Tag Archive: glenville state college rape cases exposed by the CalPatty Press advocate for legal reform


GILMER COUNTY is the MOST CORRUPT COUNTY in CENTRAL WEST VIRGINIA and currently is BROKE as HELL for the reason of BAD MANAGEMENT and inept leadership, so lets review how this sort of thing happens.  Here is an article published by RGW this same time of the year, FIVE YEARS ago, which will give us insight into our totally fucked up present.

By Free Bird – Revenge of the Ghost Wolf Reporter for the Secret Seven Coalition/Hurricane Rina McCoy – Crooked County Crooks Editor for the Concerned Citizens Free Press /Editor Edison – CalPatty Press Editor

“Frequently inexperienced and sometimes inadequately educated local authorities known as the CPS from across this state get to judge whether hundreds of young, low income mothers and fathers are fit to be parents in West Virginia. Simply asking the question “Are you depressed?” and getting a yes answer gives them license to misdiagnose those parents as having mental disorders and allows social services to remove children from the home.  Well duh, CPS has been called and whether right or wrong of course they’re depressed, wouldn’t you be?”

Child Protective Services (CPS)

Child Protective Services is a specialized Child Welfare service provided by the West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources. This service is provided to families on behalf of children who are neglected or abused by their parents or by the guardians or custodians responsible for the care of children.

This is Gerald B Hough prosecuting attorney for Gilmer County, and Sheriff Metz will be first to tell you “Hough is the head law man around here!” If the new people to the area knew previously about the horrors of Glenville, and Crooked County many would never have taken the job at the federal prison or settled anyplace in Gilmer County, which has the most corrupt law enforcement and court system in the state of WV.

I know there are some people who are really trying and use their skills and education to benefit under privileged children. But, in this part of the state, I do know of a lot of people who use their kids for the free stuff and I have seen them sell their stamps for half price to buy drugs. There are rumors people are even selling their children via CPS employee’s to families looking to adopt or possibly into white slavery!

Some children in this part of the state are still doing without and the parents are spending the money on drugs and if those parents are drugged out of their minds, or drinking at Tallies Duck, how safe are those kids?

God Bless the ones who are responsible and take advantage that all the CPS has to offer to the parents that if they did drug test they would not have anything to worry about anyways. And I know kids who have been taken out of homes for petty stuff and then, there are the individuals who live in hell each and every day!  Nikki Harris and Teresa Williams, are two CPS workers in West Virginia that can make peoples life a living hell, according to citizens complaints.

“I don’t see how those two sleep at night. What if it was your kids or a family kid and a CPS worker acted like they did and did not do nothing to look into it or spend no more than a trip to ask a couple of questions and dropped it and forgot about it all together and did not investigate into it further?”

Those two CPS workers won’t even pick up a phone and call and ask witnesses to see if they can tell you something to back up a report.

Without tax payers CPS would have no financial support, so the specialty now of CPS is to steal from and destroy the people that actually put food on all their tables, which seems counterproductive to me.

Gilmer County, the home of RAPE and MURDER in Central West Virginia is certainly no stranger to child rape and child molestation, and some well known people are guilty as hell, but protected quite adequately by the local Church of Ike as this account attests to…

“I feel so sorry for these children that have been let down. I didn’t realize the justice system was failing so many children!”

“I thought that my situation was just a fluke or an accident or just simply an unwillingness to take on someone with money and a prominent name but to know that so many children have suffered the way one child in Gilmer County has …”

The CPS corruption in Calhoun County is lead by Crystal Kimble and Loretta Smith.
Ryan Underwood and Samara Keith are the only two honest CPS workers in the Calhoun office.
Loretta Smith blackmails mothers that have trouble with the law to make false statements, and then mixes a little bit of this and that to tell lies to set people up. The adult protective services workers also are corrupted ran by Jackie Blankenship and Victoria Butcher-Shaver. (Shown in this photo)
The facts are coming out, like HOT TODDY on a HOT SUMMER night with a cool summer breeze a blowin on that Big Gila Monster.

“It just truly saddens my heart and for the person that said parents are bad just cause our teenage daughter was molested by a supposed leader of the community is just wrong.”

“I trusted my ex-husband with our child on weekends, because I thought a father would protect his little girl, but he let something happen to her for promise of advancement at his work. I was wrong he allowed someone to repeatedly hurt her and introduce her to Cocaine! And when something was said to him he covered it up and refused to believe it. So sometimes it is out of your hands and when u go to the system for a protective order and the judge throws it out even though the women’s and children’s abuse center said it happened and my daughter named him 3 different times, but since he is a man of money and power in Glenville, he got away with rape just like so many of them do.”

“I just don’t know why so many children just slip through the cracks and something needs to change but how do you go about changing it?”

“I am grateful for one CPS worker she told my ex that she believed it happened and she made him see the light so my daughter has not been around this person and since she was 16. I think she forgot most of those bad days, or repressed it, but u can never be sure!”

When it comes to the children of citizens of Gilmer County things are so corrupt and dire that your everyday common person is AFRAID TO ATTEND a public meeting or openly discuss such issues since many of the public officials have proven to be criminals that can carry out violent reprisals or false charges for a false arrest, so most of the citizens are AFRAID in Gilmer County according to this poll of nearly 500 participants which is a large sample from a small County that has a population of only about 7000.

Have you ever had the WV CPS beating on your door for stupid reasons? According to an actual account…

“My child, who was 4 at the time had stepped in a pile of dog poop while he was getting on the school bus. I saw it, told the aid to bring him back off of the bus because of it.

“So sometimes it is out of your hands and when u go to the system for a protective order and the judge throws it out even though the women’s and children’s abuse center said a sexual assault happened and my daughter named him 3 different times, but since he is a man of money and power in Glenville, he got away with rape just like so many of them do.”

The Aid says “Oh don’t worry about it we ll clean it off”. I say OK thank you. 2 days later CPS is at my door because my son went to school with dog poop on his shoe. Then a week later, same 2 women from CPS are back because ” your sons hair wasnt brushed when he went to school the last few days”. Ummmm its WINTER he wears a knit skull cap. DUH his hairs gonna be a mess when he takes it off!”

“Seems to me that the only time CPS gets involved is if a School calls, not when a parent calls. Why bother people who ARE taking care of the kids?”

I know as citizens it is out duty that we go to every extent to make CPS do their job and help these kids in Central WV that are being taken from their homes. It is time to CLEAN HOUSE at CPS!

For too long Child Protective Services have stolen children for profit. The parents are not allowed due process, not allowed to question witnesses or face their accuser.  In West Virginia the parents are railroaded, lied about — and their children are bought and sold like a commodity!

Families are torn apart, destroyed and forever changed by a government agency that has no scruples, no morals and no standards, because that’s how they always do it in Gilmer County!

 The West Virginia CPS have no one to make sure they don’t abuse the very system they were put in place to protect. Money has become the issue not the children and not the family. This is just the beginning of the misery many people see down in Crooked County down by the Crooked River!

There are several excellent WV single parent grants available to single moms and families who qualify.These social programs help to pay for all the necessities of setting up a good home for children including providing shelter, food, and medical care. West Virginia has been immune, so far, from the bloody episodes of gang violence that have marred the big cities from New York to Los Angeles.Yet, there are disturbing signs of something evil that might lurk beneath a tranquil surface and ultimately rear its ugly head. Young women in West Virginia, at the state capital in Charleston are selling themselves to businessmen on the street during the day time to pay for their OXY habit and that of their boyfriends too.Gangs are also becoming more of a problem in WV and Mercer and McDowell counties are listed among eight West Virginia counties with the highest numbers of gang activity, according a report on gang violence recently released by the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Kanawha is one of eight West Virginia counties with the most gang activity, according to a report issued last fall by the FBI. The report, released every two years, tracks the estimated 1.4 million members that make up the nation’s more than 33,000 gangs. Young people in WV are falling victim to drug abuse and gang affiliations and violence, by starting to catch up to the paved roads of  gang trends from bigger cities.

Maybe if all the CPS workers lost their jobs they could get on welfare their damn selves and see how these kids feel about the poor service and abandonment by society.

Here is a personal account of bad actions from a citizen of Wood County down in Parkersburg…

The Children of the Power Elite like this young woman are subject to abuse too, and sometimes that is for the lack of adult supervision, just like at the raucous orgy that jumped off the 2011 school year out hwy 33 at the home of Shelly Morris DeMarino, where a daughter of the Church of Ike was raped and the result of that rape was a pregnancy and an abortion all while underage, and also the basketball coach got to have his way sexually with one of the star BB Ball players on the Lady Titans Basketball team. It was Bitchen BOBCATS BABY just like BEACH BLANKET BINGO when the Butcher Bitches Broke Bad Bumping Butts during the Summer of Love on the CalPatty Press!

“I am a former employee of the CPS unit at the Jackson County DHHR and can personally attest to the many allegations against them. Nikki Harris has no morals. She will and has covered up huge mistakes and illegal behavior on the part of one CPS worker alone. She and the worker should have been fired had the CSM at the time not have been so close to retirement and therefore didn’t want to “stir the pot.” Also, I know that many of the CPS workers would sign themselves out on home visits and never return. Instead of doing home visits they would run personal errands or anything else non-work related. However, because of the irresponsible nature of their supervisor, Mrs. Harris, no questions were asked. Most of the workers in that unit were not there to do their job, they were there because that was one of the only jobs in the building where they could do whatever they pleased without punishment. I will say that the only worker in that unit who was an honest, hardworking, genuine and caring person was the CPS case aide. I am not sure if she is still there or not. Most of the decent employees at that place have since moved on to other positions elsewhere.”

“The CPS pick on the families who are not in danger, and need the  least help and then, help destroy the families  who the CPS leave in danger. The CPS is a self serving entity and just as self serving as the CHURCH of IKE and all the power elite in Gilmer County, West Virginia!”

“Jackson County CPS is horrible!!!! They do not protect children!!! They refuse to act until a child is hurt or dead. One mother I know has been reported repeatedly for drug abuse, alcoholism, beating her teen daughters and nothing has been done because apparently they are too lazy to do anything for these girls who are suffering mentally and physically. This office needs to be investigated before someone else gets hurt!”

CPS in rural West Virginia has long made a business of stealing children. Families who are new to the area do not know that, however. They are attracted to the “People that Shine” in the Glenville Democrat, the bullshit rhetoric about the worst school academically in the entire state of West Virginia, oh, and also, the beauty of the area.

When local politicians or media want to stop discussion on any subject or disagreement with information they have presented as “Fact” and validate lies, criminal actions and other misconduct, the first thing they do is label those seeking the truth as “Conspirators!” These so called elites from Gilmer County have covered up countless rapes, and some of those rapes were victims under the age of 18 like the rape that happened that night up hwy 33 at the home of Shelly Morris DeMarino -the same night the GCHS Basketball coach Bobby Duvall had sex with one of the players on the team! “Where was the CPS in Gilmer County when the rapes and sex with high school teachers was something you couldn’t talk about or mention in Glenville — a secret agreement was put in action by members of the Church of Ike – a group of public officials & politicians for reasons of the pursuance of policies that must be kept SECRET awful sexual crimes occurred with minor children which they dare not mention in public.”

 If the new people to the area knew about the horrors of Glenville, and Crooked County many  would never have taken the job at the federal prison or settle anyplace in Gilmer County, which has  a very corrupt law enforcement and court system in the state of WV. The County is run by a Board of Commissioners who are constantly screwing the citizen with levies and bond issues geared toward making the rich in the area richer and the poor people of this part of Central WV even poorer.

Children are a commodity for which there is a steady and growing market both in the United States and across the world, so WV will grap their piece of the action just like they did the marijuana trade and the PILL MILLS that rule the state and have even effected the elite with rampant prescription drug abuse.

Child sex-slaves arrive in Europe and elsewhere from unspecified locations, even West Virginia! Children taken from homes routinely end up in the porn industry, believe it or not. It has been going on for many years but since it did not impact most of us it was easy to ignore.

But as counties across the state have cycled down into bankruptcy like Gilmer County has, the need to pump harder for every buck to be made has become more compelling. Today it is not just the most vulnerable who are targeted, but families that would before have been passed over as too well connected that are currently also in jeopardy from all the crime, dope and corrupt law enforcement.

The Butcher Bitches paved the way for underage drinking being condoned many years ago & now it has been a family tradition of sorts in Crooked County down by the Crooked River! Beer Bong Bitches Breaking Bad!

Here is a latest comment from a reader of the many Secret Seven Coalition articles …

The last RAPE VICTIM from GSC that was discovered by the Secret Seven Coalition, said, “NO FEMALE is SAFE at GSC! The last rape that took place in Goodwin Hall had difficulty in the courts because DAN BELL the Chief of Public Safety made sure the rape kit evidence was immediately lost, but the court was recently notified that law enforcement went over an above to make sure there was no evidence and if the parents of the victim did not speak up and contact the Secret Seven Coalition, then mostly the public would have never known about another horrible rape in GOODWIN hall, but then RAPE is common in Gilmer County, especially since there have been multiple rapes and no convictions.The crime statistics that exist for Gilmer County, West Virginia are a complete LIE and fabrication, if the public only knew the truth they would be shouting to bring in the national guard!

“Let’s see the raucous party up Rt. 33 did not happen, the Charleston romp didn’t either with all the pomp and booze supplied by the Gerry Hough household, and the sexual molestation by the Coaching Staff in which the Gilmer Sheriff Mickey Metz does not have the qualifications for! What about CPS? Where in the HELL is the CHILD PROTECTIVE SERVICES when children need protected from the METZ GANG and the lawless Hough Starletts! In WV what the hell, where is the CPS? Where are they to protect the children, they steal the children. Why not do a story about what Gerry Hough, Tara Kennedy, the County Commission and the big muckitty mucks do to our children, by way of torture, denial and mistreatment. As for everyone questioning what happened to the kids that were assaulted by the Metz gang. If one of those parents or someone that knows the truth calls in to CPS and pushes the issue you might find some resolution there. However, I have a much diminished view of that organization but they seem to be able to run their own witch hunt when given just the right amount of information but it would have to be someone who knows and is aware of the facts. As well if Mrs. Nasia Butcher had knowledge or report had been made to her then she too would be legally liable as a mandated reporter to have filed a CPS report.

Rape at Glenville State College is now as Common Place as IKE MORRIS eating at Audrey’s family restaurant in the heart of Crooked County down by the Crooked River at 7pm on a Tuesday night.

Failure to do so would make her guilty by association and therefore place her job in Jeopardy. I think she should be in Jeopardy, in fact I think she should be in a zoo for outdated back woods feeble minded whores raising nitwit bitches, but they probably couldn’t get all that on the sign in front of her cage!! YOU MAKE ME NAH SHA’S NAY SHA!”

The PARTY ANIMAL LADY TITANS HOST DRUNKEN BASH AT THE V-BALL TOURNEY down at the state capitial — “They all drank Thursday night, went to the tournament Friday and then the real party started.
The boy friend of Crystal Metz was so drunk and fucked up on drugs, that nobody cared when he ventured off, and then what he was trying to do to the girls by pulling their pants and panties down and then trying to play with their precious feminine secret places!
Another one of Gerry Hough’s daughters, Lauren Hough, Carly’s Lil Sis was named as a chief player in all of the sexual exchanges and drunk shit and such.
The boyfriend of Crystal Metz was going room to room and in hallways trying to get the girls naked and play box banging bingo the Butcher Bitches way!
“In one incident dude hid in the bathtub in the ladies facilities and when the girls went to use the bathroom then he jumped out swinging his penis to and fro just like they do down in Crooked County down by the Crooked River!”

Local psychiatrists, psychologists, attorneys and physicians become little more than hired guns for authorities trying to take children from their parents into foster care.

Mickey Metz is not qualified to serve as a coach on the Volleyball team. He does not have the credentials to fill that position at the high school, but Gilmer County is so corrupt that even after the document Metz used to qualify to be on the ballot to run for magistrate was proven a phony, Metz still was allowed to be on the ballot against the laws of West Virginia, and even allowed to run for office on primary election day, but Metz only received a small amount of votes and came in last place. By the time the election was held, the FREE PRESS had already published the document Metz brought forward and it was a FAKE!!

As the fear fades and justifiable anger comes to the forefront falsely accused parents are shining a spotlight on a family court system normally shrouded in secrecy. This raises the crucial question of who should be allowed to determine the most fundamental rights of parents to bring up their own children and what standards are used to make such a serious and life altering decision. Who is truly working in the best interest of the children?  Many times it may be the parent.

“Another filthy CPS pedophile busted  ….”will most likely be an upcoming headline on some future Revenge of the Ghost Wolf article.  Mark Levriers a CPS worker had 23 years of access to vulnerable, defenseless children, before he was found out and caught for child molestation!

There are many more Mark Levriers in CPS, count on it. CPS is a magnet for perverts and pedophiles. Even a braindead pedophile knows you don’t have to hang around playgrounds = you can get a job at CPS and get paid to be a pervert, just like Gerry Hough gets two paychecks from the state of West Virginia to engage in criminal activities, like subornation of perjury and felony conspiracy, and even white collar crimes to help out his friend Timothy B and R Terry Butcher!

Children, the latest victims being snatched in broad daylight by CPS, should be a serious concern for law enforcement agencies. We must have better coordination among state and local agencies of all levels to ensure that children are unharmed and not victimized by our own institutions. They must put forth better efforts to ensure that the price of children as individual human beings is not being calculated in cold cash.

CHARLESTON, W.Va. — More than $1 million in federal funds have been approved for West Virginia to encourage more adoptions of children in foster care.

“The funding was announced in September of 2010 by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The department said the adoption incentive awards are intended to improve states’ child welfare programs, but for many it was just a license to steal!!”

We must be concerned because this could well be a precursor of graver problems like child sex trafficking,  and other illegal operations which use children to  commit crimes.  The local CPS must take steps, in coordination with law enforcement, society at large and the media, to warn the public plus assist and advise parents on how to protect their children against not only street abduction by criminals but also by legal criminals of their making like they have in Gilmer County down by the Crooked River!

To be a high school coach of any sport there are certain requirements that need to be met and Sheriff Mickey Metz did not meet these requirements.
A. ASEP Coaches Education Program – Complete our 14 hour course with
a WVSSAC instructor and pass all 3 tests with a minimum score of 80%.
B. Local School Board approval (must be a high school graduate or GED)

What is happening here is not an oddity and unfortunately it is not new. Children are being taken from their families prematurely or unnecessarily because federal formulas give states a strong financial incentive to do so rather than provide services to keep families together.  Taking a child and paying a middle class family to care for them has fast become the latest form of middle class welfare.  All available help goes to foster and adoptive parents.  About the only parents the federal government won’t help indefinitely are birth parents. What’s wrong with this picture?

Laws give bounties to states of up to $8,000 or more per child for every adoption they finalize over a baseline number. But the injustices don’t stop there, because in order to get that money, states have to have children to take away and place them – and therein lay the incentive to falsely accuse parents of harming their children and to forcibly remove children even when there is no evidence to do so.

MARTINSBURG — Just a short few months ago Louis Palma was wrestling with more than just 40-plus vacancies for Child Protective Services workers across the state.

In addition to the 10.8 percent vacancy rate for CPS staff, another 17 percent of the CPS work force has been on the job for less than a year, Palma said. Many of those hired to work for CPS don’t hold degrees in social work but in fields deemed related: criminal justice, sociology, education or psychology, Palma said.

“CPS is doing a job they have never been trained to do.  They are investigating people who have never been charged, calling them child abusers, taking kids away and getting paid to do it. The money that follows a child abuse accusation and subsequent placement of the so-called endangered children into foster care or adoption is the real catalyst for the epidemic of child abuse accusations!”

Lizzie Butcher could break any law bang any box , suck any…well you get the idea … and there was never any consequence for underage drinking or bad behavior back in the day. And when you ask where was the CPS in those days? …You could get laughed out of town, for why should they care about abuse, or child abuse of any kind if it isn’t endorsed by the elite and labeled especially for poor folk. Butcher Bitches fun shown above sucking hard to get the juice to make you loose for summer fun in the VILLE where they live by the “Power of Darkness!”

And there is no incentive for any physician or anybody involved to be intellectually honest in court about this because the law also gives them immunity if they’re wrong. So what happens is that the minute CPS is involved – or the second the EMTs are called (for example, in sudden infant death, choking or alleged shaken baby cases), parents are already labeled as child abusers. They never had a chance.

 Families are coerced into participating by intimidation and the threat of losing their children. In return for fraudulently collected profits, the contracted “vendors” (physicians, psychologists, psychiatrists) provide trumped up “evidence” of child maltreatment to support the claim that they need to keep the child in foster care. In return for this they receive more federal funding. Now this is truly job security.

Nothing in our life experience is more devastating than the abrupt, brutal, and unwarranted forced separation from family and loved ones by strangers. The parent-child bond is our strongest instinct, taking precedent over all else. To have this bond severed by state agents who possess unhindered power, and give no thought or consideration to the fear, anxiety, and trauma that their actions cause, is a crime against humanity.

Removal of non-abused children is an act of emotional and psychological terrorism. CPS does not follow established law and policy. They face no consequences for their illegal behavior. Law enforcement routinely submits to the whims of social workers as do family court and magistrate judges in the majority of cases. Children failed by the system have died while in the protective custody of the State, in the care of CPS and in foster care. Citizens should NOT be removed from their homes and family members based on nothing more than hearsay.

May you never experience an introduction to that Kafka-esque world of state child-snatching.  It illustrates so many of the reasons why, hidden behind its self-protective wall of secrecy, this ruthless and corrupt system is fast becoming one of the most serious problems faced by families living at poverty level today.

The victim that was raped in Goodwin Hall at GSC in the Suite occupied by Jordan Opie Watkins contends that she was not prescribed or knowingly took benzodiazepine which she tested positive for at Stonewall Jackson when evidence for the rape kit was obtained. A mixture of high proof alcohol and date rape drugs was mixed by some other students at GSC and the last thing she remembers is sitting with the cup of alcohol mixed from over 100 proof grain-alcohols mixed by Jayde Layne and Jordan Bennett students at GSC. The next thing she remembers is waking up and regaining consciousness nude with five member of the SOB fraternity standing over her in the shower.

“No Child Left Behind Says CPS!”

Parents have experienced that in these “Secret Courts” that are ran and administered by the same people that are taking the children, that it is in fact a Kangaroo or Tribunal Court where there is no justice and no help. There is virtually no possible way the parents can win. In these courts, parents are placed with Gag Orders, instructed to ‘Not discuss the case’, this way, the social workers, crooked probation officers like Tara Kennedy and dishonest prosecutors like Gerald B Hough can conduct their business outside of scrutiny, and they can lie on the reports and to the judges like Richard A Facemire — free to perjure themselves without question, after all who will complain? Parents are often not even allowed in the court rooms while their cases are being discussed. All the people involved are playing the parents like a fiddle. Social Workers may be very nice, claiming they are there to “help” and they are sure ‘you’ll probably get your children back’, however each time the “defendant” expresses any type of conflict with them or their decisions; something to either expose them, or to prove innocence, they threaten that they will and can “put the child up for adoption”.

Three-year-old Aliayah Lunsford was was last seen in her home around 6:30 a.m. Saturday morning last Sept. 24th wearing Dora pajamas and a pink princess sweatshirt. She is about 3 feet tall and weighs about 35 pounds. She is missing her four front teeth and has shoulder length brown hair and brown eyes. Is she in the river or taken by the CPS and sold into adoption, in another state?

The children are being taken at an alarming rate, and although they are only investigating ONE child…. they will take them all, regardless of the circumstances. They are stealing the children legally. It is reported that Social Workers have no problems falsifying documents or lying about parents and extended family members.  They may threaten the parents into so called “services” such as parenting classes or anger management which by parents taking these services is an automatic admission of guilt (even if they have done nothing); Many Social Workers will do whatever it takes to ensure your child WILL be placed up for adoption. It’s like they’re bounty hunters.

Children may also be placed and deemed “special needs” ensuring more Federal Funding and Non Profit Grants for the authorities. It has been documented that babies as young as a few months old are considered to have “mental issues” and are given strong psychotropic drugs. With each issue that can be found (or created) the state and Federal Government gets more money, not just from the demand for more taxes, but also from non-profit grants one may donate to.

The Governments motto “NO CHILD LEFT BEHIND” was meant to be a slogan for better education.  Today, “NO CHILD LEFT BEHIND seems to have become the slogan used by Social Services and CPS. No Child Left Behind, means that the Social Workers, the State, and Federal Government including Non Profit groups, Adoption Agencies and all their agents and affiliates have a guaranteed income, and it seems the economics involved is not trickle down.

The state of West Virginia and the office of the CPS have been known to parade our children in front of adoptive parents like cattle at an auction. They do it under the disguise of fun and games. “Come and pick out a child” is the mantra.

“Why not put them on an auction block and sell them to the highest bidder. These children are innocent pawns in a game of greed, politics and corruption. If you don’t believe it is going on in the state of West Virginia, think again!”

Can you imagine the hurt, anger, frustration and guilt these children feel when they are alienated from their own flesh and blood, treated like a lost dog from the pound and then are not “picked” for one reason or another. This is a travesty in the worst possible way.

Talk about illegal adoptions- This is just one of the many reasons the corrupt office of the CPS in West Virginia snatches children from home of parents who are uneducated, poor and who don’t know the system and the crime that goes on in its underbelly. It is time to stop the madness, stop the corruption and stop the selling of our children.

Where were you When I needed you Ms CPS?

Well you could not be found!

What can I do Oh I believed in you

You’re running me around

Well you can take it as a warning

Or take it anyway you like

It’s the lightning not the thunder of the SS!

You never know where it’s gonna strike

Our love’s in jeopardy baby!



Don’t miss …

There is West Virginia JUSTICE and then there is JUSTICE FOR ALL!”

…On Revenge of the Ghost Wolf this FRIDAY the 13th!


Come on by the Concerned Citizens Free Press if you would like to watch JUDGE WATKINS go CRAZY in court just like Judge Facemire did in the Travesty of Justice case!

Of course Facemire lied to the Judicial Investigation Commission about the entire incident, actually flat denied it like a lying little bitch, but FACEMIRE was caught on tape too! How will the JIC get out of covering for Richard DICK Facemire when the truth is revealed to all of AMERICA soon? Here are two promo video for the Watkins video as well as a link for the current article that can be found  at the Concerned Citizens Free Press!

Secret Seven members and affiliates and associates of the Secret Seven were instrumental in investigating JUDGE WATKINS for his blatant misconduct and stuck with it long enough to get FOX NEWS coverage.

The Supreme Commander of the Secret Seven Coalition has been in direct contact with the Chief Counsel of the Supreme Court for the last two months, and many hours were spent in direct communications and on telephone conference calls, and it was mentioned to Terri Tarr of the WV Supreme Court the Chief Counsel of the Judicial Investigation Commission, WEEKS AGO, that eventually, there would be NATIONAL TV coverage for the tremendous amount of misconduct by judges like Watkins and Judge Facemire.

The JIC is aware that just Richard A Facemire also went on a long rant and tirade during the Travesty of Justice case, similar to the rant of Watkins, and that will be the next issue exposed along with the criminal actions of Gilmer County Prosecutor Gerald B Hough.

“Courtroom Video REVEALS ABUSIVE CONDUCT of WV JUDGE WATKINS Reminiscent of the RANT of JUDGE FACEMIRE During the Travesty of Justice Trial”


“There is West Virginia JUSTICE and then there is JUSTICE FOR ALL!”

….coming up on Revenge of the Ghost Wolf this FRIDAY the 13th!

We like to ADD a little HISTORY to our reporting from time to time so lets review THESE wonderful days in CROOKED COUNTY WEST VIRGINIA!

THE COURTHOUSE BACK TO A WHOREHOUSE! A BUTCHER BITCH that is OLD with Mold and just a little damp from being a FARMER VAMP? Drug Sellers and Drug Buyers go hand in hand with the Corruption down in Gilmer County, West Virginia where anything goes! “That ought to give them something to talk about!”

By Free Bird Revenge of the Ghost Wolf Reporter for the Central West Virginia Secret Seven Coalition/Hurricane Rina McCoy – Crooked County Crooks Editor/Editor Edison – CalPatty Press Editor

Gilmer County, we need ethical reform.  It is so true that public corruption is akin to the drug trade. In both instances, it takes two to tango.

Sadly, in Gilmer County, commonly known as Crooked County “Shall we dance?” has many meanings!”

It’s all about vote buying and many other ways our public officials have thoroughly corrupted our local government and endlessly embarrassed those of us who can still be embarrassed, especially after the recent scandal that proved SHERIFF METZ has been lying to us all these years about having a GED and also discovering the document he used for a High School diploma as a requirement for running for public office was a complete forgery of an actual accredited high school diploma! What a disgrace for the Democratic executive committee whom all have refused to take responsibility for their recent actions in this matter.

“Oh we have nothing to do with the fake diploma, that is all on Metz,” is not the sales pitch that any person with any brains at all is buying!

The corruption in this county’s government has been enabled by the people who have turned their heads away when they see or hear about the sleazy truth.

THE COURTHOUSE BACK TO A WHOREHOUSE! Now with the NEWS of the latest sexual fling of the County Commission Clerk who is trying to officially become a BUTCHER BITCH may need some lessons from Lizzy and Lexy on how to be sexy. The latest scandal has brought back memories of people that witnessed former Court Clerk David LAME Smith getting (censored) or just getting her to slither down in her chair while (censored) underneath her blouse! At first I could not believe that such sexual play could ever go on at the courthouse,but EYEWITNESS testimony changed my mind, and I can’t believe public officials could be “That Kind” but it’s true, and that is a FINE how do you do…CROOKED COUNTY!!

The fact is that too many voters either don’t care or secretly hope they can be beneficiaries of dishonesty. Too many of us feed on corruption. Take vote buying, for example. As long as people are willing to sell their votes, there will be politicians willing to buy them and it isn’t always a cash transaction.  A case of beer, a bottle of booze, a little financing for the poor, maybe a little land deal or a will gone missing, it all depends on the lowest price the voter will take.

It’s the same with illegal drugs and the drug trade. Those who sell the drugs are only half the problem. Those who are addicted to drugs probably commit more crimes than those who sell them.  Lord knows they go to jail and cost more in the end.  While we can afford $50,000 a year to jail these unfortunates, we can’t afford $20,000 to get them in rehab.  What’s wrong with that picture?

Pitiful addicts, the children of my neighbors, go in search of goods they can pawn or sell on the street for money to buy crack, heroin, pills, etc.

Drugs has been the main event at the Lions Lair and other local bars that have lost their liquor license,or, that are no longer in operation, and now the CHURCH of IKE Pioneer Grill runs out in front and is a good place to get a thrill. DOPE is not a pastime but a ticket to a priesthood in the CHURCH of IKE with IL”Ike” Morris getting caught himself with kilos of COCAINE years ago, now Doug Morris along with some of his dope buddies like Pat Ward the hillbilly IT guy for Waco Oil and Ass have taken over some leadership!

These kids steal small tools, ATV’s and lawnmowers.  They shoplift, steal gas and write bad checks. Drug sellers have no direct effect on me and mine but they ruin or even kill the children of the unfortunate families they get to and the resulting drug users have had a profound impact on us all.

Here is the son of Gilmer County Commissioner Darrel Ramsey (mug shot below)

Imprisonment Status:  Misdemeanor Pre-Trial
Full Name: Ramsey,  Mark  Andrew
Height: 5′  8″
Weight: 150 lbs.
Birth Date: 7/8/1984
Gender: Male
Booking Date: 03/24/2012
Facility: Central Regional Jail
Imprisonment Status: Misdemeanor Pre-Trial

Drug addiction has created a culture of petty theft in Gilmer’s prison/college society our leaders said was so necessary. So have those who sell their votes or give a wink-wink, nudge-nudge when they see public corruption going on under their noses. How many are guilty?

Catherine Mcgee, a resident of N. Lewis Street near the stop light, was arrested at about 9 p.m. on Thurs., Mar. 1 by Gilmer County Chief Deputy Larry Gerwig, with the aid of city and State Police.
The 58-year-old woman was charged with possession with the intent to deliver marijuana from her residence, which is 1,000 feet from a school.
After being booked, she was remanded to the Central Regional Jail.
State Police Cpl. Robert Smith stated, “It doesn’t come as a surprise to anyone for this has been a yearlong investigation.”

EDA  dude Larry Chapman is running around trying to make it appear that he supports Commissioner (is he a pitcher or a catcher) Darrel Ramsey while everyone knows he is just sucking up for appearances and will cut throat Ramsey the second he and Gilmer County Commission President Brian Kennedy get together which is IL’s peoples wish to pay Ramsey back for beating him in the last election in 2010.  That’s part of the reason it is so quiet to keep up appearances for this damn election.  They played lose the drugs with Ms Catherine and dropped it to a Marijane charge.

That’s why they want everyone to keep still as they say.  They are doing so many deals with the administrator writing resolution of support for the EDA to get their flexi grant which was never voted on in public meeting.  Chapman just came and picked it up after Kennedy signed it.  It is all back door and under the table.  They don’t want this school issue to touch them.  Now they’ve done their job by keeping their mouth shut and the school board is losing $370,000 because of the error on the tax assessments and the county has been under assessment values for two years in a row.

“Next year our County of Gilmer will be back down to a class 8 county with only one more step lower!” 

The commission is going to lose thousands a year because of this.  They kept beefing up fake assessments on cars and trucks, the citizens would come to equalization and review and get the crazy bills abated and the county would keep its status.  The state caught it this year and took the blame for letting it go through, but it has cost the county now.

Too late, all their back room under the table behind closed doors secret agenda is what they want kept quiet.  They just did their budget and how much of a raise did they give.  All is not well on the hill and that’s why you see them all take that nerve pill!

How many have smiled at the stories of public corruption they have heard, or even ignored incidents of public corruption they have witnessed?

But that reaction has done nothing to put an end to it, just as eliminating the drug dealers will not end drug addiction and their associated illegal activities such as thievery, rape, murder and more.

We need to clean the stables of Gilmer County politics. From selective prosecution of the poor and helpless to the back room deals for personal gain — it has to end.  Here in Gilmer County, we need to stop accepting their perversions, moral degradation of women and children with total lack of respect for anything that doesn’t have a dollar sign behind it. 

“It is time to take out the trash, not keep it over us like a dirty blanket!”

Deranged Offender : Pre-Trial Felon Full Name: Greg Lee Marks, Crooked County Asshole of the month during the xmas holidays — Issuing Agency Gilmer County — GREG MARKS was arrested just three months ago, and is the SON to COUNTY COMMISSION CLERK BEVERLY MARKS who after 20 years of ripping off people involving estates, and hiding the, “MISSING ONE SIXTH from the Travesty Case, was able to call in some favors as long as her son ratted everyone out. Marks was involved in a conspiracy involving METH and is a user and abuser –Location 11F-114,115,116,117 GILMER COUNTY — Bail Amount: $20,000.00 — but don’t worry mom stole plenty when she worked for the county she can afford it! DUDE TOTALLY WALKED On ALL CHARGES because “That’s how they do it in Gilmer County if you are the SON or Daughter of the POWER ELITE!

That will never happen until the culture of Gilmer County changes – until you and I and every law-abiding citizen in this county not only say “Enough!” But back it with action at the polls, in our daily activities, and in conversations with others. Otherwise our families will continue to pay the price for the failures of the career politicians we put in office and the special interests they serve.

Larry Chapman one of our ex-commissioners trying to get back in made a reference to the people being unwilling to split up their land and tried to pawn that off on center district senior citizens needing housing.  Perhaps this was a snide reference to the fact that WV lost the Cracker plant because they wanted 500 acres in one plot and couldn’t get that. I guess he figures he was in on that deal by association.  The big shots want our land for just one reason just like they wanted the gas rights..   Our local so called leaders want it at no cost to sell to special interests for a huge profit and wonder why we just won’t hand it over and move out.

“Just as we will never eliminate the drug problem until we deal with the addicts, we will never eliminate the corruption in government until we say an emphatic no to the self serving politicians we have put in power, their collaborators and to ourselves for tolerating the ongoing joke!”

Gilmer County must move toward a day when it no longer does favors for any special interests, but instead serves the interests of all citizens impartially if we are to survive, let alone thrive..  Good government is government for everyone, which means protecting the rights and interests of all residents of the state – business owners, employees, rich people, poor people, blue collar and white collar, old and young, men and women, individuals who possess mineral rights to land and individuals who possess only surface rights.

There has been NO PROTECTION for white female students like Mary Hudnall who testified to a vicious rape by Gabe Prophet a QB for the GSC Football team in her police report. She stated, “She was afraid for her life as he forced his penis into her mouth and beat her viciously before dragging her into the bedroom ripping off her garments and forcing himself inside of her with such tremendous force as to damage her Vagina! Mary of course could not make it to her job at the “GO MART” the next day, and so much for school that was it for her! Now we hear the school officials along with Gerald B Hough threatened to ruin her forever if she showed up to the preliminary hearing to testify against the FOOTBALL STAR from GSC shown in this photo! That is what LIFE is LIKE in Gilmer County for girls at GSC if you are WHITE and not looking for a fight! You have to follow the PETER BARR code or they might kill you in Crooked County! “Don’t lay on your back unless he is BLACK!”

Now that there have been a couple of questions from the public about this as my protected source tells me, I can finally tell you.


Yes, it’s true!

We thought when Lame Smith former Gilmer County Circuit Court Clerk retired at least the courthouse whorehouse would end but no,  Jean Butcher our County Clerk is doing the nasty via pastoral recommendation of Tim Farmer our county administrator.

The latest RAPE to be covered up has the entire SOB fraternity as suspects and a WHITE BOY by the name of Jordan Opie Watkins had the suite where the rape took place. An innocent 4.0 honor student on the PROMISE SCHOLARSHIP program got more than a promise, for she woke up naked in the shower with five men from GSC after Watkins handed her a drink spiked with date rape drugs. She flat lined in the ambulance and almost died on the way to Stone Wall Jackson Hospital — Dan Bell mailed the evidence to himself from the hospital and it was lost in the mail — The cover up was on. We are planning on publishing the threatening letter GERALD B HOUGH sent the victim! Hough said, more or less if she did not shut the fuck up about being raped by the entire SOB fraternity which may have included one campus public safety officer, he would have her arrested. Now you know why they call GERALD B HOUGH the PATRON SAINT of RAPISTS!!

During the last little trip the gang took to Charleston to see the Legislature that we paid for with our taxes, Butcher and Tim Farmer went to his room and watched “movies” and she told him to get the scissors and then, cut his hair! They were inseparable.  She has been nothing but all over him and in every corner of the courthouse they can squeeze into …all in the name of “working for the commission” and go to lunch together all the time.  They were seen riding together in Tanner, the excuse was she had to go out with Timmy to help him take some pictures of the Tanner Building.  How incompetent is this administrator?  You know they have the key.  Pretty much the same thing she was doing out at Chapman’s “warehouse” after dark during the last election.

Hate to tell you Tim but you are not the first to get fucked by that skank!

We hear the Clerk’s choice for commissioner is one of the biggest Crooks in Crooked County Larry Chapman so things can get back to the “old ways” and Jean Butcher can say once more …

“That’s the way we do things in Gilmer County!” 

I wonder how Tim’s wife and Jean’s husband are going to feel about that threesome?  Sorry Kevin, but she says you treat her so bad and you all haven’t had sex for years! Go ahead Jean Butcher, you’ve trashed your husband and his family since the day Beverly Marks former County Commission Clerk pulled you out of the career center as a favor!   Guess you’re just carrying on that old family tradition, but do you have to break up the Farmer family as well?  Word to Tim Farmer, that psycho flake may like snake, but that, “Crooked County Snatch,” is not worth your wife and kids buddy!  Kevin, you can do a whole lot better.

“Yep the Courthouse is back to being a WHOREHOUSE, now that ought to give them something to talk about!”


By Editor Edison – CalPatty Press Editor for Revenge of the Ghost Wolf

NEWS FLASH!!! A telephone wire tap was found on the phone of Ruth Mitchell of Linn, WV by the phone company Wednesday May 27th!!!


WHO PUT IT THERE, was it the State Police, who have a long history of corruption in Gilmer County, or was it the dumb as Goober Pyle numb nuts Sheriffs office?!


All this and more coming up in THIS ARTICLE of Revenge of the Ghost Wolf!

If YOU are looking for corruption, you have come to the right place Gilmer County West Virginia, known to the locals as Crooked County. Yeah these bitches down here are out and outright criminals. Now we are talking about more than half of the people that work at the courthouse too, the City Police, the State Police, but especially the Gilmer County Sheriff’s office. In FACT the Gilmer County Sheriff is the biggest JOKE of them all!  They are the Crooked County ASS CLOWNS!!

Glenville State College will be getting a big surprise soon when the Wilkie Perez RAPE CASE investigation gets reopened by the Council of Concerned Citizens. GSC has no idea how close they came to being made a NATIONAL MOCKERY of for their handling of sexual assault cases at the college in Glenville.

A major network came very close to picking up the story and told the President of the Council of Concerned Citizens Dan Bingman that they would keep their eyes on developments there. GSC is number ONE in RAPE for WV colleges with multiple arrests and NO CONVICTIONS due to a very (censored), dishonest (censored) of a (censored), poorly educated prosecutor by the name of Gerald B Hough. Recently the CCC interviewed the victim of one of Glenville State Colleges’ most famous RAPE CASES involving Wilkie Perez a GSC football player.

Glenville State College in Gilmer County, West Virginia is near dead last in academics in the State, but leads all the rest of the colleges for the number of alleged sexual assaults with ZERO convictions!!! Since the infamous Erik Davis RAPE case in 2006 more than 20 sexual assaults have met with NO CONVICTIONS due to the fact the county prosecutor Gerald B Hough a ferpa violator has no interest in prosecuting a rape case for the reason of possibly damaging the image of the college sometimes known as the FRIGHT HOUSE on the hill.

Glenville State College in Gilmer County, West Virginia is near dead last in academics in the State, but leads all the rest of the colleges for the number of alleged sexual assaults with ZERO convictions!!! Since the infamous Erik Davis RAPE case in 2006 more than 20 sexual assaults have met with NO CONVICTIONS due to the fact the county prosecutor Gerald B Hough a ferpa violator has no interest in prosecuting a rape case for the reason of possibly damaging the image of the college sometimes known as the FRIGHT HOUSE on the hill.

RGW will soon have a full story on how the victim was treated by Glenville State College, and I warn you now it is a HORROR story not suited for the ears of children. AS FAR AS FORMER GSC FOOTBALL PLAYER WILKIE PEREZ GOES … ONCE A CRIMINAL ALWAYS A CRIMINAL. Luis Michael Mendez, 44, and Wilkie Perez, 39, each pleaded guilty to one count of conspiracy to commit bank fraud and wire fraud before U.S. District Court Judge Darrin P. Gayles in the Southern District of Florida.

In their pleas, both defendants admitted that they participated in a scheme to place straw buyers in condominium units owned by real estate developers who are members of Mendez’s immediate family in return for a share of the profits. As part of Mendez’s plea agreement, he admitted participating in a scheme to sell condominium units in developments controlled by members of his immediate family to straw buyers who would neither own nor be financially responsible for the properties. Mendez conspired with two Florida mortgage brokers to finance the fraudulent transactions with loans obtained by submitting false loan applications and supporting documentation.

Glenville State College has had several unsolved and unpunished rapes since 2005 but the latest rape of an honor student from Wood County, on the Promise Scholarship program was the rape that was the most brutal and involved several fraternity members of the SOB fraternity, and the SS is seeking to let the Alumni Association know about the cover up by Dan Bell former head of public safety from GSC -- and the Gilmer County Sheriffs Department is ALSO responsible for several RAPE COVER UPS at GSC!!

Glenville State College has had several unsolved and unpunished rapes since 2005 but the latest rape of an honor student from Wood County, on the Promise Scholarship program was the rape that was the most brutal and involved several fraternity members of the SOB fraternity, and the SS is seeking to let the Alumni Association know about the cover up by Dan Bell former head of public safety from GSC — and the Gilmer County Sheriffs Department is ALSO responsible for several RAPE COVER UPS at GSC!!

Mendez also admitted submitting false loan applications in his own name to purchase a number of properties. Following the purchase of the units, the seller funneled a portion of the sale proceeds to shell corporations controlled by Mendez. In total, Mendez admitted that his conduct caused a loss of over $3 million. According to court papers, Perez was a licensed mortgage broker who owned Kinetic Mortgage Group, Inc., a mortgage brokerage company in Miami, Florida.

U.S.A. v. Luis Mendez, et. al. (14-cr-20160 SDFL)

Former GSC FOOTBALL STAR QB Wilke Perez admitted that he and Luis Mendez, one of Mendez’s immediate family members who owned and controlled the real estate developments, entered into an agreement in which Perez arranged for straw buyers to obtain financing to purchase units controlled by Luis Mendez by, among other things, submitting to financial institutions loan applications and supporting documents containing false information about buyers’ employment, income, and assets.

Rape at Glenville State College is now as Common Place as IKE MORRIS eating at Audrey's family restaurant in the heart of Crooked County down by the Crooked River, where you can take that subject up with IKE MORRIS owner of WACO oil for breakfast sometime, or discuss over dinner sometime late in the evening on Tuesdays, you’ll find old Ike there. Ike more or less owns the college, even though it is suppose to be state run, and IKE pretty much calls all the shots there and picks who is on the board of Governors. The Governor would never take a chance on pissing IKE off because of the generous campaign contributions and all.

Rape at Glenville State College is now as Common Place as IKE MORRIS eating at Audrey’s family restaurant in the heart of Crooked County down by the Crooked River, where you can take that subject up with IKE MORRIS owner of WACO oil for breakfast sometime, or discuss over dinner sometime late in the evening on Tuesdays, you’ll find old Ike there. Ike more or less owns the college, even though it is suppose to be state run, and IKE pretty much calls all the shots there and picks who is on the board of Governors. The Governor would never take a chance on pissing IKE off because of the generous campaign contributions and all.

Luis Mendez paid kickbacks to alleged rapist football star from Glenville State College Wilke Perez out of the loan proceeds following the closings on the properties. Perez, in turn, used a portion of the kickback payments to compensate straw buyers for the use of their identities and credit information. In total, Perez admitted to obtaining more than $2.5 million in fraudulent loans. Mendez and Perez were indicted by a federal grand jury on March 31, 2014,


The entire County of Gilmer expressed their displeasure at discovering Larry Chapman was all about Larry Chapman-Remember the issues involving the Gilmer County Recreation Center and the Golf Course? Well, that was all Larry Chapman-Remember a series of no-bid contracts? Well, that was all Larry Chapman-Now Larry Chapman, President of the GCEDA who worked with fellow Board Officers and Members to establish a Search Committee, creates a job description, places advertisements and seeks applications for the position of Part-time Coordinator with Health Benefits for that job-entity created with the potential for fulltime.. Larry Chapman APPLIES FOR IT HIMSELF AND GETS THE JOB! All we have ever seen is service to Larry Chapman from Larry Chapman by Larry Chapman for Larry Chapman! This man actually has to excuse himself from the executive session and the vote because HE WAS STILL THE PRESIDENT OF the Gilmer County EDA!

The entire County of Gilmer expressed their displeasure at discovering Larry Chapman was all about Larry Chapman-Remember the issues involving the Gilmer County Recreation Center and the Golf Course? Well, that was all Larry Chapman-Remember a series of no-bid contracts? Well, that was all Larry Chapman-Now Larry Chapman, President of the GCEDA who worked with fellow Board Officers and Members to establish a Search Committee, creates a job description, places advertisements and seeks applications for the position of Part-time Coordinator with Health Benefits for that job-entity created with the potential for fulltime.. Larry Chapman APPLIES FOR IT HIMSELF AND GETS THE JOB! All we have ever seen is service to Larry Chapman from Larry Chapman by Larry Chapman for Larry Chapman! This man actually has to excuse himself from the executive session and the vote because HE WAS STILL THE PRESIDENT OF the Gilmer County EDA!

Lets talk about the President of the Gilmer County Commission LARRY CHAPMAN, he may be the new President of the Commission for the reason that the old PRESIDENT of the Gilmer County Commission BRIAN KENNEDY GOT BUSTED FOE A DUI last JULY 19th, 2014 and not ONE FUCKING THING has been done about it in the Gilmer County Courts.

This reporter talked to Linda James the magistrate clerk a while back and she said both WOLFE and Magistrate Skinner recused themselves, and they have been unable to get another magistrate from Braxton County to come over and hear the case.

WHAT A CROCK OF BULLSHIT by the Gilmer County Courts.  Gerry Hough the dishonest son of a bitch prosecutor that is a documented LIAR is letting the case languish in the courts so that when one year is up the case could be dismissed for lack of prosecution, or the matter could be reduced by a guilty plea to a lessor charge. Whatever happens there you can bet, it will be a SHADY DEAL at best!

Lets review what we get when a real crook like CHAPMAN ASS CLOWN is in charge!

Remember when the bond issue for the college dorms was passed by the Gilmer County Commission, with Larry Chapman President, when there was little or no public input sought?

Well, that was all Larry Chapman…
We remember it well, they all left the one meeting they had on the issue to go down the street to get legal advice from Butcher and Butcher (Timothy B Butcher, President of GSC Housing Corp and R Terry Butcher, Board of Governors at GSC) as to whether or not to sign it and the Commission signed the application that day?

Well, that was all Larry Chapman…
Remember the issues involving the Gilmer County Recreation Center and the Golf Course?

Well, that was all Larry Chapman…
Remember a series of no-bid contracts?

Well, that was all Larry Chapman…
Remember the Gilmer County Commission with Chapman in the lead denying that any election complaint had ever been filed or that the County Clerk was being sued in Federal Court the entire time a Federal Election was in progress?
…and all that denial turned out to be a new river in Glenville or something for it all turned out to be a lie!

Wilkie Perez accused of RAPE by Anita Philiips-Wiseman who recently told Lawrence Smith from the Council of Concerned Citizens that Glenville State College treated her like a piece of trash after the rape and many faculty and staff turned on her for telling the shocking truth about Wilke Perez the star Quarter Back. Wilkie Perez had Gerald B Hough for an attorney who was cited for a FERPA VIOLATION by using the victims school records against her in an illegal manner. Gerry Hough had to write a letter to the Office of Disciplinary Council saying he LIED the first time they questioned him. RGW is in possession of the document proving the Gilmer County Prosecutor LIED officially to a government agency, was fined 400 dollars and was caught at it like a bitch.  Hough should have had his license to practice law pulled on the spot for that stupid stunt.

Wilkie Perez accused of RAPE by Anita Philiips-Wiseman who recently told Lawrence Smith from the Council of Concerned Citizens that Glenville State College treated her like a piece of trash after the rape and many faculty and staff turned on her for telling the shocking truth about Wilke Perez the star Quarter Back. Wilkie Perez had Gerald B Hough for an attorney who was cited for a FERPA VIOLATION by using the victims school records against her in an illegal manner. Gerry Hough had to write a letter to the Office of Disciplinary Council saying he LIED the first time they questioned him. RGW is in possession of the document proving the Gilmer County Prosecutor LIED officially to a government agency, was fined 400 dollars and was caught at it like a bitch. Hough should have had his license to practice law pulled on the spot for that stupid stunt.

Well, that was all Larry Chapman!
Remember that the Gilmer County Economic/Industrial Development Association (GCEDA) has been appointed by the Commission as the authority for economic development in Gilmer County and that Larry Chapman served on that organizations’ board as President/Vice President, or one officer or another over the years while in the elected office of Gilmer County Commissioner?

Well, that was all Larry Chapman!
Well what is it that is all Larry Chapman now?


Did Larry Chapman ALLOW the home of RUTH MITCHELL in LINN,  WV to be Wire Tapped?!


Elected Gilmer County Sheriff LARRY GERWIG takes the CAKE for being one worthless puppet son of a bitch Sheriff.

Larry was compliant with bringing in false witnesses in the Travesty of Justice case, and was fully compliant with false testimony from Roanna Rafferty regarding 1/6th of 155 acres she said she owned, but title opinion years later proved SHE DID NOT OWN. Gerwig was fully involved with that conspiracy to LIE in a Gilmer County Circuit Court and may someday have to pay the price for that crime for there is NO STATUTE of LIMITATIONS for any FELONY in the state of West Virginia.

GERWIG has been active in covering up the Cottrill Estate Murder and has had no idea some real professional detectives have looked into facts involving the case. Although, those names cannot be used currently they would be willing to testify against Gerwig in a federal court.

Gilmer County Sheriff Larry Gerwig was recently served an FOIA request by Council of Concerned Citizens member and Secret 7 Coalition Major Sir Lawrence Smith investigative reporter that also writes for the Gilmer Free Press… this PDF shows the letter sent to Gerwig.

GilCo Sheriff homicide investigations FOIA

What Gerwig DOES NOT KNOW is that Deputy Mike Wheeler is caught on tape saying he had conducted NO INVESTIGATION of the murder of Willard Cottrill before November 18th  2014.

That fact stated by Wheeler, if used in court, is enough to bring actions against Gilmer County Prosecutor Gerald B Hough and Gilmer County Sheriff Larry Gerwig for LYING about TWO PREVIOUS FOIA requests sent. They are both now liable for civil action, in which it would be ALL LARRY CHAPMAN and the bureau of risk management to pay for….

Here is the answer by Gerwig for the latest FOIA sent.

Gerwig 5-15-15 FOIA reply



One thing is for sure,  when it comes to the matter of FOIA requests both Gerwig and Hough play the Crooked County FOOL!!

The leaders of the Secret Seven Coalition were recently told that Janet Sprouse of Glenville could tell us ALL ABOUT the drug use of Gerald B Hough, for the reason, she  just may be involved with that greasy, skinny  Crooked County Crook! Here is a recent photo that can allegedly tell us all we need to know about the Prosecutor from Crooked County

The leaders of the Secret Seven Coalition were recently told that Janet Sprouse of Glenville could tell us ALL ABOUT the drug use of Gerald B Hough, for the reason, she just may be involved with that greasy, skinny Crooked County Crook! Here is Janet in a recent photo. She can allegedly tell us all we need to know about the Prosecutor from Crooked County

On the subject of Gerald B Hough who often acts the FOOL there has been rumor of his illegal drug use and that we need to talk to JANET SPROUSE to find out more of his involved illegal buying of drugs for his own habit. We have heard of Gerry Hough’s drug use from his country singer first wife that never really made it as a singer, or in the country music business, but she has some wild tales to tell about Gerry’s hashish smoking days, and that was before he ran off to Israel to live in a commune for Jewish people who are not necessarily big fans of us Christian folk.

In this article please find a rather recent photo of Janet Spouse (above) and a photo of her very revealing tattoo. (below)

Is that the familiar tatoo the Gilmer County Prosecutor see's every time he goes down on his new GAL PAL... well this belongs to that girl Janet we have been asked to talk to about the drug use allegedly going on down at the courthouse involving the Gilmer County Prosecutor Gerald B Hough!!  Hey Gerry are you blackmailing this girl?

Is that the familiar tatoo the Gilmer County Prosecutor see’s every time he goes down on his new GAL PAL… well this belongs to that girl Janet we have been asked to talk to about the drug use allegedly going on down at the courthouse involving the Gilmer County Prosecutor Gerald B Hough!! Hey Gerry are you blackmailing this girl?

We hear that Tamara Swirly Tongue Stalnaker, Gerald B Hough’s wife, is not really into banging Gerry anymore!

Is it because that DICK doesn’t smell right? Could be! In fact we hear that Tamara can’t really stand her husband much these days.

Do y’all think that is why Gerry is a screwing around again like he was in the days before the FRED HILL MURDER back in December of 2009?

One thing for SURE is  …Gerry Hough sure plays the Crooked County FOOL!

I ain’t no country boy, I’m just a homesick man.

Crooked County sure is pretty, but I’ll leave it all behind,
This is my decision, I’m comin’ home to stay this time.


…which makes me WANNA BE A  FOOL for the CITY!!

FUCK, any place but that Crooked as Fuck Crooked County West Virginia.

Breathin’ all the clean air, sittin’ in the sun,
When I get my train fare, I’ll get up and run.

Because I am a FOOL for the CITY!!

By Editor Edison – CalPatty Press Editor for Revenge of the Ghost Wolf


Thanks to the Gilmer Free Press for this photograph of Carol Wolfe. Wolfe recused herself from having to hear the case of Gilmer County Commissioner Brian Kennedy pulled over for DUI last July 19th 2014.

Thanks to the Gilmer Free Press for this photograph of Magistrate Judge Carol Wolfe. Wolfe recused herself from having to hear the case of Gilmer County Commissioner Brian Kennedy pulled over for DUI last July 19th 2014.

Former Sheriff Metz, Ike Morris local Oil Baron and his little right hand man(gal)Sandy Pettit, Gerald B Hough Prosecuting Attorney for Gilmer County, Richard A Facemire 14th judicial district Circuit Court Judge and Larry Gerwig Gilmer County Sheriff, along with Brian Kennedy and Larry Chapman County Commissioners complete with their dumb as a fucking rock County Commission Clerk Jean Butcher make up a list of CROOKS from Crooked County who are reported on in many of the local TRUTH BLOGS and websites that sets Gilmer County apart from the rest of the state of West Virginia.

“These Crooked County Crooks essentially run the county’s legal system,” said SC of the Secret Seven Coalition of journalists in Central West Virginia Dan Bingman, who is also President of the Central West Virginia Council of Concerned Citizens. The fact was seconded by award winning investigative reporter and SS Major Sir Lawrence Smith who has reported many wrongdoings in Gilmer County via the West Virginia Record.

The ringleaders in the community for stirring up mayhem not mentioned above, are the Butcher and Butcher law firm consisting of Timothy B Butcher and Terry Butcher, Terry of course being the father of the infamous Butcher Bitches.

“The Butcher and Butcher law firm in Gilmer County have a direct connection to Judge Richard A Facemire who was the BAD JUDGE involved in the “Travesty of Justice,” case the longest running court case in Gilmer County History!”

Brian the WALRUS Kennedy rubs his head in frustration over the Cottrill Estate when he learns not one thing has been done with the accounting of the estate in four years, and although accounting's are required annually, that is a term that the Gilmer County Commission does not understand. In fact, it is obvious they have no fucking idea WHAT the hell they are doing in regard to the Cottrill Estate. They have proven to be complete idiots.

Brian the WALRUS Kennedy rubs his head in frustration over the Cottrill Estate when he learns not one thing has been done with the accounting of the estate in four years, and although accounting’s are required annually, that is a term that the Gilmer County Commission does not understand. In fact, it is obvious they have no fucking idea WHAT the hell they are doing in regard to the Cottrill Estate. They have proven to be complete idiots.

Larry Chapman from the Gilmer County Economic Development Association and NEW PRESIDENT of the Gilmer County Commission as a child...he hasn't changed much!

Larry Chapman from the Gilmer County Economic Development Association and NEW PRESIDENT of the Gilmer County Commission as a child…he hasn’t changed much!

Could Gerald B Hough Prosecutor for Gilmer County and other Gilmer County public officials be headed to PRISON like the County officials from MINGO COUNTY, WV? Only time and good information gathering will tell, and hopefully sooner than later. GOD KNOWS Gilmer County officials have been breaking the rules and committing crimes for YEARS in Central West Virginia.

A federal judge sentenced the former prosecuting attorney of Mingo County last July 7th 2014 just three months and eight days ago to a year in prison and said he would have given him longer — possibly much longer — if he could.

Michael Sparks Mingo County Prosecutor, 44, pleaded guilty last year to one count of deprivation of rights under the color of law, a misdemeanor. He admitted he took part in a scheme to deprive George White of his right to have the attorney of his choice.

U.S. District Judge Thomas Johnston sentenced Sparks to the statutory maximum the charge carries, despite Sparks’ lengthy plea for an alternative sentence, like home confinement.

“You had an obligation as a prosecutor to treat George White in a fair and just manner. However instead of justice, you gave him injustice,” Johnston said. “This sentence needs to repeat, repeat the message that corruption must come to an end in Mingo County and Southern West Virginia.

“Ultimately, the citizens of Mingo County and Southern West Virginia must stand up against political corruption. They should have confidence that serious penalties will await those who perpetuate political corruption in Mingo County and Southern West Virginia in the future,” the judge said.

Sparks, who had been Mingo County’s prosecuting attorney since 2005 until he resigned last year, is the fourth county official to be sentenced this year in a corruption probe by U.S. Attorney Booth Goodwin’s office.

“This sentence strikes an appropriate balance,” Goodwin recently stated. “It punishes wrongdoing while encouraging officials involved in public corruption to come forward, admit what they’ve done, and help federal authorities. What Sparks did was indefensible, and he deserves prison time. But his early cooperation was vital to our investigation in Mingo County.

“This sentence underscores that telling the truth at the beginning of an investigation is always a smart decision,” Goodwin US Attorney for the Southern District said.

" The infamous BUTCHER BITCHES of CalPatty Press fame still are in high demand for their BOX BANGING videos that have found a market of their own" Complete strangers approach me and ask me for the DVD of the Butcher Bitches Beach Blanket Bingo Box Banging extravaganza. R Terry Butcher who is one half of the Butcher and Butcher law firm is the father of these two girls who obviously have a very involved open sexual relationship evident by the tongue Sexy Lexy Butcher is forcing down her sister Lizzie's throat, all HOT and HEAVY!!! The Butcher Bitches are beyond famous in Central West Virgina for their girl girl and boy girl sexual antics caught by the camera and on video tape!

” The infamous BUTCHER BITCHES of CalPatty Press fame still are in high demand for their BOX BANGING videos that have found a market of their own!” Complete strangers approach me and ask me for the DVD of the Butcher Bitches Beach Blanket Bingo Box Banging extravaganza. R Terry Butcher who is one half of the Butcher and Butcher law firm is the father of these two girls who obviously have a very involved open sexual relationship evident by the tongue Sexy Lexy Butcher is forcing down her sister Lizzie’s throat, all HOT and HEAVY!!! The Butcher Bitches are beyond famous in Central West Virgina for their girl girl and boy girl sexual antics caught by the camera and on video tape!

One of the Circuit Court  Judges in Gilmer County (Facemire)and his team of questionable attorneys and partners in crime, along with Sandy Pettit democrat executive committee chair person and Ike Morris are the real power in Gilmer County,” Bingman explained recently in Parkersburg, West Virginia while conducting research at the courthouse.

“They didn’t like anyone who tried to oppose them. If you were an attorney or an individual who wanted to get a fair shake in the court system, you had to play whatever game the Crooked County Crooks wanted you to play. It is a very toxic legal environment to say the very least…”

These alleged “Crooks from a Crooked County mentioned above make up “Team Gilmer County” also known as TEAM CROOKED COUNTY who control the legal system locally, and they may think no one would stand up against them,” but many have been secretly working to expose them by making information made available to outside law enforcement who may get some investigators from Pittsburgh Pa interested in those public officials that make up TEAM GILMER COUNTY such as Gerald B Hough, Richard A Facemire, Carol Wolfe magistrate, Larry Gerwig Gilmer County Sheriff and Commissioners Kennedy and Chapman — all the above are public officials who truly believe they are above the law in Gilmer County and the state of West Virginia.

Local members of the Council of Concerned Citizens have contacted individuals who have been investigating public corruption and white-collar crime for more than a decade.

“No matter how much power you wield,” according to the local President of the Concerned Citizens, Dan Bingman and his right hand man investigative journalist Sir Lawrence Smith … “When you violate the public trust and engage in corruption, sooner or later, you will get caught.”

Dan Bingman the President of the Council of Concerned Citizens and the leader of the Secret Seven Coalition was commended by a regional head of the FBI after they talked to the US Attorney's for the Northern District of West Virginia, who confirmed he provided them with quite a bit of information regarding misconduct as early as four years ago, and at the same time was encouraged to continue to expose corruption in West Virginia by the same high ranking FBI official. Bingman is also known as Jim West a former WMMS 100.7 FM Cleveland "Air Personality" and veteran of over 23 radio stations in California and Arizona.

Dan Bingman the President of the Council of Concerned Citizens and the leader of the Secret Seven Coalition was commended by a regional head of the FBI after they talked to the US Attorney’s for the Northern District of West Virginia, who confirmed he provided them with quite a bit of information regarding misconduct as early as four years ago, and at the same time was encouraged to continue to expose corruption in West Virginia by the same high ranking FBI official. Bingman is also known as Jim West a former WMMS 100.7 FM Cleveland “Air Personality” and veteran of over 23 radio stations in California and Arizona. “Danny Boy” the dog(S7 trained) shown in this photo died in the line of duty a while back.

These individuals along with Dave Ramezan of the Gilmer Free Press will be revealing the criminal element in Gilmer County to their reading audience hopefully around Thanksgiving of this year according to local report.

One of the worst things Crooked County is known for is threatening people who the public officials of Gilmer County think are making comments on the Gilmer Free Press and other websites designed to give the public the real news, not the manufactured bullshit so well known to be published in the only print media in Gilmer County the Gilmer County Democrat run by a very questionable journalist known to us all as Dave (Corky) Corcoran.
Common citizens can exchange information about corrupt officials in Gilmer County now and further, even have the matter published, and the CROOKS from Crooked County can’t stand it.

Michael Sparks Mingo County Prosecutor, 44,(shown in photo with his wife and attorney) pleaded guilty to one count of deprivation of rights under the color of law, a misdemeanor, but will be doing ONE YEAR in federal prison.

Michael Sparks Mingo County Prosecutor, 44,(shown in photo with his wife and attorney) pleaded guilty to one count of deprivation of rights under the color of law, a misdemeanor, but will be doing ONE YEAR in federal prison.

Who really knows if every person that ever responded to FREE PRESS articles were threatened — or just a few … on a hand selected by a HOUGH and Larry Chapman hit list – being blamed for past grievances and disagreements with no real justification!

The rules of professional conduct for attorneys in West Virginia specify that a lawyer cannot represent a private client in a matter he or she was involved in as a county prosecutor or other public officer, but Gerry Hough seems to make his own rules, which include hiding pieces of property needed in high profile West Virginia Supreme Court cases, and even ordered Beverly Marks County Clerk to hide the title of property to cover for a lie Hough told a circuit court jury in the famous, “Travesty of Justice,” case the longest running court case in Gilmer County history that went all the way to US Supreme Court.
When one has served in both public offices of City Mayor and County Prosecutor like Hough has, there is hardly anyone in the most populated area of Gilmer County a person does not become involved with.

Whether the issue is taxation, police actions, local ordinance disputes, seeking funding, parking tickets or trying to get the vote, the Mayor becomes involved. Gerry Hough was once the MAYOR of Glenville. As a prosecutor, Gerry Hough simultaneously runs a real estate business and independent law firm, against rules of professional conduct, which leaves literally almost no one for this MONSTER GERALD B HOUGH to represent legally in this county as a private attorney.

These infamous CROOKS from Crooked County, like Judge Facemire, Hough, Sheriff Larry Gerwig, and all the county commissioners work together and think absolutely nothing about violating West Virginia code or breaking any law, for they truly think they are ABOVE the law and they are quite convinced of it. This sounds like a tall tale, but the matter can all be proven via court record and documents on file at the courthouse.

BRIAN KENNEDY President of the Gilmer County Commission GETS ARRESTED like a BIG DOG driving erratically, but does not get sent to jail like common sense for the common man might tell you would be the normal consequence!

The Gilmer FREE PRESS shared the West Virginia Metro News Report regarding the JULY 19th 2014 incident:
The West Virginia State Police arrested and charged Gilmer County Commissioner Brian Kennedy with a DUI over the weekend.
Senior Trooper K. J. Varner II pulled Kennedy over at 8:00 PM on Saturday after he was seen driving erratically on U.S. Highway 33 in Gilmer County.

Once pulled over, Varner said he detected alcohol on Kennedy’s breath and initiated the proper procedures.
A secondary chemical test revealed Kennedy’s BAC was at 0.089, which is over the 0.08 limit.

Dogs of the Secret Seven (S7) are highly trained and WILL take care of business as soon as a mixed signal is sent from dangerous CROOKS from CROOKED COUNTY that live down by the Crooked River. White Fang like to kill something at least a couple of times a week to stay in shape. Word to the wise, playing possum doesn't work with the FANG it just  pisses that damn dog off and that possum will be an air conditioned one full of fang holes.

Dogs of the Secret Seven (S7) are highly trained and WILL take care of business as soon as a mixed signal is sent from dangerous CROOKS from CROOKED COUNTY that live down by the Crooked River. White Fang likes to kill something at least a couple of times a week to stay in shape. Word to the wise, playing possum doesn’t work with the FANG it just pisses that damn dog off and that possum will be an air conditioned one full of fang holes before ya know it!  Do yourself a favor if confronted by this K-9 DO NOT RUN, just stand real still and hope for the best.

Varner said Kennedy was cooperative while detained until around 10:30 PM, when Magistrate Judge Carol L. Wolfe arraigned and released him on a personal recognizance bond.

“According to Judge Wolfe’s office, no dates have been set in regard to the case!”

A representative from the Gilmer County Commission has not yet been available for comment on the matter at this time.

Also, according to court record Magistrate Carol Wolfe has recused herself further from hearing County Commissioner Brian the Walrus Kennedy’s case, for I am sure she does not want to be involved in any more press scandals and allegations of misconduct than has already been documented in the past. Wolfe is usually the go to judge when one of the elite get caught so she can fix it, or if there is another rape at the college so she can squash it. Until national or regional attention can be brought to this action little or nothing is going to be done about these wrongdoings in GILMER COUNTY, why do you think it is famous and known as CROOKED COUNTY?

It doesn’t matter if you are a magistrate, the elected County Sheriff Larry Gerwig, or that dumb bitch of a County Commission Clerk Jean Butcher, who has a background in special education, every single one of those Son’s of Bitches that work in the Gilmer County Courthouse  lie their asses off about real facts — And most have been involved in multiple cover ups. Now we hear that Crooked County is broke as fuck and soon some of the Crooks will be getting dumped in the Crooked River like the little bitches they truly are,  and they will be without jobs and paychecks! You can bet your ass those Crooked County Crooks will be telling HORRIBLE LIES as to how it all came about.

Yeah we would love to hear those SWEET LITTLE LIES, while we just happen to bump into a few of those folk while trying to hold back the dogs that already smelled them coming and know what comes next…

That’ right, LIE to US, LIE to our faces and see where that gets ya!!


Got the god damn Ghost Wolf waiting for ya bitches and seen in the hills of Linn WV just a couple of weeks ago. Come on down and try telling some little lies to the Ghost Wolf but then ya better walk, slow, don't run, or the Ghost Wolf will be havin a little fun!!

Got the god damn Ghost Wolf waiting for ya bitches and seen in the hills of Linn WV just a couple of weeks ago. Come on down and try telling some little lies to the Ghost Wolf but then ya better walk, slow, don’t run, or the Ghost Wolf will be havin a little fun!!

“The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the iniquities of the selfish and the tyranny of the evil men. Blessed is he who, in the name of the Ghost Wolf and goodwill, shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother’s keeper, and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know my name is the Ghost Wolf when I lay my vengeance upon thee!”

By Editor Edison – CalPatty Press Editor/Free Bird – Revenge of the Ghost Wolf Reporter/Rina McCoy – Crooked County Crooks editor and reporter for the Concerned Citizens Free Press/ Little Bear – Teen reporter for Revenge of the Ghost Wolf

Bree Wolfe who was a senior at GCHS and graduated in 2013 has a attraction for BLACK MEN who she feels could be big time NBA stars or rappers, but did admit to having sex with the football coach and teacher at Gilmer County High School Jason Cunningham at an after hours party.

Bree Wolfe who was a senior at GCHS and graduated in 2013 has an attraction for BLACK MEN who she feels could be big time NBA stars or rappers, but did admit to having sex with the football coach and teacher at Gilmer County High School Jason Cunningham at an after hours party.

This photo was added 14 January 2014 and shows BREE WOLFE with her new

This photo was added 14 January 2014 and shows BREE WOLFE with her new “Spooky Tooth” Black Boy friend proudly smoking a BLUNT together! Bree’s parents finally just got that DIVORCE in a GILMER COUNTY circuit court and we hear BREE had special permission from Sheriff Gerwig the Crooked County Sheriff to get high high high with Mr. SPOOKY TOOTH and fuck each other into oblivion Gilmer County style making her the head mud shark in Glenville, WV — Do you think this is why her parents finally got divorced and just said … “Fuck it!?”

GILMER and WIRT COUNTY together, now you know you in trouble
Ain’t nothin’ but a G thang, baaaaabay!
Two loc’ed out G’s so we’re craaaaazay!
The CHURCH of IKE is the DEVIL that paaaaays me!
Unfadable, so please don’t try to fade this (Hell yeah)
But, uh, back to the lecture at hand
Perfection is perfected, so I’m ‘a let ’em understand
From a young G’s perspective got some 16 year old Wirt County Pussy in HAND!
And before me dig out a bitch I have ta’ find a contraceptive it an elective in WIRT
You never know she could be earnin’ her man, and there will be no penalty in GILMER
And learnin’ her man, and at the same time burnin’ her man in WIRT
Now you know I ain’t wit that shit, Lieutenant
Ain’t no pussy good enough to get burnt while I’m up in it!

Former Wirt County High School math teacher and girls’ basketball coach Lijiah Heiney, 36, was arrested and charged with six felony counts of sexual abuse by a person of trust stemming from an alleged inappropriate relationship with a student. Each offense carries a 10-20 year prison sentence, as well as a fine of $500 to $5,000. Heiney was reportedly Mirandized and confessed to the incidents. According to the criminal complaint filed in Wirt County Magistrate Court last week, Heiney engaged in numerous acts of

Former Wirt County High School math teacher and girls’ basketball coach Lijiah Heiney, 36, was arrested and charged with six felony counts of sexual abuse by a person of trust stemming from an alleged inappropriate relationship with a student. Each offense carries a 10-20 year prison sentence, as well as a fine of $500 to $5,000. Heiney was reportedly Mirandized and confessed to the incidents.
According to the criminal complaint filed in Wirt County Magistrate Court last week, Heiney engaged in numerous acts of “willing sexual intercourse” with a 16-year-old female student. The relationship allegedly began at the high school and then carried over to Heiney’s residence in Elizabeth. Investigators say that Heiney engaged in sexual relations with the teen beginning in May and continuing through July 4.
 Last week Heiney tendered his resignation to the Wirt County Board of Education during their meeting.


CalPatty Press Gilmer County – The girls basketball players at Wirt County High School finally know who has been giving their coach head. For some of them, they actually know him quite well, especially one 16 year old having sex with the coach starting on the 23 of May, 2013.

Bree Wolfe fucks the bejesus out of her high school teacher and the football coach at a WILD party, being a BAD ASS BUCK WILD BREE WOLFE BITCH in Gilmer County and still has time to feed the dog CAKE with a spoon, now that is our kind of girl!! BREAKING BAD BREE is better looking than a BAD ASS BOX BANGING BUTCHER BITCH too!

Bree Wolfe fucks the bejesus out of her high school teacher and the football coach at a WILD party, being a BAD ASS BUCK WILD BREE WOLFE BITCH in Gilmer County and still has time to feed the dog CAKE with a spoon, now that is our kind of girl!! BREAKING BAD BREE is better looking than a BAD ASS BOX BANGING BUTCHER BITCH too!

When the Wirt County Board of Education approved the hiring of high school math teacher Lijiah Heiney, ending the search for former mentor Mike Fallon’s replacement, they should have looked at his resume’ and seen dude was from Glenville State College which is number one in RAPE, so there is that…

Heiney also was a 95 graduate of Calhoun County High School the former home of another child rapist coach and teacher JASON CUNNINGHAM who got SCOTT FREE away with having SEX with BREE WOLFE a student (who rarely goes for white snake) at party with other Gilmer County High School Students.

Heiney, took over a program that went 12-10 during regular season play as members of the Little Kanawha Conference’s South Division — Heiney then went 22 for 22 from May 23 to July 4th with a 16 year old — And we hear she is some hotty and a real shooter!

A SEX SHOOTER that is  …. just like BREE WOLFE!! 

Jason Cunningham (shown in this photo) and Coach Heiney both are Calhoun County High School graduates and both attended Glenville State College, similar backgrounds similar crimes, and both products of their environment.

Jason Cunningham (shown in this photo) and Coach Heiney both are Calhoun County High School graduates and both attended Glenville State College, similar backgrounds similar crimes, and both products of their environment.

Coach Heiney added several new twists and wiggles to the Wirt County Girls Basketball program and the girl’s moves and understands changing styles might not be extremely easy on some of the players depending on the fit and personality types, but we were not quite sure what the coach meant by that ….back then, with his rather modern approach, but we do now!

Somehow we are not surprised Heiney’s dick got stuck in some 16 year old Wirt County High School Student Hiney, — However what would uncle THOR HEINEY have to say, or cuz Tiny Heiney, Big Red Heiney, Ophelia, Humphrey Heiney, Selma, Ima, Rosey, Anita, Seymore, Lucie and Thor’s wife, Oma Aiken-Heiney  …if they were around to hear all that rolling in the HAY out ELIZABETH WAY!

“I’m a little different than from what he does,” admitted Heiney,, referring to Mike Fallon previous coach. “I prefer more of a hands on experience,” said ” Hoops Heiney,” when he first took the job at Wirt County High School.

 Heiney earned his degree in education at Glenville State College during the time GERALD B HOUGH was given a FERPA violation for protecting a RAPIST and well known football player WILKIE PEREZ while HOUGH VIOLATED an innocent young student that was brutally raped.

Bree in photo above after a lengthy preparation to expose her breasts says, “I need to actually care about what I look like at school from now on. Whenever I actually look cute I’m in a better mood!”

Bree in photo above after a lengthy preparation to expose her breasts says, “I need to actually care about what I look like at school from now on. Whenever I actually look cute I’m in a better mood!”

  “It’s going to be HARD for me and them …. to get adjusted,” said Coach Heiney about his Wirt County High School hopefuls.

Megan Ellison is a great ball handler and came around real good and is a come from behind player, in fact she BLEW the COACH AWAY with all that PLAY this last year, while Emry Shears had no fears and just moved that machine like a fiend! Emma Cox lived up to her name this last year, she really knows how to WORK IT, so those three right there were REALLY GOOD! … and  really good players too,” Coach Heiney said.

“Needless to say coach Heiney found his job extremely titillating and a little different coaching with hardwood at the high school level, if you can understand some basic physics on that one!”

Gilmer County Head Football Coach Justin Cunningham who is also a teacher at GCHS in a wild party fucks the bejesus out of a senior girl  BREE WOLFE and actually confessed to the entire incident!.... Nasia Butcher and Ron Blankenshit have done about it.  The girl that banged the Football coach at the party is Bree Wolfe and she was only 17 years old(shown by dob on this drivers license)when she had full on SEX at a school party with Jason Cunningham who is a coach and a teacher at the high school in Gilmer County. Jason graduated from GSC and Calhoun County high school, which is the same, credentials and achievements that Heiney the child rapist teacher/coach from Wirt County brags about!

Gilmer County Head Football Coach Justin Cunningham who is also a teacher at GCHS in a wild party fucks the bejesus out of a senior girl BREE WOLFE and actually confessed to the entire incident!…. What have Nasia Butcher and Ron Blankenship  done about it? Nothing! Ron and Nasia are sick fucks too, obviously!  This is the girl that banged the Football coach at the party — Bree Wolfe —  And she was only 17 years old(shown by dob on this drivers license)when she had full on SEX at a school party with Jason Cunningham who is a coach and a teacher at the high school in Gilmer County. Jason graduated from GSC and Calhoun County high school, which is the same, credentials and achievements that Heiney the child rapist teacher/coach from Wirt County brags about!

Bree tweeted just recently..

“I need lemon heads so my sore throat won’t be so sore!”

Now we know it was sore from sucking the DICK of the FOOTBALL COACH of Gilmer County HS Jason Cunningham!

Sarah Rutherford convicted of giving drugs to high school students and then having SEX with them while she was a high school teacher. Sarah is product of Glenville, West Virginia where this sort of behavior draws no consequence. Rutherford had sex with her boyfriends father Bob Henry Baber who works at Glenville State as the gifts officer and who also ran for Governor on the Mountain Party ticket, So, Sarah Ann Rutherford whose mother Joann Rutherford has been a long time employee of the college is no stranger to sexual scandal and deviation from the norm all done Crooked County style!

Sarah Rutherford got 2 years in JAIL convicted of giving drugs to high school students and then having SEX with them while she was a high school teacher. Sarah is a product of Glenville, West Virginia where this sort of behavior draws no consequence. Rutherford had sex with her boyfriends father Bob Henry Baber who works at Glenville State College as the Gifts Officer and who also ran for Governor on the Mountain Party ticket. So, Sarah Ann Rutherford whose mother Joann Rutherford has been a long time employee of GSC is no stranger to sexual scandal and deviation from the norm all done Crooked County style in Gilmer County!

Coach Heiney has coached his last season in Wirt County, but if he worked for NASIA BUTCHER in Gilmer County he would be facing NO JAIL TIME, he could keep his girlfriend and bang some more Gilmer County Bitches and even come on over to the house for dinner as a guest of the head honcho down at the high school where they specialize in “ADULT” EDUCATION Crooked County style.

The ABOVE BEHAVIOR is JUST OK with Gilmer County Prosecutor Gerald B Hough and Nasia Butcher Gilmer County High School Principal. This was

Its a ” G THANG”  for this Gilmer County 18 yr old lighting up and smoking some  O G KUSH from a fancy BUTCHER BITCH BONG — It is JUST OK with Gilmer County Prosecutor Gerald B Hough and Nasia Butcher Gilmer County High School Principal. This was “Just OK” behavior in the “Butcher” household home to the Butcher Bitches Lizzy and Lexi, as we have seen hundreds of photographs of their wild antics and heard tales in their own writing dealing with skinny dipping and advanced sexual experimentation with Lizzy admitting to losing her virginity at 13. SEX with TEACHERS and the USE of DRUGS is now a GILMER COUNTY and GLENVILLE TRADITION – Sarah Ann Rutherford from Glenville State a local resident and high school teacher is doing two years in jail for this sort of behavior pictured above while also admitting to having SEX with two underage high school boys from the high school she taught at. Rutherford is a product of Gilmer County – HEINEY TRIED this behavior in WIRT COUNTY and had his ASS handed to him! It just goes to show you that WIRT COUNTY is a place where the law still prevails and in Glenville and Gilmer County West Virginia, the few select POWER ELITE truly are above the law and it is OK to have SEX with STUDENTS if you are a teacher at Gilmer County High School. Recently Jason Cunningham had SEX with 2013 graduate and student BREE WOLFE at a party. Cunningham has also been accused of raping a 20 year old named Bree. GCHS Girls Basketball Coach Bobby DUVALL didn’t have to jump through ANY HOOPS at all when he had sex with Hannah Sue DeMarino at the Party that jumped off out Hwy 33 when Shelly was out getting fucked up herself until 1am. The coach even brought the beer to the SEX FEST where another athlete from Gilmer County High School was RAPED by a member of the Football team the same fateful night January 22nd at the SAME PARTY!!

Bree Wolfe from Gilmer County, West Virginia doesn't feel the least bit guilty about having sex with a teacher and the football coach at Gilmer County High School, her own mother graduated from there just 19 years ago. Bree is just living a long time FAMILY TRADITION and wants to let that WIRT COUNTY 16 year old that REAL BEAVER that doesn't send anyone to jail for an illegal pounding, and that SEX with teachers and coaches here in Gilmer County the home of the Crooked County Crooks has absolutely NO CONSEQUENCE at all, unless you want to tell about it, then the Church of IKE will send Sandy Pettit down to Sheriff Gerwig to file some kind so trumped up case against you!

Bree Wolfe from Gilmer County, West Virginia doesn’t feel the least bit guilty about having sex with a teacher and the football coach at Gilmer County High School, her own mother graduated from GCHS just 19 years ago.  She fucked teachers too! Bree is just living out a long time FAMILY TRADITION and wants to let that WIRT COUNTY 16 year old KNOW that REAL BEAVER doesn’t send anyone to jail for an illegal pounding, and that SEX with teachers and coaches is OK here in Gilmer County the home of the Crooked County Crooks. Sex with teachers has absolutely NO CONSEQUENCE at all, unless you want to tell about it, then the Church of IKE will send Sandy Pettit down to Sheriff Gerwig to file some kind of trumped up case against you!

YA know where I’m at nigga holla at me from the HOLLA  like BREE WOLFE
get at me holla at me from the Holla down in Crooked County nigga holla at a dogg that’s real
y’all niggas know what’s happenin’ Heiney got his ASS in a SLING from the 16 year old SPRING FLING!
It’s still a G  thang down in Crooked County that 16 year old would have been no thang
It’s still a G thang down in Glenville, down by the Crooked River down in Crooked County!

******SPECIAL AFTER ARTICLE BONUS – BuckWild S C from WIRT COUNTY DOES EXPLAIN WHY SHE HAD SEX with her teacher Mr. Heiney who was trying to reach her to further her education!

A note from the fun girl …  Hi! I am the girl that is NOT ASHAMED and let me explain, My pussy may be in PAIN from getting SLAMMED but I gave my consent for SEX do you think I am insane like going muddin with SHAIN?  SEX with TEACHERS in Glenville is just OK because they say they are above reproach, so I thought it would be OK to have some fun with the Coach!
And now here is a little RAP from Wirt County and Mr Heiney, only there was nothing little about it! Here is what COACH has to say …
It’s 2013 and I’m going up the river YO
S  C’s pussy was better than some good blow
I hit that shit like a champion u see
bouncing those titties like a Butcher be
Now, I ain’t saying I did my wife 2 right
But we all know in Da-Ville it’d been swept outta sight
So I…pulled those panties over 2 da side
And I hear somewhere Carly Hough ain’t tight HO NO that ain’t right
Cause I’m dumb as fuck and did it in Wirt
Now the law’s on my ass but she wore tight skirt
I’m under arrest so I’ll just spill the beans
“You’ve been read your miranda rights, tell us please”
“Cell phone pics ‘n videos, do tell us MO”
“How many times did you say u fucked dat young HO”
I ain’t saying shit till my lawyer Simmons is here
“Do you mind handing us the phone b4 u hit clear”
Well my life’s fucked up, I should’ve done this shit in Da-Ville
Young Hochie-Hochie-Hochie ma’ma’s up there R 4 real
“You know country boy, u done fucked up now”
“Sheriff Keith Wilson is giving ya a big ole scowl”
Yes Mr. Trooper I’m knee deep in this shit
But it sure was fun playing with teenage clit
“We’ll see how smart U R when you’re Bubba’s son”
I got 99 years cause dat bitch was da one


SPECIAL EDITION of Revenge of the Ghost Wolf!

Amelia Jane Stump the girl friend of Jason Cunningham at 19 just recently learned Cunningham raped her best friend BREE who is 20 and was drunk at a party and was too messed up to ward off the advances of the Gilmer County Football coach.

Amelia Jane Stump the girlfriend of Jason Cunningham at 19 just recently learned Cunningham raped her best friend BREE who is 20 and was drunk at a party and was too messed up to ward off the advances of the Gilmer County Football coach.


NORMANTOWN is home to a WHOLE LOT of SHAKING going on lately with earth quakes — where the oil industry has been busy ravaging and damaging the underground of West Virginia as well as topside!

“Baptize Me Bitch!!”

Bree Wolfe who has never denied the sexual tryst with the Football Coach had sex with Jason Cunningham at a part for Gilmer County High School Students in 2012.

Bree Wolfe who has never denied the sexual tryst with the Football Coach-Wolfe had sex with Jason Cunningham at a party for Gilmer County High School Students in 2012.

“Baptize Me Bitch!!”

Yeah that is what the FOOTBALL COACH of Gilmer County High School Jason Cunningham said and did. Cunningham decided to get baptized and went through the whole ceremony of getting baptized down in the Crooked River down in Crooked County.

Cunningham was trying the religious angle to win back his girlfriend AMELIA JANE STUMP who JASON did PUMP until her mommy Corlis STUMP found out about all those other bitches that Cunningham did HUMP — Jason confessed about all the young girls he banged like Butcher Bitches Breaking Bad at the CalPatty Press and Corlis said, “I will not have it!”

“I will not have an unclean man that lies with every young girl in the county in my church or my house!”

So Jason Cunningham was called to the home of Corlis Stump who some high ranking members  of the SS are related to, but going way back in time in Gilmer County, distant relatives, but relations all the same.

Amelia’s mother, Mrs. Stump found out about the fact JASON RAPED BREE who was the best friend of AMELIA and not to be confused with BREE WOLFE (the daughter to two local bikers) who had SEX with the FOOTBALL COACH and they both (Bree Wolfe) and Jason admitted to the fuck fest.

Corlis Stump, the MOM to Amelia Jane Stump asked Cunningham recently, to come to their house immediately, for he had been found out!

When Jason Cunningham was confronted by Corlis he confessed to screwing both Bree Wolfe and Amelia’s best friend BREE  and including Amelia, and a couple other of the local girls.

Amelia's mother found out about ALL the YOUNG GIRLS Cunningham(shown in this photo) has sex with and asked him to go to their house immediately. When Jason Cunningham arrived he was confronted, and then he confessed to screwing all the girls including Amelia, much to the dismay of mama Stump.

Amelia’s mother found out about ALL the YOUNG GIRLS Cunningham(shown in this photo) has sex with and asked him to go to their house immediately. When Jason Cunningham arrived he was confronted, and then he confessed to screwing all the girls including Amelia, much to the dismay of mama Stump.

MOM is pissed about all the illicit SEX with underage girls and told Jason Cunningham not to dare to ever show up to their church, the UPPER STEER RUN BAPTIST CHURCH ever again!!

Stay the hell out of Normantown Jason, the only friends you have around here are BEET RED Brian Kennedy and his run around wife Crooked County Crook Tara Kennedy.

AMELIA shown below is now UP FOR GRABS and is completely DONE with JASON and who also says now she is open to a little revenge dating to get back at Jason for fucking just about every girl in town.

Amelia now hoping for a NEW sensation and a NEW relation, and finally her mom as found out about all the illicit sex with Jason Cunningham.

Amelia now hoping for a NEW sensation and a NEW relation, and finally her mom has found out about all the illicit sex with Jason.






“ASS MAN” Christopher Todd Smith, “Hot Toddy” the dude that gets the most ASS who is the leader of the infamous “Fire Starting CULT” from Calhoun County – Although the CULT was most active in 06 and 07 08 09 and 2010, there has been more mysterious fires since then and violence and mayhem, but most recently the suicide of a CULT member that did not want to face going back to prison.

In CELEBRATION of SUMMER 2013 let us relive this great moment in Crooked County History in honor of the next edition of RGW — Tune in this MONDAY for more BACK to SCHOOL — BREAKING BAD —  BACK DOOR pulling the panties to the side — FUN at GSC coming up MONDAY the 19th of AUGUST on Revenge of the Ghost Wolf!!

Editor Edison CalPatty Press Editor just prior to becoming the SC of the SS is shown (in photo below) in preparation for the big meeting with the FIRE STARTING CULT leader at a private undisclosed location for a clandestine occasion that is unique to modern day Crooked County tactics. Two previous warring factions who were at odds for many years, meet in secret in them back woods DURING the CALHOUN COUNTY WILD YEARS which included Grantsville  having a  RAPIST Police Chief  Ron Gordon from the early days of Calhoun County history that includes the story of…

Loretta “LuLu” Rexroad Helmick who was only 30 years old when she died a tragic death in Grantsville, West Virginia!

Hear the REAL “TRUE” Story on the legendary CalPatty Press for Central West Virginia!

No amount of evidence is sufficient for a SKEPTIC but the LULU tale is best told by Lisa Minney who remembers the matter for the fact she was the person closest to Loretta Rexroad (LULU) HELMICK who witnesses say flung herself in front of an oncoming vehicle to escape the sexual triangle and strangling conditions of having become someone closest to the most powerful gang leader in Calhoun County history, Christopher Todd Smith, “Hot Toddy” the leader of the fire starting cult and a man that has got more ass than any other for about two counties around, some girls say he took it, some girls say they took the Hot Toddy for a ride, then along came Tabitha Clem from the Lewis County Drug Cartel turned … “Yeah were gonna tell …”  And the Smokey Hot SEX gets turned up a notch when Lunacy Lucy the gun-mall for the leader of the CULT turns up dead in BED from drugs!

‘Very well done from my dear

‘Very well done from my dear “gunmall,” leaving me in such a dramatic way1′ “Oh NO,” she was headed that way many did say…there was nothing that TODD Smith could do!”
And that was decidedly so, for the above words –So here’s the last thing that Hot Toddy said in reference to this great revelation to the man that was soon to be the SC of the Central West Virgina SS  — And that was …
“So are we clear on that?” And then, dude said,
“Are we clear on this?” “ Ms Nina and Ms Nona, Girls of the Central West Virginia SS!!”
“Have a seat on the couch … put your wheels on and let us get this show on the road!”
“Let’s just pretend we all crashed the party tonight out HWY 33 where all the Pussy is free!”
“NO SUCH LUCK for US “Hot Toddy” this is gonna cost more than a Buckwild  BUCK!”
And SO it GOES …


Special SUNDAY August 11th tribute to CalPatty Press fan and beloved citizen of the people for Central West Virginia — Sissonville’s own, SHAIN GANDEE!

We are just a little short of heaven today Shain … but if we could make the trip and were allowed in for visiting hours we would be by to say Hay …


R.I.P. Shain Gandee…

From all of us here at the Central West Virginia Secret Seven

You Wild Mountain Muddin Mother fucker WE LOVE YOU SHAIN!!!

Don't Miss the next edition of Revenge of the Ghost Wolf Friday August 16th 2013 - For it is back to school at Glenville State College and back to RAPE as USUAL at GSC!!

Don’t Miss the next edition of Revenge of the Ghost Wolf Monday August 19th 2013 – For it is back to school at Glenville State College and back to RAPE as USUAL at GSC!!

Proceed with caution …this WOLF bites!!