By Editor Edison Cal Patty Press Editor or Revenge of the Ghost Wolf

It is IMPORTANT for us while enjoying this beautiful FALL WEATHER to REFLECT back on days gone by.. have we learned anything?  We have learned that the Crooks from Crooked County that live down by the Crooked River are as Crooked as ever and another decade has gone by.  It is important to remember the people we lost, and even the people we have lost here at RGW that no longer contribute because long term goals have been reached for some staff members and once you graduate.. YOU are gone.  SO let us celebrate fall and remember back to YET another murder in Gilmer County down by the Crooked River!


MURDER!  The Wrongful Death of Mark Medley Sanctioned by Gilmer County!!

This may be by far the most difficult article and truthful account we have had to relay to our readers. We were both shocked and surprised to discover the same names and some of the same public officials named in prior reports of misconduct, involved in a murder case so disturbing as to be almost unbelievable. We have taken multiple separate days to interview public officials, Mary Ann Campbell and relatives to get the account of the cold blooded killing of Mark Medley on July 26, 2006 in Gilmer County, WV, and have discovered never before mentioned facts in a case that got a great deal of press, both on TV and in print during the murder trial of April 2007.

The purpose here is to show again the state of despair in the Gilmer County Prosecution and legal system in the past seven years where often the innocent gets punished and the guilty walks free.

The matter of the statement made by Everett Campbell in court about having a 357 magnum on the floorboard of his car for deer hunting in late July really set the matter straight for another Gilmer County Court trial that was a complete mockery of justice from start to finish!

Gerald B Hough Gilmer County Prosecutor

There appears to be some very clear legal violations involving this murder trial gone wrong.

Reviewing this case and researching the data, we never once saw any information or an explanation as to why Everett Campbell possessed a firearm despite a past felony and an extensive criminal record.  Mark Medley was
40 years old when he was shot in the chest and killed by the blast from a long-barreled .357 revolver.
It is on record, according to Mary Ann Campbell, that Everett Campbell had threatened to shoot Medley prior to the July incident, which is certainly consistent with the action of premeditated murder.

According to a crime report, nearly 40% of all West Virginia murders are either directly or indirectly tied to domestic situations.

About an hour or so before the murder of Medley, Campbell spoke with Glenville Police Chief. Medley and Mary Ann Campbell asked for his help, but

Chief Moss[1] refused saying most of his men were not available and out on call. Why couldn’t the Police Chief just do his job and help them himself?  What they were both looking for was an escort to avoid a problem and possible violent confrontation.

Chief Moss had to have learned through his police training that domestic issues can blow up into violence and the immediate concern was most certainly a legitimate request for a situation in which they were both unarmed.
After reviewing all the news coverage of the incident and interviewing people that were actually there and talking to Mary Ann Campbell who was an eye-witness to the shooting, we came to the conclusion that the only reasonable answer for any future dealings in similar situations is – don’t expect any help from law enforcement in Gilmer County and come to the confrontation heavily armed!

If you were to find yourself in the same situation where some whack job control freak fires the first shot, then you would have no choice but to unload the 70 round banana clip of 7.62 that you happened to bring for self defense. Then, maybe you would have a chance of living through a bad scene in Gilmer County, in which you can get not even one person connected to law enforcement to come to your aid.

In this specific instance, that was the only answer for what was going to work over in Sand Fork, WV that day. But, unfortunately for all of us and unfortunately for the Medley family, Mark did not bring the AK to the killing that day!

Everette Campbell a convicted felon was allowed to carry a deadly firearm and I do not believe the fact that he was a convicted felon with a firearm was even brought up at trial

”Everett Campbell is nothing but a cold blooded killer, and most likely will commit crimes in the future every bit as heinous as his former crimes,” one public official stated after considering all the evidence and research completed on the slaying in Sand Fork!

After gathering facts from various sources during several interviews it is clear that the actual murder trial brought forward many false facts to confuse the jury and all the legal issues, and much of the real truth of the matter never made it to court. It was a case where David Karickhoff gave an excellent performance for the defense, against the second-rate performance by the Gilmer County Prosecutor, according to one law enforcement official.

Now this is an interesting concept considering Mary Ann Campbell was a witness for the prosecution but often made to feel that she was a defendant! She was often made to feel that she did something wrong. She was a mother who was separated from her children. Does anybody out there know what that feels like?

Many times Gilmer County history has shown that officers of the court pre-arrange and pre-decide a case before it ever makes it into the courtroom despite the efforts of law officers to bring charges for the actual crime committed. This case is a very good example of a good ole back woods Gilmer County trial.

We learned specific information was given about the wrong doing of the Previous Gilmer County Circuit Clerk and the fact that two members of the jury were closely associated with the family of Everett Campbell. So there are some immediate questions about this case in regard to the jury, and that same situation appears over and over in Gilmer County.
The REAL STORY of what happened began earlier in the summer of 2006. In the early part of July that year, Everett and Mary Ann Campbell had mutually agreed for Mary Ann to have the kids for a while during the summer at her home in Moundsville, WV.

This mutual agreement was well within the guidelines of their divorce and the children truly enjoyed time with their mother, as all children would.

Mary Ann Campbell preferred this situation as she reports that many times she was forced to have sex with Everett Campbell long after they were divorced when she had to go to his families’ home to see the kids. The sex was all part of a contingency of being able to visit her children, which we are willing to wager, was not part of the divorce agreement through the courts.

The former Mrs. Campbell got to truly enjoy spending time with her kids, and got some quality alone time with them that any parent would treasure that summer of 2006 in Moundsville. She was finally happy, getting her life back together and having her kids gave her the balance she had been searching for, for many years. The children truly loved being with their mother that summer.

Things were going perfectly and all was well until one day Mary Ann received a call from the niece of Everett. She spoke to her, and it was a friendly conversation, but in reality the whole purpose of the phone call was a ruse for a hidden purpose involving Everett’s sister, Sue Ann Scott, who got on the phone with a phony story about how her brother never lets her see the kids, blah blah blah.

Mary Ann got played for her sympathy of the situation and being a good down home properly raised young woman, tried to do the right thing by Sue Ann, and invited her over to see the children. What Mary Ann did not know was that Everett had asked his sister to go get the kids and bring them home at all costs. The new scheme was certainly not part of the arrangement Everett had made with Mary Ann, but Mr. Campbell obviously had control issues.

Sue Ann, through her false complaints and false story of wanting to see the kids, arranged to visit the Moundsville home, but when she arrived with her husband James they both asked if the kids could spend a week with them. The original purpose of the call and contact had immediately changed. That fact in itself would bring suspicion to the mind of any reasonable person.

Right from the start Mary Ann was unsure and did not feel right about farming out her kids to her ex-husbands sister, plus there could have been some legal repercussions from doing so. She did agree to allow her ex-sister in law and husband stay with the kids at her house, while she went to confer with her boyfriend Mark Medley to ask what he thought of her letting her kids stay with relatives. She needed an outside opinion.

“357 Evey,” Everette Campbell was only convicted of a misdemeanor, for a cold blooded murder in Crooked County, down by the Crooked River. The “GO TO” attorney David Karickhoff beat Gerry Hough like a bad step child in the courtroom, and Everette walked on a First Degree Murder charge he should have been convicted of!

Gilmer County Court Room in August Bond Hearing with Defense Counsel David Karickhoff

When Mary Ann returned, Sue Ann, James, and the children were all gone, and she panicked as any mother would. What an awful feeling and what terrible thoughts must have been rushing through the young mothers mind. Motherly instincts are very real in nature, but the Childs Services and the courts, and other agencies seldom consider these emotions to the degree that they should be considered. To them it is often cut and dry and black and white and a matter of seeing that all the paper work is in order.
Life is not black and white and cut and dry. Life is more about a mother’s love for her children and the sanctity of the family.

Most mothers would immediately get on the phone and start making calls, but for Mary Ann those calls went unanswered. Mary Ann wanted to call the police, but being young, was still a bit naïve about the wicked ways of the world and the crooked tricks of the jealous and evil.

Anything holy or sacred or loving or involving the love of family members or holding close those that are truly part of you dissolves away very quickly in a Gilmer County courtroom in a situation already decided in advance by a hand-picked jury that was completely manipulated by the powers that be.

We were hoping to have more information involving the jury tampering, but some people present at the time have had second thoughts about revealing more truth involving the Gilmer County Public Officials, given the current situation of allegations of criminal activity for other matters. Many people are worried about their futures in Glenville, their job, and their family if they

Everett Campbell Smiling Since He Got Away with Murder after Sentencing

tell. Many are afraid of constant threats by the law breaking members of Glenville society of legal system. Considering what happened in the long forgotten death of Fred Hill, we can understand that way of thinking. But we heard it said that both Everett Campbell and Gerald B. Hough were actually in the jury room while the jury was technically convened. This is highly illegal, but the Gilmer County Prosecutor Gerald B. Hough has stooped to this sort of behavior before, according to various sources.

Truly, Everett could not stand the fact that his ex was finally happy and secure in a relationship with another man. This is an obstacle for many men in modern times. It is a difficult time, but the choices we make decide who we become, but Everett made a bad choice. He was so jealous that he was going to use the children as weapons to destroy that happy relationship and that happy home life and the best life Mary Ann Campbell had come to know in all of her 27 years.

Before her new found happy life was realized, while divorced and estranged, there was one incident in which Mary Ann went through an ordeal that was so horrible, she is still affected by it. She agreed to meet Everett for a dinner and spend time with their four year old daughter, but when she went to the room, Everett forced her sexually and forcibly held her head face down on the bed nearly smothering her while he ripped off her clothes and committed the act of sodomy in front of their screaming and crying daughter. The little girl was pleading for her daddy to stop hurting her mommy and making her cry. Everett replied with, “Shut the F (explicative) up and go back to sleep!”

Hurt both physically and emotionally by the incident Mary Ann Campbell sought the help of the Gilmer County Sheriff, Mickey Metz, and decided she wanted to press charges for being raped in an un-natural way in front of a four year old child. Mary Ann stated that Sheriff Metz did not bring charges against Everett and talked her out of signing the complaint.

Our findings reveal that often this is just how the good ole boys of Gilmer County do it, since Everett was closely associated with Sgt CJ Ellyson of the West Virginia State Police, who around the same time had somehow lost all the dope and guns and money from the evidence locker in Calhoun County, and crucial evidence needed to convict Chief Deputy Bandy of the Calhoun County Sheriff’s office was simply missing one day.

We guess it was no coincidence that Gerald B. Hough was assigned as special prosecutor to that case, and since he claims that CJ Ellyson is a good personal friend of his, it all seemed to add up to the fact that no cop or public official is going to jail for a crime on his watch, whether they are guilty or not!

This was all happening in the same time frame as the court case and arrest of a person we all came to know as 357 Evey!

Matters became more confused when out of the blue Mary Ann was arrested for a charge of attempted child concealment. We could not find a code for that charge, and we truly believe there is no code. Mary Ann had to come up with a large amount of money for bail.

The lawyer that was assigned to defend the former Mrs. Campbell was inept and she requested another lawyer. She said her assigned attorney had cookie crumbs on his mouth and appeared unkempt. When another woman attorney attempted to come to her rescue having witnessed her dilemma, Mary Ann tells us, Judge Facemire, Gerald B. Hough and a big giant Police man cornered the lady lawyer and threatened to have her disbarred if she ever came to their town and attempted to meddle in their affairs again.

The charges were later dropped because, we believe there was no law broken, there was no state code violation that we can find, but that is how they do it in Gilmer County.

The bail bond company made some fat cash and this same type of situation is all part of a regular scheme that is run right out of Central WV in Glenville!

“If for some reason you are targeted, then it could be likely you will find yourself arrested and facing prison for false charges, and then spend money on the local lawyers, and the bail bonds people, so they can kick down to their friends in law enforcement that just keep that money wheel rolling!”, a well-respected member of the community noted.

We have statements from a county employee who was a witness to meetings at the courthouse and was just a few feet away, and listened to a plan how to “Get” someone! “What can we charge him with? What is going to stick?” And in this case, big shot lawyers from out of town whose duty brought them to the courthouse for the day, were often invited to meet with the local lawyers that read like a WHO’S WHO of local power elite.

This sort of behavior is highly illegal, yet it seems it has become common practice in Gilmer County courthouse. Actually creating a crime to have someone arrested is highly unethical and very illegal, but yet we have the evidence of an eye witness that said these meetings lasted for several years, for just one high profile individual. We understand they are still working on making something up.

Mary Ann was disturbed that Sue Ann Scott, her sister in law just stole her kids from the house and got away with it.  A lot of pent up emotions burst forth on that very hot summer afternoon that Mark Medley died.

After coming into town and having a confrontation in the parking lot of the former Sports Bar known as the Main Event, Mark Medley and Mary Ann called 911 since Glenville Police Chief had turned them down on the offer of an escort. The call somehow never got answered.

As soon as they showed up at a home owned by a man named Harold that was about 200 yards from the Glenville State Police office, Everett pulled in behind them and his sister Sue Ann ran up on the porch yelling, “Shoot them dad, shoot them!” Harold, the father of Everett and Sue Ann, had a long barrel high powered rifle loaded and ready to go on the porch.

Everett fired his 357 magnum within seconds of exiting his vehicle, but missed, he fired again hitting Mark Medley in the chest!!

Mark went down, and Mary Ann ran to him and tried to get him in the vehicle to escape, but he collapsed. Then, Everett came up behind Mary Ann, grabbed her by the hair, and stuck the 357 to her head and said, “I am going to shoot you next b*tch!”

Medical teams were there in a few minutes and so were the WV State Police. Gilmer County Sheriff Mickey Metz showed up at the scene and found himself just directing traffic. Our research revealed when the medical team asked Mark if he had any allergies, he replied, “Yes I am allergic to mean people with guns!” Those were his last words!!

Mark died shortly after making that speech, while paramedics worked hard to revive him, but a 357 to the chest will kill you every time.

It was all a trap, it was nothing but a cold blooded murder July 26, 2006 the day Mark Medley died!

According to various sources, it has been discovered recently that Everett was being used as a Snitch by local law enforcement to set up buys of Meth. Technically Campbell acted as a confidential informant several times for Meth buys and was used to attempt to buy from local Meth labs. It is believed that he was also allowed to use drugs while performing these duties. If this fact can be substantiated it would explain a lot.
After it was all said and done, Everett escaped with one year in jail, his sister got custody of the children, and Mary Ann got nothing but grief.  Put yourself in this poor woman’s place.  The justice system and the courts failed her and the children that day.  How safe can one feel in a county such as this where the real criminals wear three piece suits, drive fancy cars, and have the power to destroy a family just because they feel like it?
But how do we explain to the Medley family that we are sorry that their son, their brother, their friend, their loved one, was brutally murdered for the pitiful reason of being the love interest of an honest woman that had an intensely jealous ex-husband.

If you are not part of the wheel that keeps things rolling in Glenville, West Virginia, then you better watch out for that wheel will roll right over you! So it seems. The place where a First Degree Murder is a Misdemeanor + Rewards!


[1] Chief Moss was contacted about this case, and he asked for the date of the murder so he could check his logs. The date was given to him, and as of this time we have not heard from him.

[2] Our interview with a local police official who showed up after the incident, noted that Mary Ann Campbell and Mark Medley, while speeding toward Everett’s house, passed by the State Police Headquarters. He said the couple should have stopped at the State Police office before going to the crime scene to avoid any mishap!

[3] When interviewing several police officers, they all unanimously noted they could not absolutely believe how the Judge, Prosecutor, and Jury came up with “In-voluntary Manslaughter.” They all unanimously said, at the least the charge should have been “Voluntary Manslaughter” if not more.

*******Results released!  See  YOUR VOTE in ACTION *******

image ~~  Comments ~~

•  Can’t lose what is already lost.
•  He only did what was right for his kids. she was never a mother she ran around on her husband .
•  Campbell served his time!
•  This is the most crooked of justice systems around, people would not believe the illegal things.
•  I lost faith in them a long time before this case.
•  Why would it not make us lose faith?
•  It was obvious years ago we are infested with crooked leaders.
•  If I ever had any.
•  Yes , They are there to protect & serve. Not, to punish the ones who did not commit any crimes.
•  I left Glenville many years ago and corrupted it still is!! I’m not surprised by this story.
•  This man was only defending his children that Mary Ann was trying to harm.
•  Murder is murder it’s not right.
•  I personally know Mary Ann. She is NOT AT ALL like she is portrayed in this article!
•  Not enough information. Other sides of the story would also need to be reported.
•  Chief only has one man on shift at all times he’s city not county.
•  Jury was rigged by David Lane Smith, there are witnesses!

image ~~  Comments ~~

•  The mother didn’t have custody to start with!
•  And several others!! But what about Gilmer County’s Child Protection Services?!?!
•  CPS should look at the Scott residence.
•  Why should the aunt have them? Like sister like brother???
•  If they didn’t get it right the first time, why would they now?!
•  How can the children be taken away from their mother , if she was not convicted of any crime.
•  How did this lady lose her children to the sister in law? Something is not adding up.
•  They are in a better home, their real mother was a no good mother that pawned them off on everyone.
•  Outside world send help! All we are learning couldn’t be invented by an LSD addict.
•  Let it go for the sake of the children.
•  They custody to a murderer “Narcotics Snitch” and seldom gather all the proper facts.

image ~~  Comments ~~

•  I always come to the county well-armed.
•  Yes I would hat to be arrested for jay-walking.
•  If there ever was any.
•  No one is safe in Gilmer County. You never have been.
•  Don’t walk at night, watch your back and pray you don’t anger the power brokers.
•  Gilmer County is known for rape, murder, and falsely convicting innocent citizens!

image ~~  Comments ~~

•  The jury selection process should be reviewed by someone outside of the county.
•  Not sure, but something isn’t right!
•  Of course. That’s how the system works.
•  Ummm. Let’s ask Mr. Hough!!
•  E.C. and law enforcement all to blame together.
•  Yes , how else can the defendant set thru on deliberation.
•  Well some type of deal had to be struck..Murder someone and get only a year?
•  Definitely. A clear picture is emerging through the electronic media.
•  Gilmer arranges cases before they are ever heard, backed up evidence and testimony.

image ~~  Comments ~~

•  The jury got there directions from the judge. What happened?
•  No WV County has the funds to pay the jail bill. We can’t afford give long term sentences.
•  The proof is in the verdict isn’t it? Misdemeanor, ya right.
•  Da yea . All you have to do is read this, even if you’re not a lawyer. You can tell that this illegal.
•  Of course.
•  What about Mel Waddell shooting the Stump boys on Toler Fork and getting by with it???
•  Some of info in this story is fabrication at best.
•  Gilmer County has well-earned its name as crooked


  • A great deal of research went into this article according to Central WV SS from Elkins and CCC members. We welcome you all to go to the Gilmer Free Press and cast your vote!

    We salute the brave citizens that have to risk their safety to reveal the truth to the masses- It is plain to see that the Mainstream Media source has the biggest reach of all WV Websites.

    The GHOST WOLF Website brings you the REAL TRUTH! Read at your own Risk!

    Staffed by Central WV SS and CCC-Elkins

  • Gilmer County and the Central Region of Central WV Speak out about another Gilmer County rigged court case!

    Recent Comments posted on GFP up to date as of 10 February 2011
    What a direct slap in the face to Hough it would be if another jurisdiction picked up this murder case and did it right and actually got convictions. Hough has wasted so much of the taxpayer’s money with his bone-headed moves to grant such immunities. Thanks for our commissioners headed by Larry Chapman for giving him a raise! Raise for what? Mr. Chapman was that some kind of pay off on taxpayers expense? You always cried the blues when others ask for raise, but had no problems here. Mickey Metz, you are the law enforcer of our county. How about taking care of these continuous criminal acts.
    By Rno495 on 02.10.2011

    From the entry: ‘MURDER! The Wrongful Death of Mark Medley Sanctioned by Gilmer County!!’.
    I wouldn’t doubt that this is the end of Gerry Hough. Through the years the only cases he has prosecuted himself are the ones he felt he could make a deal and profit from. This one he really messed up on, starting with giving the sister-in-law the children when she is just as guilty as Everett.
    By Anonymous on 02.10.2011

    From the entry: ‘MURDER! The Wrongful Death of Mark Medley Sanctioned by Gilmer County!!’.
    Ungag the jurors! I want to hear what went on behind closed doors. Why such conviction? What the hell happened? If the prosecution blew such an important case then let us hear all about it.
    By Margie 24 on 02.10.2011

    From the entry: ‘MURDER! The Wrongful Death of Mark Medley Sanctioned by Gilmer County!!’.
    This is all very amusing. Hough is too busy on his daily personal life style to worry about trying a real case. I believe that ‘HE’ did it and will NEVER EVER have to worry about being prosecuted for it because of Hough’s moronic plea deal.
    By Anonymous on 02.10.2011

    From the entry: ‘MURDER! The Wrongful Death of Mark Medley Sanctioned by Gilmer County!!’.
    Gerry Hough can’t try his way out of a paper bag. The jury was wrong for granting such immunity to this real killer. What a bone-head move that was. You really know how to work up a case for trial in Gilmer County, Gerry. How much of the taxpayers’ money did you waste on this one?
    By TE12 on 02.10.2011

    From the entry: ‘MURDER! The Wrongful Death of Mark Medley Sanctioned by Gilmer County!!’.
    By anonymous on 02.09.2011

    From the entry: ‘MURDER! The Wrongful Death of Mark Medley Sanctioned by Gilmer County!!’.
    Thanks to all that have commented to this traggic case. I agree that the mother of these children was wrongfully treated and is still suffering from the effects of this illegal ation by gilmer county court system.
    If there is anyone out there who would have the ablity to help this mother and her children please step up and help. That’s what our legal system is suppose to be for not to take advantage of young mothers and separating them from their children.

    By Anonymous on 02.09.2011

    From the entry: ‘MURDER! The Wrongful Death of Mark Medley Sanctioned by Gilmer County!!’.
    Not really surprising This is just another case of picking which side of a case (the divorce in this instance) they are on and protecting that side with all they can muster no matter what. Typical of Gilmer County Law Enforcement where they decide the case not enforce the laws. 
    By Anonymous on 02.09.2011

    From the entry: ‘MURDER! The Wrongful Death of Mark Medley Sanctioned by Gilmer County!!’.
    Just take away the big money Sue Ann gets for child custody and see whether she would still be willing to keep the kids!!!! 

    By WatchDog on 02.09.2011

    From the entry: ‘MURDER! The Wrongful Death of Mark Medley Sanctioned by Gilmer County!!’.
    With crimes like these no wonder there is a huge demand for Criminal Justice professionals. Here you go GSC.
    By K.W. on 02.09.2011

    From the entry: ‘MURDER! The Wrongful Death of Mark Medley Sanctioned by Gilmer County!!’.
    In an idealistic world the good parent should have the child, but in the realistic world it doesn’t always happen. The judicial system is corrupt; it’s easy to pay someone off, especially in Gilmer County.
    How can a person who comes out of law school, having problem passing the bar exam, have to take it multiple time to pass, become a prosecutor for the county? He absolutely does not have any experience. That is why he always screws up and never does his due diligence. Does he even know what that is?
    He did not prosecute the criminal, he prosecuted the mother!! On whose side were you Gerry?

    By Rno317 on 02.09.2011

    From the entry: ‘MURDER! The Wrongful Death of Mark Medley Sanctioned by Gilmer County!!’.
    I am surprised to see a case based on these facts and how the law handled it. It is surprising how the legal system sided with the criminal. I’ve never seen it happen. Even if the mother might not be the best, still, she did not kill anyone. She should have the children. Not the father, not the aunt, not anyone else.
    By Anonymous on 02.09.2011

    From the entry: ‘MURDER! The Wrongful Death of Mark Medley Sanctioned by Gilmer County!!’.
    I can’t help it wondering, how does mothers, who stay home with their kids, do the house work (laundry, grocery shopping, cooking etc…), plus being home with their child after giving a painful birth and breastfeeding for over a year lose custody? Especially when the father committed a crime? I think single parents are great, no matter what gender, but this case bugs me and I really want the people involved look into this. The mother deserves the kids.
    By Jacob L. on 02.09.2011

    From the entry: ‘MURDER! The Wrongful Death of Mark Medley Sanctioned by Gilmer County!!’.
    I wonder how Hough’s wife would feel if they take her children away and give them to him considering all the criminal acts he has been involved in.
    By Anonymous on 02.09.2011

    It seems to me if one of the parents in a custody case has a criminal record, the crimes on their record should have an effect on their chances of obtaining custody or visitation.
    By Jenny 01 – Kentucky on 02.09.2011

    From the entry: ‘MURDER! The Wrongful Death of Mark Medley Sanctioned by Gilmer County!!’.

    I am pleased to announce to the State of West Virginia – that for the first time ever – most members of Law Enforcement and the many brave journalists that have had to remain underground for threat of false arrest for exercising their right of FREE SPEECH in Central West Virginia – finally agree on most of the facts and outcome of this case.

    All seem to be in agreement, that the killing of Mark Medley was First Degree Murder and certainly not a misdemeanor.

    If true facts revealed in other cases were to have the same result and same effect of agreement we would be well on our way of having a better, stronger and more unified community, in which we would be able to build trust in one another once again, just like in the days of old.

    We have all been separated by blatant misconduct in the Gilmer County Courts and County and City Govt.

    We need to put a stop to the misconduct and remove all public officials found guilty, and then hold them accountable for their wrongdoing.

    By Council of Concerned Citizens PRESIDENT on 02.09.2011

    From the entry: ‘MURDER! The Wrongful Death of Mark Medley Sanctioned by Gilmer County!!’.

  • Council of Concerned Citizens -Birmingham

    Simply put this jury was hand picked by officers of the court for a not guilty verdict on the first degree murder. Further investigation into the matter will now be conducted.

    David Lane Smith had quite a lot to do with the wrongdoing in this case and in many others such as the “Travesty JUNK Farm Equipment” case involving juries.

    Sheriff Metz only realized that farm equipment was rusted junk now 31 years old after reading the article on the internet.

    The court presented the equipment with brand new retail prices.

    A NEW federal criminal complaint was made 09 February, against Hough and State Police Sgt Branham for covering up the crimes in the courthouse.

    Sgt Branham was given exclusive information of how the public records fraud, and title fraud was committed, and then he refused to take evidence of the criminal complaint.

    Sgt Branham then shared the information with Gerry Hough who got to work tampering with evidence.

  • Crooked County Crooks/Consolidated Citizens Corp-Elkins

    Information obtained by sources involving Calhoun County SS has revealed that the infamous IKE Morris donated (GAVE) as a gift to the State Police the building now known as Gilmer County State Police Headquarters in Sand Fork.

    There was an exchange however, so although the matter looked like a donation, actually in reality Doug Morris who we all know runs WACO oil was stopped for speeding on I-79 and oh my god amazingly drugs were found in the car. Now I know when the matter came about where myself had some weed or what not in a vehicle, I sure as hell wasn’t going to speed, but then again, I am NOT a millionaire, nor the son of a millionaire. In fact, some say, I am the son of a son of a sailor, and some just say, hey man, can he ever be a son of a bitch if you piss that mother fucker off. Guess what I am pissed. In AMERICA we are not suppose to be able to BUY the police.

    The DOUG MORRIS drug charge just disappeared, but he did have to pay for the speeding ticket.

    But, in Gilmer County, consider the POLICE BOUGHT and PAID FOR!

    You see the deal is, they get the building and the property, but they have to leave the Power Elite alone and assist them in their criminal endeavors whenever called upon to do so.

    The POWER ELITE have their own Police Force there in Gilmer County and it is the CROOKED COUNTY STATE POLICE from GLENVILLE West Virginia.

    Sgt Branham was given exclusive information of how the public records fraud, and title fraud was committed, and then he refused to take evidence of the criminal complaint is correct – you see his loyalties lie with the POWER ELITE – who bought and paid for his exclusive underhanded services. Branham gave to the Power Elite just enough info to go into the records and attempt to cover up the crimes committed, after they were reported to him in detail.

    But, the SGT had to do it, he had to cover up the crimes reported, under orders from the high ranks!

    I ask you what kind of Police officer is that?

    ROGUE! We need to get those fuckers the hell out of our state. Let them go fuck up Kentucky!

    John Manis Richards is more than a colorful character, and he has an interesting background, but somewhere in Johnny boys 40 year old life he straitened up, and had a kid and has a different view on things now.

    But, one thing for sure is JR sure had the cops pegged for what they are ROGUE ass little bitches!

    He sure was right years ago about the STATE POLICE!

    Were gonna be a comin for ya soon Johnny boy for you done been drafted by the CCC-Elkins. Wood county ain’t all that far away and we miss that strange sense of humor of yours. However, Crooked as fuck cops are no laughing matter.

    Also we are all in receipt of info that the HUR HERALD has NOT reported on ANY of the voter fraud, public records fraud, title fraud or any of the latest actions in Gilmer County. Why is that?

  • State Employee

    I work for the State and I have heard about all the illegal actions in Gilmer County, but I am almost afraid to comment on this page, for fear it is so closely monitored that I could be found out. I will just say that you have pushed some personal buttons now and this is what I have heard by hearing for myself and listening to others talk. Somebody in your group made fun of the staff or something and it caused a big commotion among the higher level officers and staff and some of those are temps.

    I think that they have tried not to assist in these concerns of yours for personal reasons. I think that is wrong. A crime is a crime. All I am saying is someone in your group has pissed some people off to the point you really got to them. I agree with some of your more finer points made, but you all might as well have targets painted on your backs.

    Editors note: Not that we check IP’s but looking at yours so close to mine, I get where you are coming from. Thanks for the heads up, but we rarely care about pissing people off we just want them to do their fucking jobs and earn those big pay checks they brag so much about. What a bunch of inept undereducated big shots. They sure like their social functions though don’t they, they all sure have a lot of time for that and holding hands with the governor. A lot of ass kissing where y’all are at. We don’t kiss ass, we kick ass! Tell them… well you know.

  • If they all weren’t such DICK WADS with long stick shoved up their asses then maybe they wouldn’t have to complain about being talked to like the pieces of shit they are. We call em like we see him and right now I am seeing brown and brown is the color of shit, therefore they are shit and therefore we have to talk shit to the shit because that is the only shit they can understand. So we talk in the brown language so the green shirts can properly understand all the four letter adjectives.

    Myself I like to use words whose main syntactic role is to qualify a noun or even a verb and then properly shove a modifier up the patoots of the nearest high ranking officer I can find that day, of course one who has the time to hear my personal complaint. Or I may remove the modifier as removal of the modifier typically doesn’t affect the grammaticality of the construction of my carefully worded sentence.

    Then, my closer is, “What the fuck is wrong with you dumb sons of a bitches! Just because someone holds a public office, that means they are above the law?”

    Usually the conversation has already come to a quit halt by then anyway, and they only hear my final F U while exiting stage left.

    And that is all I have to say about that!

  • Crooked County Crooks – Moss Reports on GILMER FREE PRESS

    The Concerned Citizens of Gilmer County appreciate Chief MOSS reporting accurate Data about the above case:

    – Re: Chief John Moss

    The Gilmer Free Press received a response from Chief John Moss regarding this case. Chief Moss verified that Mark Medley and Mary Ann Campbell asked for assistance in picking up the children in Brooklyn Drive. He informed them that the police do not get involved with civil matters like child custody. He then asked if they had a court order and they said they did not. Chief Moss advised the couple to obtain the proper paperwork from court and then a Deputy Sheriff could help them get the children. It was a few hours later that he heard about the shooting. Chief Moss stated that he did not agree with the jury, and that Mr. Campbell could have stopped at the State Police headquarters near the sight of the shooting to ask for assistance, but instead took the law into his own hands.

    GFP would like to thank Chief Moss for responding so promptly to inquiries regarding this case.

    • 1966stang


      Editors note: Have Mary Ann call her contact number, we have some questions we would like to ask her for a follow up article. It is important we get all the facts straight from the horses mouth so to speak.

      Also I corrected some spelling and inserted OATH where you had other. And the word WHERE for were.

      • 1966stang


  • Revenge of the GHOST WOLF

    R Terry Butcher and Timothy B Butcher are conspiring in an ILLEGAL way with West Virginia Attorney General Darrel McGraw!

    The Butchers are doing their best to have the have people behind SS Websites including this one and the Gilmer Free Press website shut down and people arrested and computers confiscated just like in a third world country!

    This is an attempt to keep the truth about the wrongdoing in the courthouse from being revealed and then published. It is also an attempt to deny free speech rights to investigative journalists, who are under constant threat of harm from the Powers that Be.

    The Gilmer Free Press has the Front Page Story on it this morning! Here is a comment!

    Recent Comments

    This is OUTRAGEOUS but McGraw is crooked too!

    I have to tell you and so are many of the asst attorney generals that knowingly bring false evidence to Supreme Court cases for their friends.

    The Butchers took control of the AJ Woofter estate against the wishes of the family and then did not even reply to several attorneys complaining of back dated checks, payments more than TWO YEARS late and missing funds from the cash account that were not answered.

    Thousands were spent in 4 years just to communicate with the Butchers, but no reply, then in December of 2006 they lied about receiving documents that Diana L Butcher signed for return receipt requested.

    $38,000 was taken from the estate for fee’s in a short time in 06. It was a conflict for them to have control of the estate since the executrix Rosa Belle Gainer-Cunningham was their employee.

    They are attempting to put an end to investigation into their wrongdoing by using powerful friends.

  • Is this what the news article will look like when Gerald B Hough is finally held accountable for his crimes and removed from his powerful position that he has abused, by letting criminals off the hook while prosecuting innocent people?

    A Gilmer County woman, Shelly Morris DeMarino (Democrat), has filed for prosecuting attorney in Gilmer County due to recent federal indictment of Gerald B Hough for fraud and conspiracy involving a Gilmer County Court case. DeMarino was recently the PA in Calhoun County and a former prosecuting attorney in Gilmer and assistant prosecuting attorney in Harrison County. DeMarino was the only candidate to file for the office of Gilmer County Prosecutor pending the outcome of the federal charges against Gerald B Hough.



    Crooked County Crooks-Rape at GSC EDWIN DALE KINNISON!
    September 3, 2010 at 6:05 pm

    Speaking of rape…

    It has been almost a year since Edwin Dale Kinnison was arrested and charged, then the case went to circuit court and there has been no update.

    Most likely the school is going to cover up this rape as to not have any damage done to their image, which of course is more important than dealing with a problem of college campus rape.

    Gilmer County is self serving and has their priorities up their ass!

    • melissa

      Don’t think that Shelly Morris DeMarino will be any better than Hough. Everybody I talk to says that Shelly is as dumb as a box of bricks. If she could not get along with the state police in Calhoun County, what makes you think she can do any better in Gilmer County? If you think Gilmer is corrupt now, you ain’t seen nothin’ yet.

      SS Member: I have a feeling you are correct, it is just that we have become so good @ predicting things it is just that-a prediction.

      Our chief counsel says we have to learn how to stay one or two steps ahead of them. Really now the power elite lead us right to corrupt members of our state senate and representatives. We say we should vote out all holding office currently in the next election including all state senators and reps. They have long time corrupt ties to the Butchers and right now we are hoping to reveal wrong doing from years and years ago. We are shocked the State Po lease are crooked as fuck, who the hell would have believed that? And now we have proof!


    Hough threatened the GFP and associates tonight, here is the threat and the Speech he gave in public on the 7th:

    Here is the THREAT:

    Dear Editor of Gilmer Free Press:
    The attached news story does not contain libel, malicious attacks on citizens or created lies concocted to destroy the reputation(s) of anyone. Please tell the owner of this website that sponsoring libel, hate messages, and malicious attempts to smear a citizen puts the owner’s assets in jeopardy – useful for damage awards –

    This is the Speech:
    As President of the West Virginia Association of Counties, delivered unto a crowd of more than 350 elected county officials and several State Senators in Charleston the following message:

    “As great a development as the internet has been, the atmosphere of anonymous hatred and libelous smearing has targeted many elected officials.

    Even in my beloved county, ex-convicts and political enemies craft a steady flow of hatred to spew on the internet. The anonymous polling, multiple messaging from the same hidden sources amount to bullying on line. If your friends or family defend you, they are targeted and intimidated into silence. Such negative campaigning is striking at the foundations of our local government ; it is the quencher of free speech.

    I challenge us in local government, who serve on the front line of services, to resist hatred and open our dialogue to all viewpoints –

    Congressman Gabriel Giffords took her CONGRESS TO THE CORNER in Tucson, Arizona. She opened access for the people, by the people, and of the people. The point blank shooting of innocent people is the ultimate bullying; it is no different than the bullying I mentioned earlier, because the attempt is to silence our freedoms by abusing another freedom. Despite the 13 Arizona wounded and the six dead, including a little girl (!), that bully did not and will not stop this government of and by the people… so long as we permit dissent, agree to disagree- and, when possible, come to mutual solutions, founded by respect for our diversity.

    Thank you for listening today, may God bless your service to the people!”

  • Wonderer

    Well I guess someone finally hit a nerve. Although when his kids were battling for him online I never saw a word in print from the big man defending them. They took their battle on themselves and for that I give them credit.
    Hough has told everyone that he didn’t even read the Free Press, that it meant nothing.
    That is nothing until he could feel it hitting him in the old political pocket book! When people started posting that he couldn’t try a case in a paper bag, etc. When people started saying maybe they didn’t like the way key cases have gone. Then the lights came on that maybe, just maybe, he wouldn’t be a shoe-in for the next election.
    What a disgrace! To use his constitutional office to threaten anyone with taking their assets. Isn’t there an ongoing legal battle about that?
    I just have one question for the Prosecutor: Did you use your government computer to write this personal tirade?

    Editors note: This is the beginning of the end of Gerald B Hough, if he is not gone in 14 days then there will be immediate action taken against the County Commission and it won’t be nothing nice and we will take every fucking dime they have.

  • Crooked County Crooks/Consolidated Citizens Corp-Elkins

    Hough is the criminal!

    Gerry knowingly tampered with evidence after being tipped off by the State Police, after they were briefed about public records fraud.

    It can be proven he is guilty of subornation of perjury and several other criminal acts including conspiracy.

    Another federal criminal complaint was filed against him recently.


    Gerry Hough is the President of the Counties Association a self serving political entity whose sole purpose is to get more benefits and higher pay for elected public officials. It serves no purpose for the people at all.





    Resign your position or face arrest!!

  • Early results with 529 votes cast for #1- Results from the Cosmos!

    Gilmer County Legal System #1 Does this case make you lose faith in your elected public officials?
    92.06% (487) No 7.94% (42)

    #2 with 497 votes cast
    Gilmer County Legal System #2
    Do you think the Child Protection Services needs to review this case again?
    94.16% (468)
    No 5.84% (29)

    Gilmer County Legal System #3
    Does this change how you feel about your personal safety in Gilmer County?
    91.72% (454)
    No 8.28% (41)

    Total Votes: 495

    Gerry Hough has run unopposed for two elections! He was NEVER elected by the people and for the people

    “Libelous smearing has targeted many elected officials,” is a complete and utter laughable concept when proof is given that you Gerald B Hough conspired to bring false evidence and that you were involved in a conspiracy to bring false testimony.

    Your actions Gerry Hough have proved to be unlawful and we proved it in front of thousands of people.

    Your guilt was revealed by an article that got over 40,000 hits in just a couple of days.

    Obviously people were interested!

    The people have spoken, and you didn’t listen and now we want you gone Mr. Hough.

    Telling the truth is not bullying on line!

    False arrest is NOT FORGIVABLE and you have been caught. YOU ARE THE BULLY and you make people pay with their jobs, their careers, their spouses and every cent they ever earned their entire life.

    YOU Mr. Hough are a NIGHTMARE!

    We prefer to believe in the American Dream!

  • If I understand your meaning, you are threatening to sue an avenue of the public domain for the opinions expressed by the Citizens of Gilmer County unless they shut up. Are you planning to do this in your official capacity or would this be a private suit? Will you be using county funds, your county office, county phone, county computer, county staff, perhaps a county vehicle and county office equipment and supplies? All have been paid for by the very taxpayers you have ignored and are now attempting to bully into submission. Perhaps some of these things have already been used to send this shameless self promotion of an email? No one is impressed that you went before your peers in the name of Gilmer County and whined. Do you think it is beneath you to respond to the concerns of the people that pay your salary? Or should that only happen behind closed doors?
    By Anonymous on 02.13.2011

    From the entry: ‘Gilmer County Prosecutor Threatens The Gilmer Free Press and Free Speech’.

    Gerry Hough has run unopposed for two elections! He was NEVER elected by the people and for the people.
    “Libelous smearing has targeted many elected officials,” is a complete and utter laughable concept when proof is given that you Gerald B Hough conspired to bring false evidence and that you were involved in a conspiracy to bring false testimony.
    Your actions Gerry Hough have proved to be unlawful and we proved it in front of thousands of people.
    Your guilt was revealed by an article that got over 40,000 hits in just a couple of days.
    Obviously people were interested!
    The people have spoken, and you didn’t listen and now we want you gone Mr. Hough.
    Telling the truth is not bullying on line!
    False arrest is NOT FORGIVABLE and you have been caught. YOU ARE THE BULLY and you make people pay with their jobs, their careers, their spouses and every cent they ever earned their entire life.
    YOU Mr. Hough are a NIGHTMARE!
    We prefer to believe in the American Dream!

    By American Patriot -Former Squadron Commander 130 Group One California Wing, Van Nuys California on 02.13.2011

    From the entry: ‘Gilmer County Prosecutor Threatens The Gilmer Free Press and Free Speech’.

    Wow. How crazy can you get? Does Mr. Hough think all the people should just shut up and sit back and take all the illegal stupid things that he does and does not do with a grain of salt?
    He is being paid BIG bucks to do nothing and what little he does do, is wrong.
    Where does COMMON SENSE come in here?
    Now he is threating to shut down Gilmer Free Press because the people of Gilmer County are tired of him, his wrong doings and want him gone to where he belongs.
    We do have rights Mr. Hough and that is freedom of speech over which you cannot control.
    I think the GFP should do a poll and see how many people want to be able to express their thoughts and feelings anonymously or how many people feel as you do and that we do not have freedom of speech when it comes to voicing our opinions as to where you messed up big time.
    Our County deserves better than this.
    I’m willing to listen to your explanations of these charges and accusations made against you and I am sure the Gilmer Free Press would print it for all of us to read.
    You have the same right Mr. Hough, just saying.

    By Anonymous on 02.13.2011

    From the entry: ‘Gilmer County Prosecutor Threatens The Gilmer Free Press and Free Speech’.

    One would think, if Hough took time to send a letter to threat and attempt to shut down the people’s voice, he could have simply explain all the accusations against him as false. Why don’t you Gerry. But he decided to take the wrong route as he has always done. As one comment stated Hough, you need to step down immediately. Gilmer County commissioners Davis Hess, Brian Kennedy, and Darrell Ramsey MUST NOT tolerate this behavior. Gilmer County Sheriff Mickey Metz MUST NOT tolerate this behavior. The WV State Police MUST NOT tolerate this behavior. ALL OF YOU KNOW ALL of HIS CORRUPTIONs and can NO LONER IGNOR IT. The Power Elite(the Descent One) MUST NOT tolerate this behavior. The Citizens of Gilmer County MUST NOT tolerate this behavior. A law man has Threaten the Gilmer Free Press Editor, Owner and the Citizens clearly. This is disgusting and we have had it.
    By Anonymous on 02.13.2011

    From the entry: ‘Gilmer County Prosecutor Threatens The Gilmer Free Press and Free Speech’.

    Mr. Hough, this is a turning tide and starting a trend that you can’t really stop unless you want to shut down the Internet.
    If this speech was any indication of your intelligence, then it is no wonder you have screwed up so many cases.
    What you are suggesting is seriously close to censorship, and that must surely go against the fundamental values the country is based upon.
    You can express your opinion, but don’t use your position to threat.
    Simply put you and those whom you are supporting are nothing but scum sucking cowards.

    By Pete – try to guess the rest! on 02.12.2011

    From the entry: ‘Gilmer County Prosecutor Threatens The Gilmer Free Press and Free Speech’.

    The corruption in legal system in this county has gone too far. We have more to bring up for everyone to read on these corrupts. You have just dared us. The anonymous listing is not new. It did not start by Gilmer Free Press. All the websites on the internet are doing it. Gilmer Free Press says no comments are listed as anonymous unless they know who the person is. That is not true elsewhere. Do you people ever read all the other sites who talk even about the president anonymously? The fact you want to shut them down shows your incompetence and admission of guilt. Do not threat us; just prove to us we are wrong. It is so simple, isn’t it?
    By Anonymous on 02.13.2011

    From the entry: ‘Gilmer County Prosecutor Threatens The Gilmer Free Press and Free Speech’.

    Gerry Hough, do you ever wonder why we want to remain anonymous? Because of people like you who think you are above law and make your own rules. There are several of you in this town who continuously do illegal acts while bad mouthing those who talk about you. None of you EVER has come forward and prove us wrong. It is so simple to do. We like to dare you to do so. We are waiting. I am sure Gilmer Free Press will post it for you.
    By Anonymous by choice on 02.13.2011

    From the entry: ‘Gilmer County Prosecutor Threatens The Gilmer Free Press and Free Speech’.
    We have all the documents from Gilmer County Courthouse archived by late Mr. Armonthrout (God Bless His Soul). They show the entire document tampering by the B&B brothers, et. al.
    It will show how the Gilmer County Commissioners did not guard the documents and allowed the crooks to change them to their benefit. It will show how the Gilmer County Assessors allowed it. It will show how the Gilmer County Clerks allowed it. We recommend a cleansing of the Courthouse from those who have allowed and done wrong. To the Commissioners and Current County Clerk, we recommend locks to the Courthouse change so un-authorized people have no access especially when they think everyone is in bed Sleep! (we have video to prove it and you know who you are).
    By Anonymous on 02.13.2011

    The truth is always a valid defense against charges of libel or slander. Furthermore, the owner of a forum cannot be held responsible for what contributors publish unless it can be proved that they knew the published account was false. If a malicious suit is filed, the defendant can recover attorney fees as well as damages. Don’t let bullies scare you into not reporting the truth.
    By Julian Runner on 02.13.2011

    From the entry: ‘Gilmer County Prosecutor Threatens The Gilmer Free Press and Free Speech’.

  • This is my first comments on Gilmer free Press, but I too am fed up with this man and our county officials.

    Add this to Gerry Hough’s criminal actions as I was there and witnessed this:
    At the canvassing of the votes in May 2010, when question was asked from our top lawman of Gilmer county, Hough, since he had no clue, going through pages in his book for answer, looked up and asked if the Commissioners and attorneys meet with him behind closed doors. Right in a public meeting. Commissioners Hess, Kennedy, head by Larry Chapman made the motion to do it and so they did. Let’s make deals behind closed doors began. Why could he not answer the question in the public meeting as they were supposed to? This is how it is done in Gilmer county. a clear violation of law. Mr. Hough and Commissioners why don’t you tell us we don’t know what we are talking about.

    Posted by anon. on 02.13 at 01:53 PM
    Please Mickey Metz,
    We are asking you to do something about a public official who is out of control and ruins lives by bringing false evidence so outrageous as to be unbelievable, but then lies to everyone including judges to get away with it!
    Bearing false witness is a sin, but Gerry pays people to do it, and that is nothing short of evil.
    Then Gerry says he is going to PRAY for everyone.
    What a hypocrite!
    We can no longer suffer because of a self-serving selfish individual that uses his family members for defense, when they have nothing to do with any dispute.
    Please Mickey do something, we are not asking you just as the Sheriff, but as a friend, a friend we can all trust. We need you!
    Please hold Gerry Hough accountable for his illegal actions!
    Please do what is right for the community and allow Gerry Hough to face his own wrongdoing in court.

    Posted by Lover of FREEDOM to Mickey we are counting on YOU! on 02.13 at 02:03 PM
    The 70’s brought a wave of sex/drug crazed hippies to Gilmer. Most left. But we who were here first remember who you old hippies are. Mr. Hough you are not from around here, are you? Could Mr. Hough honestly swear under oath that ‘pot’ & drugs were not a big part of his early life in Gilmer? One has to wonder how anyone could in good conscience, bring charges against someone who has done the very same thing that they themselves have been guilty of? But then there is that old saying, ‘takes on to catch one’. Yes, we remember all the hippies that have grown old here. And we will not forget. Skeleton bones in the closet are starting to rattle. GC needs to keep shaking them.
    Posted by Keep diggin’ y’all… on 02.13 at 04:42 PM
    Documents sent by the highest ranks of the SP along with a phone conversation featuring Major Ingold of the Police Standards Division clearly shows a conspiracy between Police and the Power Elite involving a cover up of the crimes at the courthouse and crimes by Hough.
    Ingold knows the FEDS have been informed with a full written report and complaints of wrongdoing.
    The State Police want to put the burden on another agency!
    The tape of Ingold clearly shows that Police know crimes were committed, but are not going to act!
    Ingold said,
    “I understand you filed with the US Attorney MR (censored) then we will wait and see what they instruct us to do, it is as simple as that so we really don’t need to hear from you anymore!“
    State Police should never wait on instruction when a complaint was filed against them for being involved in a conspiracy to commit a crime.
    I am in support of a Governor that will do away with the State Police and regulate their duties to the HWY Patrol.

  • LIZZIE BUTCHER LOST VIRGINITY at 13 according to TOPIX comment

    Lost Virginity at 13

    Wednesday Feb 9

    Well considering Lizzie lost her virginity at age 13, I would probably say it is at least 50 guys she has been with by now, probably the same for Lexie. They are likable enough girls to be friends with, but I think a man would either have to be totally naive about these girls past or just not care they have slept with tons of guys to want to have a serious relationship or marry either of them. They are good for a shag, but how could you trust them to have a relationship with them? So wild those girls are.

  • Crooked County Crooks Website-NO FEAR-Fighting for FREEDOM from totalitarian rule in Central WV since June of 2006

    There seems to be actual confirmation from the Council of Concerned Citizens and some contributing SS journalists that have brought a great deal of truth forward involving criminal activity among Gilmer Public Officials that the Butchers-of the Butcher & Butcher law firm-are calling every one they know, Oliverio, Boggs and Facemire, while speaking with other attorneys they went to school with – along with Hough and the State Police – who are also trying to find any charge that will stick to shut down the sites or shut people up.

    This worked for the evil regime in Egypt and it works in Russia, and it has worked before in Gilmer County and we just saw an example of that last summer!

    Now that someone brought out the subject of Hunter Armentrout and the hidden files involving land fraud schemes and a load of non-transferable land records he maintained for various reasons- more criminal acts may be revealed involving the famous Butchers who make their own rules. Some of those land records dated back decades- often due to various problems with the documents that prohibited transfer involving some kind of hanky panky made famous in a County where it is “OK” to break the law if you are a public official. The police will refuse to take the complaint and then figure out a way to arrest the whistle blower and destroy the journalist who accurately reported the criminal activity.

    And then, Judge Facemire can call down to the jail and have that same person thrown in the hole with no phone privileges like he did to a well known community leader, and Commander of Company C Consolidated Citizens Corp-Elkins back in 2008!

    Thats right Facemire has some connects and we know who they are, and we have not forgotten for one fucking second.

  • I remember that summer

    I was there that summer and remember the subsequent trial in 2007. Finally someone is speaking up about it! They murdered that poor man, and just think of how his family felt when they did nothing about the murder. Gilmer County is about as Crooked as they come. I could not wait to get out of Glenville later that year!

    Editors note: You got that right!

  • question

    If Everette Campbell was a convicted felon, what was he doing carrying a gun and using a 357 to kill an innocent man?

    Editors note: The answer is Gilmer County is called CROOKED COUNTY for a very important reason. Campbell was a snitch to catch meth dealers, but he never paid off in that area, just like Todd Smith. These idiots that are disguised as people that think they are, “all that,” in law enforcement play by their own rules and Campbell was ALLOWED to commit cold blooded murder, and that is your answer to your question.

    Many other law enforcement agencies look down upon Gilmer County for this very incident and again Dave Karickoff was the defense attorney and Hough was no match for him or any other good defense counsel in a court room.

    Unfortunately for us David Karickoff is a Butcher and Butcher associate and has been for his entire career, but hides it rather well. Karickoff is no dummy.

  • Amanda. Franklin

    I’ve always been curious to why Mel Waddell got away with two murders and how

    SS Member : Waddell ain’t the meanest one in hell here, that’s for sure, you found yourself a pack a murderous ravenous thieves, ask Fred Hill, of who you know they did kill! Some SS members are related to Stumps, not closely, but roots from the 50′ and 60’s but still somewhat kindred, and ya know why I brought the stumps up if you know about Mel Waddell, and the journey that was hell in the past that many thought buried but not by the SS. We live by the feud, we never forget.

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