Well JULY is here and we want to have some fun up the hollar and get in on some smoked ribs and flying some rockets and such, so we are looking for Ellie May, and looking to have a good day, you do the same and celebrate a HAPPY and SAFE 4th of JULY — Here is a lesson in HISTORY from a few years back and in this article you can see how the Council of Concerned Citizens for Central WV and the Secret Seven Coalition TOOK DOWN and DESTROYED a CROOKED JUDGE by exposing dude on National News, a TEAM EFFORT!

By Free Bird – Revenge of the Ghost Wolf Reporter for the Secret Seven Coalition/Hurricane Rina McCoy – Crooked County Crooks Editor for the Concerned Citizens Free Press /Editor Edison – CalPatty Press Editor

“There is no peace in West Virginia, because there is no justice in West Virginia.”

                                                                                                            Mother Jones

Out of the 7 Billion People on the planet there are about NINE MILLION People in prison. 25% of those NINE MILLION are in the United States.The US has 4.3 % of the world’s population, yet 25 % of all the people in prison are in the United States.

So out of all the people in the world in prison 25 % are in the United States and the US only represents 4.3% of the world’s population. WOW the capital of the PRISON PLANET is the United States, and West Virginia leads the US in people per capita that are incarcerated, according to latest figures 6.8 people per 100.

WV leads the US, and the US leads the world for people in prison or in jail. This has never happened before, except for in Stalinist Russia, or Hitler’s Germany.

Judge Richard A Facemire got caught on tape executing a rant not unlike that of Judge Watkins that made national news thanks to astute free lance reporters that are all strictly internet journalists, except for Lawrence Smith of the West Virginia Record. Will Judge FACEMIRE be the next judge to be ridiculed and laughed at by millions of FOX NEWS VIEWERS for thinking he is ABOVE the LAW just like Gerald B Hough believes?

Leading experts agree, that any state or any country that has over 3% incarcerated indicates something terribly wrong with that society. Well the US leads the world and West Virginia leads the United States in people incarcerated, therefore something is terribly wrong with West Virginia, and it is county’s like Gilmer that make for the bad result.

“Justice” is supposed to be a concept of moral rightness based on ethics, rationality, law, natural law, religion, but the Gilmer County Circuit Court is fucking clueless as to that denotation!

“Flat out Power Elite BITCHES like JUDGE FACEMIRE and the prosecuting attorney for Gilmer County Gerry Hough don’t even know the meaning of the word JUSTICE!”

Those raised by the Word JUSTICE were taught that the righteous consider the cause of the poor, but the wicked regard not to know it; or, “Does not understand knowledge” of the poor man’s cause and case; and there being no money to be had, he does not care to consider it, and look into it, and get knowledge of it, and do him justice; he will not take his cause in hand, or plead it.

“Those words describe exactly the state of justice in West Virginia and specifically Gilmer County!”

There is no justice for those without money or at least enough education to know their rights and stand willing to fight long and hard for them.  It is a sad fact that those are skills not easily found around here and to our shame, not encouraged and seldom appreciated.

“There is West Virginia Law and then there is the law for the rest of the 49 states!”

Judge Watkins lied like a bitch when he got caught on tape, and members of the SS and associates of the SS played an active roll in getting the matter on FOX news, in fact Lawrence Smith was named as the buddy of the Rev. in a demeaning way by the judge, but Smith had the last laugh on Watkins just like he did on Gerry Hough in a Judge Facemire Court for Watkins shown in this photo was laughed at my millions of FOX NEWS viewers! Will Hough and Facemire be next?

This was a quote from a prosecutor from out of state that was made privy to the misconduct by JUDGE Richard A Facemire and Gerald B Hough, given to her by law enforcement representatives investigating the criminal actions of public officials from Gilmer County involving an illegal extradition, and Beverly Marks ignoring a court order and hiding a DEED to property needed in the longest running court case in Gilmer County history.

When Gilmer County officers of the court knowingly break the law to bring forth a wrongful prosecution it is easily explained by highly educated professionals as WEST VIRGINIA JUSTICE!!

In GILMER COUNTY, West Virginia they, “Make their own rules!”

FOX NEWS finally got coverage of  WEST VIRGINA CORRUPTION and laughed their asses off at Judge Watkins and his version of WV Justice, listen below as Megan Kelly expresses that entire WV court system is insane and this Judge should be removed!  WHO will be the next judge made fun of in front of millions of viewers at home across America JUDGE FACEMIRE ? YES, it very well could be — and the long rant that he denied making during the Travesty of Justice trial — in which GERRY HOUGH paid witnesses to lie and was caught, but the JIC said the matter was time barred, (meaning the defendant waited too long to file a complaint)but Rachael Cipoletti Chief Counsel of the ODC – lied, because a complaint was filed officially in December of 2007 in which the ODC did not recognize the evidence that now proves a malicious prosecution took place, but since then even more recent evidence not previously known before was discovered pertaining to the Travesty of Justice case, and should re-set the two year statute.

Law enforcement officers of the court in Ohio said, that NO CHARGES should have been filed against the defendant in the Travesty of Justice case, let alone an arrest made, and a life and a career ruined was ruined with malice.  Gilmer County will have to pay for the compensatory damages, and the punitive damages awarded in federal court. If the civil action is won, the award could be in the millions.  FACEMIRE and Hough could be held personally liable for their actions and could possibly find themselves held in contempt by the WV Supreme Court and the JIC once all the facts are revealed, since they knowingly brought a malicious prosecution, and both knowingly LIED to both the ODC and the JIC in Charleston WV which happen to share the same office.

In this video below the judge accuses the Rev. Arthur D. Hage, of threatening his family, when all he did was talk to reporter Lawrence Smith. This judge lies as bad as Judge Facemire and says his house was vandalized, but his house was not vandalized, it is all a lie, and we believe that Watkins could be through now for his actions, and he had a whole nation laughing at him — And let’s hope we can get the same treatment for Facemire and Hough. Putnam LIVE.com first published these videos, thereby breaking the stories involving Watkins with both the youtube video, and the threatening phone call to Lawrence Smith of the West Virginia Record.

The Revenge of the Ghost Wolf has broken many stories that have made it to the mainstream press and responsible news service outlets like the West Virginia Record and other newspapers in West Virginia.  When your picture and your story pops up on Revenge of the Ghost Wolf you know shit just got real…for it is the REAL DON Steal now baby, you better run you better hide, but that’s just what we like!! Power Wolves Beset Your Door
Hear Them Stalking
Soon You’ll Please Their Appetite
They Devour
Hammer of Justice Crushes You

Today the people witness the most widespread suppression of views this county has ever known. The suppression in Gilmer County comes not only from fear of being jailed or physically harmed but even more so from fear of being dismissed or restricted from employment, banned from radio or television work, having thoughts and facts wiped clean from the internet thus changing history, being disqualified for teaching, or found unacceptable for the lecture platform and even public works.

Those sanctions mentioned in the above paragraph are effective and powerful. They often carry more sting than a fine or a jail sentence!

We watch as the persistent efforts of those given control attempt to restrict or suppress information for almost any reason (self assigned moral guardianship with no foundation in ethics, or for political purpose and personal gain) and stand in absolute opposition to the principles of freedom. This is censorship and it flourishes when no one safeguards intellectual freedom. It can be defined as any change in the access status of material, based on the content of the work and made by a governing authority or its collaborators. Worse than that, our criminal justice system is part and parcel to such acts and there is no justice for the oppressed.

Rape after Rape has occurred at Glenville State College, a small and dastardly liberal arts college tucked away far into the Northern part of the middle of the state of West Virginia, the place that is OPEN for BUSINESS and of course GSC lives up to their other slogan of Wild, but not so Wonderful.

“The picture of the judges house in the video below is what started the entire courtroom debacle!”

“The judge, William M. “Chip” Watkins III, was accusing Rev. Arthur D. Hage of talking to the media after a previous hearing. That conversation, he believed, led to an article about the judge and his wife that apparently included a picture of his house and information about his residence. So when Hage showed up for another hearing, Judge Watkins was irate. And he let loose, threatening to incarcerate Hage for life, which was the same type of action taken by Judge Richard A Facemire against the defendant in the Gilmer County Circuit Court during the Travesty of Justice case”

Judge WATKINS threatens LAWRENCE SMITH of the West Virginia Record

White collar crime runs rampant with local attorneys and the most famous attorneys for stealing from estates is the Butcher and Butcher law firm, and anybody that has researched the AJ Woofter estate, will be informed of facts that the executrix of the estate was Rosa Belle Gainer – Cunningham, who was employed as a secretary of the Butcher and Butcher law firm. The fact that Gainer was employed by the Butcher and Butcher law firm while also serving an executrix of the AJ Woofter estate is a violation of state law, but, Gilmer County makes their own rules which has been proven over and over and over again!

The White collar crime in which the County Commission Clerk as well as a FOR PROFIT non – profit entity entitled the GILMER HOUSING PARTNERS was involved in was exposed by the Secret Seven Coalition first, and then the Gilmer Free Press wrote a fabulous article describing the wrong doing and published documents about the matter that the county flat denied,  and then the worthy news story of small town corruption was reported by the West Virginia Record in Charleston, or there would have been NO PRINT PRESS at all on the wrong doing and criminal action in which Gilmer County was sued for by Summit bank and LOST!! The people of Gilmer County lost too, because the county had to pay multiple thousands of dollars for the amount of the judgment by the court and they also had to pay the insurance company 50, 000 bucks for a deductible.

The normal citizen has been kept from actually knowing all the facts, because the local paper never reports any exacting news if it doesn’t have a positive spin to it because the newspaper staff are all uneducated dolts with no sense of responsibility to the public. The local paper is the Glenville Democrat and Pathfinder, which is really a pathetic weekly paper put out by Dave Corcoran who is a no talented yes man that even immediate members of the community are tired of. Corcoran was shown direct disrespect at the Glenville Folk Festival held every year, when many walked out on one of his long winded nonsense speeches about how wonderful everything is. Even the common person off the street could sense his insincerity.

Gerald B Hough has proved himself to be inept in the courtroom, and the Jessica Self Case was a prime example of how STUPID Gerry Hough really is for seeing is believing. But the “Travesty of Justice,” case is about ready to bite Hough in the ass, and he will have to explain to the press, the community and the Supreme Court why he paid a supposed expert witness to lie, when the real expert John Lemon of Lemon Equipment is the official appraiser and he told the truth and the secret tape reveals that Matheny lied and there may be conspiracy criminal charges brought, if the Church of Ike doesn’t get away with buying the FEDS like he bought the West Virginia STATE POLICE. Other law enforcement agencies from around the country have said West Virginia is the worst for effective or honest law enforcement and Gilmer County’s own SGT CJ Ellyson has turned out to be a prime example of that. Ellyson stole guns, cash and drugs from the evidence locker in Calhoun County and failed his lie detector test, and should have been arrested, but instead was dismissed and drummed out of the State Police, but now he is a police officer in a city a little further south, sort of like a JOHN MOSS Police Chief of Glenville. Documents don’t lie, and documents are being brought forward that proves Hough went way out of his way to bring a false case pertaining to the Travesty of Justice incident which was the longest running court case in Gilmer County history! Way to go Gerry you disgusting piece of shit, so why don’t you take your bitch ass kids and your bitch ass wife the hell out of town and the hell out of our county, before a house falls on your wife’s sister during the next big storm that knocks out all the power to the area again, like all of the first part of this month of July!

The most colorful character to work for the local paper has been Cassandra Huff, who was fired for working on Gerry Hough’s hate site on newspaper computers and being paid by Corcoran to do so.  Just the fact that Hough would be involved in a hate site that does not argue the issues, but instead spends all of its time attacking the messenger lends one to believe all the awful things ever said about the man.

While an employee of the Glenville Democrat, Huff would many times show up HIGH on drugs to a school board meetings, or some other function smelling of marijuana, and was an avid popper of pills having prescription medication from the doctor’s office for her many mental and physical ailments.

Sadly, all of these public officials and local attorneys mentioned, along with the Lord of the Church of IKE himself believe with all their hearts and soul that the good ole boy network can and will protect them, and then NOBODY can touch them.  Everyone feels that Senator Joe Manchin will save them, and just before election we hope to confront Big Joe as to why he protects these criminals that call Gilmer County, West Virginia their home.

It’s a damn shame the local public officials are part of the crime game in Gilmer County.  The crime game players includes Gerry Hough who is accused of breaking the law and subornation of perjury pertaining to the “Travesty of Justice” case – Tim Butcher, R Terry Butcher of the Butcher and Butcher law firm, Beverly Marks, former County Commission Clerk along with the current County Commission Clerk Jean Butcher.

Sheriff Mickey Metz was caught submitting a FAKE document as genuine to run for magistrate as his minimum education requirement, and Waco Oil employee’s have been caught with COCAINE and narcotics in a pill form that were in a prescription bottle with the name IKE MORRIS on the label.

Dave Millard, a self serving individual from an entity that actually works against the local community by placing tax exempt businesses right in the heart of Glenville, which squeezes out individual and private run businesses that support the city and the county. Millard is president of Gilmer County Economic Development, president of farmers’ market, and folk festival dude.

Thanks to local leadership’s very loose interpretation of the law to their own benefit and monetary advantage and full support of the courts…ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND SMALL BUSINESS GROWTH HAVE BECOME BOTH AN OXYMORON AND A PARADOX IN GILMER COUNTY WITH NO JUSTICE TO BE FOUND FOR THE COMMON MAN.

Oxymoron:  a figure of speech that combines contradictory terms

Paradox: a statement or group of statements that leads to a contradiction or a situation which (if true) defies logic or reason and is similar to circular reasoning

Small businesses should be the backbone of our economy, and the reason why is that only small business creates new jobs. Yes, the government and tax funded agencies can create jobs but when they are paid for through taxes or levies, growth is only by appearance and comes right back out of the existing economy.  It is a never ending circle.

Supporters of the Church of Ike are : Lickspittle:
1. A toady, sycophant, spaniel, groveller or yes-man.
2. A flunky or lackey.
3. A lapdog.
4. A reptile or creeper or a Gerry Hough reaper workin for the Devil
5. A flatterer or courtier, or ass kissing bitch

The CHURCH of IKE which includes all the power elite in Glenville who have proved themselves dishonest and all the local politicians like Boggs and Walker who are as deep in the pocket of Ike Morris and Waco Oil and ASS as Senator Joe Manchin, who has proven himself to be about as worthless to Gilmer County as Governor Earl Ray Tomblin.

When a small business is started an individual gives up their personal wealth (not grant funds or government contracts) and creates jobs with it. When people spend their own money, then that is real money, earned dollars, saved dollars, going back into the economy. This is how real, sustainable, long term economic growth happens. At a time when there have been many small business closures in Gilmer County, what have the County Commission, the Economic Development Association and Glenville State College done to promote a development model that allows and encourages small business growth?  Nothing… Which side has our courts stood on when it comes to freedom of speech, election fairness and safeguarding all small business?…Not on the side of the everyday citizen, not on the side of the majority and not on the side of free enterprise within legal constraints.

For example, consider the Small Business Authority on Main Street?  The premise was sound in theory.  In fact it has done little  but pay toward the salaries for three GSC employees!!

The most colorful character to work for the local paper has been Cassandra Huff, (shown in this photo) who was fired for working on Gerry Hough’s hate site on newspaper computers and being paid by Dave CORKY Corcoran to do so.

 The benefit is all to GSC and none to the community directly and gives further profit to a multi-million if not billion dollar nationwide corporation, Aramark, their own vendor. The students at GSC are not even permitted to use their meal cards at any business not affiliated with the college. How does that promote economic development and small business in Gilmer County? Why someone who has been working hard at a small food service such as Carl Duvall, a graduate of GSC, or a local person was not placed there, assisted with finance and promoted we do not know.  That would have fulfilled the true purpose of that state and federal funding. It would have exhibited growth but not for GSC who is supposedly developing huge grants dollars for Gilmer at such a pace that few local persons know about or will ever be a recipient of that “generosity”. The obvious purchase or taking by eminent domain of multiple tracts of land and its removal from the tax rolls plus administrative hiding of multiple rapes and drug deals with no prosecution through control of Gilmer County’s justice system is GSC’s most notable achievement, that plus the laundering and steady distribution of cash to the “worthy” few.

Why would all three entities join together and use tax dollars for a website designed to take advertising from Gilmer County’s only written newspaper when the developer is using it for promoting their own site, using their own advertisers?  Oddly enough it happened just after the local paper showed some support for the Gilmer County Schools Coalition and if you check who those advertisers are you’ll see CUBE plus church of Ike members and find they’ve always advertised out of town.  Get the picture?  It is made even more astounding when we are told the Commission’s Administrator is supposedly an Internet Technology specialist who gets a regular government paycheck and should be able to do such a simple task!  Is that economic development and small business encouragement (for Braxton County) or is it another example of the Chapman/Kight and Hess team with Kennedy in tow now helping a manipulated supporter who sacrificed old friends to get a foothold for personal profit, shifted their business out of town and is ready for another payoff ?  Last time wasn’t the last time and for sure wasn’t enough. This time won’t be either. Something else is in that woodpile besides wood and people who really believe in Gilmer County know it.

Hurricane Rina McCoy who is now 29 years old, but Tara Kennedy lied and said she was an underage teen who had 2 CHILDREN out of wedlock with the defendant in the Travesty of Justice case, which was a complete and total lie — and now an official written report for misconduct will be filed against Tara Kennedy along with possibly being named in law action to be filed in US District court in Elkins.

Gerry Hough could have made his own rules and attacked the messenger for the last time, for just last evening July 12th just before the dawn of FRIDAY the 13th, an official officer of the court, from outside the area that was briefed on all the misconduct by law enforcement officials, stated that, “After reviewing all the facts and new evidence to be presented in the motion, that Gerry Hough belonged in Prison just for his actions on the “Travesty of Justice” case alone, and that every effort would be made to get knowledgeable, experienced legal counsel, to bring him into the court room and face the evidence against him, and then Hough will held accountable for his crimes. They also noted that local authorities and that their satellite’s in Charleston, West Virginia are SO CORRUPT that they would attempt to cover for Hough even though they are fully aware he actually committed a crime to bring forth a malicious prosecution!! As you see the real Ghost Wolf is ready for his confrontation with Gerry Hough and has no plan what-so-ever of being nice about it.

The appropriate attitude of helping the entire community of Gilmer County would go far to meet the needs of small business in not only the county but could act as a much needed model for small, rural communities throughout the state. Small towns offer high quality of life and a strong sense of the worth of every resident in the community, but a place with a small population has a hard time supporting a broad range of goods and services. Economic challenges are magnified in a small town, where even a small number of home repossessions and business failures affect nearly everyone. The key to success in building a healthy business community in a small town is to create an economic development plan that maximizes the community’s strengths and minimizes its weaknesses. It is vital that the bulk of the population is included in planning and in the execution of that plan. It is our attitude toward free thought and free expression that will determine our fate.  If the people continue to let GCEDA, GSC, IL Morris, the Butchers, and their flunkies which included the Gilmer County Commission, continue to run Gilmer County into the ground for personal gain and personal legacies the end of this county is nearer than you think.

“Take a moment and honestly examine the failed for profit realty business established with tax dollars spent in the name of education and called Riversview!”

The President of GSC was placed as the head of that corporation.  It is true that his wife Elizabeth has the education degree, not Peter Barr, and his history with the Chamber of Commerce and economic development in South Carolina which surely would have been more profitable than in little Gilmer County but he leaves there and comes here as a yes man in control of higher education to continue his failing legacy while getting mega salary increases and a music program for his son approved by the Board of Governors.  What he has done to this county and its college has had no positive impact and the failing statistics prove it time and again. The fact that its biggest benefactor does nothing about it makes one wonder if he wants GSC to fail so it can be privatized as Morris College.  The facts continue to back that theory up.  Is dissolving Gilmer County the price Ike’s willing to see paid to get that vanity plate?  Is that justice?  So it would seem as that group seems more impressed about how many Senators are in the pocket after redistricting than how many kids get a quality education or even live in the county these days.

Another POTTY party, which the Butcher Bitches love – We could never get over all the pictures of the girly girl party on the toilet with the panties down but you will see these photo’s all through the Revenge of the Ghost Wolf site, along with COCAINE snorting, sex, and of course a good flush afterwards! Shown here is Lexy Butcher getting some ass from behind for ass on ass sex, but we are guessing there may be a rubber shaky stick hidden in there somewhere and this one is lime green!!

Now it is Lexy Butcher of the Butcher Bitches turn to pull those panties down for the potty party that often includes Cocaine and the insane actions of little sister Lizzy!

Now, Gilmer County Elementary School children are to be relocated in Lewis County which in and of itself has the potential to close two Elementary Schools as the state is forcing consolidation of the remainder.  They say we are too “small” but move to make us smaller with a decreasing population,  Yet the very people in charge of economic development; Larry Chapman, Sandy Pettit in Ike Morris’s name, Dave Millard, John Kasuba, Tashua Allman, Tom Ratliff, Greg Smith, John Bennett, their flunkies along with the“employers in name only” Brian Kennedy, Dave Hess and Darrell Ramsey sat silent as we watched further decline with the closing of UPAK grocery store, Appcon Hardware, Babcock Lumber and McPherson’s Town and County Realty Company who could not sell their business before retiring as other relatives of government officials continue to thrive. 

We watch as elected officials and close friends get water, sewer and DSL lines ran past their properties while Cedarville sits with no water and Rosedale only partial service. Don’t take that Chapman promise of a new fire department too serious Rosedale, you’ll get it the same way you got anything else, when you figure out how to do it and not before. It won’t be your current county tax dollars that pay for it. 

Can you call that justice?

Lexy of the Breaking Bad – Bad Ass Butcher Bitches has an after SEX cig during the PARTY in the POTTY!!

We see the college go from hosting the W.V. Belles as a courtesy to running the folk festival and being told you have to ask Dave Millard if you can set up a display.  When did GSC become the controllers of the W.V. State Folk Festival instead of the people it’s supposed to represent and when did they take over EDA with Larry Porter?  While we trusted our Gilmer County leaders to watch out for us they were and still are giving us away doing anything they are told for a paycheck.  Where’s all this community cooperation GSC says they want as they run the show without asking the people and the EDA Director Chapman can’t even see it gets advertised in state publications for free?  The turnout suffered.  Where’s the justice?

The Commissioners tell us what we want to hear.  Oh yes, 911, we’ll bring it back, sorry we gave it away but the undertones say only if paid for with yet another levy placed on the backs of tax payers while businesses go away and all Chapman can say is it’s the economy!

Bad Ass Box Banging Butcher Bitches Lizzy and Lexy getting kind of sexy with their tongues down each others mouth proving once and for all that Nasia should be held to highest pedestal for raising perfect ladies in Glenville WV, but then LADY was their dog, and the dog was a whore too!

President of the Gilmer County Commission Kennedy, who is a direct relative of Tim and R Terry Butcher of the Butcher and Butcher law firm brags, we’ll support a study for education now that the state took over the schools but nothing in writing and no checks in the mail.  The tax money has been so mismanaged that millions of dollars each year go for employees to take the money in and watch as selective, so called, “justice” and eminent domain is meted out in favor of the power mongers and no eminent domain for their property. Ask Mary Heckert and Hands of Pride. 

“Ask Ron Blankenship State Super Pooper for Gilmer County why he wouldn’t take any Garrett property?  No, no, anything but that, anything but Justice!”

Where is the justice, where is the right, where is the equity for Gilmer County Tax Payers who have been kept in the dark and forced to swallow whatever these self serving “leaders” have fed them? How has any of their actions stimulated growth? Glenville and Gilmer County as a whole is a great area with enormous potential.  So much more could have been done to help the growth of this town and surrounding communities but all that gets done is put a paycheck in the pocket of small minded, self serving, greedy yes men and yes women. Small business could have provided new jobs and a better local economy. If local leaders understood this the people would be so much better off.  All they seem to understand is that to keep their jobs, no one in business here wants any competitive salary payers around.

“What have our courts done but work to support their influential, vote block holding friends and to suppress the small business that does not encourage their reelection or appointment?  What have they done but show their support for pedophiles, adulterers, liars, thieves, murderers and their associates?”

Go down the list of elected and appointed and apply the correct adjective. 

 You know it, you see it, and you live it and yet use the excuse of being in too much fear to do anything about it.  Such lack of action has condemned the majority of citizens here to endure a living death or leave and they are leaving in droves.  The word commends the just man’s compassion to his cattle and thus commends his sympathy with those who are often treated as cattle, and worse even than cattle but we see no evidence of this sympathy come from our courts, our dispensers of so called justice.  No evidence of such compassion from our political leaders or their minions.  In fact, just the opposite is more commonly the result of legal action in this state and in this county.

“The poor or those considered “politically out of line” go to jail or incur large legal fees and fines to defend insane and unfounded charges!”

Cassandra Master Bates Huff checking for needle marks when she was gainfully employed last year while working for the Glenville Democrap and Pathfinder of Bullshit with Dave Cacamamie Corcoran, but Corky fired her for her involvement in the Gerry Hough HATE SITE that was advertised in the local paper, but the site can’t even get a hundred hits a week, and is not even a rated site with absolutely no numbers and only exists for attacking the messenger, they never argue issues and generally speaking show NO CLASS at all, for truly how could they even know what that means. Does Miss Master Bates, above Cass Huff Ass Muff have class … NO she doesn’t even have ass, she has wild crazy hair and a mans face with a bikini tops and hickeys on her tits sticking out that look so damn gross we just have to share this defining moment in the history of the Gerry Hough Hate gang!

The financially able go home and make a campaign contribution as instructed.  Those determined and strong enough to stand their ground must fight to get to a higher court to even begin to experience what justice might be like.

West Virginia’s Supreme Court has been reminded more than once that “the only check upon their own exercise of power is their own sense of self-restraint. For the removal of unwise laws from the statute books, appeal lies not to the courts, but to the ballot and to the processes of democratic government” but it seems local judges do not hear and to paraphrase the words of Gilmer Circuit Court Judge Facemire to Lawrence Smith when he asked to legally record the proceedings against him as he has done in circuit courts throughout this state, “that may be how it’s done in other courts but THIS IS MY COURT AND YOU WILL NOT RECORD THIS PROCEEDING!” What of his permitting Tara Kennedy, an officer of the court seen in an attempt to run down four members of a local family with her car, to express her personal desire to see a successful Gilmer County business shut down because it did not agree with her husband’s political aspirations. Judge Facemire has a probation officer in the court room when no one is on probation or likely to be.  When there is no sentencing in progress and though she has an office available to her, because of political ties she can make whatever moronic statement she likes, influence the decision of a bought and paid for judge at a whim and laugh while she seeks to inflict pain on those daring to stand in her way as the Morris family provides protection for a yes man’s wife.

“In other words, if you get in a Gilmer or Braxton County Court before Judge Facemire and his crew you’ll receive their collective idea of justice as they have been told to dispense it, not the liberty and justice for all provided under the constitution of the State of West Virginia and the United States of America!”

You can’t even call that crap they deal out country justice because it has no roots in common sense.  Justice here is selectively applied and loosely defined. Morality and ethics have no place within the ranks of our leadership.  Justice died here when greed took over and money became God.

Former headquarters of the SS down by the County line, back in the days of the Lone Meth Ranger and the original Crooked County Crooks, back in the day, we put a few things together with Lisa Minney but hey it ain’t me babe, it ain’t us you were looking for Lisa Minney so get down with your bad self & your two faced-two lane ain’t living long like this magazine and all that power elite ass kissing!!

As one of the core values of a democratic society, intellectual freedom is the right to seek, receive, hold, and disseminate information from all points of view without restriction. It provides for free access to all expressions of ideas through which any and all sides of a question, cause, or movement may be explored.

There must be no limit on the range of temperate discussion, no limits on thought in order to preserve this county and its people. No subject must be taboo. No censor must preside at our assemblies.  No judge must subvert justice for political profit, personal vendetta or gain.

“We need all the ingenuity we possess to avert failure and economic collapse.  We need leadership in Gilmer County that values every opinion, every idea and every citizen  as much as they value themselves and we do not have it!”

“When will we join together as those who are tired of being slaves to these self assigned masters and find the backbone to make it happen?” 

It better be sooner than later or last one here can turn out the lights, put out the cat, inscribe the last name on that poor farm tombstone which needs to be erected in the new park  and hopefully they can survive on the royalties from their new book …

“Who Killed Gilmer County WV?”

You’ve just read a lot of the names to be found in that best seller, because at Revenge of the Ghost Wolf we are the true teller!

In Glenville Justice Is Lost
At GSC Justice Is Raped
In Crooked County  Justice Is Gone
Pulling Your Strings
In Gilmer County Justice Is Done
Seeking No Truth
Winning Is All
Find it So Grim
So True
So Real

Power Wolves Beset Your Door
Hear Them Stalking
Soon You’ll Please Their Appetite
They Devour
Hammer of Justice Crushes You

Central West Virgina Secret Seven Coalition fighting corruption in Gilmer and Calhoun County since 2006

Say your prayers little one
Don’t forget my son
To include everyone
I tuck you in
Warm within
Keep you free from sin
‘Til the sandman he comes

Sleep with one eye open
Gripping your pillow tight

Because the REVENGE of the Ghost WOLF will be coming for YOU in the DARKNESS of the NIGHT!