Archive for February, 2012

By Free Bird Revenge of the Ghost Wolf Reporter for the Central West Virginia Secret Seven Coalition/Hurricane Rina McCoy – Cosmos Communicator/Editor Edison – CalPatty Press Editor

“There is an employee of WACO OIL and GAS — SANDY PETTIT — who heads a board that is permitted use of some of Ike’s money and even his family name to drop for the express purpose of, ensuring the chosen puppet candidate who will be elected to local and state government office !”

Gilmer County Star athlete Sydney with mom SANDY PETTIT on right in this photo above, the Church of IKE leader who has gotten some very unsavory characters in office by hook or crook, but mostly CROOK!

Some are allowed to pick the names of those who will be placed in control of local boards including the GSC Board of Governors.  They do what they’re told.  Boss man handles all state and federal appointments personally…  Many or most work for IL “Ike” Morris or where he puts them.

Some of his local people have actually become so drunk with what they think is personal power they will even stand in a crowd on election night and boast of who is next in line to lose.  The downhill slide into corruption is not a pretty thing to watch.

For as long as anybody can remember Sandy Pettit has been in charge of picking who will run for local elected office, and who will win by hook or crook, and we have had some very bad experiences like county commissioner  Larry Chapman who appointed himself a job with the GCEDA for a nice salary before being VOTED OUT of office — And the Dog Faced Woman Reta Kight who we hear takes it up the rear after giving current Commissioner Darrell Ramsey lessons on how to steal like the real Phil Reale!

Now we have a huge interest in the upcoming election for magistrate and here are the candidates with their qualifications.

Chapter 50, Article 1, Section 4 of the West Virginia Code of Law specifies that, “Each magistrate … shall have a high school education or its equivalent.“

“Questions have arisen as to whether all candidates that have filed for this office in Gilmer County meet the educational requirements provided by statute!”

Therefore, in an effort to put the matter to rest and provide the voting public with documentation that all candidates for this position are indeed qualified to hold the post, we asked all candidates for Magistrate to submit to us proof that they meet the educational requirements of this position.

Following is the Result :

Carol Wolfe – Thank You

Click to See Document 1

Click to See Document 2

Click to See Document 3

Lori Rosenburg – Thank You

Click to See Document 1

Click to See Document 2

Alton Skinner – Thank You

Click to See Document

Bill Stalnaker – Thank You

Click to See Document

Mickey Metz – Did Not Provide Proof until the FREE PRESS of and for the PEOPLE — served the CROOKED COUNTY COMMISSION CLERK  Jean “That’s the way we always do it!” Butcher, with an FOIA request.

Mickey Metz unlawfully provided Jean Butcher with a FAKE High School Diploma that he bought on the internet and should be removed from office immediately — and a petition is being drawn up to have him removed for lying to us about having a GED, for he never had even a high school diploma — and the fact that he lied about it is reason enough for him to be removed, further, the fact that Metz submitted a false document to qualify as a candidate we believe is a conspiracy involving SANDY PETTIT of WACO OIL and ASSJean Butcher Crooked County Commission Clerk and Natalie Tennant the Secretary of State for West Virginia!

Here is the FAKE bought and paid for High School Diploma  SHERIFF METZ used as proof that he was complying with the qualifications to hold the position of magistrate.

The diploma SHERIFF MICKEY METZ brought forward to comply with the FOIA is from an online high school. METZ got this fake document on 11.21.11-After checking the school, you can pay $300,and they ask a few questions and issue a diploma. Then they send you the one page colorful diploma. The diploma is fake and according to the Better Business Bureau the online site has an F rating. Read about the conspiracy with Natalie Tennant in a mainstream news source near you next week!

“When you give a person with a dirt poor background enough money to drag themselves to lower middle class, you own them!” 

Show the Church of IKE followers like Sheriff Mickey Metz the benefits of graft and corruption.  Tell them it could be them someday if they play their cards right they may be rich too!

Let the members of the CHURCH of IKE  use a few of your toys so their image is improved, toss in a few drugs supplied by IKE’s personal drug connection Lisa Stewart at RITE AID, plus a little planned debauchery while on vacation …

Gerry Hough - Crooked County Prosecutor looking down to see if he stepped on his dick again after trying to hide the FAKE document bought an paid for by Metz, and after suing an investigative reporter for utilizing his 1st amendment rights.

“..And they will do absolutely anything you say as long as you don’t throw them back in that briar patch.  They’ll never be put in an investor or partner position. They will never be a true player, but oh what a good lap dog they will make and man are they fun to watch and always a good topic for dinner conversation at the compound!”

Throw that bitch a bone, let them act like they are somebody, let them use your name, give em a little authority, hell, give them a new car.  If they do everything they’re told, buy them a house.  But at the end of the day that face they see in the mirror at home is just what it always was and the fear of going back is a constant gnaw.

“The natural progression of that fear of being poor again is greed and it grows at a phenomenal rate of speed as that fear never quite leaves their mind and they have to have it all at any cost.  Just like dogs at a plate of steak, they will fight to the death if they’re hungry enough.  All they want is all they can get — And don’t dare get in the way. They want more!”

Doug Cottrill an IKE MORRIS EMPLOYEE -- SUE MORRIS SAYS, "Doug is just like a song to us," Sue meant son but she was too fucked up from the pills Lisa Stewart gave her -- Douglas Darrell Cottrill – Was in possession of a pill bottle with prescription tag for Lortab and the name of Ike Morris on it, when busted for DUI. In the bottle was a bindle of COCAINE. In the pill bottle eight and one half yellow pills were found with the numbers 3601 imprinted on one side and V on the other (Hydrocodone/Acetaminophen). Mr. Cottrill had no prescription for them. Again Cottrill agreed he was in possession of cocaine, that was found in the bottle with the name of IKE MORRIS - Straight from LISA at RITE AID -- Two bags of weed were also found by Police. The Lewisburg Police Department reported that, Douglas Darrell Cottrill of Glenville, Gilmer County West Virginia was arrested on Thursday, July 28, 2011, in Greenbrier County during the Greenbrier Classics!

From scheming to develop an internal control of the elections through supposed support of a party to creating a namesake foundation with alumni money without legal ties to the institution all the while heading up the Board of Governors, there is no area in Gilmer County untainted by WACO influence and power. You’d think running a multimillion dollar oil and gas corporation would be enough. It should have been but remember greed is a deadly master, and the Church of Ike watches over all of its minions!

This poster is perfect for the existing CROOKED COUNTY situation where we hear DOUG MORRIS once again had his charges for wrecking his car under the influence of five different drugs BOUGHT OFF! The STATE POLICE has been bought and paid for by IKE MORRIS and they should be held accountable for a criminal conspiracy!

That is the position the IL Morris regime is in today.  The pressure is on to clean up the image for it is harming Senator Manchin in his pocket.  The Delegates are afraid, the power they had is waning.  The constant nip of the always hungry,  always greedy, never satisfied strays Ike took in nip at his heels and are wearing him out.  He’s fed them, he’s clothed and sheltered them, even gave them a title but they are still too backwards to understand that only makes them expendable.  Words of wisdom Ike, don’t feed the Ethiopians.

As a result, the depths this pack will sink to in order to get what they want while butchering the name of their own boss or anyone else for that matter, has no boundaries, no bottom, nothing moral or ethical about it.  The dead weight of greedy hangers on around the neck of WACO multiplies but we hear that the pay off is getting to be less and less and they are thinking about dropping a few pounds.  Infighting is underway to decrease the liabilities as they say and eliminate the competition. Wish I had tickets to see that fight. It should be as bloody and ruthless as they come.  No doubt there will be a lot of collateral damage.

When the Gilmer County Clerk Beverly Marks walked out the door and left matters in the hands of her buddy Jean (Oh sure I am a Republican) Butcher — there’s something the two never bothered to tell during all of the campaign.

Butcher and Marks didn’t bother to say that since February 2010 they had been informed by both letter from bank law firms and the Secretary of State who had been served process that they were being sued in federal court for improper handling of legal documents.  They knew all through the Primary election in May as well as the General in November and never saw the need to inform the public or other personnel. A well kept secret that they swore never to tell (pinkie swore). This act was criminal and Natalie Tennant better get on that or we will know for sure that TENNANT is bought and paid for by IKE MORRIS also, in fact didn’t she used to be their baby sitter?   … Before she started fucking that pretty boy and thinking she was a “Television Personality,” when she was just a small market no talent that sucked “On the Air,” as bad as she sucks IKE MORRIS dick!

Crooked Vultures of Crooked County head up the CHURCH of IKE MORRIS and they could give a damn about the people of Gilmer County, they are self serving and feed off the dead burnt bodies and are seen late at night with bloody veins between their teeth and the only thing that will make them look up and wonder is the darkness that comes when the Ghost Wolf is near for they fear the Revenge of the Ghost Wolf!

This highly unethical suppression of litigation pending was known by the Gilmer  Commission and other elected officials of the court but, when Prosecutor Hough brought up the unethical and possible illegal attempt to hide this knowledge from the voters could be a problem- especially since it involved a candidate for the office, no one seemed interested in doing anything about it (no kidding – Hough has proved to be as crooked as they come).  That election should have been overturned for the irregularities already charged as well as these actions but Beverly Marks walked out the door knowing it would be too late by the time it was found out (if it ever was) and perfectly willing for the tax payers to pick up the tab for her illegal actions as long as she didn’t have to appear in court and kept her retirement.  That’s her legacy to Gilmer County.  That’s what she left behind.  A fitting tribute to all that transparency and accountability Commissioner Kennedy is so big on in the Democrap and it should be a  fitting eulogy for our so called leaders sitting in the court house today as apparently, we have not yet seen how low they are willing to go to get what they want.

Oh, Mickey, you’re so fine
You’re so fine Adison High School is only in your mind
Hey, Mickey
Hey, Mickey

Oh, Mickey, you’re so fine
You’re so fine you cheat my kind
Hey, Mickey
Hey, Mickey

Hey, Mickey
You’ve been around all night
Getting things right for another fight

And getting a FAKE DIPLOMA
You think it’s all tight
But I think you’ve got it wrong
 So can’t you say goodnight

 You can show us your dong  – it will be alright!

 Oh, what you do, Mickey, do, Mickey

Cause when you say you will

NO FOUL PLAY Sheriff Metz is a nightmare, but running for magistrate with a fake document for a diploma is beyond any pale of acceptability

It always means you won’t
When you killed FRED HILL
I said Please, baby don’t

Oh, what you do, Mickey, do, Mickey
Don’t break my neck, Mickey!!

By Free Bird Revenge of the Ghost Wolf Reporter for the Central West Virginia Secret Seven Coalition/Hurricane Rina McCoy – Cosmos Communicator/Editor Edison – CalPatty Press Editor/ Special Guest Ghost Writer John Lee Pettimore – Crooked County Crooks website

“Yes, they expect you to walk very softly around Phillip Reale and no one at the Church of Ike wants to hear anything bad about that bit of window dressing they created and fronted to make themselves look professional.”

I’m sure he was told not to mention Jim Touchy Fealy’s name  too loudly as they don’t want any questions as to what he did for his money. 

Phil is a graduate of Glenville State University and West Virginia University College of Law, and is a high ranking Church of Ike member!

Phillip Reale (photo above) is a BAD DEAL for the Citizens of Gilmer County!

Phil’s associate James Fealy, will also be available to bang some bitches or whatever it is they do as members of the Power Elite of Crooked County down by the Crooked River.

Jimmy has been a Government Relations Consultant with the Law Office of Philip A. Reale since May of 2004, so he is pretty up on how to steal government funds and hire the whores and score the dope for the Gala affairs put on by IL Morris who has PHIL REALE and Touchy Fealy on the payroll for success.

According to Power Elite sources Touchy Fealy has many longstanding relationships with legislators and staffers that he has continuously fostered since his days in the House of Delegates., so dude really can scam some shit in Charleston like a big dog!

According to the Reale website Touchy Fealy has a keen understanding of the legislative process as he has seen it from the inside, and then taking to the Church of Ike on the outside for years and years.
Touchy Fealy previously served as Executive Director of the Gilmer County Economic Development Association, a post he held for ten years, now the home of LARRY CHAPMAN another Crook from Crooked County.

During his tenure with GCEDA, Touchy Fealy was instrumental in luring the Federal Bureau of Prisons to construct a $145 million medium-security prison employing nearly 300 people that brought a TON of drugs and unsavory characters into the area.

Touchy Fealy helped the County secure nearly 14 million in grants for the infrastructure improvements needed to make the project a reality, while CHURCH of IKE members did all they could to steal those funds for themselves and SKIM off the top of  the construction project just like Tony Soprano on TV.

Give  a lawyer some cash, send him to Charleston with an office and the next thing you know you have your own man running the governor’s office right in front of God and everybody and in tandem with a legislative law firm. 

While you are at it, dance around the many sins of the local brethren that have been put in office.  Forget the debauchery, forget the cronyism and nepotism, forget everything you were ever taught about caring for your neighbor and do as you are told. 

There will never be a shortage of bullies.  Bullies, harassment and assaults are running rampant throughout Gilmer County and unfortunately right down to the level of school children.  Many times, harassment, rivalry, ridicule, emotional or physical violence can lead to depression and low self-esteem, problems that can traumatize a  person for the rest of their life.

Nasia Butcher’s name has been mentioned countless times on GFP and on the RGW and other SS and CCC websites in Gilmer County. There is no doubt that she is a controversial figure contributing to building anger and turmoil associated with the State’s take over of our schools, and now with Bullying issues at GCHS that was on WBOY -TV Here’s a photo of Lizzy Butcher and friend, daughter of the principal of GCHS all wet in the boys room stall with her tongue motioning all for Dr. Marple to know it is all a go to take a courageous step by replacing Mrs. Butcher mother of the Butcher Bitches with another principal! It’s the principle of the thing, and sex makes Lizzy sing!

The act of being bullied tends to increase isolation because their peers do not want to lose status by associating with them or because they do not want to increase the risks of being bullied themselves.  The most laughable thing about the Gilmer County situation is that most of the adults who play the victim are actually the perpetrators.   The lawyers, the businessmen, the elected and the appointed administrators are all crying foul and I guess we’re supposed to cry for them.  Don’t think so.  Not this time.

Jim Touchy Fealy along with RETA KIGHT the DOG FACED WOMAN bullshited the Gilmer County Citizens when they teamed up together at the  GCEDA for the purpose of service to self over service to others, like the community of Glenville and the county of Gilmer!

A lot of people are aware on some level but prefer to look the other way when it happens so as-to-not-be-involved and some are simply more tolerant of bullying than others. Gilmer County has a self developed “pecking order” in which well connected or popular puppets have special privileges and develop a sense of entitlement that leads to a “bullying atmosphere.”  Want to find out who the bullies really are?  File an official complaint of any kind.   The underlying attitude is that it is the victim’s fault.  If only they had kept quiet none of this would happen.  It won’t matter whether child or adult. It won’t matter how grievous a wrong has been committed.  If you haven’t checked with the bosses for the right answer keep your mouth shut!    True bullies typically lack empathy and real feeling, but many are good at crying on cue and playing the victim. Often the real victim is targeted for retaliation and the bully receives no punishment.  We have seen this too many times.    Most times it’s easier to call everything a “fight”, disagreement, “clash of personalities”, than to give victim’s the time to say what’s happened to them. If someone is injured because a piece of equipment falls on them, could the Employer say that they can’t be responsible for what happens inside their building(s)?  No, yet that’s what gets done around here if the abuse can’t be seen with the naked eye and the stigma can be severe if the subject talks about their abuser, bully or harasser.   

It’s time to be tired of this kind of nonsense.  It’s time to take back our County and let the grownups run it, not the hoodlums.   Will Gilmer fall for the silver tongued devils again?  Hang on for the ride.

“Mr. Reale is a lobbyist, but to get REAL about Reale –Dude is nothing but a political bag man for IKE MORRIS and the Church of IKE!”

To lobby is the act of attempting to influence decisions made by officials in the government, most often legislators or members of regulatory agencies,  Lobbyists may be among a legislator’s constituents, meaning a voter or bloc of voters within his or her electoral district, or not; they may engage in lobbying as a business, or not.  Professional lobbyists are people whose business is trying to influence legislation on behalf of a special interest who hires them.

Not only is Reale the political bag man for the Independent Oil and Gas Association, of which Waco Oil and Gas is a member, but also for the West Virginia Press Association, where David Corcoran, the High Priest of the Church of Ike, is a board member. (click green link )

Ethics and morality are not words often affiliated with lobbying.  Often, people with an inordinate amount of socio- economic power are corrupting the law in order to serve their own conflict of interest, so why we are clicking links lets do one more, lets go to the Ethics Commission’s Web site.  Click this link, and scroll down to page 45.

At heart, the effort to influence legislation is a power struggle. As in other forms of power struggle, such as war or law enforcement, motives range from predation to self-defense to fighting for justice, and the dividing line between predation and justice is nothing more than a matter of who is served.  It won’t be the people.

Lobbyists must be adept at the art of persuasion, which is the mainstay of their job. They must figure out how to sway politicians to vote on legislation in a way that favors the interest they represent. Sometimes, lobbyists will even sit down and help a politician draft legislation that is advantageous for their interest. Maintaining good relations with politicians who can be relied on to support the lobbyist’s interest is key to a great pay check.

It is apparent that law enforcement botched the investigation from the BEGINNING on the NEW GSC RAPE CASE that was recently uncovered by high ranking members of the SS and the CCC when relative of the victim contacted the Secret Seven Coalition who turned the matter over to professionals to look into disreputable acts that have allegedly been committed by members of the SOB’s the Sigma Omega Beta fraternity of degenerate non-academic Church of IKE rapists. Lil Lizzie Butcher(shown in this photo) just one half of the Butcher Bitches feeling as Butch as the two bitches that spiked the 4.0 honor graduates drink with a DATE RAPE drug and then gave her to some SOB boys currently wanted for questioning. We decided to farm out their questioning to the FIRE STARTING CULT leader Christopher Todd Smith who says he is looking for some more constructive projects.

It is nothing short of amazing that Reale’s four years at WV University College of Law (1974-1977) leads to one job from oil and gas law and former prosecuting attorney to then serving as chairman of former West Virginia Governor Gaston Caperton’s transition team, and then later as Governor Caper ton’s first Chief of Staff.

“Only God and the big man knows what he did for Manchin!”

 In addition, past president of the Independent Oil and Gas Association of West Virginia, two-time chair of the State College System of West Virginia, and a now successful lobbyist placed on the Steering Committee to elect Tomblin for Governor!

Come on now, how much conflict of interest and underhanded dealing in government are we supposed to overlook?

Reale lobbies for WV Press to keep his candidates press clean, for a drug company while the state is going broke paying PEIA for public employees health insurance, Gas & Oil (not hard to figure) and tries to take care of hometown politicians and couple of  their favorite flunkies who got a little loose with state funds such as the Little Kanawha Parkway Authority.

 All of this and has the ear of the Governor himself as he raises funds for the Governor’s campaign.

 What a deal!  Some go far in the church of Ike as we watch yet another forget all of the people left behind and get far above their raising.

Walk away, take the job, take the money and let the whole county go straight to hell.  Right Phil?  You got yours.

Walk SOFTLY around Phillip Reale he is a BAD DEAL ! Walk Softly and Carry a BIG STICK!

Hey Phil Reale we don’t like the way you STEAL !

SO lets make a deal!

Some go far in the Church of Ike and get far above their raising  is right y’all!

The REAL DEAL for YOU Phil REALE when you worship at the CHURCH OF IKE is ya let the whole God Damn Crooked County go straight to hell!

EWWW what’s that smell, Crooked County’s GONE TO HELL with the BUTCHER BITCHES all around you !! A yearnin for learnin, cuz  their daddy’s rich and you got yours and some of the rest of theirs!

Now the SS says here is some of MINE BITCH!

But we only come to town about twice a year, so be a ramblin man like the revenue man, then come up the holler just down the road a piece and take a trip a little bit up from the Crooked part of the Lil Kanoy some call the CROOKED RIVER down off a hwy 5 – And then, lets just hope no one ever has to say   …ya never came back from Copperhead Road!

By Editor Edison – CalPatty Press Editor/Hurricane Rina McCoy – Cosmos Communicator/Free Bird – Revenge of the Ghost Wolf Reporter for the Central West Virginia Secret Seven Coalition

Hi! I’m a GSC CO-ED and the chances of me getting raped by a BLACK MAN at Glenville State College and having the rapist go free and never be prosecuted statistically is about 20 times greater than any other college in the state of West Virginia! Isn’t it exciting! We all agreed to the BARR code, “Don’t lay on your back, unless he is BLACK!”


Peter Barr is the President of Glenville State College and many know he instilled the BARR CODE, Don’t lay on your back unless he is BLACK — And has more or less let his Black Athletes fuck the holy bejesus out of the WHITE female CO-EDS at Glenville State College.

Just ask MARY HUDNALL whose last known residence was 502 A Goodwin Hall. She claims in her police report that she was brutally raped by GABE PROPHET a BLACK Football Player from Glenville State College wearing number 7 which brought him some luck because he got to forcibly FUCK MARY — And it was JUST OK with Glenville Prosecuting Attorney GERRY HOUGH just like it always is!

In fact, GERRY HOUGH actually represents the rapist, it just looks like he is the prosecution person, but in real life, if you are WHITE he is more of a persecuting penis, than an actual prosecutor.

Head FOOTBALL Coach for Glenville State College David Hutchison loves having a good quarterback, and could really give a shit if Gabe Prophet is a rapist! Or could he get headlines like this?

The Pioneers offense struck first when quarterback Gabe Prophet hit Joe Lauteria for a 15 yard touchdown early in the first quarter.

The RGW HEADLINES READ : A QB for the Glenville State College Football team, Gabe Prophet is behind bars for sexual assault charges. The incident allegedly occurred last Friday June 17, 2011 at his home.

“The definition of 1st degree sexual assault is forced penetration, causing serious bodily injury, or use of a deadly weapon, but then I guess a big black hard dick could be considered a weapon and the preferred weapon used by students at the HOME of Rape and Murder in CROOKED COUNTY –  Glenville State College!”

Gabriel Prophet (Gabe Prophet), 22, was arraigned by Gilmer County Magistrate Robert Minigh on Tuesday, June 21, 2011 and was facing two felony charges involving sexual assaults of 1st and 2nd degree.

Why the GSC Football player was just booked into jail on the 23rd of JUNE, instead of right before the arraignment is unknown but a precursor to the fact that…



Prophet is just one of many football players from GSC to be accused of rape, but there have been NO convictions.

Phrophet was booked at Central regional Jail today June 23, 2011.

Imprisonment Status:  Pre-Trial Felon
Full Name: Prophet,  Gabriel
Height: 6′  2″
Weight: 170 lbs.
Birth Date: 2/2/1989
Gender: Male
Booking Date: 06/23/2011
Facility: Central Regional Jail
Imprisonment Status: Pre-Trial Felon

Offender Court Order Information

Court Info Number Issuing Agency Location
11F55 AND 11F54 GILMER COUNTY – Bail Amount: $25,000.00

If your looking to rape a hot white chick at a local college you never have to look further than Glenville State College high on the hill overlooking Crooked County down by that Crooked River!

Click the link in GREEN below to check out the court documents of a RAPIST!

Gabe Prophet Mag Court info

The victim Mary Hudnall had the holy crap fucked out of her, and was scared to death alleges that she was raped, and then sought treatment at Stonewall Jackson Memorial Hospital after the pounding by the QB of the GSC Football team from Washington DC.

The criminal complaint stated that the MARY HUDNALL “Feared for her life,” during the entire terrifying sexual attack!!

In Glenville, as to not tarnish the image of the college, everyone pretends another horrible rape did not happen!

IS THIS what we need in Glenville to stop the crimes of HOUGH and GSC and to STOP THE RAPE OF WHITE WOMEN at GSC?

And then, when the evidence and the gossip become too much, that next step is start to smear the reputation of the victim no matter who she is. If she is the victim the word is put out on her that she is a whore that was asking for it.  It is easy to see GERRY HOUGH manipulated this case.

Mary Hudnall worked at the GO MART right on the main drag in Glenville and lived at 502 A GOODWIN Hall and the RAPE cost her the job along with her college work at GSC — SS members have been trying secretly this week to make contact with her, so that we can give the public and other news agencies the Dirty Deal that we know the POWER ELITE of GLENVILLE gave the poor young girl!

The SS has seen this situation so many times in the past that this time we got specific about what would be said about the victim, who would say it, and from “What” mainstream news source the propaganda would be born.

The only responsible coverage of the latest alleged sexual assault by another QB for GSC was the article in the State Journal based on the article posted on the Revenge of the Ghost Wolf website.

The Secret Seven Coalition website published the facts immediately following the arrest of Gabe Phrophet red shirt QB for the GSC football squad.


GABE PROPHET in the documents posted and provided in this article was also a Quarterback — an athlete to be protected at all costs, even if lying and cheating have to take place!

Lying and cheating, is always the first responsibility of Gerry Hough, as we so proudly prove by providing the documents  linked below for public viewing.


“I told you NO!” ” …I can’t do this, I have a boyfriend!” “I am drunk leave me alone!”

Their ability to commit crimes seemingly can’t be suppressed and much of our local society prefers to keep underground out of fear of retaliation.  This “climate controlled environment” of collusion, conspiracy and legal thievery exists in a bubble of protection that really needs to be “Popped!”

The synchronicity of the citizens of this county has been so destroyed as to allow the elite leaders to even manipulate probability to their liking.  Divide and conquer is the game they play and we let it happen.  How does it feel to be a puppet on a string?  If you don’t step forward and take a stand that is what you are.

Ask the candidates who have been bankrolled while putting the remote control in the hands of the one who buys them, the CHURCH OF IKE!  These so called businessmen puppets and their tiny minded corporate agendas ruin the county and send those who dare question away as quickly as possible.

Hough as a staff member at GSC received a written reprimand and denial of a pay raise instituted by then GSC President Thomas Powell for his actions involving the Wilkie Perez RAPE Case, but he should have been prosecuted and set a very bad example for GSC staff members

Now we are all guilty of falling for it and letting them control our mind!

TKE where CARLY HOUGH pulled her panties to the side and drank like a fish is being torn down in this photo — Normally Changes at GSC are always to improve their image at all costs regardless of the outcome to the community

 Most folk know it is wrong, many know the right thing to do is speak out but few have the courage.  People, I don’t go around fire expecting not to sweat!

The micromanagement from the most elite is made worse by the fact that many of their hand selected leaders lack even a rudimentary understanding of the realities of the nonprofit organizations they are supposedly in charge of. They let whatever success they’ve had in business go to their heads and mistake their big-headed certainty for knowledge. This makes their business experience a big liability, because their certainty is misplaced. Our leaders hold exceptional power for such a small place, yet while they have completely unexceptional training in anything relevant to the jobs they seek, they get elected or appointed every time.

Apathy by design has caused our voters to become ever more cynical and apathetic in their attitude toward election politics.  Around 50% of us don’t bother to vote hand feeding the underground. To make things worse, those who do vote, continue to blindly reelect those self serving, smiling puppets regardless of obvious corruption, bad fiscal policies, and awful actions or complete inaction.

Our schools have been taken over, there exists precedent to show that the Career Center could be next and Blankenship is crawling all over that place.  There is so much mistreatment of our students, teachers and anyone who wishes to assist them, I’m surprised the county hasn’t imploded.  Wake up people, the life you save might be your own. Ask the old man Don Singleton beaten by a Gilmer County Deputy Sheriff if he makes it out of the hospital. Gilmer County has “JUMPED OFF” during the first part of 2012



All Concerned Citizens need to BAN TOGETHER and fight these CROOKED CROOKS from Crooked County like a GHOST WOLF — the best way we know how, enough is enough, one Gilmer County resident hit the matter right on the head on Ground Hogs Day, The truth of the matter is that Sheriff, Prosecutor, and the Commissioners all have skeletons in their closets, and every one of them knows about each other. That is exactly why none of them want to make a move. Simply put “If you tell on me I will tell on you.” Folks, we have to get rid of these bad apples. They need to be replaced by new ones. Can you imagine what can happen if Metz is a Magistrate? Do we want Larry Chapman back? Remember all the wrongdoings at the courthouse happened under his watch, and he did not do a thing about it. Now the only people who get punished are the taxpayer who pays the price. Nothing happens to the criminals. This needs changed

In reading the comments that followed the story on RGW, one alleging an ethics complaint filed against Gerry Hough for improperly obtaining a rape victim’s school records caught the eye of many of our readers.

The informed individual that posted that important bit of information in the comment is someone in the know from the Central WV SS.

We decided to elaborate with all the documents included in our investigation after an associate retrieved all the pertinent documents from the West Virginia Supreme Court.

We found the outcome to fall right into place of special privileges for the Elite and even though Gerry Hough was found to be in the wrong, he received no punishment although guilt and fault were found.

Gerry Hough set a precedent involving illegal actions taken against rape victims at GSC!  You will find out for yourself as you the reader are educated to the facts during this GSC RAPE HISTORY 101 lesson, a course best taught when discussing the misconduct of Gerald B Hough!

Hough was appointed to represent a man by the name of Wilkie Perez, who’d been accused of raping Anita Phillips-Wiseman.  Of course, both were GSC students during these early moments in GSC RAPE History…

In November of that year, Hough asked for, and received, Phillips-Wiseman’s transcripts leading the registrar’s office to believe he was her adviser (who is allowed to see a student’s transcripts).  He was able to do that since at the time, in addition to being an attorney, he was also a GSC faculty member.

Here are a list of allegations of wrongdoing and criminal activity performed by Gerald B Hough on behalf of his client the accused rapist who was a star quarterback as well as WVIAC ALL State first team quarterback for GSC!

After Wiseman-Phillips found out,that Hough had obtained her records illegally and in a fraudulent manner, she filed a compliant against Hough with the Office of Disciplinary Counsel.

That very sad outcome for the community was that no action was taken against Hough clearing the way for many more rapes to come and many more cover-ups with a model case to bring forth the proper guidelines .

“Gerry Hough was only “cautioned” about his actions, and made to reimburse ODC the $400 it cost to conduct its investigation.”

The reason the Lawyer Disciplinary Board opted to give Hough a slap on the wrist was due to the fact he was a new attorney, and sole practitioner.  Also, felt the written reprimand and denial of a pay raise instituted by then GSC President Thomas Powell was sufficient punishment, but truly the matter was criminal and now the public has a real good up close documented look at …


I’m sure you’ll agree that bigger forces were at work here in getting Hough off the hook.  If that had happened anywhere else in West Virginia, Hough would not only have been disciplined by the Supreme Court, but also fired as a faculty member.

“Needless to say, this SS article provides more proof that Gerry Hough is indeed the Patron Saint of male GSC athletes accused of rape!”

By my count, the Perez-Phillips-Wiseman case was just one of many similar rape cases involving athletes from GSC  years that have been swept under the rug by using political power and the local press to suppress evidence, witnesses and public opinion.

By my count, the THE RAPE COUNT is TOO MANY NOW!!

Here is the complete file on the Wilkie Perez rape case – as on record at the West Virginia Supreme Court – involving the victim filing against Gerry Hough!

Wilkie Perez, from Glenville State  was the WVIAC Offensive Player of the Year! 

Fucking A !! The Powers that Be are gonna give that boy full rein on any of the co-eds he wants to bang and dude will be protected by the people who really run things in Crooked County!!

Since the report is a total of 59 pages front and back, the documents had to be scanned in four parts. (Please click links below in green for documents)

Wiseman-Hough complaint file part 1 back-to-front

Wiseman-Hough complaint file part 1 front-to-back

Wiseman-Hough complaint file Part 2 back-to-front

Wiseman-Hough complaint file part 2 front-to-back

The Secret Seven Coalition is delighted to publish these document where we hope these facts will help in exposing this first of many cover-up’s of horrible attacks on young women co-eds at GSC!


The likeness of  Gabe Phrophet shown above in photo with likeness of
alleged rape victim last June at the home of the red-shirted QB of the GSC football team  …just before throwing the bitch down hard and stealing some of that white pussy, because the staff at GSC have alluded to the fact that it’s all part of his football contract!

“Don’t worry, Gerry Hough will get you off  …that’s his job!”

“He does what we say!”

“Pray to Gerry he is the Patron Saint to all Negro rapists down in Crooked County!”

If this article reaches enough of our readers this effort of exposing the real facts of GSC RAPE HISTORY 101 via court documents could be the one tug that unravels the whole Crooked County cloak of deception that we are all wrapped up in by the sacred members of the CHURCH OF IKE, who are often referred to as the  Brotherhood of Darkness!

Come to GILMER COUNTY and take a walk on the Dark Side!

***   UPDATE Friday February 10th


RAPE RAPE RAPE RAPE RAPE RAPE RAPE It’s all good down by the Crooked River!

Documents received from VICTIM of a BRUTAL RAPE AT GLENVILLE STATE COLLEGE! Come to GSC and get RAPED!


The above document is just some of the paper trail from the rape at Glenville State being investigated by the highest ranks of the Central West Virginia Secret Seven Coalition! Evidence exists that proves GERALD B HOUGH is currently covering up another rape at GLENVILLE STATE COLLEGE HIGH ATOP THE HILL at the County Seat of Crooked County down by the Crooked River the home of the Crooked County Crooks!