Tag Archive: cal patty press bitches

A review of our highly read RGW article published June 29th 2012.

By Free Bird – Revenge of the Ghost Wolf Reporter for the Secret Seven Coalition/Hurricane Rina McCoy – Crooked County Crooks Editor for the Concerned Citizens Free Press /Editor Edison – CalPatty Press Editor

“Frequently inexperienced and sometimes inadequately educated local authorities  known as the CPS from across this state get to judge whether hundreds of young, low income mothers and fathers are fit to be parents in West Virginia. Simply asking the question “Are you depressed?”, and getting a yes answer gives them license to misdiagnose those parents as having mental disorders and allows social services to remove children from the home.  Well duh, CPS has been called and whether right or wrong of course they’re depressed, wouldn’t you be?”

Child Protective Services (CPS)

Child Protective Services is a specialized Child Welfare service provided by the West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources. This service is provided to families on behalf of children who are neglected or abused by their parents or by the guardians or custodians responsible for the care of children.

This is Gerald B Hough prosecuting attorney for Gilmer County, and Sheriff Metz will be first to tell you “Hough is the head law man around here!” If the new people to the area knew previously about the horrors of Glenville, and Crooked County many would never have taken the job at the federal prison or settled anyplace in Gilmer County, which has the most corrupt law enforcement and court system in the state of WV.

I know there are some people who are really trying and use their skills and education to benefit under privileged children. But, in this part of the state, I do know of a lot of people who use their kids for the free stuff and I have seen them sell their stamps for half price to buy drugs. There are rumors people are even selling their children via CPS employee’s to families looking to adopt or possibly into white slavery!

Some children in this part of the state are still doing without and the parents are spending the money on drugs and if those parents are drugged out of their minds, or drinking at Tallies Duck, how safe are those kids?

God Bless the ones who are responsible and take advantage that all the CPS has to offer to the parents that if they did drug test they would not have anything to worry about anyways. And I know kids who have been taken out of homes for petty stuff and then, there are the individuals who live in hell each and every day!  Nikki Harris and Teresa Williams, are two CPS workers in West Virginia that can make peoples life a living hell, according to citizens complaints.

“I don’t see how those two sleep at night. What if it was your kids or a family kid and a CPS worker acted like they did and did not do nothing to look into it or spend no more than a trip to ask a couple of questions and dropped it and forgot about it all together and did not investigate into it further?”

Those two CPS workers won’t even pick up a phone and call and ask witnesses to see if they can tell you something to back up a report.

Without tax payers CPS would have no financial support, so the specialty now of CPS is to steal from and destroy the people that actually put food on all their tables, which seems counterproductive to me.

Gilmer County, the home of RAPE and MURDER in Central West Virginia is certainly no stranger to child rape and child molestation, and some well known people are guilty as hell, but protected quite adequately by the local Church of Ike as this account attests to…

“I feel so sorry for these children that have been let down. I didn’t realize the justice system was failing so many children!”

“I thought that my situation was just a fluke or an accident or just simply an unwillingness to take on someone with money and a prominent name but to know that so many children have suffered the way one child in Gilmer County has …”

The CPS corruption in Calhoun County is lead by Crystal Kimble and Loretta Smith.
Ryan Underwood and Samara Keith are the only two honest CPS workers in the Calhoun office.
Loretta Smith blackmails mothers that have trouble with the law to make false statements, and then mixes a little bit of this and that to tell lies to set people up. The adult protective services workers also are corrupted ran by Jackie Blankenship and Victoria Butcher-Shaver. (Shown in this photo)
The facts are coming out, like HOT TODDY on a HOT SUMMER night with a cool summer breeze a blowin on that Big Gila Monster.

“It just truly saddens my heart and for the person that said parents are bad just cause our teenage daughter was molested by a supposed leader of the community is just wrong.”

“I trusted my ex-husband with our child on weekends, because I thought a father would protect his little girl, but he let something happen to her for promise of advancement at his work. I was wrong he allowed someone to repeatedly hurt her and introduce her to Cocaine! And when something was said to him he covered it up and refused to believe it. So sometimes it is out of your hands and when u go to the system for a protective order and the judge throws it out even though the women’s and children’s abuse center said it happened and my daughter named him 3 different times, but since he is a man of money and power in Glenville, he got away with rape just like so many of them do.”

“I just don’t know why so many children just slip through the cracks and something needs to change but how do you go about changing it?”

“I am grateful for one CPS worker she told my ex that she believed it happened and she made him see the light so my daughter has not been around this person and since she was 16. I think she forgot most of those bad days, or repressed it, but u can never be sure!”

When it comes to the children of citizens of Gilmer County things are so corrupt and dire that your everyday common person is AFRAID TO ATTEND a public meeting or openly discuss such issues since many of the public officials have proven to be criminals that can carry out violent reprisals or false charges for a false arrest, so most of the citizens are AFRAID in Gilmer County according to this poll of nearly 500 participants which is a large sample from a small County that has a population of only about 7000.

Have you ever had the WV CPS beating on your door for stupid reasons? According to an actual account…

“My child, who was 4 at the time had stepped in a pile of dog poop while he was getting on the school bus. I saw it, told the aid to bring him back off of the bus because of it.

“So sometimes it is out of your hands and when u go to the system for a protective order and the judge throws it out even though the women’s and children’s abuse center said a sexual assault happened and my daughter named him 3 different times, but since he is a man of money and power in Glenville, he got away with rape just like so many of them do.”

The Aid says “Oh don’t worry about it we ll clean it off”. I say OK thank you. 2 days later CPS is at my door because my son went to school with dog poop on his shoe. Then a week later, same 2 women from CPS are back because ” your sons hair wasnt brushed when he went to school the last few days”. Ummmm its WINTER he wears a knit skull cap. DUH his hairs gonna be a mess when he takes it off!”

“Seems to me that the only time CPS gets involved is if a School calls, not when a parent calls. Why bother people who ARE taking care of the kids?”

I know as citizens it is out duty that we go to every extent to make CPS do their job and help these kids in Central WV that are being taken from their homes. It is time to CLEAN HOUSE at CPS!

For too long Child Protective Services have stolen children for profit. The parents are not allowed due process, not allowed to question witnesses or face their accuser.  In West Virginia the parents are railroaded, lied about — and their children are bought and sold like a commodity!

Families are torn apart, destroyed and forever changed by a government agency that has no scruples, no morals and no standards, because that’s how they always do it in Gilmer County!

 The West Virginia CPS have no one to make sure they don’t abuse the very system they were put in place to protect. Money has become the issue not the children and not the family. This is just the beginning of the misery many people see down in Crooked County down by the Crooked River!

There are several excellent WV single parent grants available to single moms and families who qualify.These social programs help to pay for all the necessities of setting up a good home for children including providing shelter, food, and medical care. West Virginia has been immune, so far, from the bloody episodes of gang violence that have marred the big cities from New York to Los Angeles.Yet, there are disturbing signs of something evil that might lurk beneath a tranquil surface and ultimately rear its ugly head. Young women in West Virginia, at the state capital in Charleston are selling themselves to businessmen on the street during the day time to pay for their OXY habit and that of their boyfriends too.Gangs are also becoming more of a problem in WV and Mercer and McDowell counties are listed among eight West Virginia counties with the highest numbers of gang activity, according a report on gang violence recently released by the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Kanawha is one of eight West Virginia counties with the most gang activity, according to a report issued last fall by the FBI. The report, released every two years, tracks the estimated 1.4 million members that make up the nation’s more than 33,000 gangs. Young people in WV are falling victim to drug abuse and gang affiliations and violence, by starting to catch up to the paved roads of  gang trends from bigger cities.

Maybe if all the CPS workers lost their jobs they could get on welfare their damn selves and see how these kids feel about the poor service and abandonment by society.

Here is a personal account of bad actions from a citizen of Wood County down in Parkersburg…

The Children of the Power Elite like this young woman are subject to abuse too, and sometimes that is for the lack of adult supervision, just like at the raucous orgy that jumped off the 2011 school year out hwy 33 at the home of Shelly Morris DeMarino, where a daughter of the Church of Ike was raped and the result of that rape was a pregnancy and an abortion all while underage, and also the basketball coach got to have his way sexually with one of the star BB Ball players on the Lady Titans Basketball team. It was Bitchen BOBCATS BABY just like BEACH BLANKET BINGO when the Butcher Bitches Broke Bad Bumping Butts during the Summer of Love on the CalPatty Press!

“I am a former employee of the CPS unit at the Jackson County DHHR and can personally attest to the many allegations against them. Nikki Harris has no morals. She will and has covered up huge mistakes and illegal behavior on the part of one CPS worker alone. She and the worker should have been fired had the CSM at the time not have been so close to retirement and therefore didn’t want to “stir the pot.” Also, I know that many of the CPS workers would sign themselves out on home visits and never return. Instead of doing home visits they would run personal errands or anything else non-work related. However, because of the irresponsible nature of their supervisor, Mrs. Harris, no questions were asked. Most of the workers in that unit were not there to do their job, they were there because that was one of the only jobs in the building where they could do whatever they pleased without punishment. I will say that the only worker in that unit who was an honest, hardworking, genuine and caring person was the CPS case aide. I am not sure if she is still there or not. Most of the decent employees at that place have since moved on to other positions elsewhere.”

“The CPS pick on the families who are not in danger, and need the  least help and then, help destroy the families  who the CPS leave in danger. The CPS is a self serving entity and just as self serving as the CHURCH of IKE and all the power elite in Gilmer County, West Virginia!”

“Jackson County CPS is horrible!!!! They do not protect children!!! They refuse to act until a child is hurt or dead. One mother I know has been reported repeatedly for drug abuse, alcoholism, beating her teen daughters and nothing has been done because apparently they are too lazy to do anything for these girls who are suffering mentally and physically. This office needs to be investigated before someone else gets hurt!”

CPS in rural West Virginia has long made a business of stealing children. Families who are new to the area do not know that, however. They are attracted to the “People that Shine” in the Glenville Democrat, the bullshit rhetoric about the worst school academically in the entire state of West Virginia, oh, and also, the beauty of the area.

When local politicians or media want to stop discussion on any subject or disagreement with information they have presented as “Fact” and validate lies, criminal actions and other misconduct, the first thing they do is label those seeking the truth as “Conspirators!” These so called elites from Gilmer County have covered up countless rapes, and some of those rapes were victims under the age of 18 like the rape that happened that night up hwy 33 at the home of Shelly Morris DeMarino -the same night the GCHS Basketball coach Bobby Duvall had sex with one of the players on the team! “Where was the CPS in Gilmer County when the rapes and sex with high school teachers was something you couldn’t talk about or mention in Glenville — a secret agreement was put in action by members of the Church of Ike – a group of public officials & politicians for reasons of the pursuance of policies that must be kept SECRET awful sexual crimes occurred with minor children which they dare not mention in public.”

 If the new people to the area knew about the horrors of Glenville, and Crooked County many  would never have taken the job at the federal prison or settle anyplace in Gilmer County, which has  a very corrupt law enforcement and court system in the state of WV. The County is run by a Board of Commissioners who are constantly screwing the citizen with levies and bond issues geared toward making the rich in the area richer and the poor people of this part of Central WV even poorer.

Children are a commodity for which there is a steady and growing market both in the United States and across the world, so WV will grap their piece of the action just like they did the marijuana trade and the PILL MILLS that rule the state and have even effected the elite with rampant prescription drug abuse.

Child sex-slaves arrive in Europe and elsewhere from unspecified locations, even West Virginia! Children taken from homes routinely end up in the porn industry, believe it or not. It has been going on for many years but since it did not impact most of us it was easy to ignore.

But as counties across the state have cycled down into bankruptcy like Gilmer County has, the need to pump harder for every buck to be made has become more compelling. Today it is not just the most vulnerable who are targeted, but families that would before have been passed over as too well connected that are currently also in jeopardy from all the crime, dope and corrupt law enforcement.

The Butcher Bitches paved the way for underage drinking being condoned many years ago & now it has been a family tradition of sorts in Crooked County down by the Crooked River! Beer Bong Bitches Breaking Bad!

Here is a latest comment from a reader of the many Secret Seven Coalition articles …

The last RAPE VICTIM from GSC that was discovered by the Secret Seven Coalition, said, “NO FEMALE is SAFE at GSC! The last rape that took place in Goodwin Hall had difficulty in the courts because DAN BELL the Chief of Public Safety made sure the rape kit evidence was immediately lost, but the court was recently notified that law enforcement went over an above to make sure there was no evidence and if the parents of the victim did not speak up and contact the Secret Seven Coalition, then mostly the public would have never known about another horrible rape in GOODWIN hall, but then RAPE is common in Gilmer County, especially since there have been multiple rapes and no convictions.The crime statistics that exist for Gilmer County, West Virginia are a complete LIE and fabrication, if the public only knew the truth they would be shouting to bring in the national guard!

“Let’s see the raucous party up Rt. 33 did not happen, the Charleston romp didn’t either with all the pomp and booze supplied by the Gerry Hough household, and the sexual molestation by the Coaching Staff in which the Gilmer Sheriff Mickey Metz does not have the qualifications for! What about CPS? Where in the HELL is the CHILD PROTECTIVE SERVICES when children need protected from the METZ GANG and the lawless Hough Starletts! In WV what the hell, where is the CPS? Where are they to protect the children, they steal the children. Why not do a story about what Gerry Hough, Tara Kennedy, the County Commission and the big muckitty mucks do to our children, by way of torture, denial and mistreatment. As for everyone questioning what happened to the kids that were assaulted by the Metz gang. If one of those parents or someone that knows the truth calls in to CPS and pushes the issue you might find some resolution there. However, I have a much diminished view of that organization but they seem to be able to run their own witch hunt when given just the right amount of information but it would have to be someone who knows and is aware of the facts. As well if Mrs.

Rape at Glenville State College is now as Common Place as IKE MORRIS eating at Audrey’s family restaurant in the heart of Crooked County down by the Crooked River at 7pm on a Tuesday night.

Butcher had knowledge or report had been made to her then she too would be legally liable as a mandated reporter to have filed a CPS report.

Failure to do so would make her guilty by association and therefore place her job in Jeopardy. I think she should be in Jeopardy, in fact I think she should be in a zoo for outdated back woods feeble minded whore raising nitwit bitches, but they probably couldn’t get all that on the sign in front of her cage!! YOU MAKE ME NAH SHA’S NAY SHA!”

The PARTY ANIMAL LADY TITANS HOST DRUNKEN BASH AT THE V-BALL TOURNEY down at the state capitial — “They all drank Thursday night, went to the tournament Friday and then the real party started.
The boy friend of Crystal Metz was so drunk and fucked up on drugs, that nobody cared when he ventured off, and then what he was trying to do to the girls by pulling their pants and panties down and then trying to play with their precious feminine secret places!
Another one of Gerry Hough’s daughters, Lauren Hough, Carly’s Lil Sis was named as a chief player in all of the sexual exchanges and drunk shit and such.
The boyfriend of Crystal Metz was going room to room and in hallways trying to get the girls naked and play box banging bingo the Butcher Bitches way!
“In one incident dude hid in the bathtub in the ladies facilities and when the girls went to use the bathroom then he jumped out swinging his penis to and fro just like they do down in Crooked County down by the Crooked River!”

Local psychiatrists, psychologists, attorneys and physicians become little more than hired guns for authorities trying to take children from their parents into foster care.

Mickey Metz is not qualified to serve as a coach on the Volleyball team. He does not have the credentials to fill that position at the high school, but Gilmer County is so corrupt that even after the document Metz used to qualify to be on the ballot to run for magistrate was proven a phony, Metz still was allowed to be on the ballot against the laws of West Virginia, and even allowed to run for office on primary election day, but Metz only received a small amount of votes and came in last place. By the time the election was held, the FREE PRESS had already published the document Metz brought forward and it was a FAKE!!

As the fear fades and justifiable anger comes to the forefront falsely accused parents are shining a spotlight on a family court system normally shrouded in secrecy. This raises the crucial question of who should be allowed to determine the most fundamental rights of parents to bring up their own children and what standards are used to make such a serious and life altering decision. Who is truly working in the best interest of the children?  Many times it may be the parent.

“Another filthy CPS pedophile busted  ….”will most likely be an upcoming headline on some future Revenge of the Ghost Wolf article.  Mark Levriers a CPS worker had 23 years of access to vulnerable, defenseless children, before he was found out and caught for child molestation!

There are many more Mark Levriers in CPS, count on it. CPS is a magnet for perverts and pedophiles. Even a braindead pedophile knows you don’t have to hang around playgrounds = you can get a job at CPS and get paid to be a pervert, just like Gerry Hough gets two paychecks from the state of West Virginia to engage in criminal activities, like subornation of perjury and felony conspiracy, and even white collar crimes to help out his friend Timothy B and R Terry Butcher!

Children, the latest victims being snatched in broad daylight by CPS, should be a serious concern for law enforcement agencies. We must have better coordination among state and local agencies of all levels to ensure that children are unharmed and not victimized by our own institutions. They must put forth better efforts to ensure that the price of children as individual human beings is not being calculated in cold cash.

CHARLESTON, W.Va. — More than $1 million in federal funds have been approved for West Virginia to encourage more adoptions of children in foster care.

“The funding was announced in September of 2010 by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The department said the adoption incentive awards are intended to improve states’ child welfare programs, but for many it was just a license to steal!!”

We must be concerned because this could well be a precursor of graver problems like child sex trafficking,  and other illegal operations which use children to  commit crimes.  The local CPS must take steps, in coordination with law enforcement, society at large and the media, to warn the public plus assist and advise parents on how to protect their children against not only street abduction by criminals but also by legal criminals of their making like they have in Gilmer County down by the Crooked River!

To be a high school coach of any sport there are certain requirements that need to be met and Sheriff Mickey Metz did not meet these requirements.
A. ASEP Coaches Education Program – Complete our 14 hour course with
a WVSSAC instructor and pass all 3 tests with a minimum score of 80%.
B. Local School Board approval (must be a high school graduate or GED)

What is happening here is not an oddity and unfortunately it is not new. Children are being taken from their families prematurely or unnecessarily because federal formulas give states a strong financial incentive to do so rather than provide services to keep families together.  Taking a child and paying a middle class family to care for them has fast become the latest form of middle class welfare.  All available help goes to foster and adoptive parents.  About the only parents the federal government won’t help indefinitely are birth parents. What’s wrong with this picture?

Laws give bounties to states of up to $8,000 or more per child for every adoption they finalize over a baseline number. But the injustices don’t stop there, because in order to get that money, states have to have children to take away and place them – and therein lay the incentive to falsely accuse parents of harming their children and to forcibly remove children even when there is no evidence to do so.

MARTINSBURG — Just a short few months ago Louis Palma was wrestling with more than just 40-plus vacancies for Child Protective Services workers across the state.

In addition to the 10.8 percent vacancy rate for CPS staff, another 17 percent of the CPS work force has been on the job for less than a year, Palma said. Many of those hired to work for CPS don’t hold degrees in social work but in fields deemed related: criminal justice, sociology, education or psychology, Palma said.

“CPS is doing a job they have never been trained to do.  They are investigating people who have never been charged, calling them child abusers, taking kids away and getting paid to do it. The money that follows a child abuse accusation and subsequent placement of the so-called endangered children into foster care or adoption is the real catalyst for the epidemic of child abuse accusations!”

Lizzie Butcher could break any law bang any box , suck any…well you get the idea … and there was never any consequence for underage drinking or bad behavior back in the day. And when you ask where was the CPS in those days? …You could get laughed out of town, for why should they care about abuse, or child abuse of any kind if it isn’t endorsed by the elite and labeled especially for poor folk. Butcher Bitches fun shown above sucking hard to get the juice to make you loose for summer fun in the VILLE where they live by the “Power of Darkness!”

And there is no incentive for any physician or anybody involved to be intellectually honest in court about this because the law also gives them immunity if they’re wrong. So what happens is that the minute CPS is involved – or the second the EMTs are called (for example, in sudden infant death, choking or alleged shaken baby cases), parents are already labeled as child abusers. They never had a chance.

 Families are coerced into participating by intimidation and the threat of losing their children. In return for fraudulently collected profits, the contracted “vendors” (physicians, psychologists, psychiatrists) provide trumped up “evidence” of child maltreatment to support the claim that they need to keep the child in foster care. In return for this they receive more federal funding. Now this is truly job security.

Nothing in our life experience is more devastating than the abrupt, brutal, and unwarranted forced separation from family and loved ones by strangers. The parent-child bond is our strongest instinct, taking precedent over all else. To have this bond severed by state agents who possess unhindered power, and give no thought or consideration to the fear, anxiety, and trauma that their actions cause, is a crime against humanity.

Removal of non-abused children is an act of emotional and psychological terrorism. CPS does not follow established law and policy. They face no consequences for their illegal behavior. Law enforcement routinely submits to the whims of social workers as do family court and magistrate judges in the majority of cases. Children failed by the system have died while in the protective custody of the State, in the care of CPS and in foster care. Citizens should NOT be removed from their homes and family members based on nothing more than hearsay.

May you never experience an introduction to that Kafka-esque world of state child-snatching.  It illustrates so many of the reasons why, hidden behind its self-protective wall of secrecy, this ruthless and corrupt system is fast becoming one of the most serious problems faced by families living at poverty level today.

The victim that was raped in Goodwin Hall at GSC in the Suite occupied by Jordan Opie Watkins contends that she was not prescribed or knowingly took benzodiazepine which she tested positive for at Stonewall Jackson when evidence for the rape kit was obtained. A mixture of high proof alcohol and date rape drugs was mixed by some other students at GSC and the last thing she remembers is sitting with the cup of alcohol mixed from over 100 proof grain-alcohols mixed by Jayde Layne and Jordan Bennett students at GSC. The next thing she remembers is waking up and regaining consciousness nude with five member of the SOB fraternity standing over her in the shower.

“No Child Left Behind Says CPS!”

Parents have experienced that in these “Secret Courts” that are ran and administered by the same people that are taking the children, that it is in fact a Kangaroo or Tribunal Court where there is no justice and no help. There is virtually no possible way the parents can win. In these courts, parents are placed with Gag Orders, instructed to ‘Not discuss the case’, this way, the social workers, crooked probation officers like Tara Kennedy and dishonest prosecutors like Gerald B Hough can conduct their business outside of scrutiny, and they can lie on the reports and to the judges like Richard A Facemire — free to perjure themselves without question, after all who will complain? Parents are often not even allowed in the court rooms while their cases are being discussed. All the people involved are playing the parents like a fiddle. Social Workers may be very nice, claiming they are there to “help” and they are sure ‘you’ll probably get your children back’, however each time the “defendant” expresses any type of conflict with them or their decisions; something to either expose them, or to prove innocence, they threaten that they will and can “put the child up for adoption”.

Three-year-old Aliayah Lunsford was was last seen in her home around 6:30 a.m. Saturday morning last Sept. 24th wearing Dora pajamas and a pink princess sweatshirt. She is about 3 feet tall and weighs about 35 pounds. She is missing her four front teeth and has shoulder length brown hair and brown eyes. Is she in the river or taken by the CPS and sold into adoption, in another state?

The children are being taken at an alarming rate, and although they are only investigating ONE child…. they will take them all, regardless of the circumstances. They are stealing the children legally. It is reported that Social Workers have no problems falsifying documents or lying about parents and extended family members.  They may threaten the parents into so called “services” such as parenting classes or anger management which by parents taking these services is an automatic admission of guilt (even if they have done nothing); Many Social Workers will do whatever it takes to ensure your child WILL be placed up for adoption. It’s like they’re bounty hunters.

Children may also be placed and deemed “special needs” ensuring more Federal Funding and Non Profit Grants for the authorities. It has been documented that babies as young as a few months old are considered to have “mental issues” and are given strong psychotropic drugs. With each issue that can be found (or created) the state and Federal Government gets more money, not just from the demand for more taxes, but also from non-profit grants one may donate to.

The Governments motto “NO CHILD LEFT BEHIND” was meant to be a slogan for better education.  Today, “NO CHILD LEFT BEHIND seems to have become the slogan used by Social Services and CPS. No Child Left Behind, means that the Social Workers, the State, and Federal Government including Non Profit groups, Adoption Agencies and all their agents and affiliates have a guaranteed income, and it seems the economics involved is not trickle down.

The state of West Virginia and the office of the CPS have been known to parade our children in front of adoptive parents like cattle at an auction. They do it under the disguise of fun and games. “Come and pick out a child” is the mantra.

“Why not put them on an auction block and sell them to the highest bidder. These children are innocent pawns in a game of greed, politics and corruption. If you don’t believe it is going on in the state of West Virginia, think again!”

Can you imagine the hurt, anger, frustration and guilt these children feel when they are alienated from their own flesh and blood, treated like a lost dog from the pound and then are not “picked” for one reason or another. This is a travesty in the worst possible way.

Talk about illegal adoptions- This is just one of the many reasons the corrupt office of the CPS in West Virginia snatches children from home of parents who are uneducated, poor and who don’t know the system and the crime that goes on in its underbelly. It is time to stop the madness, stop the corruption and stop the selling of our children.

Where were you When I needed you Ms CPS?

Well you could not be found!

What can I do Oh I believed in you

You’re running me around

Well you can take it as a warning

Or take it anyway you like

It’s the lightning not the thunder of the SS!

You never know where it’s gonna strike

Our love’s in jeopardy baby!

By Freebird – Revenge of the Ghost Wolf Reporter for the Secret Seven Coalition/ Editor Edison – CalPatty Press Editor

With most of the Staff of the Secret Seven Coalition on SPRING BREAK and on vacation we got the go ahead to republish this article from MARCH of 2013 — that is one our top ten articles from 2013 — And since there have been so many page views and requests for specific information from this article a decision  was made to republish this hard hitting Secret Seven Coalition article endorsed by Concerned Citizens of Central WV. There seems to be a lot of fans of our own Buckwild Gilmer County girl BREE WOLFE that continue to write and request information. This article should serve as a valuable review for her many fans in the central part of WV!!


“Nasia Butcher is teaching all the young girls at the Gilmer County High School to be NEGRO lovers just ask Jordan Morris, drunk grand-kid to the LORD of the CHURCH of IKE – Hell Jordan popped out a NEGRO kid when she was only 16, albeit dead!”

“A five month along abortion is hard to pull off, unless you have a lot of cash to flash for the right corrupt doctor!”

Coach luck? Who is that dude, could not find any paper work, but he is sleeping with BREE WOLFE who had sex with Jason Cunningham the Football Coach with the complete acceptance of Nasia Butcher who is well aware of the sexual tryst. Ron Blankenship has refused to answer questions about the student teacher sex. SO WHO is this NEGRO sleeping with Bree Wolfe and the Black Child we saw her making dance in someones bathtub - Well they all must be pretty fucked up, but if this NEGRO is a member of some coaching staff or faculty he has some Concerned Citizens that want to ask him why the fuck he is taking naps with the white girls students that fuck the coaches? Is this Negro called Coach LUCK for a reason, well it is the time of the season to be findin out what is a goin on here, that is for sure!

Coach Luck is a graduate assistant former PG for the GSC mens BB team but WHY he is sleeping with BREE WOLFE who had sex with Jason Cunningham the Football Coach with the complete acceptance of Nasia Butcher who is well aware of the sexual tryst. Ron Blankenship has refused to answer questions about the student teacher sex. SO WHO is this NEGRO sleeping with Bree Wolfe and the Black Child we saw her making dance in someones bathtub – Well they all must be pretty fucked up, but if this NEGRO is a member of some coaching staff or faculty he has some Concerned Citizens that want to ask him why the fuck he is taking naps with the white girl student that fucks the coaches? Is this Negro called Coach LUCK for a reason, well it is the time of the season to be a findin out what is a goin on here, that is for sure!

Glenville – Revenge of the Ghost Wolf – Secret Seven Coalition UPDATE!

According to a government press release  … Some NEGRO in the U.S Govt is stopping use of the term ’Negro’ for Census Surveys !!

After more than a century, the Census Bureau is dropping its use of the word “Negro” to describe black Americans in surveys.

Of course the average NEGRO up at the college these days often refer to themselves as NIGGA “My Nigga!” as they strut down the streets of Glenville, West Virginia, coming down from “High” on the Hill and scaring the bejesus out of the old ladies in town!

”Hey Nigga …what’s shaking,” they say as their pants are falling down.

“ GSC track star Megan Ruddlesden is shakin on my dick!” “That’s whats up!”

 “Rape those white bitches at the Glenville State College, god damn what the fuck else are they good FO!”

Of course after the local BLACK or rather African-American student at GSC gets done raping a college freshman or two, they like to say their names and that they were on everybody’s dick that was black at Glenville State College the last in the state in academics, “Fright House” on the hill.

Glenville State College is number one in RAPE setting a BAD EXAMPLE for local high school students that live up to the BUCKWILD party reputation that the VILLE and Gilmer County have.

Glenville State College is number one in RAPE setting a BAD EXAMPLE for local high school students that live up to the BUCKWILD party reputation that the VILLE and Gilmer County have.

Listen to Gerry Hough the Patron Saint of RAPE…

 “Choke up on that Big Black Dick and swing away Nigga!”

 On a Bree Wolfe (shown below) twitter account she was asked, Which do u like best, prefer? White or Black men?
She said, BLACK, and this is what she has learned at Gilmer County High School. You can view the questions and answers for you self on line.

Bree WolfelikeblackdickSome NEGRO in the U.S Govt now says officially the term NEGRO, will no longer be allowed. “NEGRO” was commonly used and came into use during the Jim Crow era of racial segregation  … as some refer to as the “Good old days,” around here.

Census forms will use the more modern labels “Black” or “African-American.” And the occasional … “NIGGA” …what is UP with your “Black” self could possibly prevail locally as sort of a slang term since it is so hip to fuck black dudes these days if you are a little chick at Gilmer County High School. The Principal Nasia Butcher truly encourages sex between students and teachers.

"Yeah maybe I am an athlete and I KNOW what I am doing to my body so why don't you shut the fuck up, I'm not afraid of you like all the ville ites. I'm from Wood County so I don't play red-neck!"

“Yeah maybe I am an athlete and I KNOW what I am doing to my body so why don’t you shut the fuck up, I’m not afraid of you like all the ville ites. I’m from Wood County so I don’t play red-neck!”

Nicholas Jones is chief of the Census Bureau’s racial statistics branch, and dude says it is TRUE the whole deal is going down like a Butcher Bitch on WHITE SNAKE!

Jone says the “NO NEGRO,” change will take effect next year, when the bureau distributes its annual, “NO NEGRO,” American Community Survey to more than 3.5 million U.S. households.

According to Jones, months of “NO NEGRO left behind,” public feedback and census research concluded that few black Americans still identify with being “Negro,” and many view the term as offensive and outdated, while preferring …”What’s up Nigga?!”


A lot of people will never fight for their freedom, but gladly accept it when it comes, and if peace means keeping our mouth shut in the midst of evil and injustice, then we don’t want it.

Complacency is a feeling of self-satisfaction often and here is a Crooked County Chick that says she gets her own satisfaction out of getting just as fucked up as she wants to because in Gilmer County the Church of Ike and Sandy Pettit are the law and what the fuck are they gonna do about it?! "Sure get that "Grant" you promised put that 50 on the table and I will show you my tits and for 100 you can have em. Where did you say you were from again?"

Complacency is a feeling of self-satisfaction often and here is a Crooked County Chick that says she gets her own satisfaction out of getting just as fucked up as she wants to because in Gilmer County the Church of Ike and Sandy Pettit are the law and what the fuck are they gonna do about it?! “Sure get that “Grant” you promised put that 50 on the table and I will show you my tits and for 100 you can have em. Where did you say you were from again?”

If peace means being complacent and accepting the status quo, then we don’t want it. If peace means being passive, submissive to the elite, if it means it’s JUST OK to be exploited and humiliated, then that’s the kind of peace that we just don’t want in Gilmer County.

“Complacency almost always comes after the success of a local county election around here and lives long after that success has disappeared down in Crooked County down by the Crooked River…”



Sluggishness mixed with arrogance may be readily apparent to an outsider, even if you take a look at this video below with Brian Kennedy President of the Gilmer County Commission on a tirade. Complacent insiders don’t really have that perspective. While they might say there are challenges, they’ll tell you the problems are over there with some other person, some other department and some other place.

Well check out this challenge right here when the local Parks and Recreation Board gets together to try and get something done and don’t really get shit accomplished but listen to how great and wonderful everything is gonna be under the bullshit, not based on facts rhetoric of Kennedy. Hit play on this video and you won’t have to let it play in very far before you see the President of the Gilmer County Commission putting in his share of representation to illustrate that Gilmer County leans towards the tyrannical, in public officials.

Complacency is a feeling of self-satisfaction. Content with the status quo, organizations and individuals that are complacent do not look for new opportunities or hazards on the horizon. Instead they are almost always focused on their personal wants, their needs. They rarely initiate or lead, working at a constant speed even when circumstances call for fast action. We have all seen it, yet we underestimate its prevalence and its power, Gilmer County . Highly destructive complacency is, in fact, all around us as evidenced by the video above.

Ask yourself the following questions. 

Have you noticed that people hesitate to question bureaucracy and politics are slowing things down?

Do you hear leaders regularly blame others for problems instead of taking responsibility?

Do they talk about past failures not to learn but to stall new ideas or initiatives?

Have you seen them regularly miss deadlines around critical issues?

Have you heard them crack cynical jokes to undermine important discussions?

Do they throw highly selective facts around to shoot down data that suggests there may be a real problem or opportunity?  Do meetings on key issues end with no decisions about what must happen immediately? (except scheduling the next meeting)

You know the answer. You know the truth and the answer is YES.  It happens every day in Gilmer County.  If you want proof just take the time to watch more public meeting videos broadcast on the Gilmer Free Press. This downward spiral must not continue.

There’s a big difference between being content and being complacent. Contentment is feeling or showing satisfaction with one’s current status or situation, and complacency is self-satisfaction accompanied by unawareness of actual deficiencies or dangers.

“Complacency means showing uncritical satisfaction with oneself or one’s achievements resulting in acceptance of the status quo as sufficient.  We should avoid being in a state of complacency and we should desire the feeling of contentment in Gilmer County!”

“The Power of DARKNESS in Crooked County holds Secrets!” All the while the Ghost Wolf watches from high atop the mountains overlooking the town below. When the moon is full if you look closely you may observe a black shadow stalking his prey while making his way down the hills, but if his eyes should be red, you surely better run instead!

“The Power of DARKNESS in Crooked County holds Secrets!” All the while the Ghost Wolf watches from high atop the mountains overlooking the town below. When the moon is full if you look closely you may observe a black shadow stalking his prey while making his way down the hills, but if his eyes should be red, you surely better run instead!

Complacency cannot solve any of our societal issues. Individuals who are not satisfied with the status quo and who see a brighter future are the ones working to improve their own lives and the lives of others. Often for no reason other than it’s the right thing to do.  They know it, they feel it, they want it and so should you. We as individuals and as a collective society cannot afford to sit back and let the status quo endure.

"Give me my blouse back what did you do with it?" I don't want it in your truck, OK, I just go get it later, but you better not forget it, what the hell that is some killer pot. And I have not done coke like that since I was in high school, must not have gotten that stuff around here, that is the good shit man, you gotta know people to get that...damn I am fucked up!"

“Give me my blouse back what did you do with it?” I don’t want it in your truck, OK, just go get it later, but you better not forget it, what the hell that is some killer pot. And I have not done coke like that since I was in high school, must not have gotten that stuff around here, that is the good shit man, you gotta know people to get that…damn I am fucked up!”

If we become complacent then we won’t discover new cures or invent more efficient forms of production. We won’t eliminate poverty, win the war against drugs or improve education.  If we stay complacent we won’t mend wounds from past hurts or gain control of our lives and retain our freedoms. Complacency is just not an option for a better tomorrow for Gilmer County or the state of West Virginia .

“Whether it is becoming a better singer, improving educational outcomes for students, advancing ones career or attacking childhood hunger, envision a brighter better future and work with those who choose to make it a reality!”

It is important we realize that our greatest enemies are not those on the outside, but those in our midst.  When we recognize the enemies on the outside we do not allow them to pass.

Sometimes we become so paranoid we refuse to let any possible good coming from the outside in while harm comes most often when we fail to recognize those on the inside working with self-serving elitists to destroy us, the common citizen, without our knowing, or without anyone being any the wiser!

OK, I can really have the money you will leave it on the table and then I want to get my blouse back too. Alright, give me my drink back, I need a drink first, ok, now scoot back, I am just showing you that is all you get for the 50. So scoot back and let me take another drink.

“OK, I can really have the money you will leave it on the table and then I want to get my blouse back too. Alright, give me my drink back, I need a drink first, ok, now scoot back, I am just showing you that is all you get for the 50. So scoot back and let me take another drink!”

WV Governor Earl Ray Tomblin wants online retailers to start collecting West Virginia’s sales tax on purchases by state residents. That cost would be passed on to consumers by the retailer raising prices … as if we don’t pay enough taxes!

Legislation introduced earlier this week follows the lead of several other states as brick-and-mortar businesses complain of an unfair tax burden, but they are just pissed because they are not getting their piece of the information highway pie.

Tomblin proposes requiring retailers located out-of-state to start applying the sales tax if they or a subsidiary has a physical presence in West Virginia. We suspect they will reply with…

“Keep your crooked shit in Charleston Tomblin!”

gcdrugsandalcohol003 (2)

“Ok! Go close the kitchen door YOU! And stand behind it I don’t want anyone walking in on this, but you have to put some more of that coke out too. Do you know Doug Morris? Doug is the only person that I know of besides Doug Cottrill that gets coke this good. It looks pink until you crush it up, then it is all white and sparkly and it is about the best I have had in a while! No! YOU go over there to that door you!! I don’t want you grabbing at me while I do this. Give me my drink! Don’t take it away!” Ok here goes and then that $50 is mine and you better give me my blouse back!”

Here in Gilmer County home of tyranny we have proof by the State’s own admission that consolidation simply does not work. This regional jail system likely doubles the cost of the previous county jail system, and the county wants to tax the concerned citizens for high jail costs when most of the people incarcerated in WV are in jail for non-violent crimes, and some inmates should NOT be in jail at all!

The State Board of Education has and is doing their best to consolidate our schools against our wishes and then make us the citizens pay for it through taxes!

 We, the citizens, have to foot the bill for their continued lack of understanding being constantly taxed. The excess levy tax election almost looks rigged now that so much truth has been revealed by the FREE PRESS in Central West Virginia!

Let me tell you how it will be Gilmer County!

There’s one for you, nineteen for me!

‘Cause I’m the TAXMAN, yeah, I’m the fucking Crooked County TAX MAN

Should five per cent appear too small
Be thankful I don’t take it all
‘Cause I’m the taxman, yeah I’m the Crooked County TAX MAN!!

Coach_&_Bree_on_couch with coochie

UPDATE Thursday March 7th 2013 A Special Announcement from the SS!

Dan Bell SERVED TODAY with subpoena for RAPE CASE along with GLENVILLE STATE COLLEGE Thursday afternoon, March 7, 2013 in Glenville, West Virginia the capital of the infamous CROOKED COUNTY!!

Erietta Patrianakos is shown in this photo. According to the federal law suit, Patrianakos took alcohol to the alleged rapist Jordan Watkins’ room, and left to be with her boyfriend, for a little big bop bangin of her own. Shortly thereafter, Amanda Smith the RAPE victim joined other students including Layne in Watkins’ room.

Erietta Patrianakos is shown in this photo. According to the federal law suit, Patrianakos took alcohol to the alleged rapist Jordan Watkins’ room, and left to be with her boyfriend, for a little big bop bangin of her own. Shortly thereafter, Amanda Smith the RAPE victim joined other students including Layne in Watkins’ room.

Dan Bell head of GSC Campus Police, Jayde Layne, Glenville State College and Kala Fisher were all served JUST HOURS AGO with subpoenas to appear in US District court involving their conspiracy to RAPE GSC student and RAPE VICTIM Amanda Smith a former honor student and sophomore.

Erietta Patrianakos is being sought …we are a comin for you Erietta!!

Guess what bitch, that ain’t no Fire Extinguisher that will be a swinging neither, just looks like one, can’t put it on the album cover, but I bet ya could play jump rope with it! Yeah we are a comin for ya with JAYDY LAYNE’S PENIS man…!!  That’s right cuz we know you bitches don’t want no woman, no sophomore telling you how to run your life!!  Don’t want her telling you what to do, so you set her up like a bitch!


Red Neck Renegade Outlaws better known as the well armed Consolidated Citizens Corp Company C ELKINS, WV from the Central West Virginia  also members of the Secret Seven said, “FUCK IT, we will throw down this time. We are gonna haul some people into court for the rape of “Amanda Smith,” and hope to have the main RAPE suspect served within hours ….by HOOK or CROOK, Crooked County style for all the folk that live down by the Crooked River!!!

Red Neck Renegade Outlaws better known as the well armed Consolidated Citizens Corp Company C ELKINS, WV from the Central West Virginia CCC said “FUCK IT” We will throw down this time. We are gonna haul some people into court for the rape of “Amanda Smith,” and hope to have the main RAPE suspect served within hours ….by HOOK or CROOK, Crooked County style for all the folk that live down by the Crooked River!!!



Erietta Patrianakos is the Glenville State College student that federal court papers say bought and delivered the alcohol used to mix with the date rape drugs – was also one of the female GSC students that found Amanda Smith after she had been sexually assaulted while scantly clad in a bra and panties that were disheveled.

Jordan Neal OPIE Watkins on the left wearing the loaded side-arm on campus at a party, and his wife who is also now Jordan Watkins known as Jordan Bennett while attending Glenville State College at the time of the rape of Amanda Smith of Wood County. The Secret Seven Coalition has been working with the family and the process servers to get the location of Watkins confirmed so he can be served. He should be served at any minute or any hour, we have his location printed on this page.

Jordan Neal OPIE Watkins on the left wearing the loaded side-arm on campus at a party, and his wife who is also now Jordan Watkins known as Jordan Bennett while attending Glenville State College at the time of the rape of Amanda Smith of Wood County. The Secret Seven Coalition has been working with the family and the process servers to get the location of Watkins confirmed so he can be served. He should be served at any minute or any hour, we have his location printed on this page.

The Supreme Commander of the Secret Seven Coalition says he obtained the latest address of JORDAN NEAL opie WATKINS an alleged rapist, and here are two addresses that Opie can be picked up at right now down in Gerry Hough territory, the PATRON SAINT of RAPISTS and we hear that Jordan Watkins, someone the SS is CONVINCED is GUILTY of RAPE is asking for the help of GERRY HOUGH CROOKED COUNTY PROSECUTOR through his connection Janet Weldon from GSC.

Here are the addresses that Jordan Neal Watkins has been seen at in his Dodge Ram truck.

140, Chanticleer Village Dr apt k, Myrtle Beach
(as of 420 pm was not at that address)

Red regular cab dodge RAM which is the vehicle of Jordan Neal (Opie) Watkins was at this address earlier today, and could possibly be served within the hour:

Claypond Commons….
Rexford ct apt 4217 Myrtle beach Sc 29579

Go get that rapist bitch boys and lets bring him out of Gerry Hough territory and home so we can a have our way with him in a United States court of law, for surely Crooked County is controlled by Sandy Pettit and the Church of Ike.

Sheriff Gerwig recently stated in public that he has to ask the permission of Sandy Pettit before he can make an arrest.

We hear several officers the Crooked County Court and members of the Church of IKE have been working feverishly to cover up this rape to try to save the image of the college. Gerald B Hough we feel has made more serious violations involving this RAPE CASE than he did when he was convicted of a FERPA VIOLATION!!

Patrianakos HAS NOT COOPERATED with revealing any names of people actually at the scene of the sexual assault and the Central WV Secret Seven Coalition believes was part of a conspiracy entered into with Jayde Layne and others, that include members of the Sigma Omega Beta Fraternity from Glenville State College. Erietta Patrianakos is part of the list of suspects that were involved in the alleged vicious sexual attack of honor student Amanda Smith.

Jayde Layne, a freshman at the time of the RAPE of AMANDA SMITH with her boyfriend.

Jayde Layne, a freshman at the time of the RAPE of AMANDA SMITH with her boyfriend.

Smith says Layne, who’d previously been mixing drinks in the bathroom, offered her a plastic cup. After consuming the unspecified contents of half of it, Layne brought her a different cup, this cup has been suspected of being spiked with DATE RAPE drugs!
Sometime between then and 10 p.m., the suit maintains Smith appeared she was having a “mild seizure” after becoming nauseous “with alternating bouts of vomiting and urinating, crying and screaming.” Sometime thereafter she became unconscious.
According to the Federal lawsuit, someone removed Smith’s clothes leaving her in only her bra and panties. Upon discovering her disrobed and unconscious, Layne, Patrianakos and Fisher put Smith in the shower, to wash away the semen and other evidence, after these three females actually allegedly assisted in this awful sexual assault. Members of the SOB fraternity have been suspected of being involved in the RAPE of AMANDA SMITH!! Shown in this photo is Jayde Layne giving an SOB FRAT member some of the good stuff that Jayde Layne has to give…

What really upsets the local SS the most is the fact that another rape involving a member of the football team took place on September 28th, 2010 just TEN DAYS after Amanda Smith was attacked at Glenville State College, where also there were alleged members of the football team in the room of one of the alleged rapists, Jordan Watkins.

According to the civil action filed in US District Court by Amanda Smith, Glenville State College officials continued to display insensitivity toward Amanda Smith, after she withdrew from GSC. Dan Bell head of Public Safety at the College, Andrew Lewis
Resident Director and Jerry Burkhammer II, the dean of student affairs, were all no-shows for a meeting with Smith and her parents to discuss the rape. Glenville decided to handle this criminal allegation the way it always does when one of their own is guilty, they decided to ignore the issue hoping it will go away.

YOU Jayde Layne and some sons of bitches from the SOB fraternity owe the Concerned Citizens of Gilmer County an explanation!

Erietta Patrianakos the Glenville State College student that federal court papers say bought and delivered the alcohol used to mix with the date rape drugs – was also one of the female GSC students that found Amanda Smith after she had been sexually assaulted while scantly clad in a bra and panties that were disheveled. Erietta Patrianakos shown in this photo with her boyfriend who was with her the night of the alleged rape – Patrianakos HAS NOT COOPERATED with revealing any names of people actually at the scene of the sexual assault and the Central WV Secret Seven Coalition believes was part of a conspiracy entered into with Jayde Layne and others, that include members of the Sigma Omega Beta Fraternity from Glenville State College. Erietta Patrianakos is part of the list of suspects that were involved in the alleged vicious sexual attack of honor student Amanda Smith.

Erietta Patrianakos the Glenville State College student that federal court papers say bought and delivered the alcohol used to mix with the date rape drugs – was also one of the female GSC students that found Amanda Smith after she had been sexually assaulted while scantly clad in a bra and panties that were disheveled. Erietta Patrianakos shown in this photo with her boyfriend who was with her the night of the alleged rape – Patrianakos HAS NOT COOPERATED with revealing any names of people actually at the scene of the sexual assault and the Central WV Secret Seven Coalition believes was part of a conspiracy entered into with Jayde Layne and others, that include members of the Sigma Omega Beta Fraternity from Glenville State College. Erietta Patrianakos is part of the list of suspects that were involved in the alleged vicious sexual attack of honor student Amanda Smith.

Hey  KALA, JAYDE, and that Bitch Erietta Patrianakos

Just Tell me  …how does it feel knowing you set up a smart young honor student for a brutal rape by SOB’s – Sigma Omega Beta — from the home of RAPE and MURDER GSC — in beautiful Glenville, West Virginia!

Tell me how does it feel …bitches?!

“The Dark Woods of Crooked County holds Secrets!” But, in the winter when the snow comes the Ghost Wolf goes high into the mountains where he often wanders to his favorite mountain lake to remember the love and the good times provided by the bright white of the moon! But always knowing the day may be near for him to kill again,oh how grand that day will be,the hunger,the thirst,the blood, when the longed for revenge comes due for the Ghost Wolf of Crooked County!”

“The Dark Woods of Crooked County holds Secrets!” But, in the winter when the snow comes the Ghost Wolf goes high into the mountains where he often wanders to his favorite mountain lake to remember the love and the good times provided by the bright white of the moon! But always knowing the day may be near for him to kill again,oh how grand that day will be,the hunger,the thirst,the blood, when the longed for revenge comes due for the Ghost Wolf of Crooked County!”

There’s danger out tonight..the man is on the prowl
Get the dynamite…the boys are set to howl
Lonely is the night when you hear the Ghost Wolf call
Are you ready for a fight–do you wanna take it all

Slowdown, showdown–waitin’ on line
Showtime, no time for changin’ your mind
Streets are ringin’, march to the sound
Let your secrets follow you down
Now Blood is dripping from your Crooked County Crown

"...Lonely is the night when you hear the Ghost Wolf call!"

“…Lonely is the night when you hear the Ghost Wolf call!”

“As promised Secrets from the Calhoun Lagoon of Conspiracy are revealed in this RGW article!”

For years many people wondered why Shelly Morris DeMarino suddenly gave up her job as the Calhoun County Prosecuting Attorney and went into private practice, a move Gerald B Hough should learn soon if he wants to save his law career given the wrongdoing that may be revealed during all the Cottrill Estate Court proceedings that are starting up full steam ahead as of March 5th at 9am in the Gilmer County Circuit Courtroom of Judge Alsop.

Shelly Morris DeMarino on the left and about 50 pounds heavier than she has ever been in her life for all of the stress. Shelly is a slimmed down sexy Church of Ike ette now, and most likely hates this photo. We like it because this is where the special deal Shelly put together for Todd Smith failed in court, back on the sixth of April 2010. Todd was going to walk on drug charges if he signed a "Snitch" agreement to give up information on whoever Shelly needed info on, but a Calhoun County Judge said, "NO WAY for the reason Christopher Todd Smith had a 20 year extensive criminal history in the county and that deal was never going to go down in Calhoun County.  Things started to fall apart for both Shelly DeMarino and "Hot Toddy Smith" soon after this photo was published the day following the court proceeding. Shelly resigned and Hot Toddy found himself in front of JUDGE ALSOP who was specially assigned when two 4th district circuit court judges refused to hear the drug case against Smith for the reason of having Hot Toddy before them in court on other matters over the years, so they chose to recuse themselves and safe themselves the ridicule that could with PRESS COVERAGE of such a high profile drug case in which Christopher Todd Smith eventually did one to three years in prison for and found himself in PC In Central Regional Jail for a long time making the jail guards work just a little harder for their money with his writing of letters and questionable jail house communications and threats issued for the Central Regional Jail facility. Some of those letters speaking about ARSON and Crooks from Crooked County are published on the pages of this website ... Revenge of the Ghost Wolf!

Shelly Morris DeMarino on the left and about 50 pounds heavier than she has ever been in her life for all of the stress. Shelly is a slimmed down sexy Church of Ike ette now, and most likely hates this photo. We like it because this is where the special deal Shelly put together for Todd Smith failed in court, back on the sixth of April 2010. Todd was going to walk on drug charges if he signed a “Snitch” agreement to give up information on whoever Shelly needed info on, but a Calhoun County Judge said, “NO WAY” for the reason Christopher Todd Smith had a 20 year extensive criminal history in the county — And that deal was never going to go down in Calhoun County. Things started to fall apart for both Shelly DeMarino and “Hot Toddy Smith” soon after this photo was published the day following the court proceeding. Shelly resigned and Hot Toddy found himself in front of JUDGE ALSOP who was specially assigned when two 4th district circuit court judges refused to hear the drug case against Smith for the reason of having Hot Toddy before them in court on other matters over the years, so they chose to recuse themselves and save themselves the ridicule that could come with PRESS COVERAGE of such a high profile drug case in which Christopher Todd Smith eventually did one to three years in prison for — and found himself in PC In Central Regional Jail for a long time making the jail guards work just a little harder for their money with his writing of letters and questionable jail house communications and threats issued from the Central Regional Jail facility. Some of those letters speaking about ARSON and Crooks from Crooked County are published on the pages of this website … Revenge of the Ghost Wolf!

“The Calhoun County Prosecuting attorney, asked me to work with an investigation to clean up the misconduct at the Calhoun Detachment, I did just that,”  said John Manis Richards also known as the LONE METH RANGER!

“That Calhoun Prosecuting Attorney Mrs. Shelly Morris DeMarino was set to blow the lid off a State Police Ring of Corruption but as you know, the good ole boy system within the WV State Police made threats, Mrs. DeMarino gave her resignation to the County Commission stating she has irreparable differences with the WVSP!”

“But, before that, I came across Video Evidence of another Prosecuting Attorney same county (Mr. Matt Minney) conspiring with Trooper Hunt and Trooper Campbell… let’s just say the Video came into my possession, where a hidden video camera was placed where Minney and the Officers were caught conspiring to mislead the Court about evidence issues. Mr. Minney later also resigned, sold his Calhoun House and moved to Charleston!”

Secret Seven Coalition members back in the early days were certainly active with all the corrupt cops in Calhoun County, The order of the day was stay well armed and keep plenty of ammo on hand...

Secret Seven Coalition members back in the early days were certainly active with all the corrupt cops in Calhoun County, The order of the day was stay well armed and keep plenty of ammo on hand…

John Richards secret arrangement with Shelly Morris DeMarino takes us back to the early days of the Secret Seven Coalition members — which were certainly active — with all the corrupt cops in Calhoun County back then.  The order of the day was stay well armed and keep plenty of ammo on hand…

Nothing much has changed since those days except most all of the bad cops are gone from Calhoun County!!Former Chief Deputy of the Calhoun County Sheriffs office, Sgt Bandy was ruined by his Court Case, where he was charged with seven felony charges and one misdemeanor, that is until a Special Prosecutor with a daughter that likes to pull her panties to the side — Gerald B Hough — came along and let him off like Carly used to let the TKE FRAT boys off up at that lazy crazy Glenville State College.


Grantsville Police Chief Ron Gordon is shown in this photo wearing Central Regional Jail orange. TEAM RANGERS under the leadership John Manis Richards (The Lone Meth Ranger) and the Calhoun County SS contacted 14 victims of sexual assault, some while under home confinement and most all subject to drug testing. Drug testing was sometimes overlooked in exchange for sexual favors. In one instance a mother and a daughter were both sexually assaulted. Out of the 14 contacted 3 came forward to testify against Ron Gordon.

Grantsville Police Chief Ron Gordon is shown in this photo wearing Central Regional Jail orange. TEAM RANGERS under the leadership of John Manis Richards (The Lone Meth Ranger) and the Calhoun County SS contacted 14 victims of sexual assault, some while under home confinement and most all subject to drug testing. Drug testing was sometimes overlooked in exchange for sexual favors. In one instance a mother and a daughter were both sexually assaulted. Out of the 14 contacted 3 came forward to testify against Ron Gordon.

The Police Chief Ron Gordon of Grantsville – the county seat of Calhoun County – went to prison for sexual assaults while using his badge to blackmail women into sex back in those early days of the newly formed Secret Seven Coalition. Then, there was Sgt Shane Dellinger who was prosecuted for crimes while on duty as a police officer in Grantsville. And then, one could never forget Sgt CJ Ellyson, an alleged best friend of Gerry Hough — And a West Virginia State Trooper in Grantsville who was given the boot for stealing all the evidence, money, drugs and guns from the State Police lockup.

JD Nicholson the next Grantsville Police Chief that replaced Gordon was later beaten by a man with a baseball bat, while another man with a baseball bat stood lookout-JD was beaten severely about the head and shoulders and died two weeks later from injuries. While JD was in the hospital it was determined he was addicted to pills. The men that attacked him in broad daylight with several witnesses present were never held accountable for the beating that led to the death. But it was said that JD Nicholson was a bed hopper and pill popper just like Kelli Nicole Stamper Lawson aka Lunacy Lucy and HOT TODDY “Roddy” RIDER for the Fire Starting CULT of Calhoun County.

“Damn those were the days my friend, we thought they would never end!”

Kelli Nicole Stamper Lawson, "Pill Popper and Bed Hopper" from the good old days of Calhoun County when Lisa MInney was a reporter for the Chronicle and everybody read the "HOT" internet websites like Crooked County Crooks, the CalPatty Press and the Lone Meth Ranger ... just to name a few!

Kelli Nicole Stamper Lawson, “Pill Popper and Bed Hopper” from the good old days of Calhoun County when Lisa MInney was a reporter for the Chronicle and everybody read the “HOT” internet websites like Crooked County Crooks, the CalPatty Press and the Lone Meth Ranger … just to name a few!

During a secret communication with the leader of the Secret Seven Coalition John Manis Richards, better known to Calhoun County as the LONE METH RANGER left this very simple and direct message…

“Be talking to you soon. My case is simple but dealing with Crooks again!”

“As many know I stand accused of an alleged State Police Break-in at Harrisville on October 30 and 31, 2012… I have no involvement, but the guy (William Willis Estep II) who did commit the crime is lying to save himself for a crime he committed himself… for a low plea for probation in the case…”

John Manis Richards in a recent photo with his children. John just filed a complaint with the Judicial Investigation Commission in regard to the misconduct of Circuit Court Judge Timothy L Sweeney.

John Manis Richards in a recent photo with his children. John just filed a complaint with the Judicial Investigation Commission in regard to the misconduct of Circuit Court Judge Timothy L Sweeney.

Mr. Estep lived in one of our Rental Apartments and Bartered for his rent by performing work around our rental property and paid $400 per month… Mr. Estep is also the Brother of my children’s Mother.

Me and my Father have 11 rental units in all and I run all aspects of the Rental Business!”

Mr. Estep had the run of our property and the use of my father’s Chevy Truck for business proposes. This was the Truck (photo below)Mr. Estep used in the crime without mine or my father’s knowledge. Mr. Estep driver’s license was suspended for unpaid court costs, and his car had very loud exhaust and no insurance. He was also pulled over several times by the police just before the State Police break-in. These were the main reasons Mr. Estep stole my father’s truck. So then,  he robbed the State Police drug locker to support his and his girlfriend and her mother’s drug habits.

I had given Mr. Estep an eviction notice on November 11, 2012 for poor work performance and not getting along with other renters; as well Kim Jacobs had threatened another lady renter. Three days later Police got a search warrant for my apartment on November 14, 2012 and kicked my front door in without knocking or announcing who they were. Once inside police order me to the floor, then a cop outside yelled “Police we have a search warrant”. I was on the phone just three feet from the door that was kicked in. I was talking with my children’s mother who was in the Regional Jail where all phone conversations are recorded. I have been trying to get attorney Sinkkanen to obtain the Jail phone conversations for over a year to no avail.

(Again, I felt my attorney  Sinkkanen was trying to cover-up the State Police Corruption in the Case and got rid of her.)

I did find some stills of William W. Estep where he hid some drugs while being caught on video And this is the same night he was escorted into the laundry room by police to question him. The audio portion of the Video Clips are intentionally being withheld due to the pending case and the misconduct complaint against a circuit court judge file with the office of the JIC.

I did find some stills of William W. Estep where he hid some drugs while being caught on video And this is the same night he was escorted into the laundry room by police to question him. The audio portion of the Video Clips are intentionally being withheld due to the pending case and the misconduct complaint against a circuit court judge filed with the office of the JIC.

Anyway, police in their search warrant alleged they wanted to search Mr. Estep’s apartment and when they kicked in my door, they asked for Mr. Estep, I told police he did not live here. Police told me they got reports that Mr. Estep lived at 820 Apt. # 1 Williams Hwy. Yes he does, but this was the address of 820 not 820 Apt # 1. All doors are clearly marked The search warrant even said Mr. Estep’s apartment was confirmed by Kim Jacobs and another Police officer that John Richards lives at the front of the Building in 820 and Mr. Estep lives at 820 Apt. # 1 which the search warrant states is located around back at the rear of the build. Neither apartment has access to the other.

“Being used as evidence is a photo of Estep with State Trooper in laundry facility where SP coerced and made threats to Estep to and promised him a low bond if he said me and Dave helped him and his bond was set at $15,000 where a bondsman who sucks cop dick charged his girlfriend $500 and let her make payments on the other $850 and me and Dave’s bond were set at $100,000 each!”

“One photo being used as evidence clearly shows William Estep hiding drugs in a private laundry facility next to his apartment. This video was captured on November 4, 2012 just 4 days after the SP B&E. I went into the laundry room the next day and found under the furnace in the laundry room where Estep had hidden the drugs and took photos. Also note Estep is wearing a sling on his arm in this photo as he said in his police statement he re-injured his shoulder while ramming his shoulder into the evidence room door. If he would have had help like he is trying to claim he would not have needed to use his shoulder!”

jiccomplaint(For those that seek further info as to the complaint mentioned in this above document please click the green link below to get the full story on the Gilmer Free Press)


Once the police enter my apartment and found out Mr. Estep lived in the rear of the build in an apartment… one of the cops said oh, whoops… the police went around back where Mr. Estep was trying to run out but was caught by police. Police searched my apartment and found nothing nothing nothing…. However, police searched Mr. Estep’s apartment and found drugs, drug use devices, he had the shoes he wore the night of the B&E on his feet and police found crowbars under his couch. Police also found a large amount of cigarettes that Estep also claimed me and Dave Wine also helped him steal from a store in Ritchie Co. Please understand that Mr. Estep is not Rat-ing on me and Dave Wine, but rather Mr. Estep is simply doing what the police suggested and that is to put the blame on me and Mr. Wine. Another reason is Dave Wine was the person who was going to move into Mr. Estep’s apartment and work for me and my father once Estep was evicted. Dave Wine is a solid person and a good friend of mine, and I am sure he was not involved in the B&E. Dave nor I gave a statement to police.

Truck Estep stole from the father of the Lone Meth Ranger John Manis Richards and used to drive to Harrisville and commit the State Police  Breaking & Entering.

Truck Estep stole from the father of the Lone Meth Ranger John Manis Richards and used to drive to Harrisville and commit the State Police Breaking & Entering.

Mr. Estep’s girlfriend and her mother lived with him and they were both heavy drug users as well as Mr. Estep.
Apparently after the crime they were all strung out on drugs, and Mr. Estep kicked his girlfriend’s mother out. In turn she went back to Charleston where she sobered up and became mad and called the State Police and told them that she has information of who did the B&E on the State Police in Harrisville. Her name is Kim Jacobs and she told State Police that her Daughter and her Boyfriend William “Billy” Estep did the B&E. His girlfriends name is Brandy Jacobs.

Both of these ladies gave Statements to State Police and both said on the night of the B&E Billy said he was going to work… However, neither lady said they never saw Billy leave with anyone or comeback with anyone. However, they did make statement that Billy came back about 3:30 a.m. with a lot of drugs. Kim Jacobs said she did not do drugs, but further gave statements that Billy put Meth in foil shaped like a “w” and smoke it through a straw… Kim further stated Billy put more Meth in a light bulb and smoked it… The State Trooper taking the Statement asked Kim how she knew it was Meth… Kim said because Billy told her it was Meth…

(That’s right Kim was smoking it too)
Just two (2) days after the B&E I had to report to my regular (first Friday of each month) meeting with my probation officer who is from Clay County due to Gilmer County’s probation officer Tara Kennedy pulling herself off the case a few years ago.

In Book one Revenge of the Ghost Wolf John Richards is featured as the Ranger ... "Lisianna turned to thank the man that helped them, and then suddenly felt that maybe she had seen that face before! Could it be? The mans picture had made the paper many times, and then she had to laugh a little to herself, after remembering an arrest mug shot, that was in the paper too. In the picture he was smiling. Although they had never met in person, Lisianna couldn’t help but feel like she almost knew this man, so also couldn’t help but smile a little. She shook his hand…he took it, but then gave her a little hug. Lisianna knew in her heart that the hug was certainly more proper under the circumstances. This was no time to be formal as every hour and every day could be their last. Lil Lissi stepped back a step or two, then moved toward that smiling familiar face, looking the man square in the eye and said, “Well at last…the famous JR, the mighty Ranger himself!” His face lit up like it was Christmas for a six year old. “I’ve waited a long time for this day, but hurry there is no time to waste, we need to make the camp before dawn,” exclaimed the Ranger.

In Book one Revenge of the Ghost Wolf John Richards is featured as the Ranger “Lisianna turned to thank the man that helped them, and then
suddenly felt that maybe she had seen that face before! Could it be?
The mans picture had made the paper many times, and then she
had to laugh a little to herself, after remembering an arrest mug shot,
that was in the paper too. In the picture he was smiling. Although they
had never met in person, Lisianna couldn’t help but feel like she almost
knew this man, so also couldn’t help but smile a little.
She shook his hand…he took it, but then gave her a little hug.
Lisianna knew in her heart that the hug was certainly more proper
under the circumstances. This was no time to be formal as every hour
and every day could be their last.
Lil Lissi stepped back a step or two, then moved toward that smiling
familiar face, looking the man square in the eye and said, “Well at
last…the famous JR, the mighty Ranger himself!” His face lit up like
it was Christmas for a six year old.
“I’ve waited a long time for this day, but hurry there is no time to
waste, we need to make the camp before dawn,” exclaimed the


“There is also video evidence from our rental property that shows police questioning Mr. Estep and getting right up in his face nose to nose… and the video does not jive with their report of when they allegedly read him his Miranda Warning and it sure appears he was in custody as Mr. Estep was in the room with two or three troopers all the time and he never left the room to smoke or pee for over 2 ½ hours and when he left two officers had their hands on Mr. Estep. Also have video of me and my Daughter leaving my home at around 8:15 p.m. in my car on the night of the B&E and other Video of me my Daughter and Dave Wine working in a shop adjacent to my home from around 8:30 p.m. on Oct. 30, 2012 till 1:35 a.m. on Oct. 31, 2012. Of course my daughter was in a friend’s apt. beside the shop most of the evening, and my Dads truck left my home around 15 minutes after we left in the car… but it was parked in such a way you can’t see who was driving the truck!”

John Manis Richards had to be in Ritchie County Court at 9:30 a.m. with his new attorney, John M. Butler Thursday February 20th 2014. We will have more on this case of the Lone Meth Ranger still fighting corruption in 2014 as the story unfolds…
John Says …
“The Crooks are mad at me so I look for a motion to revoke my $125,000 bond. Steven Jones tried to revoke the bond before, by claiming I had committed additional crimes since my release on bond in Ritchie County on State Police charges. Bogus statements were made by Steve Jones and documented!”
Steve Jones sounds like he could be related to Crooked County Prosecutor Gerald B Hough down by the Crooked River where there is Danger out tonight!

…The SS man is on the prowl
Get the dynamite…the boys are set to howl


“Lonely is the night when you hear the Ghost Wolf call!”

Are you ready for a fight–do you wanna take it all

Slowdown, showdown–waitin’ on line
Showtime, no time for changin’ your mind
Streets are ringin’, march to the sound
Let your secrets follow you down
Now Blood is dripping from your Crooked County Crown

By Free Bird – Reporter for Revenge of the Ghost Wolf/Hurricane Rina McCoy/Cosmos Communicator/Editor Edison – CalPatty Press Editor


OH that God Damn Church of IKE

Why don’t you ask him if he’s going to stay
Why don’t you ask him if he’s going away
Why don’t you tell me what’s going on
Why don’t you tell me who’s on the phone

Why don’t you ask him what’s going on

Why don’t you ask him who’s the latest on his throne


I live in Glenville, West Virginia and know how this town is all too well. I really hope Fred Hill’s family keeps up with the media and law enforcement about this case, that has lasted years. At any rate … MANY of us here in the “Ville” which is most often darkly clouded by the “Power of Darkness,” know what did happen!

“The “Ville” the SPOOKY GHOULISH GHOST of GLENVILLE made the “MURDER” go away, out of sight during a ritualistic ceremony one night at the Church of Ike!”

I was always afraid in Calhoun County, after reading all the stuff that happens there, but now I see Gilmer County is worse and truly crooked, just like what has been said all along about those “Crooks from Crooked County that live down by the Crooked River!”


"...And they call THEM Butchers too! The Butcher Bitches Lizzy and Lexi acting kinda sexy..DON'T TELL ME THAT YOU LOVE ME - JUST TELL ME THAT YOU WANT ME! TUSK!

“…And they call THEM Butchers too!” The Butcher Bitches Lizzy and Lexy acting kinda sexy..DON’T TELL ME THAT YOU LOVE ME – JUST TELL ME THAT YOU WANT ME! TUSK!

The people referred to as the Powers that be are afraid the murder of Fred Hill will ruin the town’s name. Glenville has turned into a dangerous and scary place. I am even afraid to make a wrong step or say the wrong thing here. It is much more evil than you know. You really can get away with murder here. The court system, judges, town officials, they seem to be able to do what they want here, and control everyone with “what they could do to them.” Glenville has turned out to be an awful place and I am sorry for the day I ever thought of moving here.

Nobody wants their kids going to school at a place where this kind of stuff happens and it happens all the time in the “VILLE”  


I’m glad there was some closure for the Fred Hill family, when they found the body of “Fred Hill” in great shape behind the home of Sheriff Metz, in the River, just like the SS said, but whoever did this needs to be punished, but the punished and their secret will only get pushed back into years of caked on Crooked County excrement hidden behind the hills of the rich and lost, behind their homes and in the ditches in the creeks, and their dirty beds, but those carhart suspenders are tough and they may live to tell a tale or two about “WHO” in the “HELL” those people from Crooked County might be!


There has been a lot of talk about the dirty dealings of the Gilmer County Prosecutor and the fact that the “Fred Hill SPECIAL INVESTIGATION,” was all a sham proving all that we all read on the CalPatty Press years ago, about Sheriff Metz and prosecutor Gerry Hough. All allegations against them both turned out to all be true!

I believe every word of what has been said about Mr. Gerald B Hough. The bad news about Gerry Hough all being true convinces me that everything else that has been said about Gilmer County is just as true too.

"God Damn" Them is LEXY BUTCHER TITTIES THERE!!! That enough to put hair on your ...well you know!

“God Damn” Them is LEXY BUTCHER TITTIES THERE!!! That’s enough “Titty” to make ya grow a pair!

What “Gerry” used to say was “Just OK” IS NOT OK AT ALL!!

shitjustgotrealrevengeoftheghostwolfThis situation involving dishonest and corrupt public officials that includes a Sheriff with a FAKE HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA like Sheriff Metz makes me sick!

I can’t wait to get away from this Crooked County.

My prayers have been with the family of “Basil” ever since the “Powers that BE” …here in the “Ville” murdered Fred Hill the third!

I’m so sorry that this had to happen, and y’all had to hear such a discouraging word, but the people that kill after popping a pill here in the “VILLE” are just as bad as the people that murdered all those Jews during the holocaust back in World War TWO!

And they called them Butchers too!


OH LORD!! OH that God Damn Church of IKE!

Why don’t you ask him if he’s going to stay
Why don’t you ask him if he’s going away
Why don’t you tell me what’s going on
Why don’t you tell me who’s on the phone

(This Revenge of the Ghost Wolf article is best served cold with the song “Tusk”  played in the background.  …”Don’t tell me that you LOVE ME just click play on  the video …TUSK!”)

OR …TUSK can be played in first comment below, while you review this Revenge of the Ghost Wolf article!

By Free Bird Revenge of the Ghost Wolf Reporter for the Central West Virginia Secret Seven Coalition/Editor Edison – CalPatty Press Editor/Winnie the Jew- Ghost Wolf Reporter from Charleston for the Secret Seven Coalition

Light the candles !

Lay down, lay down, lay it all down

Let your white birds smile at the ones who stand and frown!

Support Freedom of Speech in your community!

Read the truth from the Cosmos!

“Cosmos Communicator where the Secrets of Life are revealed…”

butcherThe ratings results, along with the average weekly ratings in “page views” of, the Secret Seven website Cosmos Communicator was out of this world literally and got worldwide rating on their summer article featuring the “Butcher Bitches” which was published by Cosmos Communicator ranked #66 with a bullet in the TOP 100 of the fastest growing Word Press Websites in the world, it’s first week of operation after the Butcher Bitches were proudly displayed scantily clad all over the front page three years ago this summer.

Lexi Butcher one half of the infamous Butcher Bitches that Broke Bad on the CalPatty Press is so fucked up in this photo she has no idea who this dude is that she is going to suck tongue with, but she wants it that is for sure.

Lexi Butcher one half of the infamous Butcher Bitches that Broke Bad on the CalPatty Press is so fucked up in this photo she has no idea who this dude is that she is going to suck tongue with, but she wants it that is for sure.

A select few got organized and got together to have Cosmos Communicator, Crooked County Crooks and  the CalPatty Press destroyed, by filing official complaints and false subpoenas!

Three of those that complained were very organized with an extensive e-mail campaign in the Glenville, West Virginia area in Gilmer County because those three are in the publishing business and were back then too and they all have had control of the local press, that was until recently.

Lexi Butcher of the Butcher Bitches is getting pissed in this photo that everyone says that Lizzy is better in the sack and she tends to prove that rumor is false to this man after tearing into his face and getting ready to show dude what shes got!

Lexi Butcher of the Butcher Bitches is getting pissed in this photo that everyone says that Lizzy is better in the sack and she tends to prove that rumor is false to this man after tearing into his face and getting ready to show dude what shes got!

Here is what Beth R said about the Butcher Bitches photos that were posted!

“The pictures were shocking to me as well. But I am glad they were exposed. People need to know the facts about the people who are controlling our children. It is not fair though that the websites get attacked by those who try to control everything. The same sort of revealing photos were posted on these networked sites before, but no attempts were made to stop them!”

“I think the issue here is who is exposed for sexual activity in the photograph and not what type of pictures are published, which in my opinion even makes the matter worse for the parents involved. Like one person said, parents cannot be irresponsible for what their kids do and then force others from talking about it. Also let’s keep in mind, these sites did not make the porn photos, the girls participated in porn acts. Which one is worse?”

And here is what another citizen said …

“I agree about the disgusting scenes and the pictures of the Butcher girls!”

“I wonder why would anyone pose or allow their pictures taken like that and all that sex, it was disgusting!”

“They were bad, the girls and they should not have allowed photos to be taken by a camera.”

“Just shutting down a site does not take away the terrible actions we have seen.”

“You cannot just freely do evil acts and then punish the people for talking about it!”

“If it were not because of the disgusting actions by these girls, then  local attorney R Terry Butcher, Nasia Butcher principal of Gilmer County High School and Timothy B Butcher, a GSC Board of Governors member would not be so upset and threatening to kill people like they outwardly did, and naming names too!”

“A  parent needs to correct themselves first before attacking others.”

” Parents who think the photos are JUST OK (like Nasia Butcher) are definitely not good role models.”

 “I noticed some of the sites were shutdown, but new ones started.

It did not take much time for cosmoscommunicator.wordpress.com to be up. I am wondering whether any attempts been made to shut down and make sure the girls who were candid in their act to stop doing it again?

I have heard they are considered as normal acts!

If they are normal, then I do not know what normal means.


We Have FREEDOM of SPEECH in Gilmer County!

But Don’t Have the FREEDOM to Practice the Concept in Gilmer County, West Virginia the HOME of the CHURCH of IKE!!

Dave Corcoran in photo above publisher of the Democrat is promoting HATE as well as his staff. The ad placed in the Democrat listed as a Letter to the Editor proves their racist hatred toward a successful business man that owns the internet service, that Hough hired Palmer Stephens to start, but Stephens lacked the experience, training, and network certificates!

Dave Corcoran in photo above publisher of the Democrat is promoting HATE as well as his staff. The ad placed in the Democrat listed as a Letter to the Editor proves their racist hatred toward a successful business man that owns the internet service, that Hough hired Palmer Stephens to start, but Stephens lacked the experience, training, and network certificates!

Who ever goes against the status quo here is immediately attacked or run out of business and we hear Gerry Hough was run out of Gilmer County because he failed in ruining Dave Ramezan like he was ordered to do,  by Larry Chapman, County Commissioner, but for now we are not telling what we know. We have quite a story to tell, but will only reveal the details after the official article runs in a Charleston newspaper.

Dave Corcoran allowed Gerry Hough Gilmer County Prosecutor to publish false information that resulted in  racial profiling of Dave Ramezan owner and publisher of the Gilmer FREE PRESS that was  published in the Glenville Democrap and Pathfinder of Bullshit -see below, it is amazing Corcoran and Hough have stooped so low!!

The Concerned Citizens of Gilmer County are outraged by the actions taken by Corcoran and Hough awhile back.

Hough published a letter to the editor that most likely could bring about a situation that Dave Corcoran finds himself legally responsible for. In his latest attack on FREE SPEECH and Gilmer County Citizens HOUGH proposes that political adversaries have come up with a recipe for his destruction.

Here it is below and just read how ridiculous this was and Dave Corcoran published it free of charge like a WHORE gives out a free one once in awhile, I guess, kind of like the Butcher Bitches!!


Gerald B Hough placed this outrageous ad (above) in the Glenville Democrat and really showed the TRUE COLORS of Gerry Hough and Dave Corcoran Democrat Publisher.


Lets get to the very heart of the matter since we the members of the Secret Seven Coalition and the Council of Concerned Citizens have to inform everyone that:


On the very first part of his pathetic plea to the public — Hough states that one disgruntled business owner who lost a government contract is responsible for his entire reason for HOUGH making a desperate attempt to defend himself against the allegation of crimes he is caught committing like subornation of perjury, and the Secret Seven Coalition exposed Hough for being BUSTED by the Office of Disciplinary Counsel for a FERPA VIOLATION while trying to ruin a rape victim at GSC. All of those documents are published here at Revenge of the Ghost Wolf that show Hough is a dishonest person.

2 out of 3 kick ass little babies that do TV COMMERCIALS read Revenge of the Ghost Wolf for the interesting and informative articles!!

2 out of 3 kick ass little babies that do TV COMMERCIALS read Revenge of the Ghost Wolf for the interesting and informative articles!!

NOW the LATEST ATTACKS from the POWER ELITE in Glenville, WV have been aimed at the Gilmer Free Press, and Gerald B Hough was ordered to take down “Dave Ramezan” the editor and publisher of the Gilmer Free Press, and all the big players have got themselves documented carrying out an illegal action and now the Secret Seven Coalition is going to expose every single one of those vicious non-human species types that think they are ALL BETTER THAN US!

It is our job at the Secret Seven Coalition representing central WV to expose the corrupt Gilmer County Sheriff Gerwig and the Gilmer County Commission for their criminal actions to all of AMERICA and show their crimes to the living rooms of the USA and humiliate those little corrupt elite bitches in the press just like we did  judge William “Chip”  Watkins… stick a fork in that bitch Watkins he has been suspended without pay until the year 2016!!

This time we ain’t playin!

But we ain’t sayin!

..Because we are sworn to secrecy!

News soon to be announced in an article written by investigative reporter Lawrence Smith and released in Charleston, West Virginia for all of the world to read!

So raise your candles high and SUPPORT your FREE PRESS ‘Cause if you don’t we could stay black against the night Oh, raise them higher again!

And if you do we could stay dry against the rain!

Lay down, lay down, lay it all down Let your white birds smile at the ones who stand and frown!



Don’t miss the next edition of Revenge of the Ghost Wolf Monday July 1st!

Get YOUR COPY of The First Battle of the New Civil War - Revenge of the Ghost Wolf today. Order from Amazon.com or get to your local book store today!

Get YOUR COPY of The First Battle of the New Civil War – Revenge of the Ghost Wolf today. Order from Amazon.com or get to your local book store today!




Super Moon from Reedy WV, blocked by a few clouds (Photo by Anita Ellison)

Super Moon from Reedy WV, blocked by a few clouds
(Photo by Anita Ellison)

The giant Super Moon from the Hills (Photo by Shelia Butler)

The giant Super Moon from the Hills
(Photo by Shelia Butler)