements, institutions have influxes of fresh ideas critical to academia.

As stipulated in Senate Bill 653, the power of a Board is all-encompassing. Specifically, for power and duties they “Determine, control, supervise and manage financial, business and education policies and affairs———.”

For example, a Board hires a College’s president, it evaluates the individual’s performance and establishes his/her compensation, it makes decisions about capital improvements including building construction and academic programs, public relations, and it governs all other critical institutional decisions.

Accordingly, Glenville State College’s Board of Governors is ultimately responsible for all important actions taken by the College.

It is strongly believed by the citizens in our community who are concerned about the economic engine in Gilmer County, that the failure to follow the law by current Board of Governors to replace themselves and WV Governor’s failure to follow the law has resulted in a troubled college with 4th tier status as well as heading the college in wrong direction.

All these members need to step down to ensure that Glenville State is operating within the boundaries of the law as other institutions of higher learning in West Virginia have done.

BIG  JOE should have taken better care of his people as well to ensure the state laws are followed, but he was too busy, he had to run!

GIRLS JUST WANT TO HAVE FUN!! Rape has been common place at GSC! If you get raped at GSC you are on your own, Gerald B Hough will let the rapist off, or if it does go to court, then it will just be another case just like that of ERIK DAVIS! Davis allegedly raped a 17 year old GCHS student, but hey it is OPEN SEASON on the high school girls around here!

By Rina McCoy/Editor Edison/Captain JT Booker/Council of Concerned Citizens original authors of this article straight from the bottom of the Crooked River!

We got so many letters asking for a review of the crimes committed by Butcher and Butcher that we have them dead to rights on, that we had to put it on the front page, and we might just send it out snail mail to all of their clients, thanks to the client list that was just handed to us!!

ALL COMMENTS from previous discussion of these criminals disguised as public officials are posted below this article.

Getting fucked up and drinking under the age of 21 is common practice among the children of Power Elite

Many people want the Bitcher of the Butchers & R Terry Butcher gone and out of their lives, but we want them in jail!

Nasia is about the worst excuse for a good example than could ever be found for high school kids! Just look at what was “Just OK” for her children!  They are complete and total whores, just like Carly Hough who we hear likes it ROUGH!

Pull those panties to the side Carly!  Time to join your pals Ms Lindsay Lohan Lizzy  Butcher, and your buddy PARIS Alexis BUTCHER!

Here is just another example of white collar crime among the Power Elite straight from Crooked County!

And now we have all the facts on Tim Butcher just helping himself to the Albert J Woofter Estate!

Oh yeah…. and Butcher had quite a bit of help from Rosa Belle Gainer Cunningham– long time Crooked County resident, and president of the local American Cancer Society. Damn, hope none of us get Cancer, she will steal us blind!

“The long sought after AJ WOOFTER Accounting revealed in this article!”

But hopefully, we aren’t old enough to have all of our money stolen, since it seems one has to be elderly and helpless, along with mentally challenged, as we recently witnessed with the April McCroskey and Chief Deputy Bandy Case–and including the illegal acts by Butcher and Gainer!

April McCroskey, daughter of Glenville city Police officer was charged with 7 felony charges and one misdemeanor with her boyfriend, but State Police conveniently lost all the evidence on her case and she GOT OFF with a $100 fine! Now that is some bullshit budd

An now we turn back time to the day all of the documents were delivered…..

April, “He said Baby let me bang your box! Just don’t tell daddy!!” Now daddy is a cop in Glenville and he is a trained killer he WILL KILL You! What are they gonna do to him? 

And it went a little something like this… and a one and a two!

This article was suppose to be published a long time ago, but we had a little problem with getting it up,(and we are not talking about Butchers Penis) and only just received a rather large box that weighs at least 10-12 pounds filled with documents, files and letters from attorneys and what not, implicating wrongdoing by two Gilmer County residents.

We all thought she went to a lookin for them dang dogs that had run off again, but our MIA editor just delivered all the documents last evening before 5. We were told that we could shove it up our ass, or publish it, or whatever the F we wanted to do with it,(I think rolling it all up and smoking it was even mentioned) since all the documents are only copies. I would love to actually put this on the VET scale to see how much it really weighs…….. it is heavy!

Lizzie who lost her virginity at just 13 according to her friends is hot hot hot!

Power Elite Kids like the Butcher Bitches rule in Crooked County!!

So part of this is written by the Chief Editor- and part of this we had to have explained to us, by someone with eight years of school. At any rate, lots of loud screaming and cussing and every bad word you could think of was mentioned, in an explanation that came from someone with no patience– but one can only hope some virtue.

Although, we certainly can’t be certain on the virtue of our own precious.

Tim Butcher, was the foundation president at Glenville State College during the time he was refusing calls and  not answering letters from attorneys – then  allegations in a report of wrongdoings involving the A J Woofter Scholarship fund started  being looked at – just as soon as we can get the right people in there and in Peter Barr’s burned out face we will do it. Butcher claims that those documents involving the scholarship fund -we have no right to, and he said that  in a letter to attorney Roger Curry in Fairmont – and Roger still has that document in his file – Butcher is making an attempt at a cover up!

Glenville where the ELITE MEET no need to worry about Power ELite getting arrested, even when they commit crimes they are protected!

Party Party Party — Drugs Sex and Rock and Roll  in Glenville WV!!

Rosa Belle Gainer Cunningham the unit president of the local American Cancer Society was the executrix of the A J Woofter estate and now stands accused of writing bogus checks to Butcher to the tune of  well over $30,000.oo in the last few months of 2006 all for sending one e-mail and writing one letter to the attorney of the beneficiary!

That’s a lot of American money for just one letter and an e-mail

An official complaint was made to the State Police but no investigation was done!

Tim Butcher in the middle with SS journalists showing the Bitcher of a Butcher what that hole is for....screaming! Paybacks are a bitch Butcher and now the people have you caught up in some serious crimes! The Butcher and Butcher law firm have had to answer to a federal civil action involving hiding a 150,000 lien on property they created a deed to. A very questionable deed at that!!

If local law enforcement refuse to investigate, then the matter can be turned over to the US Attorney General!

The special litigation section has authority to investigate state and local law enforcement agencies and is authorized to take action if there is a pattern or practice of illegal conduct!

Section 242 of Title 18 makes it a crime for a person acting under color of any law to willfully deprive a person of a right or privilege protected by the Constitution or laws of the United States, these include acts not only done by federal, state, or local officials within the their lawful authority, but also acts done beyond the bounds of that official’s lawful authority, if the acts are done while the official is purporting to or pretending to act in the performance of his/her official duties.

Butcher lied in an E-mail to the attorney for the estate, by saying all donations to the AJ Woofter scholarship fund were not to be known to the public, but GSC is a state college and that letter from Butcher was Bullshit, therefore(so far) an investigation that implicates two other GSC hierarchy is soon to reveal a few truths!

Some people are above the LAW in that CROOKED COUNTY down by the CROOKED RIVER!

Lizzie says to her BF for the night, “Be quiet about the COKE dude!! What the fuck! Quit blabbing it to everyone! Do some and shut up so we can get back2da party, but first I have to give this guy a blowjob for the 8 ball, don’t worry it will only take a minute, last time he lasted all of 20 seconds! Go on! I will be right behind you!! “ 

The college that recruits black men to rape our young white teenage  girls, and rob the local grocery store…… is also receiving to the Albert J Woofter Scholarship fund, donations of relatively large amounts of cash that wasn’t the donors to give!

“The money came from the Albert J Woofter Estate!”

Speaking of Glenville State College and Tim Butcher, here is a little something, something, from the COURT RECORD, in which it was JUST OK that a Negro (no pero blanco here) Drug Dealer who was also wanted on cocaine charges in FLA rape a white 17 year old high school student!

Commotion at City Hall – Chief Moss’ Testimony

Moss’ interview of RAPE SUSPECT “Davis” was interrupted by a series of Pounding and LOUD Banging and we are not talking Lizzie and Lexie!

GSC Football players are recruited for the enjoyment of Power Elite and then they enjoy protection and a free ride, which in this instance included a free ride of a drugged up 17 year old GCHS student who now attends WVU! Davis (shown in court room photo) got to play the, "Baby let me BANG YOUR BOX song ALL NIGHT with an underage teen and it was alright down in Crooked County!

We are talking about all the pounding on the door like a mad man talking mad shit, and there he was, the little bald big shot with the pee pee stain on his pants, Tim Butcher.

Police Chief Moss who drew controversy over missing testimony tapes in the case of the Lone Meth Ranger heard more banging, knocks, kicks, screams and then more loud banging on the doors, windows or walls,” Moss told the court, and it was obvious Chief Moss was shocked and dismayed with the strange and unusual behavior by Timothy B Butcher!

Moss stopped the interview and opened a door to see what the commotion was about. He told the court he saw a man he believed to be an assistant coach from the college and a few of Davis’ friends outside.

He shut the door, intending to resume the interview, but there was more banging at the rear of the building.

Moss testified he went out the back door and was confronted by Glenville attorney, Tim Butcher.

Karikhoff the Lawyer who kicked Hough's ass in the RAPE case at GSC and got ERIK DAVIS off on RAPE charges after Davis GOT OFF on one of the local high shool girls all night long!

According to Moss, Butcher demanded that he allow Davis’ friends to be present during the ongoing interview.

Veteran police officers said after the trial, unlike the scenario Butcher suggested, one of the first cardinal rules taught to policeman is to always interview witnesses or suspects alone.

“It kind of surprised me,” Moss told the court, “Mr. Butcher is supposed to represent me and the City.” (as City Attorney)

“He (Butcher) made a few threats, including that he’d get me fired,” Moss testified.

Moss admitted to the court he became very angry at Butcher!

“I more or less slammed the door in his face,” Moss told the court.

Erik Davis at his trial was accused of raping a drunk 17 year old, the GSC football player walked on the charges! Protected by the BARR CODE! 

“Things got a little bit heated between you and Mr. Butcher?” the defense attorney asked.

“I was offended by Mr. Butchers conduct,” Moss replied.

“And just a few minutes later, you called,” Moss continued, (speaking directly to defense attorney, David Karickhoff) “and said you were his (Davis’) attorney.”

Well now that we clued you in on the fact that even Chief Moss thinks Timothy B Butcher is an asshole lets get back to the boxes of files involving the A J Woofter Estate!

Another memo established the fact that the Braxton County prosecutor was given the long waited for 2007 Woofter accounting… 12 YEARS LATE and marked in red for discrepancies. There is also a document written to another attorney where a special out of town investigator was being requested to look into the matter of missing cash from the A J WOOFTER interest bearing checking account, that Gainer and Butcher used as their own–only releasing $ 3,700 to the beneficiary in the last 18 months, while writing themselves huge checks.

There is a law in West Virginny and other states, that says the executrix can only receive a small percentage of the total estate. Proof is in the paper work that Rosa Belle Gainer- Cunningham wrote herself checks for a great deal more than allowed and it looks to us like Butcher took as much as half the estate for himself!

It’s Gainer-Cunningham because Rosa Belle got married at 85 years old, which sort of makes you wonder what in the world that honeymoon would have been like. Sort of makes me sick to my stomach to think about it. Making love prune to prune with the help of some sort of old smelling sexual aids.

After Butcher was done with the checking account that once held $95,000 when it was safely in the bank in Parkersburg, that same checking account was raped, for all but $7,000 as that is all the beneficiary received after all was said and done.

“In Crooked County it’s acceptable for BLACK MEN to RAPE White Underage Women and it’s acceptable for small, pompous ass sociopaths, to RAPE estates for all the Green Money!”

Gainer moved the money to Glenville, to the UB Bank, where Terry (not right in the head) Butcher sits on the board of directors of the Glenville United Bank 101 E. Main street. Albert J Woofter didn’t want the money moved to Glenville. His specific request was his money was to remain in Parkersburg.

All of A J Woofters accounts were liquidated from different accounts in Parkersburg and put into one account at United Bank, right there in Crooked County. The only thing is a much lesser amount was deposited than was liquidated, according to two investigators providing information for civil action being sought.

So where is the rest of AJ Woofters money? Did Butcher snort it up or smoke it?

Guess you can sure buy a lot of dope with the $25,000 dollars that is just missing!

“The Glenville city attorney just whittled down the estate until there was nothing left but 7,000 by the time the beneficiary got it!”

And this is how it was done!

This is an actual excerpt from the 2007 accounting that was 12 years late!

Figures are from actual document….this is proof!

12/31/2006 To be paid to Butcher and Butcher Trust Account for legal services review final settlement, draft letter to the Fiduciary Commissioner, search for and copy supporting documents draft letter to (edited-name of lawyer) e-mail to (edited-name of lawyer) review letter from VANCE GOLDEN, trip to Court House to search for real estate assessments, legal research on Westlaw, revise final settlement and transfer brokerage account.

For ONE half- days work , Butcher charged $4, 895.00

The above excerpt is from actual accounting on file.

The Bitcher of the Butcher refused to reply to letters from attorneys involving the AJ Woofter Estate for years and years! 

Well Butcher must have thought, hmmm… I think I’m running a little low on COKE!

So after lunch he decided he needed at least 5 thousand more…..since you know, two or three ounces probably wouldn’t be enough, especially if he needed to keep Princess Di in booze too!

So after lunch he wrote this………

12/31/2006 To be paid to Butcher and Butcher for legal services, review final accounting. Review account to insure correctness, draft final accounting (editors note, he already charged for that earlier on the accounting) review 4th quarter Wachovia and United Bank statements, complete final settlement and balance same.


Butcher charged a total of $10, 475 dollars on 12/31/2006 New Years Eve!

Happy Fucking NEW YEAR!

Over ten grand for just one day!

And even that was just all made up bullshit to steal the money!

Tim Butcher is a Criminal and a Thief and the official 2007 accounting ordered by Vance Golden proves it!

Vance Golden has also been implicated in wrongdoing for allowing Butcher to get away with not filing an accounting since 1994….. when accounting’s are required every year by WV law!

So the fact that Butcher didn’t do an accounting “by itself” is against the law, and Rosa Belle Gainer prune puss is just as guilty! It was her job as an executrix to see that an accounting was done.

Here’s an excerpt from a letter to Rosa Belle Gainer from attorney Margaret Kreiner: (feel free to e-mail or contact Kreiner for document proof)

Back dating checks to give the illusion that the terms of the will are being complied with is not an ethical way to carry out the desires of Albert J Woofter . We are asking that you comply with the terms of the will!”

A letter was written to you by the guardian, requesting an accounting to which you responded on September 27, 2002 stating that you had turned it over to your attorney. All attorneys are busy, but Mr Butcher surely should have found the time in the last two years to comply with the request for an accounting. I suggest you find another attorney who is not that busy!”

“All we are asking is that you comply with the terms of the will as Albert J Woofter directed!”

GAINER ignored that letter, and Butcher sat in his big leather chair and weathered out storm after storm of FIVE different lawyers, giving no reply, and taking all the money!

The above letter was dated September 23, 2004 — No answer No reply for Butcher or Gainer!

On November 3, 2004 another letter by KREINER was sent!

This time and bold print she writes…

YOU have NOT complied with our request for an accounting. My client is entitled to an accounting. Since she has never had an accounting ever, I am firmly requesting and accounting from the beginning when the trust took effect. I will expect you will honor this request and comply by November 30th!

Gainer never replied and a CC copy of that above letter was sent to Atty William Powell in Parkersburg– and if you have ever encountered this true gentleman, he is a very matter of fact, in your face lawyer, that gives it to you in black and white. He looked into the A J Woofter estate and took note that only 79 k of what should have been 266k or MORE….. was forwarded, the rest was just missing.

No surprise there!

Gainer was asked by several attorneys for accounting’s, but ignored all requests, didn’t take phone calls and neither did Butcher–this fact is a matter of public record!

The above excerpts are from page 15 of the 2007 accounting that was sent to the wrong address by Vance Golden’s office and it was done on purpose, since they had since sent official letters to the right address twice, in months prior.

Vance Golden’s office knew full well the right address to send accounting to and also had two addresses of lawyers to send it to , but NADA was sent to counsel.

The act of sending an accounting waited for since 1994 to the wrong address, clearly indicates wrongdoing and implicates the Wood County Commissioners office in a possible criminal conspiracy with the Glenville City Attorney.

I mean really!!

Why was it sent to the wrong address, to stall for time?

Altogether the Albert J Woofter estate came up $38,000 lite in less than two months time prior to 12/31/06

IF you don’t believe us, as one Glenville resident, named Carl Armour didn’t–a man that takes his totter to bed by 9pm — get the documents on file at the Wood County Court house, or call the Wood County Commissioner office. This document, along with all the documents we possess, were also on file with the former Braxton County Prosecutor, Bill Martin. Bill had boxes and boxes of documents and we attempted to enlist Bills help to bring charges against the Butchers!

I remember getting Lisa flowers and bringing them to Bill’s office, and then….

The office of William C Martin burned down!

All the documents involving the AJ Woofter estate were burned up, and not all were copies! What a bitch!

We find it ironic that, because Bills office was torched,( and we believe we can connect that to the Butchers now, and their connections to thugs )  that it was BILL MARTIN who had his license suspended for six months.  It is our belief that Bill was set up, because it is unpopular among the power elite to help us and retaliation brought by political clout from Crooked County got Bill’s ticket yanked for six months.

Take your clothes off and jump in, and get yourself a beer baby!

Lexis says, “I cant take it!! I’m just gonna throw you down on the floor right now and fuck you!!”
“Im running hot! Just give it to me Butcher you nasty little Bitch! “
Shortly Alexis (sexy Lexi) Butcher was thrown down and her lil hotty friend had 3 fingers up and in her! They don’t call her Sexy Lexi for nothing!

The Butchers commit a crime and they are protected by the Governor himself and we are looking into the crimes of Big Joe Manchin involving this case. It will cost us $5,000 dollars to bring in the investigators to do it. At this point we are willing to spend the money. That five grand by the way does not go too far, for if they are serious about digging dirt on these crooks it will cost a lot more than that. At this point all agree, that to nail these people any amount of money is worth it to see them all go to jail!

The CCC in Central WV gets the proper facts on crimes in Gilmer County the HOME to the Crooked County Crooks that live next to the Crooked River!

“She’s a lil tied up right now & going over her class schedule with Lizzy Butcher, I said CLASS Schedule, not ass schedule …Oh ! Listen, they are young people under stress! They are just blowing off steam, and as long as they remember the PETER BARR code, then no harm no foul!

“I’ve done enough!” “I’ve done enough” “Now untie me, it wasn’t suppose to be like this” “Lizzy! Lizzy!”

We could bore you with document after document, but it is getting old even for us bound and determined to fry every Crook in Crooked County. Now you know why all the black drug dealers are all so well supplied!

Damn someone is making some money, too bad, it has to be money taken from old people.

The Bitcher of the Butchers is so self-important that he thinks that he can get away with criminal activity!

Rosa Belle Gainer- Cunningham, by the very fact of being employed by the Bitcher of the Butchers law firm, while executrix of the estate, is enough for any reasonable person to red-flag the entire debacle of their robbery, of the A J WOOFTER estate!

Guess being tight friends with a Circuit Court Judge and close to the County Prosecutor HOUGH, (also under investigation), gives them all a false sense of security!

The Bitcher, being an obvious sociopath, won’t feel the least bit bad about anything until he is caught for his crimes; then he will only feel bad for himself, that he finds himself in jail or with a suspended or revoked license to practice law.


"Champagne dont make me lazy Cocaine don't make me Crazy, yes we are snorting a few, but don't tell!" "It ain't nobodies business, but our own!" " Hey, did I tell you my daddy is rich?"

Paris Alexis Hilton Butcher High School requirements for being a SLUT! Learning to be a whore at sixteen, and learning how to suck dick from sister Lizzie Butcher!!!

Sexy Lexie here… I’m 16, Junior at GCHS, Student Body Vice Prez, Varsity Cheerleader, an EX-track runner, and a Lifeguard residing at the FAMOUS Rec. Center Pool in Glenville. I’m single and enjoying it I guess… My AOL Screen Name is: LexieB52. So be sure and put it to use!!

MY FELLOW SKINS!! A special shout out goes to Amy Skinner, Nicole Pounds, Cate Powell and Lizzie Butcher. Thank you girls so much for a FUN-FILLED SUMMER!! We were published TWICE in the local paper for our BAD BAD conduct! LOL. They don’t even know the real bad stuff we did!! Plus whatever trouble we get into, dad can get us out of with just one phone call to the judge!!


2) Skinny Dipping for Lizzie’s 15th B-DAY
3) Going to see AMERICAN PIE 2 with Scott BY GOD Frymier! I gave him head during the show!!
4) Putting Tom Powell’s 17 foot Canoe in the REC. CENTER POOL! That was a good one!!
5) Singing “TOUCH MYSELF” at Karaoke Night with Tom, Robin and Danny. WOW. Then I did!
6) Strip Tease with Kalyn!! HAHAHAHA!! 7) Skinny-Dipping off the rocks with TT. That was fun!!8) Having Sex with two boys at once for the first time! 9) Getting my first orgasm from a girl!! God I love oral sex!! I just love sex!!!!!

That was the biggest bluest dick I have ever seen in my life, but that blueberry shit tastes good!

Liz- My awesome sister… so much to say!! She is such a little whore! I have learned a lot!

Nicole- Her country grammar.. “Todd, how old are you? How old are me?” I LOVE YOU NICOLE!!

YOU WERE MY FIRST GIRL NICOLE and you kiss good! I  love your tongue!

Cate- You finally got your license! …I’m really proud to be a passenger in the VW BUG… GROOVY BABY. Lets see if we can have sex in the bug!

SEX in the BUG is COOL especially in HIGH SCHOOL! Student bodies got a bad reputation, all they need is some adult education! Oh yeah Oh yeah!

Sex in the bug was tight, but tight sex is where it is at baby 

Amy- Late nights…:) Medical Center. HAHA. Our hang-out We got so high!

Kalyn- You could teach me so much if we lived closer, but then I could never get my hands out of your pants!  ha ha ha

Ted- I love your advice…the FAT PROJECT IS GAY!! But that is OK so am I!!!

Robin- I guess I’ll be your babysitter… no more holes in the wall!! That was one big dick!! Who’s was it anyway …..WhippedCream.LaborDay.FUN.  He came all over my chest!!

Tom- I’m glad that Carson Yeager is your buddy for life, but he raped my best friend twice!!!I was disappointed he didn’t get to me too! What a hunk!!!


My reputation has been damaged! I don’t want to be a teen age slut and then a grown up sexual deviant! 

Not important says “Hey” I want some of that sexy Lexie pussy too!

I heard the other day that you went skinny dipping with Tom and Ted Witte. Now i may have not heard the truth, but from what i heard i was wondering why you would do that to ashley echard. Tom said he fucked you while Ted watched If i’m way off here, sign this thing and set me straight, but that is just what i heard and couldn’t believe that

8/20/ 12:00 am Now, to all of you LOSERS who have nothing else to do except sign rude remarks.. Go play with yourself. I’ll just have you know that you are a disgrace to the public eye. Unnecessary commotion, rudeness and immaturity is really COOL. NOT. But, keep all of this nasty trash coming!!I love reading it!  Ted couldn’t see anything from where he was at  … Since I’m such a cold hearted bitch. I just fucked one of them that time. Everyone has their opinions, and unfortunately, I have mine. So do me a favor and leave your name, AND WE’LL BE SURE TO CHAT SOON!! Remember who my dad is, and one word and you are in jail for a fucking year!!!

8/19/ 12:00 am
Eric says: “Hey Lex”
i just want to say that even though I am not the most popular guy in High School… And what I am getting ready to say is not because I want a piece of that ass or that I want to Fuck you again out in the woods … I am saying this because it is TRUE. I understand you are the best at what you do. Even though I am not MR. POPULAR. To everyone I still like these girls because they both talk to me and give me the time a day and Liz… WELL… she is awesome in class  and in bed! Sometimes  we all hang out and I am not with the IN Crowd. Lizzie,  She was my first actual piece. And Lex.. WELL… I have no classes with her but she still chats online and I would sure like to bump asses again… And another thing…. Give these girls a break… Don’t be jealous !!!!! Don’t be haters Tata….. PS– If they were STUCK UP they would not talk to me… Like some of you all do !!! I know a stuck up chick when I see one and those are the ones that only Talk to other Stuckup bitches and these girls are not like that !!! These girls put out just when it matters the most! They don’t want anyone to have blue balls!! Now how can you beat that!!! Lex gave me my first hand job on my 14th birthday! I will never forget it! She only got mad because when I shot my load I squeezed her tits real hard, but I didn’t mean to do it. It was my first time. Thanks Lex!

8/16/ 12:00 am
Lizzie says “Uh, OK….FOR THE LAST DAMN TIME.”
Ok ya’ll…WE GET IT NOW. Correct me if I’m wrong…but you think that my gorgeous sister is a whore and everyone hates her…they only like her for my parents’ money. RIGHT!! Hmmm, do you think that we can affect that or not? I don’t think so. Lex would be the same person if she had to wear leaves as clothing. Jesus you guys…give her a break, just b/c she looks better than you doesn’t mean you have to TRY to cut her down….key word: TRY …..and you might as well give up b/c it’s not bothering her any. Keep the nasty messages coming, I really enjoy reading them……..have a good one!!!! If I find out who you are I will have dad make room for you at CRJ!! Once you get there, we will have the judge call there and make sure you have a real bad time!!

This is my first time doing oral sex so I guess the only thing to do is dive right in!

Lizzy Butcher rocks and rolls and gets high high high all learned in high school and learned it good! 

Bitch says: “Lex the lil bitch!”  I hear your uncle is a Bitcher of a Butcher bitch!!
Ya know you gotta be the most dumb, immature, lil whore i know. you think you are all that but guess what hun you are not. if you didn’t have money why would nicole and all the rest of them talk to a stupid ass like you.MONEY TALKS!!!!!! Just remember bitch no matter what they say they could care less about you they just want to see what all you can do for them. Well later ho!! I hear you suck a mean dick!


Your such a lil whore! I seriously don’t care what your friends say about you because you are the fattest most uncaring bitch I have ever seen in my whole entire life! Just because your fuckin parents have money does NOT give you the right to treat people so badly! Your not sexy and your not pretty on the inside because of how you treat others! Your friends just want you for your money..and because your livin it up! So sit down and take a look around girl..YOUR A TOTAL BITCH!!

Chris says, I have your naked pictures Lexie!!
Girl, you better get your cool on cuz  I can really embarrass you your bare ass I’ve got some not-so-flattering pics of yours. Remember those photo’s I took of you giving me head? And the cum shot thru the air!
George Giannaras says “Pics of Chris”
Don’t worry Lexie, if Cousin Chris blackmails you,I got your back. I’m sure I can dig up some unflattering pictures of him. But you should link to his and your Uncle’s sites.
Nice site. When you look into colleges, check out the ones near Bethlehem. Good schools,and you might be able to convince your mother to let you go that far away from WV.

Lexie Herself. says “LIFE!!!”
Liz, thanks for being there for me babe, you’re the best!! I really don’t care what others think of me, b/c if you’re not my friend or close friend–you really have no imaginable idea of how I operate. It’s really a sight. So for all of you losers out there who just want to down me and be bad ass…you really need to get a reality check. B/c I’m not the one who wastes my PRECIOUS time by mouthing others!! Really mature you guys!!

Lizzie says “hahahahaha”
You know, you guys are really amusing. You think Lex actually CARES about what people think? I don’t think so. So why don’t you become a little more secure about yourself before you go critiquing others. Everyone has their faults- no one is perfect….but Lex is damn close. Lex likes to experiment with sex, so what! I have done the same thing! All teens do it! Why do you think they have birth control pills you idiot. I had sex for the first time when I was only 13!!  :) So instead of doing the most childish thing imaginable and writing uncivil messages, how about FIRSTLY, you shove it up your ass b/c you’ll never have the balls to say it to her face. Thanks for your time and cooperation. :) Have a good summer.  She is just being a NORMAL TEEN! Get it through your head, but you are so ugly no one will want to give you any!




We could post more teen fun from the Butcher Bitches that broke bad, but it is just more of the same, them trying to justify being little sluts!

I hate to break it to the girls that their PARENTS MONEY came from STEALING IT from the estates of honest people. People that worked hard all their lives to provide for their families!

ALBERT J WOOFTER Is turning over in his grave for his wishes were not met, and Rosa Belle Gainer-Cunningham and the law firm of Butcher and Butcher should be held accountable!!

***                                       ***                                    ***

88 comments recovered from the bottom of the Crooked RIVER going back to the time with information on misconduct and mishandling of the funds of the AJ Woofter estate were first made known to the public:
***                                      ***                                      ***



    ALL facts and figures are from ACTUAL DOCUMENTS!

    If you would like to view the accounting for yourself, it is on file at Wood County Fiduciary Commission and hopefully will be part of a “court record” soon!


    Thomas Jefferson

    “The only way for evil to prevail is for good people to do nothing”



    When ya live in the backwoods with a woman and the dogs. All you really need is a shotgun and a four wheel drive. Seems to be you are just a wasting your time. The crooks around here will always be crooks and they always have some kind of crooked deal going on the side.

    Investigation? ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

    That’s funny!

    These people really do get away with murder and they will get away with murdering you and taking all your money and maybe your wife if your not careful.

    Hillbilly justice is bout all you can hope for. You all been talking about it a lot. Really you got liars here that will get up on the witness stand and lie to high heaven. The prosecuters and the judges rarely hear any real true stories it all a bunch of hog was.

    You got one thing right tho it is all a bunch of Crooked Politics.

    Always was and always will be. Buy your landslide.

    What you need to do is fight fire with fire and buy your own votes next time and get rid of the bad judges.

    But the prosecuters that make up stuff and the people that get caught lying on the stand ott to be dealt with on a sliding hillbilly justice scale.

    So either do something or go back to what you do, and then next year grow your tomatoes and drink your homemade wine and if the lord is willing we will be less some real bad folks because we woke up the next morning and some of them bad people were just gone.




    What do you think Thomas Jefferson was talking about anyway. Nobody told him what to grow or who to know. He even invited the help into his home.


    Prensa De CalPatty–M L KING

    I guess if we were the DEMO-CRAP we could publish the story in Ebonics

    BUT LETS TRY a FEW translations in Ebonics in celebration of the Demo-crap making everyday Martin Luther King day !

    We say: Get that bitch in line dude!

    Ebonics: git dat beeotch in line nigga don’t make me shank ya!

    We say : “Look at the rack on that hottie!”

    Ebonics: Look at da rack on dat hottie and shit.

    In Crooked County they say: Let’s go to town and bang some white chicks, hopefully we can find a drunk 17 year old

    Ebonics: Let’sjet ta town an’ bang some whitey chicks, hopefully we’s can find uh fucked-up 17 year old
    ya’ll is mad stupid.

    In Crooked County they say: Don’t worry we won’t get in any trouble I smoke it with Tim Butcher and he is cool he can get us out of anything!

    Ebonics: Don’t trip we’s won’t git in any static I smoke it wiff Tim Butcher an’ he iz tight he can git us out o’ anythin’! and shit.

    In Crooked County they say: Don’t worry about the cops Tim owns the cops so we got it like that!

    Ebonics: Don’t trip about da 5-0’s Tim owns da 5-0’s so we’s goddit like dat! ya’ll is mad stupid.

    In Crooked County: Hey lets go to the Main Event and have some drinks with Princess Di maybe she knows some hot chicks to hook us up with!

    Ebonics: lets jet ta da Main Event an’ gots some drinks wiff Princess Di maybe she knows some hot chicks ta hook us up wiff! peep this shit!

    In Crooked County they say : Dont sweat it dude Tim will get us out of any DUI go ahead and drive that car it is all good!

    Ebonics: Dont sweat it home slice Tim will git us out o’ any DUI jet ahead an’ cruize dat `64 it iz all pimp-tight! and git Sheniquah’s ass back ova’ heeah.



    (Bob Weaver and HH Source)

    The state trooper who shot and killed a Fairplain man in September was not indicted in Jackson County over the incident.

    Trooper First Class B.L. Keefer already had been cleared by the state police after its investigation found he acted properly in the situation.

    Michael Shane Fisher, 35, of Windell Ridge, was killed Sept. 1 at his home, the investigation concluded Fisher had been shooting a gun when the officer responded after hearing the shots.

    The state police investigation stated Keefer repeatedly ordered Fisher to drop his weapon and shot Fisher when he refused.

    The investigation ruled Fisher’s death suicide by police.

    The verdict of no true bill was rendered last week essentially means the jury did not find enough information to determine a crime had been committed.

    Fisher had been suffering mental trauma after two of his children were killed in a boat he was driving.

    “The investigation ruled Fisher’s death suicide by police.”

    That statement in quotes is a pretty mother fucking far stretch if you ask me, sorry for the abrupt language, but this really pisses me off, if Fisher was a Prince then a World War could have been started but here in WV he is just another piece of white trash to take to the dump-cover the fucker up with a sheet even if he is still breathing. Really……….are things any different locally?



    A State Cop, Deputy Sheriff and the local city cop stopped by the Ranger’s fort and asked me and a few other visiting individuals if they had saw the Ranger? Not for a while was my reply. I guess someone near by saw a car stop and two individuals got out and entered one of the apartments. Nope neither one was the Ranger! You know what is funny, they didn’t even knock on the Ranger’s Door.

    Editors note: Was this a possible wild goose chase mission planned by wild goose chase info from the infamous police informant Hot Toddy the Ass Clown. You know they don’t call him the Ass Clown for nothing. Was there anything mentioned about any Calhoun County not so smart lying son’s of bitches wanted for bounty by the SS? Just wondering heard a rumor about war being declared. Which changes things doesn’t it. And really it’s all over what? Nothing really worth losing everything over, but thats what happens when you make bad choices and bad decisions. And all the boozing and bed hopping doesn’t help much.



    Another thing, The State Cop said to me “Johnny is trying to ruin our reputation.”

    Don’t quite know what he meant by that!

    Anyone know?

    Editors note: Oh really? Did they say anything about ruining others peoples reputations, or lives, or jobs, or families, or bank accounts. Was there any murdered animals included in that conversation or mystery gun shot wounds? Just curious!


    1. never listen to a state cop, they say anything they think might get them somewhere in the direction THEY want to take things…

    2. Cops “looking” for Johnny will use it as an excuse to harass ANYONE they think may know him. For all we know, johnny could be dead and buried BY THE COP who is “looking” for him…

    3. We appear to be fighting a huge monster that is far bigger than we are. The fire breathing dragon… We need some more help. We need insiders who will help. Whistle blowers. But unfortunately, jobs being so scarce and all, and folks are scared to lose their jobs by telling the TRUTH.

    KEEP THE TRUTH COMING, folks… It’s all we have.


    “Suicide by Police” – death by creating a situation in which the cops are FORCED into killing you…

    Death from “excited delirium” – Death in which you are placed under arrest, handcuffed and then you either simply drop dead from being upset or you ‘accidentally” choke yourself to death with the handcuffs…

    Are the cops now PHYSICIANS that they can coin new and “safe” terms for deaths caused by them???


    Crisis Counselor will be needed for many

    Well several members of the SS declared war sometime last week and so a situation exists that is not good. Myself, thought it would be a good time to go on vacation. So I’m not just a little bit gone.


    Some major shit went down last tuesday, that’s the truth, so some people are pretty hot, but many of them are from out of the area, and only occasionally are around. So when you see cowboys off their horse and gathered together, that is a general not so good sign, as you know most cowboys like to ride the range and would prefer the freedom of the horse, But you better not say the word snitch around those folks. But it seems that some of the surrounding areas are full of very well known ones. One can only hope that Lunacy Lucy can put on a good show with that trained Gila Monster and attempt to tame an angry fire breathing dragon. Too bad she’s such a whore, since dragons are pretty picky. There has been a definite change in weather. One good thing is… there seems to be more equality in the fox hole. Even for Mexicans without a green card.


    Maybe it would be a better idea if some of you exchanged e-mail, since loose lips sink ships! So you better get that firmly in your brain Zane!

    Also, if the cops are looking for Johnny at his house in Grantsville, they are about 1800-2000 miles off the ambush zone.

    A swamp in FLA would be a better bet, but you better be part Simnole or speak some Chactah or you won’t get far.

    Lunch is over, but word to the wise, if it starts to sound like the 4th of July, it isn’t. Hit the dirt!


    Underground has the idea

    “But unfortunately, jobs being so scarce and all, and folks are scared to lose their jobs by telling the TRUTH”

    “KEEP THE TRUTH COMING, folks… It’s all we have”

    I AGREE WITH THE CU thats what we should do, tell the truth people, we need to know

    I need to know(I need to know)
    I need to know(I need to know)
    If you think you’re get some more LEAF
    Then you better say so
    I need to know(I need to know)
    I need to know( I need to know)
    Because I don’t know how long
    I can hold on
    And if your makin us wait for shame, don’t be lame, bring it!

    Also, you would think that after the local snitch HT/TS gave to cops bad info more than once, they would learn a lesson.

    But alas,


    (Also who ever chopped the big ones early and were seen running, hope you don’t know who we think you know!


    Funny thing

    “Another thing, The State Cop said to me “Johnny is trying to ruin our reputation.”

    Thats funny, since Ron Gordon was saying the same thing a couple of years ago!

    And NOW look at HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    On house arrest for RAPE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1


    With all the crime being committed in Central WV by prosecutors like Gerald B Hough, and all the missing evidence in police lockups, and general misconduct going on, it’s hard to have much to laugh about, unless of course it’s the funny looking local news and former Parkersburg News Editor, “burned out hippy queer Drew Moody!” He’s something to laugh at!

    “negocios de hot dogs” was one of the top searches on the internet that led to Prensa De CalPatty the Mexican version of the Cal Patty Press.

    We are not quite sure how we got so popular in Mexico, but hey, they just love the picture of one our staff showing everyone how DREW does it.

    Well if your gonna do it………do it with the CalPatty Press on your computer, we probably won’t watch.

    ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

    Suck on that Chilli dog!


    Since we are being funny, this is something funny that I heard…

    I heard that Ron “Gordo” Gordon is having to do sexual favors for special privileges on home confinement, instead of the other way around.

    Maybe “Gordo” is taking hot dog sucking lessons from your local Gilmer County burned out hippy queer!


    This full report from FIVE years ago!

    The figure of misconduct picked up by taxpayers is closer to 30 million now!

    WEST Virginia taxpayers have been forced to pay $18.3 million in the past 15 years to settle lawsuits alleging brutality and other misconduct by state troopers.

    Last week, Bryant Jones of McDowell County collected $187,500. He contended that Iaeger town police charged him in 1999 with driving on a suspended license, handcuffed him to a chair, and watched as five State Police troopers beat him. Later, troopers beat him on two other occasions, his lawsuit said.

    The fact that the state’s insurance agency coughed up $187,500 of taxpayer money is strong evidence that the man’s accusations weren’t groundless.

    Meanwhile, the Beckley Register-Herald used the Freedom of Information Act to obtain State Police settlements during the past five years. Some outcomes:

    Neal Rose of Welch got $1 million because former Trooper Gary Messenger and other officers smashed into his apartment and beat him after he complained about their drunken, noisy party nearby.

    The family of Amanda Smailes collected $775,000 because she was killed when Trooper Kevin Plummer took part in a wild chase that was being filmed for a TV show.

    James Minghini Jr. of Berkeley County got $60,000 for his allegations that troopers beat him – and the state spent $454,519 on legal defenses in the case.

    An unidentified Raleigh County woman collected $75,000 on her claim that former Trooper John Henry Zirkle and two other men had gang sex with her in a park while she was intoxicated.

    The family of Melanie Winfree got $1 million because her boyfriend, Trooper Rodney Robinson, shot her to death, then killed himself.

    Sandra Basham, a secretary at the Hinton detachment, got $95,000 for her claim that former Capt. Rusty Blankenship made sexual advances toward her.

    McCoy Hatcher of Logan County collected $40,000 on his claim that he was battered by Trooper C.J. White.

    James Richardson of Kanawha County got $1 million because he was imprisoned through false testimony by former State Police lab chief Fred Zain.

    Altogether, the force has incurred $18.3 million in lawsuit costs since 1987 – including $4.5 million paid to victims of Zain’s untrue evidence.

    The message here is abundantly clear: State officials should be extremely watchful over those the state arms with deadly weapons and authorizes to kill people, if necessary. The job should be reserved for only the most responsible, stable, mature, professional, sober, honest officers. All those with “cowboy” instincts and tendencies to brutality must be weeded out.

    If they aren’t, the result can be horrible for their victims and expensive for taxpayers.

    As we’ve said before, creation of civilian review boards to hear complaints against officers could reduce part of the problem. If officers knew that their conduct would be judged by a public review board, they would tend to avoid bad behavior.



    Unfortunately for us in Central West Virginia……. we have to put up with more than 100 times more misconduct per capita of citizens residing in Counties then the rest of the Southern United States.

    With the recent “evidence missing” scandals and Special prosecutor’s- bond by blackmail and conspiracy, to NOT present evidence, while also lying to the GRAND JURY and trial juries about states evidence, our world is nothing short of Gerald B Hough’s own Dante’s Inferno on earth!

    But what happened with FRED ZAIN is the absolute worst of the worst scenario.

    The amount of mail to the CalPatty Press from other states asking for references and facts is staggering. “Crooked County” to outsiders is a something of a mystery as they can’t find references to it when researching WV counties, then we have to explain that “CROOKED COUNTY” is really Gilmer County and the county seat is Glenville WV, where the Demi-gods sit on self-made golden thrones. NOW Calhoun County has taken the lead, having been polluted by being just down the Crooked River. Then when these out of state ers research our articles they are STUNNED and AMAZED that we are giving them the correct facts!

    Below, the Fred Zain nightmare


    Death of Lying Chemist Fred Zain

    Very little has been written this week about the death of former West Virginia chemist and expert witness Fred Zain whose perjured testimony was responsible for putting hundreds in jail and even on death row. When Experts Lie tells his story well and links to the official investigative report on his despicable actions.

    Finally indicted, his trial was postponed indefinitely due to his having been diagnosed with cancer. He died last week at the age of 52.

    He got to spend his final days at liberty. His victims, wrongfully accused defendants, spent years in jail because of his fraud upon the courts.

    Goodbye, Mr. Zain.

    Update: We found this December 4th obituary in Newsday (Associated Press). We don’t have a live link to it, but it is also available on Lexis ($).

    “OBITUARIES / Fred Zain, 52, Discredited W.Va. Police Chemist

    Charleston, W.Va. – Fred Zain, a former West Virginia State Police chemist whose discredited work resulted in the payment of millions of dollars to wrongfully convicted defendants, has died at age 52.

    Zain, head of the state police chemistry lab from 1986-89, died Monday at his home in Ormond Beach, Fla., his lawyer, Tom Smith of Charleston, said yesterday. Zain was suffering from colon cancer.

    Prosecutors said Zain lied on the witness stand and faked test results, and thus accepted his fees and salary under false pretenses.

    Last year, a West Virginia jury was unable to reach a verdict on four counts of obtaining money under false pretenses. Three of the charges dealt with expert witness payments Zain received after he left the state in 1989. He was to have been retried in July, but the trial was delayed indefinitely because of his cancer.

    Besides the expense of investigating and prosecuting Zain, and retrying cases related to him, West Virginia has paid at least $6.5 million to settle lawsuits by wrongfully convicted defendants.

    No one knows precisely how many convictions resulted from Zain’s testimony, or how many people are still imprisoned in West Virginia, Texas and other states where he served as a consultant.

    A West Virginia State Police investigation identified as many as 182 cases that might have been affected by Zain’s work.

    In a 1997 interview in Texas, Zain said he had been made a “scapegoat” by political forces in West Virginia and Texas.

    Zain worked as a state police chemist from 1979 until 1989, when he took a similar job in Bexar County, Texas. His work in West Virginia was discredited in 1993 by the state Supreme Court, which said Zain may have lied or fabricated evidence in dozens of rape and murder cases.

    His work in Texas also was under fire and led to the payment of at least $850,000 to two men. In 1997, Zain avoided a perjury trial in Texas because the statute of limitations had expired.

    Zain was fired by Bexar County after his work in West Virginia was discredited. He later moved to Florida where he worked for a state-run environmental laboratory.”

    The West Virginia Supreme Court report on Fred Zain’s misconduct is here. We got to know one of Mr. Zain’s victims, William Harris, several years ago–he was able to get a fair award (about one million dollars) from the state, but how do you repay someone who is yanked from their promising life at 17 and forced to spend 7 years (on a 20 year sentence) in one of the worst adult prisons in the country after being wrongfully convicted of rape based upon a lying chemist’s testimony?

    William’s story is one of the 28 told in the Government publication, Convicted by Juries, Exonerated by Science, available here.

    A detective in William’s case was later convicted of perjury. DNA testing proved William was not the donor of the semen involved in the rape. Zain lied and told the jury that the genetic markers in the semen left by the assailant matched those of Harris and only 5.9 percent of the population.

    On our inside data of statistics this is comment # 666


    Special Detective

    Does anyone else remember when hot toddy posted on his own website last year as elmer fud?

    Ain’t no fun when the rabbits got the gun????????????

    His new wheres johnny site that he has said belongs to his mother and brother (like I believe that) sounds awfully familar. He sounds like he is p.o.ed that they didn’t find johnny on the goose chase. My guess is he did send then to johhnny and he is laughting his ass off because he knew he wasn’t there. Hes gotta cover and make it look good.

    It must suck to be HT. Hes deparate and running scared………Chicken shit. Pu**y.

    It aint no fun when the rabbits got the gun!!!!!!!

    Editors note: Your observations of the current situation is beyond accurate, but who can figure out why the cops keep playing into a situation where their snitch has an, “at best” I Q of 100 ? or in “Hot Toddy” talk… ??????????????????????????
    wabitt ….wabitt…don’t shoot take the Gila monster instead!


    Special Detective

    hot toddy reminds me of someone who would grab a baby and hold it in front of him if any one pulled a gun on him…..

    I think his mom is able to do the vulgur website, I just happen to know its hot toddy.

    now watch him scream back at me that its not him. he he he he he

    maybe he will post as not Tsmith again. he he he he eh

    laughing at ya brotha

    Editors note: This is Elmer Fudd post you were a talkin bout:

    elmer fud
    2:26 am, Oct 30, 2007 EDT
    johnny was in town and we all know it….. you stupid dumm asses on south side need shot…. you all are just as evil as that child molester is….



    So, what ever happened to the suit/injunction/whatever that Todd filed against the Meth Ranger web site?

    Was it tossed?



    “Hot Toddy” is yet another book about a scandal in old Calhoun County. Because of this, it is bound to attract both fans of West Virginia mountain lore and those looking for all the juicy details of C.T.S. “Hot Toddy’s” death! A local favorite author from Crooked County, does an admirable job of giving plenty of information… without causing her book to become trashy, so to satisfy both groups.

    CS “Hot Toddy” Smith was a not so popular local hooligan from the bad lands of Calhoun County. He began his life of crime by trying to burn up a pick up-truck pushed off a mountain and started on fire for the insurance money, then, stole a credit card off a dead man while helping himself to the money in the wallet, then purchasing a brand new ATV. Hot Toddy graduated to bigger crimes teaming up with Stacey Hickman and a local man known as J D, and later some local police officers that are now under indictment in WV. His stupidity made him a favorite with many WV blog readers, but his knack for foolish antic’s kept him from succeeding with many of his dastardly deeds…. and plans for truly being a successful criminal, thus, not being able to enjoy the riches he thought he deserved. “Hot Toddy’s” affiliation with “Lunacy Lucy” and other gang members, is what did him in-in the end!

    Unfortunately, for CS “Hot Toddy” Smith, a series of previous Calhoun County scandals complicated the investigation into his death. Justice was hardly served to those who deserved it. Evidence was destroyed or ignored, and the trial was laughable. “Hot Toddy’s” death was ruled to be an accident, but everyone knew he was murdered!

    The local author works through the details of “Hot Toddy’s” death and the story of his life, to uncover the truth about the early end, and in doing so, celebrates the memory of a time in West by God Virginia that can’t be forgotten! Lisa Wexler sometimes takes liberties, when she manufactures dialog between the subjects, but this makes for easier reading. There are times when the reading gets scandalous because the local “Crooked County author” examines the business of local gangsters and rogue police officer’s “Hot Toddy” knew. The story is told in great detail, and there is a lot to gather in, but the information proves to be helpful later, so you have to read closely. Overall, this is a good book and the best source of information about “Hot Toddy” and the Calhoun Lagoon of Conspiracy!

    “Hot Toddy”

    Will be available on

    (below an excerpt)

    “The ghost of “Hot Toddy” still walks in Grantsville, … but the Main Street Cafe is not the only spot connected to ” Hot Toddy’s” death where ghostly remnants of the man also known as Charlie Brown, the local Ass Clown…holds a woman known to many as “Lunacy Lucy” captive, via her addiction to pill popping and bed hopping. Who was to know her trained Gila monster would take revenge!”


    Special Detective

    You didn’t do your research back fire enouf because the crimes started when he was in his teen years.

    hot toddy was in prison for cashing granys checks wihout grany noing it. I always heard he burned down grampas house befor that.

    I can’t wait for my copy.


    Nothing butt a fart butt buddy bingo

    Show me a Hot Toddy that’s nothing, but (butt) a fart, and I’ll show you a man who’s just waitin for a beatin!

    He’s dangerous dealer fightin flipo Hot Toddy out of Calhoun County West Virginia!

    The leader of the Hot Toddy Hate and fire starting cult, who rides the reigns on Stacy Hickman and ole (not right) J Dilgard

    Ride the reigns and let it rain

    Dear Lord, can you, feel my pain
    If you can’t it’s alright, cause I’ma live my life anyway
    Just let, it, rain – on me
    I feel, so free like a, cool breeze
    And when the sun, gon’, shine
    Fold up the mini-blinds, load up the lucky nine
    And hit ‘em up from behind
    That’s, my, life – and it’ll never be the same
    Ever again, the game is to blame
    Don’t get caught up in your Range Rover, pullin over
    On the Westside highway shoulder, nigga I’ll blow ya ( that’s the Luncacy Lucy part)
    like a windshield, leave yo’ mind on the windshield

    OH! It ain’t the same without your brain!

    I guess no one cares about the fires you start, but when you start pullin leaf that ain’t your reef,

    then y’all got some trouble in your lil Calhoun bubble.



    Grantsville Volunteer Fire Department responded quickly to a van fire on Phillips Run at 1 p.m. yesterday. The vehicle was discovered on fire under a carport with other vehicles nearby. Firemen brought the blaze under control.


    (Hur Herald source)




    …to BE DELIVERED to “Virginia Weslyan College” for study and analysis!

    Here is text that was delivered by member of the Rangers Krew!

    The actual video is much clearer than this (edited) clip. Seconds later, the Ranger and another individual ran out of the apartment and witnessed the sound of a 4 wheeler starting up down near the old high school and driving toward the north side area, possibly up Johnson St. Upon locating the bag with the metal objects inside, Johnny had an individual remove the items from his property. It is our understanding that later this individual got into some sort of trouble and turned the items over to the police. However,(edited) are not sure.

    Johnny said sometime back, that, he felt the “Local State Police” may be involved with trying to set him up with the metal objects, since Johnny is a convicted felon. Other Law Enforcement agencies may be involved. Some say Trooper (edited)’s new side kick may be the person in the video. Others say Todd Smith also known as HOT TODDY also known as CHARLIE BROWN the ASS CLOWN!


    We hope to produce evidence that will identify the perp trespassing and planting stolen evidence!

    A certain individual known to many, could have already been identified in this exclusive secret security cam action shot taken by a member of the “Meth Rangers!”

    Copies sent to other members of the Secret Seven!

    Only they know what the “metal objects” are!

    Could it be evidence already stolen from the Police lock up?

    Stay Tuned CALMAN… for the answer!





    Editors note:The word “some” written like ‘”SOEM” usually spells H O T T O D D Y so I wouldn’t read too much into the above comment, since several other stupid ones went with them as this is being moderated at 6:49am. Had to delete several dumb ass comments from the Hot Toddy hate and fire starting cult, and actually one from the “NooB” Hot Toddy’s Gay admirer also known as the “Hobbitt” I wish we could post the video clip but that can’t be done on this site right now, but our friends in the “truth” and “protesters of evil” network, from what I understand have all been sent copies of the “set-up”



    (…see ya at lunch)

    Police, FBI link W.Va., Ky. sexual assaults
    by The Associated Press

    WHEELING — City police and the FBI have DNA evidence linking the abduction and sexual assault of an 11-year-old West Virginia girl earlier this year to the 2006 rape of a 30-year-old Kentucky woman, Wheeling Police Chief Kevin Gessler said.

    While no arrest has been made, Gessler said Wednesday that police received nearly a half dozen tips within three hours of posting a revised sketch of the attacker online at

    The attacker is described as a well-groomed white man in his late 20s or early 30s, weighing 180 to 200 pounds and between 5 feet 6 inches and 5 feet 10 inches tall with a barbed wire chain tattooed around his right bicep.

    In both cases the man approached his victims nearly naked, Gessler said.

    The man, wearing only a pair of socks, nabbed the 11-year-old girl on Feb. 20 while she was walking with a friend behind a Wheeling convenience store, dragged her to his truck and then drove her to St. Clairsville, Ohio, where he sexually assaulted her. He released the girl about 40 minutes later in Bridgeport, Ohio.

    Her abduction occurred two days after a similar unsuccessful attempt 5 miles away in Martins Ferry, Ohio, where an 18-year-old female was approached by a man wearing only a coat and boots.



    Does anyone know why hot toddy all of a sudden decided to make JMR his project?? Does he really think it is taking the heat off of him?

    Seems to me he is angry because JMR is veryyyyyyyy smart and he has no brain. Maybe someone will take him to emerald city to ask the wizard for a brain.

    Any “dumbass” who would do everything they could to attract the law to their home when they had all the illegal shit you had all laid out can’t be bright. Wait, I forgot. It isn’t yours!!!!!!!! waaaa, waaaaaaa, waaaaaaa………..he he he he

    I tell you JMR is smart and you are not. He has beat you at your own game. He is the winner.

    Why are you saying the new chief is stupid. He busted your ass a few times already and he hasn’t been here long. Seems to me that you need to quit worrying about JMR and pack your vaseline and soap on a rope and start remembering how you play sex games with other men in jail. Again. You must like it………

    Laughing at you…enjoy your butt buddy!!

    Ain’t no fun when the rabbits got the gun!!!

    Editors note: Hot Toddy may have to ask the Wizard for a Penis too, if he keeps sticking it in that “not so juicy Lunacy Lucy.” So the moral of your story should be: HOT TODDY quit sticking it in a dry hole! And shut your pie hole about the Ranger, because we all know it is you on the TV set a settin him up. We got it on video!



    I don’t know if he really needs to worry about his penis because I happen to know he suffers from “little penis syndrome” anyway. You know when they look like a turtle going back in their shell… LMAO!!!

    Lucy, ……well I can’t think of anything to say. …… She just pops pills and sleeps…..screws……… Kind of a cycle.

    Can anyone verify for me if CPS stepped in and took those poor little kids out of HT’s home or not? I know they found some of HT’s pot in the drawers underneath the kids clothes. Just wondering. Would like to know if they got placed somewhere safe. They sure don’t need to be in the middle of the HT/Lucy saga and neither does Grandma. Know one seems to be interested in getting the old woman out of there as sick as she is and in and out of the hospital.

    I also wonder why Lucy wasn’t arrested. I mean she is in on this and had to know where the pot was stored and that her kids could get hurt. Guess some people don’t care.

    Just lots of questions about these two.

    I am watching for hot toddy’s next bust. He has the “biggest mouth” because he tells everything on his self. I could write a book about him just from the blowin he has done in bits and pieces when around me.

    Maybe I should write a book too. he he

    I Really don’t worry about JMR. He will come home when he’s ready. I think it bothers hot toddy that he can’t find him. He wouldn’t know what to do with him if he did find him. Pee his pants maybe. LMAO…….

    Editors note: Maybe we have been misquoting the fact about the balls of a grasshopper, maybe that was turtle shell balls all along?! Or maybe that’s where the original catch phrase of “little snapper” came from. One has to wonder, truly, how the “little snapper” and the trained Gila Monster get along? Maybe, indeed, we can now account for the strange noises heard at, or near, 102 Johnson street. Maybe that should be “little snapper” avenue instead of “Johnson” street.



    Well I’ve seen that thing and it ain’t no “Johnson” street. ha ha ha ha

    rolling on the floor laughing my ass off! ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha haha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha haha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha haha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha haha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha haha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha haha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha haha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha haha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha haha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha


    whats the deal

    It is my understanding that there was a lot of cops that broke into the rangers house. Whats the deal? It’s just one Ranger and all those cops.



    Only an incestious mind such as your f**ked up one would constantly come up with mother/young son sex. That seems to be on your mind alot. How old were you when that piece of puck started having sex with you.

    HAVE A NICE DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



    This just posted on Where’s Johnny site

    11:08 pm, Nov 1, 2007 EDT
    is seen rose knight sucking a carrot she must be waiting for elmer to shoot her with a load in her ass!!!!!!!!!!!!he he he he he he

    And we all know who Elmer Fudd is don’t we????? Hot Toddy
    Wanting to put it to her again are you??????? Damn get over her. You are obsessed and I don’t think she wants you. You are one sick puppy!!!!!!!!!!!



    You are you, but I just don’t know which personality. You claim to be a girl so I guess its the feminine side talking. Maybe you dress in your wig and put on make up and wear pink panties to post on other blogs but its still you. Get ahold of yourself. Wait , I think you have got a hold of your hot toddy roddy.

    We all know you are best friends with SF, but the person you mention is rarely in that store and certainly has better conversation than you so if she tells you that she is a liar .(but that wouldn’t be the first time)

    Maybe cops should start looking at SF, rapid weight loss, new car, but same old job.

    She work for you???????


    Are SF and Sara Beecher part of the Hot Toddy Hate and Fire starting cult too? Was the VAN fire just an omen of things to come? Are turtle shell balls the way of the future? …or did the trained Gila Monster “really” suck the juice out of the can of Vienna Sausage. Is SF a bed hopper too? Is the missing weight due to the local increased production of Meth Amphetamine? Or is it just a coincidence that a member of the Hot Toddy Hate and Fire starting cult is on the inside? Can bed hopping and store shopping be all part of their fiery plan?



    Was that Sara Beecher or Sarah Butcher? I don’t know if your talking about Beecher, Bitcher or Butcher! I know Beecher is the best bet for tweekin, I’m just confused as to what bitch it is you’re seekin. And who really (to coin your phrase) gives a Rat’s Ass about Steph F? Is she the Meth Reff? Is she the referrie or does she just consult for the cult?


    Since LISA MINNEY likes to hear the words of KEMO SABE and since many miss the words of Lisa Minney, unless of course we are WV Travelers. It is with those thoughts in mind, also, and to herefore remain true, to comfort the rough trail of JR The Ranger. Of course the Lil Lissi can’t be left out either, since worry for the well being of the Ranger seems to be uppermost on the mind of a mountain lion. Beating down the door did no good, even though it was not made entirely of wood. If it is truth you seek, it won’t be found among the meek, for look to the Catoosa and the flash of light, since most fugitives travel by night. There is no moon bright enough to search the Calhoun Lagoon. Alas only the “Secret Seven” know the way to heaven, and many are left to wonder.

    “KEMO SABE” Says:

    Kemo Sabe say there is much iron in the words of Johnny!

    There is also much iron in the words of Kemo Sabe. A time will come when we ride along the banks of the CROOKED RIVER together. The evil Chickamauga run as wild as the many herds of deer in Crooked County. Kemo Sabe is very happy that Johnny also carries the bow and slings the arrows for the welfare of the many. Many hungry mouths are fed, but one day soon the Chickamauga that roam Chickamauga Creek will try to lure us down the “River of Death.” For the CROOKED RIVER way is also the way of the EVIL CHICKAMAUGA! Burn your fire bright for now. Make your eyes look up to the Catoosa, for the Chicakmauga are, “Up into the hills”The EVIL CHICKAMAUGA only watch from the ridge.

    But they are blazing a trail for battle!!

    “Kemo Sabe” say,

    “I believe that to have a friend,
    a man must be one.”

    That all men are created equal
    and that everyone has within himself
    the power to make this a better world.

    That God put the firewood there
    but that every man
    must gather and light it himself.

    Kemo Sabe say

    Be prepared
    physically, mentally, and morally
    to fight when necessary
    for that which is right.

    So keep your knife as sharp as the tongue
    of Lil Lissi! Wear the patch of a mountain lion.

    Kemo Sabe say,

    A man should make the most
    of what equipment he has.

    So make straight your arrows

    That ‘This tribe’
    of the people, by the people
    and for the people’
    shall live always!

    That men should live by
    the rule of what is best
    for the greatest number
    as there are many trees
    in the forest

    That sooner or later
    we must settle with the world
    and make payment for what we have taken.

    That all things change but truth,
    and that truth alone, lives on forever.

    In my Creator, my country, my fellow man

    Your faithful friend,”Kemo Sabe”



    SF talks about hot toddy pretty bad but then she is an informant for him. Yep. I know this for sure. Another one that is two faced and you never know which one you are talking to.

    To Damian: She just talks whatever she knows to whichever side has the best deal at the time. I mean really, we know we are not playing with someone with a full deck, don’t we??

    it is no wonder women in town don’t wear drawers, hot toddy steals all of our panties………

    Editors note: Steph F talks pretty tough with a pussy on her shoulder! But with a pussy on your shoulder and a monkey on your back, really, the best deal at the time, must sound pretty darn good!


    Don’t trip double dip

    Some say double dipping is when you dip, bite the chip, then dip again.

    Well in Charleston they have another way of doing it….

    ….and they have another way of double dipping too!

    Another Officer Pleas For Double Dipping

    Yet another former Charleston City Police officer makes a plea in a double dipping scandal.

    L.O.L.A. Lola(she drinks cherry cola) Hart, a 28-year veteran of the force who retired in June, was accused working at the Town Center Mall during her shift at the police department. Records show the double dipping started in June of 2000 and continued through August of 2004.

    She stood in front of Kanawha County Circuit Judge Charles King on Thursday and entered a “no contest” plea in the case.

    Hart was asked to explain her plea. “I’ve seen the records that the prosecutor office had and I have no way of proving what they’re saying is not true.”

    But according to her attorney, Roger Forman, there is documentation to prove she was working two jobs at one time. Forman said, “The records of the police department and Forest City show a conflict of where she was working at that time.”

    By pleading “no contest,” the judge sentenced Hart to probation and restitution of the money to either the city or parent company of the Town Center Mall. That will be decided later. She could have spent up to a year in jail and a $2,500 fine for the crime.

    Hart was one of four Charleston Police Officers found to be double, and in one case triple dipping, while on duty.


    Operation Search Warrant Set-Up

    “Rogue Cop Search Warrant Set-Up” went as planned. The Ranger had the entire house setup with micro voice activated recorders, nine in all and three hidden motion activated cams. This equipment was retrieved early today and has revealed some very interesting information. Tree cam ID#02 reveals a no knock entry on the Rangers front door, that’s right the door was kicked in without one knock. Interesting wouldn’t you say.

    Another part of the setup was placing several items through out the house in various locations by the Ranger. These items were video taped in their locations and lot numbers and bar codes were recorded and the actual contents were video taped and witnessed by other individuals. So I say Testing 1, 2, Testing 1, 2 and 3.

    Another interesting part of the setup was the use of a police informant of who the Ranger with the help of another allowed right into the Ranger’s Den. This was done to speed up the Set-Up of the Rogue Cops. So, the Ranger used a person who was informing the state cop-want-a-be, Justin Matheney. This worked quite well as it got the ball rolling and the Set-Up was on and went as planned.

    The Ranger waited for over three months in his apartment for the Rogue Cop Search Set-Up to take place. During the three months only once did cops knock on the Rangers door. These cops were dressed in plain clothes and drove a Red GMC Pickup. However, the Ranger did not answer the door because he did not know they were cops. Later the Ranger looked at the Card the plain clothed cops put in his door. All the card said was to contact them A.S.A.P. Well, the Ranger is still waiting for the “Soon As Possible” part. As it has not been “Possible” for the Ranger to contact any State Police whom he feels may be trying to cover up for the local Green Shirt Rogue Cops. State Cops investigating State Cops, the Ranger doesn’t think so.

    More tape recordings and video information will be released regarding the “Search Warrant Set-Up” of the Rogue Green Shirts soon. As always, the Ranger is giving them the rope they need. The Rogue Green Shirt must be given time to continue with their genius work, as the dumb ole country boy Ranger sits back and enjoys the view.

    I must add a tad bit more about some recorded conversation about some of the Rangers property that the Rogue Cops took. That’s right conversation of their intent, with taking two of the Rangers TV sets. Of course Big Sandy Super Store will have the documentation to prove the facts about the TVs. However, the Rogue Cops “Intent” with taking the Rangers TVs is at issue. Big story to come on their unjust intent.


    So that’s the deal

    I think we have all known for awhile now that the Ranger is no dumb ole country boy. Just wait til he has attorneys involved. If they aren’t already.



    West Virginia State Trooper pulled a woman over in Morgantown WV for speeding and as he was getting his ticket book out she said,”I bet your gonna give me one of those tickets to the State Police ball.”? He replied, State Police don’t have balls.!!!!!!!!!!” As he caught on to what she was saying he flipped his ticket book closed and started back to his car. The woman was laughing so hard, it took a few minutes to get her car started….

    Editors note: This comment smells a little bit “Hot Toddy” to us considering the HT/TS latest disappointment of the raid at the Rangers, Team Ranger pad, gone badly. Plus, “Hot Toddy AKA Charlie Brown AKA The ASS CLOWN, has an infatuation with the Balls of a Grasshopper, which many have speculated he truly possesses, but lately it’s been heard that there is a possible “turtle shell” ball connection, which allows for a significant amount of shrinkage, given the HT/TS brain association.



    Charleston police captain resigns, pleads guilty
    # James Sands fourth city cop convicted of ‘double-dipping’

    Minutes after he resigned from the department, a Charleston police captain admitted in court Friday that he worked for the Charleston Town Center Mall while on the clock for the city.

    James A. Sands pleaded guilty in Kanawha Circuit Court via information to one count of misdemeanor obtaining money by false pretenses.

    “The plea agreement will allow myself, my family, my community and my police department to move forward,” Sands told Chief Kanawha Circuit Judge Charles E. King.

    Kanawha County assistant prosecutor Maryclaire Akers said Sands amassed 164 conflicted hours between Jan. 8, 2000, and Aug. 27, 2004.

    “He worked both those jobs during the same hours,” Akers said.

    As part of the plea deal, Sands must make restitution in an amount to be determined by the adult probation department. Although the crime carries up to a year in prison, the state was not seeking jail time, she said.

    King accepted Sands’ guilty plea, and immediately sentenced him to probation. The adult probation office will determine the length of time Sands spends on probation,



    No, not HT/TS… Just a little something I seen on the internet and thought I’d repost it…. :)

    Editors note: Well alright then! You have no idea how many comments are posted while working, sleeping, eating, or tending to the household, by Hot Toddy and the Fire Starting Cult! It’s almost like a full time job deleting them all! However, that post was at least somewhat funny. Hope you can forgive us for not having a sense of humor at that particular moment. Lets face it, dealing with corruption in central WV can wear on ya after a while. It almost makes you want to find another state. A state of happiness, instead of a state run by feudal lords.


    I vote for a state of peace, harmony and bliss… ;)


    Or even a state of “green” with no mean!


    Hell no! Not a meeting of the “Secret Seven” on line! However, albeit a bit short, without the Ranger. Dang! There ain’t no danger without the Ranger. But the “Team Rangers” are filling in with a 24 hour Hot Toddy Hate and Fire Starting Cult Watch! Even have ta keep a close watch on that ole Lunacy Lucy since that Gila Monster is often armed to the teeth!

    We the people of Crooked County call for a STATE… under God,that shall hereto and forever have a new birth of freedom – and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth!



    West Virginia For Sale

    While y’all are having a LOVE IN–kissy kissy kissy get over to the Calhoun Underground and read the article about how the ‘powers that be’ are selling your STATE of happiness, they are selling your STATE of Peace! They are selling your STATE of ‘harmony and bliss’ …they are selling your STATE of “green with no mean!”

    Your STATE of under GOD is now open for business, thanks to the whores that run it!

    YOUR state is nothing but a whore house!

    Run by bed hoppers and pill poppers!

    Feudal lords by the hoards disrespect the ground you love on! They have a hard on for your STATE and all your natural resources.

    They might as well ALL Be Bitchers of Butchers, and I don’t see a god damn thing being done about it! So love away SECRET SEVEN and watch it all roll down hill!

    The Calvary is NO WHERE NEAR!



    God damn!

    That almost sounds like a real deal “bitcher” but what’s really scary is they have the same ISP as us and sitting right next to us on the dial!

    Funny, but the tone sounds so familiar, but if I had to guess, I would say Charleston, and then I would say, office in a state building.

    Then I would say another F word, but sorry to say, you got edited for your real crap!

    At any rate, it wouldn’t be fair if we didn’t allow the real wacko’s to let it be known what power hungry, money hungry, crazy, delusional people have to say about a few that want to speak their minds.

    Would it be fair to say, that we are targeted by some?

    I also have to say, that “idiot people” person is over the top, if indeed real, but definitely not a Hate and Fire Starting Cult member.

    Sounds more like a person from HITLERS own camp.

    Quite a tall tale teller too! (don’t say that holding your tongue)


    If you know anything at all, then you know that history repeats and feudalism does not prevail in America! Soon West Virginia will have had it’s fill of dictators and feudal lords from family names that just don’t want to leave this state. Guess it suits them to be a BIG fish in a LITTLE pond.

    Of course, while we are on the subject, I guess we have to endure our share of turtle shell dicks too! Hard to take in these modern times ,and possibly,that is the matter truly at the heart of the problem,since the outside world travels much faster, and nobody nohow even looks up here. It’s all down down down in the holler, and who is the coolest among the elite!

    “To truly know a people, you must look into the hearts and minds of those who experience the peace, and who live the hardship of their time.”

    The South is an agrarian community, while preserving the historic character where people are deeply rooted in the soil, and bound to a code laid down by their forefathers.

    In the early 1860′s South Carolinians called their fellow southerners to the flag and the storm that followed left a mighty wake.

    Let us remember those who have already paid the price for freedom, and honor their memory by not succumbing to the threats and intimidation of the “powers that be!”

    For there is a pride in and of being true to oneself… and the belief that there is still freedom in America!

    Our biggest failure was letting them DAMN YANKEE’S take over this state!


    A personal message to CalhounUnderground, from Johnny

    A personal message to CalhounUnderground, from Johnny

    First of all I miss corresponding with you, but you know how things are. Yes, I have possibly did some things wrong in the recent past and there are warrants pending for my arrest, but nothing I will not face head-on. Again, I am not trying to avoid responsibility for anything I may have done or avoid any of the trumped up charges. However, I had some bad cops to lure into my apartment where their unjust actions could be proven and hopefully dealt with now. Many good individuals in our community have had to deal with these Rogue Cops for too long now.

    I remember you stating on your website about how the State Police trashed your home when they did the illegal search due to no probable cause. I think you also stated that the search was lead by Pooper Starcher. As I was planning the search of my apartment I kept in mind the destruction you spoke about in your articles and planned my setup of the Rogue Cops who I knew would do the same destruction to my fathers rental property. Guess what baby… we got their ass. Not all is caught on video, but the audio devices I had hidden in wall receptacles and one of the cams I had hidden in the living room ceiling fan shows intentional violations of constitutional rights and willful and intentional destruction of property. A tree cam videoing my front door proves just procedures were not followed before entering my home.

    Voice recording of placing magnets on the back of my computer, and what their hopes were by doing that, along with opening a condom and placing a liquid in it shows their mind set.

    Family members took additional video and two rolls of film the next day. We will use the pictures and line up tape recorded footages of their actions and words of misconduct for the proper authorities and the world to see. And just think, my Charleston Attorney Mr. Robert Catlett thought he had fun with proving that Trooper Jeff Hunt was a liar on the witness stand. Wait till the attorneys get these Rogue Cops on the witness stand.

    The hidden video of the intentional destruction and their words and conversations on digital audio, gives more than a hint that they have no business being in law enforcement. They are huddling together right now, as they know what they saw there and did there and they know what I now have.

    I want to say thanks to my best friend in the whole wide world for helping me bring the police informant into my home, I love you baby. It was awesome filling the informants head full of crap in order to send the informant back to the cops. God, it was sweet. That must be why the cops opened the condom, as they must have had a hard-on thinking of what they thought they were going to find.

    Special Note: Thanks to all my friends at CalPatty and the special buddy with the Beagle, I know it’s been awhile, but I love you all. – – Johnny


    Our latest article for November:


    …is late for publication.

    We could give you reason after reason, but the brains behind this outfit has been much harder to approach with questions about this or that. In the interest of not having our faces scratched off, which is often followed with the roar of a panther protecting her cubs, we can only wait patiently and quietly for the article to be delivered.


    Reprinted from CU

    Reprented From CalhounUnderground Website

    Collection of Personal Experiences with State Police

    My original intention was to allow people to come to me to tell their own stories, write them down and give them to me to edit and publish. Then it started to become apparent (interestingly enough) that many of the biggest victims were unable to communicate well in this manner. Computer illiterate, unable to read and write well, poor communication skills, or on home confinement so that they cannot easily go anywhere. My revised intention was to go to THEM and do interviews and publish the results. But time, vehicles, and gas money were not on my side. And again, the biggest victims seem to be unable to plan and take the bull by the horns. The popular opinion seems to be that they are scared of retaliation by the police. Yet, these people are the ones who need their stories to be told more than anyone. And they all expressed to me in one way or another that they WANT their stories told, and they are counting on me to do it. Some of these individuals may have done some things which I personally do not agree with. Some of them may have done virtually NOTHING so serious as to warrant the outcome. We are not here to judge these people. They have already faced the judge/jury/executioner. We are simply here to make the reader aware of the common practices within the State Police department.

    And so, I will NOT publish the names of the victims. But I WILL publish the names of any police officer which is alleged to have victimized any of these individuals.

    After having spoken at length to some of the State Police victims, and gained knowledge of other’s stories, it is apparent the the State Police NEED to be overseen on a daily basis. Their militaristic/warrior type practices when dealing with the public are at best, unacceptable.

    First of all, it would appear that nearly ALL State Police in the area are accomplished liars. So much so, that general opinion is that you cannot believe ANYTHING that comes out of a State Policeman’s mouth. This is how they run their investigations. They apparently will say whatever is necessary in order to gain “information” in order to charge various individuals with a crime. The “good cop/bad cop” scenario is played out time and time again. One cop intimidates and threatens while the other pretends to be your “friend”. They regularly will make offers and promises after their intimidation tactics have sufficiently scared the victims, promises they have no intention of keeping. They will separate “offenders” and tell one that the other has given them information in hopes that someone will actually give them some information… These are common, everyday practices.

    The individuals I have spoken with have their own personal horror stories to tell. One individual spoke of having had his home searched. He claims that, “the police smashed every light bulb in the house. They poured liquids down inside my TV set and radio. They dumped out all our prescription meds and smashed them under their feet. My pain meds are MISSING, not listed as part of the property they confiscated. They broke my glasses which were lying on the table. They turned off all the pilot lights on the heaters and stove, and then before they left, they turned the gas back on and left the dogs locked inside the house. It is a miracle that the dogs did not die. The house was full of gas when I returned home…”

    Another individual was awakened early one morning to the sound of his dog being shot and killed. He says that before he could even grasp what was going on, he was grabbed and pulled out of bed and beaten so severely that he nearly lost an ear. He spent several days in the hospital. “They shot thru the back window, and there was someone asleep right near where the bullet went thru”, one man claims. “They (the State Police) trashed every inch of the house, smashing things and dumping things. My dog was lying on the floor in a big pool of blood”. Many photos were taken of the damages, which I inspected, so the condition of the house and the dog can be verified.

    Yet another individual was walking down the street one afternoon in Spencer with a young friend. “The State Police were sitting at the church and when they saw us they stopped us and Trooper Fisher started getting physical with my (minor) friend, rapping him in the head over and over with a maglight, while we were being questioned. I commented that was probably bordering on being illegal, which pissed off the officers. So, I was arrested, the police claimed I was contributing to the delinquency of a minor. I was taken to the police station. Trooper Hammack took me into a room by myself, shut the door, put on rubber gloves, and beat the crap out of me…”

    Other stories include much smashing, dumping, and general vandalization of people’s homes. Some individuals claim the police had no probable cause for their warrants to begin with. One individual was told either to sign the list of objects confiscated or they would allow her husband to freeze to death without a shirt in 28 degree weather where they had kept him standing for over a half hour already. Yet the police refused to allow that individual to see the actual items listed and was forced under threat to simply take their word for it.

    A word to those who think this is just alright. In all the dumping and smashing and beating, these peoples rights have been severely violated, no matter what they allegedly did. Many of the items dumped and smashed contain toxic chemicals which BY LAW must be disposed of properly. For example, florescent lights contain mercury. When smashed, the mercury in a florescent light will fly everywhere, contaminate the air and any water which comes into contact with it. The ballasts in these fixtures also contain toxic chemicals. Perhaps the State Police should be aware that when they smash objects containing toxic waste, they too are being exposed to a health risk. To say nothing of quantities of broken glass shards being strewn everywhere.

    These are just a few examples of police negligence, poor training, brutality, and bad but apparently acceptable practices. I personally have witnessed State Police lies which were intended to create possibly violent actions between “suspects”. The typical tactic of attempting to pit people against each other by telling lies and instigating bad feelings creates situations which can be severely dangerous for otherwise innocent people. In one instance, an innocent individual was told that if they did not “tell the truth” that another individual who was a known drug dealer would be coming to cause a lot of trouble, and that “there is nothing we can do to help you…” Unfortunately, this threat was unwarranted. The officer making this threat, a Roane County State Police officer, had, moments before, lied about having seen a certain individual at a certain time and place when it was not possible. When told it was not possible by the individual, the officer then made the threat.
    These are the types of situations which could turn very ugly when different lies are told to numerous people. SOME people have not yet figured out that they cannot believe a word that comes out of a State Policeman’s mouth, and these people can be manipulated into creating all sorts of trouble for others. THESE unacceptable practices MUST be stopped.

    Calhoun Underground strongly encourages ANYONE with ANY complaints regarding the State Police to contact the Governors office in Charleston. Contact the State Police Professional Standards Division in Charleston. Contact one or all of the alternative blog/newsletters in this area. Write letters to the editor. Help those who do not have the skills to do the same.


    Reprinted from Calhoununderground website

    7-24-07 Continuing Saga of Calhoun Corruption

    See other atricles by CU at:

    So. The saga continues. Prosecutor Gerry Hough is acting as if he were representing the individuals who he is supposed to be prosecuting. This is unheard of in “civilian” circles. Rumor has it that he got in some trouble recently in Gilmer county for behaving in an unprofessional manner. So they simply turn him loose in the Calhoun County court system a few days later to “prosecute” Bandy and McCrosky. Unfortunately, he is refusing to do his job and we may never discover what REALLY happened regarding the Bandy/McCrosky case. This NEVER HAPPENS TO ANYONE. A prosecutors job is to prosecute. Period. Anyone who has been victimized by the court system KNOWS this painfully well. And if these cases involved ANYONE other than public figures, the “offenders” would certainly BE prosecuted, severely. That is an undeniable fact and we as citizens must DEMAND that these individuals be treated NO DIFFERENTLY than anyone else!

    Recently the police chief in Grantsville stated that he was “resigning” with no real reason given other than that he can’t drive his cruiser home at night. No one resigns over things like that. However he did state that he would stay 30 more days to “clean up a number of court cases”. Notice he did not say “clear up”. What is the plan for “cleaning up” these unnamed court cases?

    Rumor has it that police chief J. D. Nicholson has previous ties with a couple of the cops who are on trial for various crimes. Perhaps these are the cases that need “cleaned up”?

    I could be wrong, but I seem to have gathered enough bits and pieces of the Calhoun corruption soap opera to indicate that MOST if not ALL of Calhoun County’s law enforcement are in cahoots somehow and that there could be a possibility that if an OUTSIDE source such as an out of county judge, or maybe the FEDS, could put on enough pressure and put all the 2 plus 2’s together they could come out with one big massive 4 and nearly ALL will go down like dominoes, in a flaming ball of filth.

    Stay tuned.


    Reprinted from Calhoununderground website

    Dear Governor Manchin…

    The Doo-doo has finally hit the fan. The WV State Police are IN THE SPOTLIGHT. The buck passing starts.

    Well over 700 comments on the WSAZ website ( stemming from the death of Trooper Gonzales. Serious calls for civilians review boards from the House of Delegates. A Lawyer beaten up and hospitalized by a State Trooper. The truth of our peril is finally hitting the mainstream news. And boy, do folks have a lot to say on the matter:

    West Virginia State Police are investigating a deadly shooting involving one of their own.

    Police say Corporal Marlo Gonzales shot and killed himself Wednesday night near his home on Sycamore Road in Hurricane. His father-in-law found his body inside his police cruiser, dressed in uniform.

    State Police say he shot himself with his service revolver.

    The investigation is in the preliminary stages, but troopers did say he shot himself with his service revolver.

    Gonzales was a 13-year veteran of the department. He was stationed at the Clay County Detachment, but was recently assigned to the detachment in South Charleston.

    Colonel D.L. Lemmon says he was a friendly guy and this has taken people who work with him by surprise.

    Troopers say Gonzales was on duty at the time of the shooting. Corporal Gonzales has a wife and three children. He was 39 years old.

    Stay with for the latest information.


    Here are a couple exerpts from the WSAZ site:

    Governor Manchin is calling for those who want change to come forward. That’s what he told WSAZ in an interview Wednesday morning when we asked him about the allegations posted on this story.

    “I know you hear rumors and blaming,” said Manchin. “I have not seen any evidence, whatsoever; but, we’re going to work through it to make the system better.”

    Governor Manchin says not one person has called his office to complain.

    “No one should ever be anonymous. If you have a constructive complaint, a way to make things better, please come forward. People should not have to work or live in fear. It’s not how this government is run, not how this administration operates, and I won’t tolerate it in any branches of our administration,” said Manchin.

    Former trooper Jason Gilley spoke to WSAZ regarding the way he was treated when he was working for the West Virginia State Police.

    Gilley says the current administration at the WVSP forced him to resign in January. He said he was even threatened physically by one of his supervisors.

    —-also a sample comment from the long list—-

    I am not being anonymous, my name is Thomas Wagner and I was recently fired after 18 1/2 years with the State Police. I will gladly speak with Governor Manchin. Especially of how the State Police Internal Affairs picks and chooses which complaints they will investigate. An example is; I made a complaint against a supervisor for ordering his subordinates to falsify monthly paperwork, it was never looked into. The good ol’ boy system in the State Police is as strong as ever…


    I have said it before and I will say it again, NOW is the time to file ANY complaints regarding State Police Conduct with the GOVERNORS OFFICE. No more room for FEAR. We need to SAVE OUR STATE! This is no joke.

    Here is a copy of the letter Calhoun Underground editors have written to the Governors office.

    If you have no writing skills feel free to copy and paste any portion of this letter, and include your specific complaint if you have one. Or contact the Calhoun Underground for help. Click on the post called “Exercising Your Rights” for the Governors office address.


    Dear Governor Manchin,

    West Virginia is a BEAUTIFUL state, the heritage, traditions and friendliness of the people being some of the most appealing things here. The job situation is not good, mountains are being beheaded and look like war zones, and the State Police are so out of control as to be a menace to peoples’ safety, privacy, and general well being. Even tho tourism could and should be the number one attraction to this state, we are rapidly becoming famous for police corruption instead, which will keep tourists from wanting to come here.

    It is truly a shame that ANYONE had to die, possibly as a direct result of being a State Trooper. One can only hope Trooper Gonzalez’s death is NOT swept under the rug, but is the catalyst for CHANGE, so that his death was NOT for nothing. Look at what happened on the WSAZ website, ( when people are given the opportunity and motivation to speak their piece. I read hundreds of the comments on the death of Gonzalez and the state of the State Police organization. It was a real eye opener. Apparently the State Police themselves are going thru a lot of what the population of this state is being put thru BY THEM. We, as citizens of WV, are subject to being targeted, mistreated, manipulated and lied to, threatened, beat up, arrested on bogus charges, terrorized and intimidated, and thoroughly afraid to speak out for fear of retribution. Sound familiar? Apparently these things are starting at the top with Mr. Lemmon and trickling down to the little guys. It is obvious from reading the complaints on the WSAZ site that if we think the State Police in general are crooked, or resemble militaristic nazis, that Mr. Lemmon must be akin to Hitler himself in his influence. Are West Virginians really such a bunch of hard-core lawless criminals that they need to live under such a gross misuse of power?

    You say you need people to file complaints and they just are not forthcoming? You insist, as well as the Professional Standards Unit of the State Police, that people must stop making “anonymous” complaints, as they will do no good. And yet the State Police think nothing of ruining someone’s life over “anonymous” tips. “Anonymous” can get them a search warrant or an investigation. “Anonymous” can be used as a weapon by someone who simply does not like you. It doesn’t matter if you are guilty of ANYTHING, “anonymous” can have the police invading your privacy and smashing your things if they take a notion to.

    Until now, I had never heard of the organization called “Military Affairs and Public Safety”. That is truly a frightening title. There is NOTHING safe for the public in “Military Affairs”. And why do the State Police function UNDER such an organization? West Virginia is NOT at war! We are simply common citizens trying to survive and have a bit of happiness in our lives. But we must live under an obvious war-time scenario, with State Police acting as a militaristic organization rather than “public servants”. The State Police themselves have created an environment resembling “war”. They have caused many average citizens to fear them or have no trust in their behavior. Folks who would ordinarily call the police for help are scared to, for fear of what might happen. A small problem can easily grow into a giant one thanks to a State Police officer, drunk on power and authority. An example of this situation would be the Roane County incident in which a man who needed some mental help and ran into the woods unprepared for the cold and rain with a shot gun, was totally surrounded, totally out numbered, and gunned down IN COLD BLOOD by officers with high powered weapons who would rather be sitting home in the warm and dry rather than simply wait a few more hours for the individual to surrender. This was all swept under the rug as being an appropriate action. But many CITIZENS feel diferently and people who knew this man know the real story. If THIS is the type of “help” we can expect when we call 9-11 then we must surely THINK TWICE before we EVER get the State Police involved in ANYTHING.

    In this little corner of the world, Calhoun County, I can find NO ONE who trusts the State Police here, and in fact it is nearly impossible for many to trust ANY police officer in this county any more. None of the remaining officers, (the ones who have not already gone down due to corruption, illegal activities, or negligent stupidity) appear to have any credibility in the eyes of most citizens, with numerous reports of lies, even under oath, contempt, missing evidence, brutality, etc. I imagine that Calhoun Counties police problems, which have been in the news regularly, are not so different than the other counties in this state.

    As Governor, you have the final authority over the police in this state. I find it completely unacceptable that State Police need only have a GED in this state, creating a situation in which many times the officers are not as intelligent nor as educated as the people they are harassing and/or arresting. These officers have NO human psychology skills other than being able to put on the “good cop/bad cop” act. They have no knowledge nor programs set in place for dealing with the mentally ill. Their human relations skills are at a bare minimum.

    It is a CRIME that the death of Trooper Gonzalez is being investigated by the State Police! With the state of things in WV today, it is possible that his death is being investigated by those who were in some way RESPONSIBLE for it. This happens over and over again when the State Police ONLY allow the State Police to investigate problems within the State Police organization. County or regional Citizens Review boards would surely help, but the WVSP don’t want it. WHY do the State Police continue to get what they want at the expense of all other citizens? What do you suppose happens when State Police investigate each other? That is a no-brainer. This would be very much like going into a regional jail and allowing the prisoners to decide the guilt or innocence of their fellow prisoners. What would happen? MOST would simply go home, the rest would suffer severely, possibly a few even losing their lives…

    Problems within the WV State Police are soon to become NATIONAL news, if it has not happened already. And it is ABOUT TIME!!! Governor Manchin, it is UP TO YOU. West Virginia is in serious trouble and we NEED YOUR HELP! Please do NOT allow this to go away. Now is the time, the ball is in your court, and the world is watching.

    editor –


    Update: The Gov’s office is worthless. They are part of the whole rotten deal. If you complain to the Gov’s office,it simply gets forwarded to the State Police so they can investigate themselves…

    Johnny – glad to hear you’re alive. Whatever happens, it happens for a reason. Karma is something that is only between you and you.
    Glad to hear you are fighting the good fight. Maybe someday things will be different and folks will thank you and see you as a hero. Stranger things have happened.

    Ya, it’s good to leave up posts by rabid and borderline illiterate individuals so the rest of the world can see what kind of ignorance they are up against.

    I particularly like it when folks spout about something they obviously know nothing about simply because they are brainwashed and want to find something to complain about. Hey, it’s EASY to find fault! Just look at US! We can uncover a good controversy or conspiracy anywhere…

    Wow, came here this morning, didn’t think I’d find MYSELF…

    Or was it the other guy?


    PLEASE ADVISE, and provide further detail about the incident you were speaking of last summer about Hough.

    Are you referring to when he was acting up in the courtroom?

    Exactly what was the rumor you heard, just in case we missed it. First of all the “idiot” has an ego, but it is funny to many, since he really isn’t that bright… so therefore doesn’t have anything to have an ego about!

    I guess it is sort of funny to have an ego about being a “dumb ass!”



    In response to the Calhoun Underground reprint on comment #59.

    J.D. stood in public town council meeting smiling and sweet talking about all the projects he had started and really wanted to finish before he left. Lots of money coming in he really wanted to finish. Named different projects he had almost finished.

    He was given 30 days to stop taking the crusier out of town, more than enough time to find a place closer to town or get a cheap vehicle of his own., At the end of the 30 days he needed reminded time was up with the cruiser.

    He was just a few hours into his shift and told people in the office he was off to look for a particular offender. Within a couple of hours it was learned that he had a county employee to go with him to his home and drop him off and bring the town cruiser back. Now, ****** was an employee of the county, not the town (although when questioned he pretended he was a volunteer for the town) and this was a great liability if something would have happened. Which means he had no business what so ever in the City cruiser, which shows you how they all think. Yes, immature people do quit because they lose their candy shop and cushy jobs.

    It was said upon further checking, JD was working on NOTHING. He worked only 10 hours or less each week for two or three weeks and then said he was done. Check PUblic records.

    I believe he was and still is in with the crooked cops. We also know he was in with the crooked crooks of our town. I know they (the crooks) had evidence on him and I believe he was trying to stay long enough to try to squelch them or cover his tracks. I don’t think he was trying to protect our town. He was trying to protect himself, the crooks and the crooked cops.

    My opinion is that the new chief Stephens is a serious police officer. I look through the magistrate reports and since he came into his position he has so many citations and arrests. He seems to be cleaning out some bad that was here all the time. He makes the State and County look lazy. It has only been until recently that the county has started to do anything noticable. Why is that. The same people the chief is arresting has been here all along. I think maybe The sherriff needs to stop courtin and do his job.

    I doubt the county wants him to police our town for another term.



    Did anyone else notice another Hot toddy roddy site got yanked last week????????? Just took one email and the “whack job” as the site owner called him was gone. I guess that is why they allow him to post on the Where’s Johnny site.

    Loser!!!!!!!!!!!!!! All of them.

    By the way, do you all know where hot toddy roddys beloved dog romeo ended up after he died? In a trash bag on Pine Creek. Fine way to treat a dog you “supposed” loved.

    Editors note: Could you explain that further, as our Chief Editor and one asst was at the hole in the wall facility with no air signal for days so we were unable to monitor all news and were cut off from all civilization for several days. In fact it was so cold at one point, it was about the shiver that makes you quiver, if you know what I mean.


    Comments from the past: Calhoununderground website

    Interesting Comments for the Past:

    On March 5, 2007 at 11:06 pm crookedcountycrooks Said:
    “You have made me feel as if this website is actually having some impact. Thank you for giving me some encouragement that this site could be starting to make a difference! I must be doing a good job.”
    More importantly, Calhoun, just being down the Crooked River from Crooked County isn’t used to your type of tactics…which of course is telling the truth via your own publication!

    They CAN”T STAND IT!

    This is the worst thing that ever could have happened to them! THEY HAVE NO CONTROL over you!

    Me… being a “secret fan” of yours for some time, I absolutely knows what you are capable of and I hope someday you can call me your friend.

    I think you know how much I have admired your work in secret and you may have found it somewhat of a surprise that I published it and I have in my personal collection some of your fine photo work.

    You are truly an artist!

    Now they are in for it…
    now that they have pissed off a creative person, someone that has a brain…a thinker!

    They are not used to that!

    Prepare yourself for quiet money. In Crooked County if they can’t get you, they may try to buy you and if they can’t buy you then they will shoot your dog!

    I myself. I wish I had your courage, but I have succumbed to threats and the threats have worked because life as I knew it has gone.

    I am constantly looking over my shoulder and out the window before I go anywhere.

    People are still sneaking around here at night!

    (not responsible for accidents for trespass)

    Just know that your fight is my fight when it comes to the ideals you represent!

    I salute you. I am honored to call you a friend.

    On March 6, 2007 at 3:24 am Johnny Said:
    Your article and the Troopers inappropriate conversation with your friend takes me back to saying “What Happen To Good Honest Police Work”.

    If the Trooper doesn’t want someone to build a fire under their bottom end, then the Trooper should not provide the fire wood for people to chuck on the fire. Be good, do the right and honest thing! Believe me, I know this all too well as I have cut and split a forest of fire wood for others to chuck under me. No one helped me cut and split all this wood, I did it all by myself.

    Responsibility tells me not to blame others when they chuck wood on the fire. Responsibility also tells me to put the axe down, and try not to cut anymore wood for the chucker’s.

    With out a doubt, there are websites in and around the Calhoun area that have built fires with the wood that Troopers and Officials have cut themselves. These fires will be maintained and continue to burn bright and cast light on official misconduct.

    Threats and intimidation are unjust and unacceptable tools for extinguishing these fires. Good honest police work along with officials who stand accountable for Rights and the fair treatment of all individuals are the true and just tools that will douse the flames and assure Justice and equality for all.

    On March 8, 2007 at 9:35 am crookedcountycrooks Said:
    The real answer is that it still all boils down to the individual. From now on, true leadership will only flow from the bottom up, as people take back their individual power from all forms of failed external authority. And it is only through conscious self-awareness and self-responsibility that we can become effective individuals.

    On March 8, 2007 at 3:23 pm calhoununderground Said:

    On March 23, 2007 at 6:26 pm Johnny Said:
    Them Cops Must Have A Big Trash-Can

    As most of you know by now, pursuant to sexually related convictions 18 years ago I must register with the West Virginia State Police as a Sex Offender. Basically provide them with information of where I am living, working, Internet accounts I use, websites, usernames, vehicles I drive, home phone numbers, cell phone numbers etc.

    A person requiring to register must update the information once per year, unless you have a change in your registry information, such as place of work, phone number, internet accounts, yes anything that changes you must report in person to the local State Police Detachment within 10 days of the change.

    I am currently registered with the Wood County State Police and living in Parkersburg but I visit Grantsville quite often sometimes staying over night two or three nights per week. (By the way, all the State Police I’ve come into contact with in Wood County are courteous and have treated me in a professional manner.) Due to ever changing Internet Accounts and user names that I have, I should almost ask for a bunk at the Wood County State Police Office as I almost live there.

    My attorney Mr. Rob Catlett advised me that the only way Calhoun authorities have to incarcerate me is arrest me for allegedly violating the registry requirements. This indeed is easy for a rogue cop to make a false statement to a magistrate and bam, warrant issued. You add the facts such as a rubber stamp and the magistrate in Calhoun who has one and bam, warrant issued even faster.

    Trooper Jeff Hunt obtained a rubber stamp warrant for me in 2003 for allegedly violating the registry. This was Matt Minney’s and Trooper Jeff Hunt’s first “bogus charge” attempt at trying to force me to take a plea regarding the receiving stolen property charges or face my bond being revoked on those charges. However, my attorney was Shannon Baldwin and she kicked that bogus warrant to the curb before the rubber stamp ink dried.

    Then of course, there was the time in November 2004 when Trooper Yanero got a warrant for me claiming I allegedly violated the registry by living in Gilmer County but he would not say were or when, wasn’t even on the warrant, only that I was under arrest and was going to jail unless I could tell him where Danny Minich and his Meth Lab was. I told Yanero I did not know and off to jail I went on a $25,000 cash only bond for the weekend. Well, Monday came and my family posted the cash bond. A few days later I showed up for my preliminary hearing and so did Yanero. My attorney was prepared to prove my case at the hearing but the Gilmer County Prosecutor requested the charges be dismissed, as there was apparently a mix-up regarding the charges. Bogus case dismissed.

    Well anyway, I have asked three of the Wood County State Police Officers if I needed to register with the Grantsville State Police since I stay in Grantsville sometimes several nights per week. All of these troopers said no as long as I don’t stay longer than 15 days striate. The most I ever visited Grantsville was four day striate during Thanksgiving. My records show I have stayed in Grantsville for a total of 52 days since October 9, 2006. So that is 52 days in Grantsville and 114 in Parkersburg since October 9, 2006. Why do I keep such records, because of Matt Minney, Ronald Gordon and the Grantsville State Police they are unjust, they are liars. Look at how many times Trooper Doug Starcher has been accused of wrong doing regarding criminal complaints and perjured testimony not to mention other acts of misconduct throughout at least two counties. I spoke to an Investigator who works for the Federal Government in Charleston who said point blank, “Starcher is a Rogue Cop.” Investigations are continuing.

    Around two months ago, Mr. Catlett informed me to keep up to date and cover all bases with my registration requirements, “Be able to prove the facts.” Since that advice and warning, I have invested $300 in a motion-activated camera with activation VCR for my fathers rental unit that I most usually stay at while visiting family in Grantsville.

    The motion-activated system is always on to detect motion and record for 30 seconds to a VCR Tape with date and time. If at the end of 30 seconds motion is still detected by the system, the system keeps recording until the motion stops. The system, which also has it own battery back up in case of power failure, monitors any and all movement to, from or near the rental unit in question. I have however, invited the renters in the other units to view what the camera tapes and the areas of view and I have positioned the camera for maximum privacy for the other renters. In the two months since I started using the system, I have accumulated 7 tapes of movement around the unit. Tapes which can be proven to be uncut and unedited. Of course these tapes when full are secured in another location. Good evidence against a dishonest cop or the testimony of a distant neighbor who sees me once or twice every other week but feels or thinks I live there.

    Let me get to the point of why I even wrote this story. I have no problem with registering with the State Police and providing them with any information required by law. I therefore, called the Charleston Sex Offender Website phone number and talked to a nice lady who seemed to be the leading authority when it came to the rules and requirements of the registry. This lady of who I recorded our phone conversation and of who I will not name here answered my question regarding “if” I had to register with the “Grantsville State Police” since I was staying in Grantsville sometimes three or four days a week. She informed me that as long as I was registered in Wood County and did not stay any other place for more than 15 days straight including Grantsville then I would not have to register there. I than ask her if I could register in both places Wood and Calhoun, she said I was not required by law if I did not stay more than 15 days, but I could voluntarily register in Calhoun if I wanted to.

    Anyway, I went to the Grantsville State Police Detachment at around 1:00 P.M. on March 21, 2007 and informed the Trooper on duty, Mr. Doug Starcher that although I was living in Wood County and was registered there, I was also spending some time in Grantsville some weeks and I informed Trooper Starcher I wanted to registered a living and working address in Grantsville just to cover the bases. Trooper Starcher said ok, and looked around for the forms to fill out. As Starcher was looking for the forms, Trooper C. J. Ellyson came in and Trooper Starcher asked Ellyson if he knew where the Sex Offender Registration Forms were. As soon as I realized it was Trooper Ellyson, I looked over at the trashcan, and figured the forms were in there. But, of course I did not suggest checking the trash, as there were two of them and they both had guns.

    Anyway, I provided typewritten sheets of all the information needed for the registration forms and copies of my registration documents from the Wood County State Police to Trooper Starcher. Trooper Starcher said I would have to come back tomorrow.

    On March 22, 2007 at approximately 2:30 P.M. I entered the Grantsville State Police Detachment and Trooper Starcher was talking with Deputy Matheny. Starcher informed me that he still did not have the forms but to come back in a few hours as he was having the forms faxed over. I was unable to return to the Grantsville Detachment later due to a need to take care of some business in Parkersburg before 5:00 P.M.

    More on this matter later…

    On March 23, 2007 at 8:19 pm Abused Said:
    Proof That The World Is Nuts??

    In Lebanon, men are legally allowed to have sex with animals, but the animals must be female. Having sexual relations with a male animal is punishable by death.
    (Like THAT makes sense.)
    In Bahrain, a male doctor may legally examine a woman’s genitals, but is prohibited from looking directly at them during the examination. He may only see their reflection in a mirror.
    (Do they look different reversed?)
    Muslims are banned from looking at the genitals of a corpse. This also applies to undertakers. The sex organs of the deceased must be covered with a brick or piece of wood at all times.
    (A brick??)

    In Grantsville West Virgina Police are allowed to have their way with women on house arrest if their name is the Donut King and as long as it’s some unmentionable act! Of course this goes on for years as in that state the police are believed for everything they say and anyone they asked to testify is so close to Jesus that couldn’t possible lie. Jesus knows they all worship ALA because they of course could not be of the same god.

    On March 24, 2007 at 1:49 am calhoununderground Said:
    I know all about how they conspire and lie to get warrants. They got one for my home simply by conveniently finding some juveniles (whose names conveniently did not appear on the warrant because of being juveniles)who were in posession of a rather odd amount of baggies of a green substance with rather odd weights and prices…

    These unnamed juveniles (thanks so much, Mr. Hornbeck and Mr. Webb, yes, we do know who you are)then conveniently proceeded to tell Trooper Jackson of Roane County (the same one who drove around for a week with a certain drug dealer’s drugs hidden in his cruiser)every small detail of their supposed purchase that very morning. And even more conveniently, one of these same juveniles just happened to have a picture of a marijuana plant on their cell phone (which they could have gotten ANYWHERE, including on the internet), which they allegedly informed Trooper Jackson was (conveniently) taken at my residence. Mind you, I do not know these juveniles, don’t believe I have ever met them, and the entire story was fabricated. There was no visitor that morning but the next door neighbor.

    But the real point is that the illustrious Trooper who obtained the warrant KNEW FULLY WELL that the individual named on the warrant was IN JAIL at the time of the supposed sale and had been for some time. The “investigation” which only took a couple hours apparently did not include actually CHECKING to see if the individual was actually in any position to sell anything! For starters, this most famous Trooper already knew the individual had had a warrant for his arrest prior to that day. And STRANGELY enough NO ONE asked for this individual when they appeared with warrant in hand, even tho his name was all over it, and he was the entire reason for the warrant to begin with… I repeat, NO ONE EVEN ASKED FOR HIM!!! Matter of fact, as this Trooper was handing over the paperwork, he commented that he had HEARD that we were selling pot FOR the individual in question, a darn sight different excuse than the fabricated one on the warrant. And why would he say he heard someone was selling pot FOR someone else unless he knew the someone else was SOMEWHERE ELSE?

    So, probable cause be damned and lets smash a bunch of stuff like juvenile delinquents and leave broken glass laying all around for folks to cut their feet on. Because in their book, the end justifies the means and if they want to target you, they will, and they’ll do whatever it takes to “get-er-done”. I know if I were the Magistrate, I would get sick and tired of being lied to, and as a matter of fact, if I WERE a magistrate and I felt I was being manipulated like that in order for the police to obtain warrants, I would REPORT the offending officers to the proper authorities!…

    I sincerely hope that Mr. Postalwait was honestly unaware that he is being misled regularly, because otherwise he would be considered complicit.


    april drake aka wabbit

    “wabbit”” aka….”April Drake” well took me a minute but as i knew you’d slip and I’d catch you….. ok now everything that your gonna see on a web site i am creating for you you asked for it now here it comes”’ might ask your boyfriend where we got these disgusting nude photos of your skeleton ass, and no tit’s… boob less wonder!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ok as Rambo would say you drew first blood, now you have a war….see every since the pictures of ht/ and Lucy surfaced been looking at you….thats your boyfriends brother, is he behind these, inquiring minds want to know….but your site will be up shortly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



    Hot toddy is desparate and losing it. Over the top. I am wabbit, not april whoever as he is guessing on Where’s Johhnny site. Now he is threatening her with photo and and web site all her own like he did the other woman. God, no one wants to see ht. Your brother finally found out what you were doing in his name didn’t he.

    I thought for sure you knew it was me. Keep thinking because I am lmao and mocking you. You are a fake slowly fading into the depths of hell where you belong.

    We are all kittens gently playing with you like a ball of yarn and you just keep getting tangled up and coming unraveled.




    Poem for hot toddy

    Where, Oh Where has my little dog gone?
    Where, Oh, Where could it be?

    I wasn’t looking for him and could have cared less,
    Let all the neighbors feed him and clean up his mess,

    I hadn’t missed him and probably never would,
    But then the informant let me know that I should.

    While rubbing elbows with the county,
    Groovy said, I know where’s your bounty.

    Hot toddy turned with intent,
    Back to the city office he went.

    He opened the door and started to vent,
    The chief informed him, “The dog already went”.

    LMFAO he he he he he he he


    Editors note: I sincerely hope that no cruelty to animals goes along with this story as that would not be something we would be interested in taking part in publishing. If you could please translate that for us, since we have had our heads buried in Spanish and trying to communicate with our Mexican compadres as of late. However ohh la la which is french seems to translate just fine when we pull out the wicked white widow from our own wv hills. MEXICO has actually volunteered to give our state a boost with it’s number one crop. They say, our country is really no longer our country. Jeez, we still think it is a joke, but they say it with so much confidence, it almost is not funny anymore.


    Yup, “acting up in the courtroom”……….

    Got a question. Are you not supposed to be NOTIFIED by SOMEONE (the court, your lawyer, or somebody!)of when you have a court date? I have been following several court cases closely and REPEATEDLY nobody knows when a case is rescheduled, nobody keeps in contact with the people who are going to court, and nobody seems to ever be able to get hold of their lawyers. It just goes round and round in a pass-the-buck circle. Right hand doesn’t know what the left is doing, right hand doesn’t know what right leg is doing, right hand doesn’t know what IT’S doing… One guy has had his court case held over so many times he’s lost count, and been thru 5 lawyers over something that happened nearly 2 years ago… One guy got paperwork in the mail with someone else’s name on it… One guy had to call the court repeatedly because nobody knew anything, and didn’t find out until the DAY OF HIS COURT DATE that he was rescheduled…. One guy showed up for a scheduled appearance only to discover his lawyer had gone on vacation…

    …..Ya walk into court, the judge and prosecuting attorney are in there looking busy and annoyed…..Paper shuffle – paper shuffle – pause – (while looking down at papers) “We’ll offer you a plea bargain, come back in three weeks, who’s next?..” You leave……
    …..Judge looks at prosecuting attorney and says, “Hey, who was that guy?”……

    Three weeks later, status hearing. “Anything new?” “No sir” “We’ll let you know when your next court date is, who’s next?”…..





    Sorry, but we are blaming our latest delay on the ability to access THE CALPATTY PRESS on LW whom informs us she has to start over on our latest article due to our recent out of town summit with our friends from the land far away– Something about mud and rain. Also sorry about a few other things, since a certain someone locked us out during the interim. So, suffice it to say even we are often ruled by the dictatorship of a mountain lion. But, nobody got their faces scratched off this time. We are all still alive, albeit barely, and there is something to be said about the “shiver that makes you quiver” even if you are left groping in the dark.
    WV is the best in the world for the high in content WWidow. Not even Amsterdam can kick out the 10% plus THC content from seed “Widow” WV Rocks for Northern lights and WW in WV. The Shiver that makes you quiver bcuz the big stick is purple and we ain’t talkin bout no Hot Toddy Roddy!



    The hate site on the knihgt family was pulled. Yanked again. No wonder he can’t get his site going on his brothers girlfriend. Kenny Shen won’t let him back on journalscape for now.

    Chalk one up for the good guys getting hot toddys roddy yanked…. AGAIN



    hot toddy lets all of his dogs run lose all the time terrorizing the neighbors on Johnson edition. So many stray dogs running loosein town but a several complaints keep coming in from citizens who can not even leave their homes due to big scarey stray dogs being on there doorsteps. Monday the PD started patrol which was noted on the water bills the citizens receive that stray dogs would be picked up and taken to the shelter in Spencer to see if they could be adopted.

    Hot toddy had one dog he turned out when his beloved Romeo died a few weeks back and he was seen kicking and abusing it so some neighbors feed it but made calls that it needed picked up.

    Then he got a new beautiful dog he let run loose with no collar. Stayed at everyones house but his.

    Monday a neighbor made a complaint and when no one answered the door at the hot toddy residence the PD took away 3 stray dogs. hot toddy didn’t even know it was missing until someone told him. Then he went on a rampage, but he only wants the pretty dog (worth some money) not both of his dogs. Imagine that. Anyway he has had all week to go to the Spencer shelter to pick up his dog, but he hasn’t. IF it were my beloved pet I would have been there Tuesday when they opened. It can be adopted after tomorrow and I would love to have it.

    His big rotweiler (?) Romeo died a while back and he dumped it on pine creek in a garbage bag. Will never know what it died from. I think I would have buried a family pet.

    Damn, missed you guys. Suffering from withdrawals………….

    Editors note: NEW LAW– anyone seen kicking a dog will be shot on sight by SS!

    Also heard a rumor about new LUNACY LUCY pictures in compromising positions!!

    only $29.95 or free on Cal Patty–ALSO would people be pissed if we had paid adds on NEW Calpatty site? Mexicans offered 500 kilos, but we refused delivery. At least until April or May when we run out.



    Gee, I can’t imagine lucy in any position but compromising…….. ha ha ha
    Is she still in town? or at her husbands? or at her boyfriends, or at her dealers….. well we could go on and on couldn’t we???

    Anyway, I think hot toddy roddy showed every nude photo he had of her all over town in the last few years, and there were lots of um. My personal favorite was her riding a big blue one with a biggggg smile on her face.

    You guys are so funny……… LOL

    Editors note:have you seen the girl on girl stuff?



    Oh my god, you’ve got to be kidding. No wait she’s done everything else, why not girl on girl. Wonder who the girl is???

    You know, don’t you?

    Have you seen the girl on black man??? yeah, the weekly narc meetings leader from P-burg?

    Geeze, she just likes it all…. he he he

    Editors note: Would love to see the girl on black man pic so we could use it for target practice, but we are more inclined to use the N word. You don’t have a whole lot of
    N (word) lovers here. In fact you could say we don’t take kindly to white women with black men, to put it politely.



    HT is a lowlife. Doesn’t deserve to have pets. And frankly, in my opinion, police officers who have allowed HT to remain on the streets after all the shit he has done are negligent in their duty — a damn disgrace.

    Were it up to the citizens? HT would be hanged, or at least tarred and feathered. Hell, just the information commonly put on the blogs is enough to charge him. At the very least, he’s a PUBLIC NUISANCE.

    What about dumping his trash (dog) illegally on Pine Creek? That should be enough for at least one charge.


    guess again/ no ht….

    the site is still there just no one posting so its not yanked … you all have no facts about nothing….. so now we have pat Starkey his fat wife and the knights writing again ok… we can do this… but one day you’ll all see ht doesn’t have that knight site i do…. i hate the fat want to be mayor bitch…..

    Editors note: We don’t post links to your fricking hate sites. It’s enough the local Police let y’all get away with your fire starting cult. Starting fires like you do is a sickness and you should all be in prison.


    guess again/ no ht….


    Editors note: Listen up ASSHOLE, if ya want to state facts about Yanero with Dinero, all is fair with the free press in reporting actual events. But, do not ever mention another Yanero on here again. Nikki Yanero has never posted, never will, she doesn’t give a shit. I suggest you wash off the Hot Toddy Roddy since it stinks of Gila Monster. Must have got sloppy seconds or thirds at this late hour. If you ever mention another Yanero on here again, I will tell them all where you live! They have some friends in high places ya know. Don’t do it again Mr Hot Toddy, now go wash off that Roddy, you’re scaring the children with that stench!


    guess again/ no ht….


    Editors note :“YOUR ON WRONG TRAIL”….that would be “you are” or “you’re” not “YOUR”, so why don’t you ASHORE us like the real deal Hot Toddy with the stinky little winky. Leave Nikki out of this, plus piss her off and she will kick your ass anyway. In fact I’m sorta getting sick of hearing about Yanero with Dinero since I have heard no more about any gun pulling on any county assessors, and hmmmm… if I think about it, I might have pulled a gun or two myself if some idiot pissed me off at the wrong time. So this is your last chance to shut the fuck up about Nikki or any of the rest of the family.



    I apologize to the knights because ht roddy went on the guessing game rampage again and started on them over my comments.

    Does ht not know that the whole county knows about both of the knights arrests? Oh, thats right, he was in prison when that happened so it is news to him……Lets see what was that arrest for? Was that when he stole the credit card off the dead man (or was he dead)? No, I think this may have been something else. Maybe we should print his rap sheet. Wouldn’t have enough space.

    I do have a question if anyone can answer it. Why is ht so mad at the knights?
    He just went beserk on them all of a sudden? Would like to know what is up with ht?

    By the way, guess again, ht can’t spell damn right either. good indicator its him although he has help with the other site from a past councilmans daughter K. D.. Such hate…….

    Editors note: KD can pull in the reigns, and she can pull taffy, but she’s got no brains if she don’t know no better than to hang out with the likes of the man with the Hot Toddy Roddy.



    Before… West Virginia (7-3) at Pittsburgh (7-3)

    After… West Virginia (8-3) Pittsburgh (7-4) NOT!

    Andrews wow …wow…interception! Saves the day at halftime!

    OMG that was close Pitt #86 ” …86 your self out of here in the third quarter!
    Pitt #86 is a freak that needs to be on a leash!

    Pat white scores 54 yards! Yay!

    4th quarter …how do you do WVU # 22! Right back at ya!

    Pass interference you Pitt freak on a leash!

    …then right thru the righteous up rights end over end!

    Don’t pretend it ain’t 15 to 7

    Pitt #25 keeps it alive!! 15 to 13

    Oh no don’t go for 2!

    #24 you black whore now Pitt is gonna score!

    Pitts Lesean McCoy did destroy all hopes!

    Damn !



    MCI Norfolk,

    Rina McCoy and Timothy O’Malley, a graduate
    theology student from Boston College came to give
    a talk on…

    It was decided that faith was a
    fundamental human attitude in everyday life.
    Man just naturally has knowledge of God. One
    has to deliberately close oneself off to not feel His
    benevolent presence.

    Do these people know that Rina McCoy lived in Sin
    lived in sin with an older man?

    R Mccoy
    xxxx Gassaway
    Gassaway, WV 26624

    Or is this one it?
    R S Mccoy
    Address Unlisted
    Fairmont, WV

    Editors note:Normally this post would just be deleted but… It appears that someone close to the Hot Toddy Fire starting Cult is conducting questionable activity for a search of someone they have never become acquainted with. The Hot Toddy criminal behavior is starting to become more than just an inconvenience. If you ever think about coming around Hot Toddy, most likely, you will be shot on site upon your trespass!



    Man…I am amazed at all the BS the elite(read cops, judges, lawyers, prosecuters, and of couse, their girlfriends get up to in our state! Thank God for you folks and others unafraid to speak the truth!- Put ‘em all away, for life! Better yet, let those wronged exact justice with a noose, as it was before we all became so “civilized”- Willyo, MYB Farm/Campground, Willyobikers Norman Ridge Newsletter
    PS- Keep up the good work!! We need ya!


    Maybe we should gather up all those dirty rotten son’s of bitches and get them all in the same room…

    Then I’ll say,

    “You been messin with my children
    And you been screaming at my wife
    Get off of my back!
    If you wanna get out of here alive”

    God damn I’m high! Hashish dreams tonight baby!


    Hey everyone!

    I found a really cool new website while following my two-lane livin sort of internet road!

    Check it out!

    It’s a called Lost!

    Lost in a Calhoun County….

    Why Lost?

    This is about a place. A place that some folks who have never been here might think can’t possibly be real. A place which, if you do live here and try to leave, will either call you back over and over again, or cause you to swear “never again”.

    This is a place that the outside world forgot when they were handing out directions. This is where the more rugged of our ancestors decided to settle down and raise their families. These are the people who loved and felt sheltered by the isolation of their mountain homes, and cherished their solitude and the freedom from the rat race of the outside world so much so that “Mountaineers are always free” became a well known phrase.

    Next time someone asks you why West Virginia has so many smokers and drinkers and high school drop outs and drug dealers you can tell them this: Native mountaineers don’t want to be messed with. They don’t want to be told what to do by some city slicker in a suit who knows nothing of the miles of mud they slog thru to get to town, or the hard realities of life in the hills, living from hand to mouth. They might not feel like proper schooling is so important when the greatest skills they can possess are those linked to common sense and survival. It’s a stubbornness akin to religion mixed with a shortage of money that keeps the jails full to overflowing. An entire people who have been told they need to “live down” their hillbilly heritage by becoming like “everyone else”. People who have been made to believe that they must struggle to live like “the rest of the world” in a place that is not LIKE the rest of the world. People who have been ruled and regulated to the point where they simply AIN’T gonna take it any more…


    TOP 15 CalPatty Press articles for 2008

    State of our Justice system 16,214
    Thank God for the Calhoun Underground! 10,625
    HOT TODDY BUSTED!!…NEW Police Chief 10,486
    Missing Meth-complete with lab, Missing 8,770
    In Central West Virginia it’s ALL SMOKE 8,518
    Power tends to corrupt; absolute power corrupts 8,235
    Hot Toddy wanted to be a WV State Trooper 7,981
    From the West Virginia Forefathers of FREEDOM 7,931
    A O Way to Go West Virginia! WV 7,725
    RAPE…it’s JUST A KISS AWAY! 7,587
    Glenville West Virginia’s “SECRET SOCIETY” 7,483
    The YEAR OF 2007… a YEAR of Mental Illness 7,366
    “Never Got Above Her Raisen!” JESSICA LYNCH 7,344

    Total views 2008: 281,223

    For the person that keeps running searches for:

    statute of limitations for embezzlement

    In West Virginia there is no statute of limitations for a FELONY

    So, therefore, if the embezzlement is over 1000 dollars then there is no statute of limitations.

    However, those rules DO NOT APPLY to anyone that is a police officer, prosecutor, judge, court clerk or any of their friends.

    Those people can break the law freely with NO WORRY of jail or incarceration. A good example would be Tim Butcher and the AJ Woofter Estate.

    Although it is STATE LAW that an accounting on estates must be done once a year. Butcher went 12 years with no accounting so it was very easy for large sums of money to just come up missing!

    This matter was reported to Mickey Metz in the form of an actual complaint. He ignored it because it was Butcher and he is the city attorney.

    Should that in itself be a crime?

    Should Butcher be allowed to steal money and go unpunished?

    Maybe the answer is the people of WV need to take back their state by any means possible!

    Any means possible = 44 magnum under the seat?

    That is for you to decide!

    The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.
    Thomas Jefferson


    Detailed Inmate Information
    Imprisonment Status: Convicted Felon

    Full Name: Dellinger, Christopher Shane
    Height: 5′ 11″
    Weight: 148 lbs.
    Birth Date: 5/15/1977
    Gender: Male
    Booking Date: 01/16/2009
    Facility: Central Regional Jail
    Imprisonment Status: Convicted Felon

    Convicted Felon 4 times over and that schizophrenic FACEMIRE gives him 60 days in jail-now that is some bullshit!


    I’ve done a internet daily search, and twice I came to a article about Butcher-Cunningham swindling thousand’s. I worked at a bakery in Morgantown, WV on Beechurst Avenue, as I just got a new job two weeks ago in the Suncrest area of the city where I live. But the boss over at Chico Bakery is Rodney Butcher, so that’s why I’m writing this response.

    Editors note: Tim and Terry Butcher of Butcher and Butcher, were asked to be removed from the AJ Woofter Estate as far back as 2004 when a lawyer from the council on aging in the state of Ohio-Margaret Kreiner- discovered they were back dating checks and paying interest payments as much as two years late – the cash accounts that were in a Wood county bank were liquidated against the wishes of AJ Woofter who passed away – a writer – in Parkersburg – a much lessor amount from the estate than was in the accounts in Wood County were then deposited in the Bank controlled by Terry Butcher, in Glenville WV -over the years, the Butchers and Rosa Belle Gainer – Cunningham dwindled the account down to where the Benny – the person the account was meant to go to according to the terms of the will only received $7,000. Tim Butcher paid himself $10, 850 the last day of the account and took over $38,500 dollars the last 120 days. A federal attorney from New York said Butcher was running a Ponzi scheme, which is a fraudulent investment operation that pays returns to separate investors from their own money or money paid by subsequent investors, so therefore it is suspected Tim BUTCHER was robbing PETER to pay PAUL -after years of investigation the matter was turned over to a US Attorney who moved the matter forward to a federal agency for further investigation.

    Rodney Butcher, however is probably OK, but Sherry Butcher who was a member of the FIRST graduating class of the new school for corrections officers in Glenville in Gilmer County was busted just months ago for smuggling contraband to inmates.

    Tim Butcher is suspected to be involved in numerous other investment thefts, but was appointed to the GSC _ BOG just days ago, after also serving as foundation president. It is also suspected that Butcher and Gainer-Cunningham made unlawful contributions to Glenville State College- AJ Woofter Scholarship fund with estate money. When that matter was looked into, there was evidence of a cover up.

    Governor Manchin’s appointment of Butcher to the GSC-BOG also alerted many to the fact, that the Governor of West Virginia is as Crooked as all of them in Glenville, and now watch he will manipulate himself into the US senate.

MURDER!  The Wrongful Death of Mark Medley Sanctioned by Gilmer County!!

This may be by far the most difficult article and truthful account we have had to relay to our readers. We were both shocked and surprised to discover the same names and some of the same public officials named in prior reports of misconduct, involved in a murder case so disturbing as to be almost unbelievable. We have taken multiple separate days to interview public officials, Mary Ann Campbell and relatives to get the account of the cold blooded killing of Mark Medley on July 26, 2006 in Gilmer County, WV, and have discovered never before mentioned facts in a case that got a great deal of press, both on TV and in print during the murder trial of April 2007.

The purpose here is to show again the state of despair in the Gilmer County Prosecution and legal system in the past seven years where often the innocent gets punished and the guilty walks free.

The matter of the statement made by Everett Campbell in court about having a 357 magnum on the floorboard of his car for deer hunting in late July really set the matter straight for another Gilmer County Court trial that was a complete mockery of justice from start to finish!

Gilmer County Prosecutor Gerald B. Hough

There appears to be some very clear legal violations involving this murder trial gone wrong.

Reviewing this case and researching the data, we never once saw any information or an explanation as to why Everett Campbell possessed a firearm despite a past felony and an extensive criminal record.  Mark Medley was
40 years old when he was shot in the chest and killed by the blast from a long-barreled .357 revolver.
It is on record, according to Mary Ann Campbell, that Everett Campbell had threatened to shoot Medley prior to the July incident, which is certainly consistent with the action of premeditated murder.

According to a crime report, nearly 40% of all West Virginia murders are either directly or indirectly tied to domestic situations.

About an hour or so before the murder of Medley, Campbell spoke with Glenville Police Chief. Medley and Mary Ann Campbell asked for his help, but

Everett Campbell - CRJ Mugshot After Arrest

Chief Moss[1] refused saying most of his men were not available and out on call. Why couldn’t the Police Chief just do his job and help them himself?  What they were both looking for was an escort to avoid a problem and possible violent confrontation.

Chief Moss had to have learned through his police training that domestic issues can blow up into violence and the immediate concern was most certainly a legitimate request for a situation in which they were both unarmed.
After reviewing all the news coverage of the incident and interviewing people that were actually there and talking to Mary Ann Campbell who was an eye-witness to the shooting, we came to the conclusion that the only reasonable answer for any future dealings in similar situations is – don’t expect any help from law enforcement in Gilmer County and come to the confrontation heavily armed!

If you were to find yourself in the same situation where some whack job control freak fires the first shot, then you would have no choice but to unload the 70 round banana clip of 7.62 that you happened to bring for self defense. Then, maybe you would have a chance of living through a bad scene in Gilmer County, in which you can get not even one person connected to law enforcement to come to your aid.

In this specific instance, that was the only answer for what was going to work over in Sand Fork, WV that day. But, unfortunately for all of us and unfortunately for the Medley family, Mark did not bring the AK to the killing that day!

”Everett Campbell is nothing but a cold blooded killer, and most likely will commit crimes in the future every bit as heinous as his former crimes,” one public official stated after considering all the evidence and research completed on the slaying in Sand Fork!

After gathering facts from various sources during several interviews it is clear that the actual murder trial brought forward many false facts to confuse the jury and all the legal issues, and much of the real truth of the matter never made it to court. It was a case where David Karickhoff gave an excellent performance for the defense, against the second-rate performance by the Gilmer County Prosecutor, according to one law enforcement official.

Now this is an interesting concept considering Mary Ann Campbell was a witness for the prosecution but often made to feel that she was a defendant! She was often made to feel that she did something wrong. She was a mother who was separated from her children. Does anybody out there know what that feels like?

Many times Gilmer County history has shown that officers of the court pre-arrange and pre-decide a case before it ever makes it into the courtroom despite the efforts of law officers to bring charges for the actual crime committed. This case is a very good example of a good ole back woods Gilmer County trial.

We learned specific information was given about the wrong doing of the Previous Gilmer County Circuit Clerk and the fact that two members of the jury were closely associated with the family of Everett Campbell. So there are some immediate questions about this case in regard to the jury, and that same situation appears over and over in Gilmer County.
The REAL STORY of what happened began earlier in the summer of 2006. In the early part of July that year, Everett and Mary Ann Campbell had mutually agreed for Mary Ann to have the kids for a while during the summer at her home in Moundsville, WV.

This mutual agreement was well within the guidelines of their divorce and the children truly enjoyed time with their mother, as all children would.

Mary Ann Campbell preferred this situation as she reports that many times she was forced to have sex with Everett Campbell long after they were divorced when she had to go to his families’ home to see the kids. The sex was all part of a contingency of being able to visit her children, which we are willing to wager, was not part of the divorce agreement through the courts.

The former Mrs. Campbell got to truly enjoy spending time with her kids, and got some quality alone time with them that any parent would treasure that summer of 2006 in Moundsville. She was finally happy, getting her life back together and having her kids gave her the balance she had been searching for, for many years. The children truly loved being with their mother that summer.

Things were going perfectly and all was well until one day Mary Ann received a call from the niece of Everett. She spoke to her, and it was a friendly conversation, but in reality the whole purpose of the phone call was a ruse for a hidden purpose involving Everett’s sister, Sue Ann Scott, who got on the phone with a phony story about how her brother never lets her see the kids, blah blah blah.

Mary Ann got played for her sympathy of the situation and being a good down home properly raised young woman, tried to do the right thing by Sue Ann, and invited her over to see the children. What Mary Ann did not know was that Everett had asked his sister to go get the kids and bring them home at all costs. The new scheme was certainly not part of the arrangement Everett had made with Mary Ann, but Mr. Campbell obviously had control issues.

Sue Ann, through her false complaints and false story of wanting to see the kids, arranged to visit the Moundsville home, but when she arrived with her husband James they both asked if the kids could spend a week with them. The original purpose of the call and contact had immediately changed. That fact in itself would bring suspicion to the mind of any reasonable person.

Right from the start Mary Ann was unsure and did not feel right about farming out her kids to her ex-husbands sister, plus there could have been some legal repercussions from doing so. She did agree to allow her ex-sister in law and husband stay with the kids at her house, while she went to confer with her boyfriend Mark Medley to ask what he thought of her letting her kids stay with relatives. She needed an outside opinion.

"357 Evey," Everette Campbell was only convicted of a misdemeanor, for a cold blooded murder in Crooked County, down by the Crooked River. The "GO TO" attorney David Karickhoff beat Gerry Hough like a bad step child in the courtroom, and Everette walked on a First Degree Murder charge he should have been convicted of!

Gilmer County Court Room in August Bond Hearing with Defense Counsel David Karickhoff

When Mary Ann returned, Sue Ann, James, and the children were all gone, and she panicked as any mother would. What an awful feeling and what terrible thoughts must have been rushing through the young mothers mind. Motherly instincts are very real in nature, but the Childs Services and the courts, and other agencies seldom consider these emotions to the degree that they should be considered. To them it is often cut and dry and black and white and a matter of seeing that all the paper work is in order.
Life is not black and white and cut and dry. Life is more about a mother’s love for her children and the sanctity of the family.

Most mothers would immediately get on the phone and start making calls, but for Mary Ann those calls went unanswered. Mary Ann wanted to call the police, but being young, was still a bit naïve about the wicked ways of the world and the crooked tricks of the jealous and evil.

Anything holy or sacred or loving or involving the love of family members or holding close those that are truly part of you dissolves away very quickly in a Gilmer County courtroom in a situation already decided in advance by a hand-picked jury that was completely manipulated by the powers that be.

We were hoping to have more information involving the jury tampering, but some people present at the time have had second thoughts about revealing more truth involving the Gilmer County Public Officials, given the current situation of allegations of criminal activity for other matters. Many people are worried about their futures in Glenville, their job, and their family if they

Everett Campbell Smiling Since He Got Away with Murder after Sentencing

tell. Many are afraid of constant threats by the law breaking members of Glenville society of legal system. Considering what happened in the long forgotten death of Fred Hill, we can understand that way of thinking. But we heard it said that both Everett Campbell and Gerald B. Hough were actually in the jury room while the jury was technically convened. This is highly illegal, but the Gilmer County Prosecutor Gerald B. Hough has stooped to this sort of behavior before, according to various sources.

Truly, Everett could not stand the fact that his ex was finally happy and secure in a relationship with another man. This is an obstacle for many men in modern times. It is a difficult time, but the choices we make decide who we become, but Everett made a bad choice. He was so jealous that he was going to use the children as weapons to destroy that happy relationship and that happy home life and the best life Mary Ann Campbell had come to know in all of her 27 years.

Before her new found happy life was realized, while divorced and estranged, there was one incident in which Mary Ann went through an ordeal that was so horrible, she is still affected by it. She agreed to meet Everett for a dinner and spend time with their four year old daughter, but when she went to the room, Everett forced her sexually and forcibly held her head face down on the bed nearly smothering her while he ripped off her clothes and committed the act of sodomy in front of their screaming and crying daughter. The little girl was pleading for her daddy to stop hurting her mommy and making her cry. Everett replied with, “Shut the F (explicative) up and go back to sleep!”

Hurt both physically and emotionally by the incident Mary Ann Campbell sought the help of the Gilmer County Sheriff, Mickey Metz, and decided she wanted to press charges for being raped in an un-natural way in front of a four year old child. Mary Ann stated that Sheriff Metz did not bring charges against Everett and talked her out of signing the complaint.

Our findings reveal that often this is just how the good ole boys of Gilmer County do it, since Everett was closely associated with Sgt CJ Ellyson of the West Virginia State Police, who around the same time had somehow lost all the dope and guns and money from the evidence locker in Calhoun County, and crucial evidence needed to convict Chief Deputy Bandy of the Calhoun County Sheriff’s office was simply missing one day.

We guess it was no coincidence that Gerald B. Hough was assigned as special prosecutor to that case, and since he claims that CJ Ellyson is a good personal friend of his, it all seemed to add up to the fact that no cop or public official is going to jail for a crime on his watch, whether they are guilty or not!

This was all happening in the same time frame as the court case and arrest of a person we all came to know as 357 Evey!

Matters became more confused when out of the blue Mary Ann was arrested for a charge of attempted child concealment. We could not find a code for that charge, and we truly believe there is no code. Mary Ann had to come up with a large amount of money for bail.

The lawyer that was assigned to defend the former Mrs. Campbell was inept and she requested another lawyer. She said her assigned attorney had cookie crumbs on his mouth and appeared unkempt. When another woman attorney attempted to come to her rescue having witnessed her dilemma, Mary Ann tells us, Judge Facemire, Gerald B. Hough and a big giant Police man cornered the lady lawyer and threatened to have her disbarred if she ever came to their town and attempted to meddle in their affairs again.

The charges were later dropped because, we believe there was no law broken, there was no state code violation that we can find, but that is how they do it in Gilmer County.

The bail bond company made some fat cash and this same type of situation is all part of a regular scheme that is run right out of Central WV in Glenville!

“If for some reason you are targeted, then it could be likely you will find yourself arrested and facing prison for false charges, and then spend money on the local lawyers, and the bail bonds people, so they can kick down to their friends in law enforcement that just keep that money wheel rolling!”, a well-respected member of the community noted.

We have statements from a county employee who was a witness to meetings at the courthouse and was just a few feet away, and listened to a plan how to “Get” someone! “What can we charge him with? What is going to stick?” And in this case, big shot lawyers from out of town whose duty brought them to the courthouse for the day, were often invited to meet with the local lawyers that read like a WHO’S WHO of local power elite.

This sort of behavior is highly illegal, yet it seems it has become common practice in Gilmer County courthouse. Actually creating a crime to have someone arrested is highly unethical and very illegal, but yet we have the evidence of an eye witness that said these meetings lasted for several years, for just one high profile individual. We understand they are still working on making something up.

Mary Ann was disturbed that Sue Ann Scott, her sister in law just stole her kids from the house and got away with it.  A lot of pent up emotions burst forth on that very hot summer afternoon that Mark Medley died.

After coming into town and having a confrontation in the parking lot of the former Sports Bar known as the Main Event, Mark Medley and Mary Ann called 911 since Glenville Police Chief had turned them down on the offer of an escort. The call somehow never got answered.

As soon as they showed up at a home owned by a man named Harold that was about 200 yards from the Glenville State Police office, Everett pulled in behind them and his sister Sue Ann ran up on the porch yelling, “Shoot them dad, shoot them!” Harold, the father of Everett and Sue Ann, had a long barrel high powered rifle loaded and ready to go on the porch.

Everett fired his 357 magnum within seconds of exiting his vehicle, but missed, he fired again hitting Mark Medley in the chest!!

Mark went down, and Mary Ann ran to him and tried to get him in the vehicle to escape, but he collapsed. Then, Everett came up behind Mary Ann, grabbed her by the hair, and stuck the 357 to her head and said, “I am going to shoot you next b*tch!”

Medical teams were there in a few minutes and so were the WV State Police. Gilmer County Sheriff Mickey Metz showed up at the scene and found himself just directing traffic. Our research revealed when the medical team asked Mark if he had any allergies, he replied, “Yes I am allergic to mean people with guns!” Those were his last words!!

Mark died shortly after making that speech, while paramedics worked hard to revive him, but a 357 to the chest will kill you every time.

It was all a trap, it was nothing but a cold blooded murder July 26, 2006 the day Mark Medley died!

According to various sources, it has been discovered recently that Everett was being used as a Snitch by local law enforcement to set up buys of Meth. Technically Campbell acted as a confidential informant several times for Meth buys and was used to attempt to buy from local Meth labs. It is believed that he was also allowed to use drugs while performing these duties. If this fact can be substantiated it would explain a lot.
After it was all said and done, Everett escaped with one year in jail, his sister got custody of the children, and Mary Ann got nothing but grief.  Put yourself in this poor woman’s place.  The justice system and the courts failed her and the children that day.  How safe can one feel in a county such as this where the real criminals wear three piece suits, drive fancy cars, and have the power to destroy a family just because they feel like it?
But how do we explain to the Medley family that we are sorry that their son, their brother, their friend, their loved one, was brutally murdered for the pitiful reason of being the love interest of an honest woman that had an intensely jealous ex-husband.

If you are not part of the wheel that keeps things rolling in Glenville, West Virginia, then you better watch out for that wheel will roll right over you! So it seems. The place where a First Degree Murder is a Misdemeanor + Rewards!


[1] Chief Moss was contacted about this case, and he asked for the date of the murder so he could check his logs. The date was given to him, and as of this time we have not heard from him.

[2] Our interview with a local police official who showed up after the incident, noted that Mary Ann Campbell and Mark Medley, while speeding toward Everett’s house, passed by the State Police Headquarters. He said the couple should have stopped at the State Police office before going to the crime scene to avoid any mishap!

[3] When interviewing several police officers, they all unanimously noted they could not absolutely believe how the Judge, Prosecutor, and Jury came up with “In-voluntary Manslaughter.” They all unanimously said, at the least the charge should have been “Voluntary Manslaughter” if not more.

*******Results released!  See  YOUR VOTE in ACTION *******

image ~~  Comments ~~

•  Can’t lose what is already lost.
•  He only did what was right for his kids. she was never a mother she ran around on her husband .
•  Campbell served his time!
•  This is the most crooked of justice systems around, people would not believe the illegal things.
•  I lost faith in them a long time before this case.
•  Why would it not make us lose faith?
•  It was obvious years ago we are infested with crooked leaders.
•  If I ever had any.
•  Yes , They are there to protect & serve. Not, to punish the ones who did not commit any crimes.
•  I left Glenville many years ago and corrupted it still is!! I’m not surprised by this story.
•  This man was only defending his children that Mary Ann was trying to harm.
•  Murder is murder it’s not right.
•  I personally know Mary Ann. She is NOT AT ALL like she is portrayed in this article!
•  Not enough information. Other sides of the story would also need to be reported.
•  Chief only has one man on shift at all times he’s city not county.
•  Jury was rigged by David Lane Smith, there are witnesses!

image ~~  Comments ~~

•  The mother didn’t have custody to start with!
•  And several others!! But what about Gilmer County’s Child Protection Services?!?!
•  CPS should look at the Scott residence.
•  Why should the aunt have them? Like sister like brother???
•  If they didn’t get it right the first time, why would they now?!
•  How can the children be taken away from their mother , if she was not convicted of any crime.
•  How did this lady lose her children to the sister in law? Something is not adding up.
•  They are in a better home, their real mother was a no good mother that pawned them off on everyone.
•  Outside world send help! All we are learning couldn’t be invented by an LSD addict.
•  Let it go for the sake of the children.
•  They custody to a murderer “Narcotics Snitch” and seldom gather all the proper facts.

image ~~  Comments ~~

•  I always come to the county well-armed.
•  Yes I would hat to be arrested for jay-walking.
•  If there ever was any.
•  No one is safe in Gilmer County. You never have been.
•  Don’t walk at night, watch your back and pray you don’t anger the power brokers.
•  Gilmer County is known for rape, murder, and falsely convicting innocent citizens!

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•  The jury selection process should be reviewed by someone outside of the county.
•  Not sure, but something isn’t right!
•  Of course. That’s how the system works.
•  Ummm. Let’s ask Mr. Hough!!
•  E.C. and law enforcement all to blame together.
•  Yes , how else can the defendant set thru on deliberation.
•  Well some type of deal had to be struck..Murder someone and get only a year?
•  Definitely. A clear picture is emerging through the electronic media.
•  Gilmer arranges cases before they are ever heard, backed up evidence and testimony.

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•  The jury got there directions from the judge. What happened?
•  No WV County has the funds to pay the jail bill. We can’t afford give long term sentences.
•  The proof is in the verdict isn’t it? Misdemeanor, ya right.
•  Da yea . All you have to do is read this, even if you’re not a lawyer. You can tell that this illegal.
•  Of course.
•  What about Mel Waddell shooting the Stump boys on Toler Fork and getting by with it???
•  Some of info in this story is fabrication at best.
•  Gilmer County has well-earned its name as crooked!

Rina McCoy/ Editor Cosmos Communicator/CalPatty Press Reporter WV #1 alternative news source!/Editor Edison/Cosmos Communicator/CCC-Elkins Central WV SS

Hot damn! Sizzle and Fry! Somebody kissed em and made them girls cry!

Scandal you can’t handle is right!  Reports to Gilmer County Concerned Citizens have shocked our fucking monkey, and I don’t give a shit who knows it!

Tim Butcher, the Bitcher of the Butcher and Butcher law firm – highly recommended Bobby Duvall for the position of COACH, but we did not know Tim Butcher had recommended Duvall for the missionary position with number (censored) from the Gilmer County High School Girls Basketball team during a party on her birthday at a local home.

Sure we make mistakes and it was a mistake the way this story was presented originally! We should have known that these girls have had to face more Drama Rama than necessary. Our Bad! We can’t control the world!

Beer Bong! Alcohol can make for interesting circumstances but mix that with teenagers and things get out of hand!

One of those girls should consider her judgment was flawed, but certainly should be forgiven.  However, if the allegations of the coach having sex with team members proves to be true – and we believe that it is true – the fact that he brought alcohol  just makes it worse! That can not be forgiven!

GLENVILLE West Virginia is the home to Glenville State College and is the Capital of MURDER and RAPE in WV!

Don’t try to sweep this one under the rug on us, because “This” is our business. This type of thing affects  the whole community!

Infecting us with the disease of the Crooked County Power Elite … Nasia gets a coach that wants extra’s!

Step by Step! We are going to take back our County inch by inch if we have to, just like the new coach!

Nasia Butcher, wife to ex- BOG of GSC Terry B who is the other B in the Bitcher and Butcher law firm is truly responsible – for she did not check the credentials of this individual – and the Central WV SS wants his background and job history verified and we want it on our desk by noon on Friday February 4th.  So, if you don’t want to hear about it, prove us wrong bitch!

Maybe with Nasia as the CAPTAIN of the GCHS ship we will for sure see a summer that sizzles in 2011  like we did in July of 2010 with the Butcher Bitches Breaking Bad all summer long!

Yeah thanks Nasia!

Are you gonna turn some more bitches out Butcher?!

Learn how to be whore in Gilmer County by Nasia Butcher!

Good call on hiring the coach that the Bitcher of the Butcher recommended without even checking on dude Butcher!


Hey NASIA why don’t you take a hike! Your services are no longer needed. I say Nasia should get the boot for letting the Coach get the booty.

OH OH!! Yeah, then it is found out dude lied on his resume about where he had worked. But, we believe the allegation and the veracity of the statement that, “The Coach brought the beer dude!” We know about the dope! We don’t give a fuck what you say. Why don’t you prove us wrong. Maybe the burden of proof should be on you.  I will tell you what do not ask us to prove shit, we will bring out tapes, hidden phone video’s photo’s of bare titties and it will be just like having Lexie and Lizzie back in high school …cool!  Not!

Lizzie and Alexis for the sexus better known as the Butcher Bitches that Broke Bad during the summer of 2010 on da CalPatty Press!!

Young girls can’t always be held accountable for their actions because it is all apart of being a young girl and often part of growing up. So how can anyone say they are responsible for the bad fallout for a momentary lapse of reason.

There was a big party at local home of Crooked County Power Elite involving the basketball team and things got out of hand so to speak, and now we hear that a team player and talented ball handler was raped!

“This particular girl that was raped is especially sweet and would never harm a fly and barely more than ever even double dated before,” said a friend of the Gilmer County High School student.

“A Good kid!”

Yes, another rape in Gilmer County and the rape occurred at the same party.

We don’t want to talk anymore about the rape, but it happened and we should have been more careful. Was it her fault? NO!


This is how they take care of bad basketball coaches a little further South:

Brent Michael Woody, 26, an ninth-grade girls’ basketball coach, an assistant track coach and occasional substitute teacher at Parkway Central High School, in Chesterfield, Missouri has reportedly been arrested on allegations of sexual misconduct involving two female students.

Reportedly, Woody is charged with 11 counts second-degree statutory rape and four counts of second-degree statutory sodomy.

It is alleged that Woody had a series of sexual encounters with the girls, who were under seventeen years of age, over a period of about a year.

Police say that the alleged incidents occurred in 2009 at off-site locations and did not involve school district property.

Following his arrest, Woody remains jailed in lieu of $50,000 cash-only bond.

Sounds like the same sort of deal, but Glenville, West Virginia is an evil fucked up part of the United States that has little regard for laws, norms and mores. It is all about the Power Elite and totalitarian rule.

The County and the State is governed not unlike a third world country. In fact, WV and Gilmer County in many respects is under a rule much worse than some third world countries.

The State Police are strictly a military organization formed to protect the governor and not the people. The State Police in WV should be disbanded and reorganized into a State Hwy Patrol. Name one crime they have solved locally. The Fred Hill investigation was a disgrace.

Just wait and see, nothing will become of the rape, or any other crime that occurred that night or in that location. This will be another cover up like nothing happened, because both girls injured by criminal activity are power elite. The only place you will hear about this will be in a book about the crimes and power elite criminals of Glenville, WV given full reign to commit crimes by a bought off crooked governor.

Here is another example:

(01/27/11 – Initial Report)

Robert “Mike” Moore, 22, former coach of the freshmen girls basketball team at Amelia High School in Batavia, Ohio has reportedly been  indicted by a grand jury on allegations of the sexual battery of an 18-year-old female student.

Reportedly, Moore was indicted on one count of sexual battery, a third-degree felony.

It is alleged that Moore and the student attended a party earlier last month at a home in Amelia at which they consumed alcohol and engaged in consensual sexual intercourse. Reportedly the allegations are based on both evidence and witness statements.

Although the student is legally an adult, Ohio law prohibits administrators, teachers, coaches or other person in authority from engaging in sexual activity with students.

Reportedly, Moore resigned earlier this month.

Following his indictment, Moore was held in the Clermont County jail with bond set at $25,000.


The Central WV SS calls for the arrest of the coach and any accomplice.

Help us take back our county and take back our town from the ruthless power elite that do not have the interest of the community in mind. We are only to be used as they see fit!

Now it’s time to get some adult education! Oh yeah!  Oh Yeah! DOWN AT  THE HIGH SCHOOL!!