Tag Archive: rodney lionel smith jr

By Editor Edison – CalPatty Press Editor/ FreeBird – Revenge of the Ghost Wolf Reporter and Secret Seven Coalition member/Rina McCoy – Cosmos Communicator Editor

“That’s exciting!”

..Said the youngest member of the Secret Seven Coalition!

Since we are talking about the Secret Seven, well then the identity of the member must remain secret as part of the rules of Crooked County down by the Crooked River!

One can never be too careful when dealing with the REAL CROOKS from Crooked County!

“What is so damn exciting anyway  … you may ask!? What is exciting is we have exposed some of the major players in the Gilmer County Power Elite in the LAST YEAR for wrongdoing!!”

The children of the Power Elite in Glenville usually don’t have to worry about going to jail for drugs or drinking or being under the influence. Wild parties and rapes are always just ignored if the kids of the big names in Gilmer County are involved. Parties in Gilmer County can get out of hand real quick as we have all witnessed before and now with sneaky cell phone shots it can all be captured with real time images.

The children of the Power Elite in Glenville usually don’t have to worry about going to jail for drugs or drinking or being under the influence. Wild parties and rapes are always just ignored if the kids of the big names in Gilmer County are involved. Parties in Gilmer County can get out of hand real quick as we have all witnessed before and now with sneaky cell phone shots it can all be captured with real time images.

Major players like Gerald B Hough were exposed for his early dealings with covering up one of the first big rape cover ups at Glenville State College involving GSC Football start Wilkie Perez and Anita Phillips Wiseman !!

Secret Seven Coalition members exposed Gerry Hough the prosecutor for Gilmer County for wrongdoing and his involvement in covering up rapes for two decades by publishing the official documents that proved that Gerald B Hough has been convicted of a FERPA VIOLATION and by all rights should have had his license to practice law at least suspended, but Hough had only been a lawyer for about 3 weeks before he was caught breaking West Virginia code and denied a pay raise as a teacher at GSC!!

Click to access wiseman-hough-compalint-file-part-1-back-to-front1.pdf

Please click the link above to inspect documents for yourself!

The youth of Gilmer County have been off the hook an breakin bad for quite a while and now a new TV Show has come on MTV this month in January called BUCK WILD and that show is TAME compared to what it is like with pre-teen and teens in Crooked County down by the Crooked River!

The youth of Gilmer County have been off the hook an breakin bad for quite a while and now a new TV Show has come on MTV this month in January called BUCK WILD and that show is TAME compared to what it is like with pre-teen and teens in Crooked County down by the Crooked River!

SMITH for the New Millennium! Lawrence Smith Investigative Reporter DEFEATS the biggest CROOK in Crooked County early in 2012 down by the Crooked River in a 14th district Circuit Court!!

What connection snaps in the brain of Gerald B Hough a Prosecutor who brings personal vendettas to the forefront of a civil action to sue the Press, and Hough subpoena’s the entire Gilmer County Commission?!

His connection to the people!

Catherine Butcher, who had sex with her basketball coach Darrell in the heli-port at the Morris Mansion, Catherine who plays BB Ball for GSC is having a drink with Timothy B Butcher aka known as the Bitcher of the Butchers who is a lawyer at the law firm of Butcher and Butcher with his brother Terry who is the father of the infamous Butcher Bitches Lizzy and Lexi Butcher, here shown in this photo is Mary Catherine with daddy Butcher Bitch Tim Butcher !!

Catherine Butcher, had sex with her basketball coach Darrell in the heli-port at the Morris Mansion. Catherine who plays BB Ball for GSC is having a drink with Timothy B Butcher aka the Bitcher of the Butchers who is a lawyer at the law firm of Butcher and Butcher with his brother Terry who is the father of the infamous Butcher Bitches Lizzy and Lexi Butcher, shown in this photo is Mary Catherine with her daddy Butcher Bitcher Tim Butcher !!

Gerry Hough the PA for Gilmer County made a great effort on Monday February 27th in a Judge Facemire courtroom to suppress public information while bringing members of the very government he works for unwittingly into the fray insinuating to the Judge he has their support!

What connection snaps in the brain of  Sheriff Mickey Metz who commits fraud trying to present oneself as having a diploma which does not meet state standards or the requirements by law to run for an even higher, more authoritative office?  

His connection to the people!

What connection snaps in the brain of a man named Larry Chapman who is voted out of elected office for self serving political actions as well as total disregard of the morals and ethics of society that won’t let him sleep until he figures out a way to convince the people he’s changed and it’s lack thereof makes him so greedy he is driven to get right back in that position of power? 

His connection to the people!

“There are a MILLION and ONE stories to tell in the NAKED and SUN TANNED city of Glenville, in Crooked County, but the simple act of a freedom of information request, a constitutional right exercised, is all it took to expose once more the depth of corruption at the heart of local government in Gilmer County WV!”

We are sure Gilmer is not the only county to have such problems, ask Lincoln and Logan, but we live here and this affects our lives, our families and we have had enough.

Here is the report on the court case according to a Free Press update:

Monday, February 27, 2012, the Gilmer County Circuit Judge Richard (Dick) Facemire dismissed with prejudice the lawsuit filed by the Gilmer County Prosecutor Gerry Hough on behalf of Gilmer County Commission, and Jean Butcher, the Gilmer County Clerk against Lawrence Smith from the WV Record.

The lawsuit was filed because Smith had requested information under FOIA.

Decision was made by the Judge after Gerry Hough and Lawrence Smith made their presentation to the court.

The decision by the Judge means that the lawsuit may not be re-filed, and as such, it operates as an adjudication on the merits.

Smith defeated Hough in the Gerald B Hough home court and the prosecuting attorney even made it a point to tell the judge that Smith had been friends with and knew the Supreme Commander of the SS.

12-12-12 there was another sexual assault in the dorms at Glenville State College, usually alcohol and drugs have seemed to play a major role in the numerous sexual assaults and alleged rapes at GSC. So far there have been no convictions and the latest victims of sexual assault at the college all say that NO FEMALE is safe at Glenville State College.

12-12-12 there was another sexual assault in the dorms at Glenville State College, usually alcohol and drugs have seemed to play a major role in the numerous sexual assaults and alleged rapes at GSC. So far there have been no convictions and the latest victims of sexual assault at the college all say that NO FEMALE is safe at Glenville State College.

Judge Richard A Facemire made no reply to the off the cuff, Hough comment of who it is Mr Smith knows, but must have been thinking to himself…

“Man oh man this Gerry Hough is an idiot as really to what purpose does making that statement have to do with this court case!”

“This time the problem, and illegal procedures didn’t go away … this time LAWRENCE SMITH won the day!”

“All three commissioners and Jean Butcher were there by subpoena and were told, don’t worry, this one is in the bag!”

As is Prosecutor Hough’s habit, he starts out smooth, cool and proper, but when he feels the tide turning toward the defense he starts whining and saying but your Honor, look at the law, you can do sanctions! This guy is best friends with someone else who says this county is Crooked and ran by Crooked County Crooks!  I hate that guy!  Make this guy pay for it!

 Look at these poor Commissioners, how they have been maligned  as the Commission stares at one another wondering why in the world they were even there!

The position of Gilmer County Prosecutor is the same position of government which should be protecting the best interests of the people whose taxes pay him two salaries for two jobs.  It has yet to be proven Hough does either well.   As it came to pass, Judge Facemire wasn’t going there and rightfully so.   It is a wise man who won’t let Hough stick him to that TAR BABY!  For that day, for that case, justice held for the rights of the citizen and we have Lawrence Smith, brave and capable to thank!

We could go on with the Sheriff’s lack of ethics forever, and then forever and a day, for we have the most CROOKED SHERIFF in the entire state of West Virginia, why do you think they call Gilmer County … Crooked County, because Sheriff Metz goes along with every Crooked deal the Crooked County Crooks present him with. Metz looks the other way for RAPE and MURDER and that is the specialty of Sheriff Metz! Hell the dumb ass might even store a dead body or two for ya, if you have enough money or promise to get him elected to the office of magistrate by HOOK or CROOK.

 You know for a FACT the fraudulent diploma presented pretty much says it all — from day one of Mickey Metz showing up on the Scene — As history will someday show that METZ was a fake from the start!

The Crooks from Crooked County that live down by the Crooked River just hope the criticism all goes away, but this time, may be the last time, those idiots ever think that again!


Willard Cottrill and his 2 of his brothers at the Folk festival a couple years back – Melvin on the far left, Jerry in the middle. Jerry’s wife/girlfriend were at the house the night they killed Willard Cottrill Crooked County Style!!

Willard Cottrill and his 2 of his brothers at the Folk festival a couple years back – Melvin on the far left, Jerry in the middle. Jerry’s wife/girlfriend was at the house the night they killed Willard Cottrill Crooked County Style!!

MURDER Crooked County style is what we all saw again, as allegations of coverups and more involvement by the Gilmer County Sheriff Mickey Metz known as a puppet for the Power Elite and Gerald B Hough head law man for Gilmer County both took active roles in making sure that the wrongful death of Willard Cottrill was NOT LOOKED into, and that no questions be answered since the matter has been under investigation for two years. Many have reported they believe both Sheriff Metz and Gerald B Hough have accepted money to see that the truth of the matter,the fact that Willard Cottrill was murdered is covered up !!

“Family members of Willard Cottrill allege he was murdered with drugs being administered against his will and in front of a witness, who was a live-in companion by the name of Ruth Mitchell !!”

A family member called Gerry Hough Gilmer County Prosecutor the night after Willard Cottrill died and after she got to her father Willards house. The daughter, Marlea Cottrill noticed the house had been looted just hours after he fathers death.  Gerald B Hough was called and told that there was something very wrong, but yet, Hough did nothing…

Michael Murphy in this photo on left with Venita Cottrill Murphy SISTER MORPHINE the master mind of the murder of Willard Cottrill her father for money and property with the help of Freda Cottrill the wife of Willards brother Melvin Cottrill.We heard that Willard always hated Freda, so it must have been a nightmare for him as she held his head while SISTER MORPHINE administered the dangerous concoction of narcotics that included the lethal dose of morphine!

Michael Murphy in this photo on left with Venita Cottrill Murphy SISTER MORPHINE the master mind of the murder of Willard Cottrill her father for money and property with the help of Freda Cottrill the wife of Willards brother Melvin Cottrill.We heard that Willard always hated Freda, so it must have been a nightmare for him as she held his head while SISTER MORPHINE administered the dangerous concoction of narcotics that included the lethal dose of morphine!

“More familiar names of Crooks from Crooked County that live down by the Crooked River than you can Shake a well shaken Larry Chapman shaky stick at — come right to the top like cream from the mouth of a Butcher Bitch  — in this tale of Murder and Mayhem in this naked and sometimes sun tanned county of Gilmer”

Shown in this photo is Ben Huffman Gilmer County Sheriff Deputy who showed up with no warrant at the home of Ruth Mitchell who watched while Willard Cottrill was murdered by SISTER MORPHINE – Huffman, Sister Morphine, and Mike Murphy forced their way into the home and into Ruth’s private bedroom where Huffman drew his weapon and then proceeded to help Sister Morphine and Murphy TOSS the room and search with no warrant. Ruth Mitchell Screamed, “You can’t do this!” Huffman replied, “There is nothing you can do about it,” and then proceeded to talk to Ruth Mitchell worse than he would a stray dog! NO PERMISSION WAS GIVEN FOR THE SEARCH BUT THAT IS HOW THEY DO IT DOWN IN GILMER COUNTY!! The SS is currently seeking a meeting with HUFFMAN and deputy Wheeler about the incident, but we heard the matter was cleared by Mickey Metz himself, so no surprise there!

Shown in this photo is Ben Huffman Gilmer County Sheriff Deputy who showed up with no warrant at the home of Ruth Mitchell who watched while Willard Cottrill was murdered by SISTER MORPHINE – Huffman, Sister Morphine, and Mike Murphy forced their way into the home and into Ruth’s private bedroom where Huffman drew his weapon and then proceeded to help Sister Morphine and Murphy TOSS the room and search with no warrant. Ruth Mitchell Screamed, “You can’t do this!” Huffman replied, “There is nothing you can do about it,” and then proceeded to talk to Ruth Mitchell worse than he would a stray dog! NO PERMISSION WAS GIVEN FOR THE SEARCH BUT THAT IS HOW THEY DO IT DOWN IN GILMER COUNTY!! The SS is currently seeking a meeting with HUFFMAN and deputy Wheeler about the incident, but we heard the matter was cleared by Mickey Metz himself, so no surprise there!

It is AWFULLY hard to keep trying to forgive, after you digest this tale of murder, and killing in the name of money and property in Crooked County.

I want to, but until the truth is finally told how can a person forgive anyone, or anything for the misery brought by Gerry Hough once again the persecuting attorney for Gilmer County!

Sheriff METZ and the local Sheriffs office are once again neck deep in a murder that they assisted. And once again, it is a disturbing murder as blatant as the FRED HILL no foul play display of debauchery and misconduct!


My associates and fellow members of the SS and the CCC are 99.9% sure that Hough was bought off because I KNOW for a fact from the mouth of Sally Bozeat the attorney mother of Sister Morphine, that she had some time previously they had talked to that crook Gerry Hough about the Will.

Bozeat didn’t mean to tell me, but OH WELL,  and I can’t remember what we were talking about right then, but she quickly trailed off because I think she said more than she wanted me to know, when she discovered the drool running down my chin that must certainly be connected in some way to our then discovery, through her own words,that evidence now existed that Gerry Hough – the biggest Crook in Crooked County – was involved in another cover up!

Hough being involved in more criminal activity makes us salivate worse than mad dogs! OH NO attorney Bozeat was tricked by the Central West Virginia SS! Bozeat will say they must have taped me!


But  family members of Willard Cottrill remember clearly because of the last name, HOUGH and that they heard he was going to have it rough all of 2012!! And also, that Hough is such an easy name to remember because it has the same number of letters as CROOK.

The more a Cottrill family member reminded Hough about that particular  conversation with Bozeat, the more evasive he got and within a few days, nobody was going to do anything, about another Murder in Gilmer County .. and so it goes!


The Central WV SS was stunned once the 28 days of gathering facts were over.  How do you NOT investigate a MURDER when we had so much background and evidence of wrong doing including the looting of all Willard Cottrill’s  property before he was even buried – let alone before ANY Will was read.


And then there is the fact that Willard was not properly embalmed – A daughter of Cottrill asked for an autopsy but Deputy Wheeler told her he had talked to T Ellyson the local funeral director the night after Willard died and Ellyson laughed and said “You don’t know what you’re asking.” It was just after there had been a mysterious fire at the funeral home, during the Fire Starting Cult hay days 0f 2010, and Ellyson wanted to save some money with the excuse, he didn’t have access to all of his tools and equipment so made some short cuts especially for Willard Cottrill who paid the full price and paid with his life.

“I’m pretty sure if someone talks to Dr Hillary Miller, she won’t deny it! What she did that is, the fact that she was actually and integral part of a planned murder for money, for you can’t really do a proper killing without the proper drugs!”

Dr Miller of Glenville, West Virginia did her part over the phone making it more than convenient for all those involved in the plan, especially since she never saw the patient to make the diagnosis that he needed such a strong pain medication!

“Venita Sister Morphine crushed up various meds including oxycodone, xanax in a spoon, poured morphine over it and added a glob of pudding on top.  When Willard Cottrill kept his mouth closed and refused it,  Freda Cottrill (Melvins wife) held his head while Sweet Sister Morphine shoved the spoon in his mouth.  Approx. 5-6 hours later he was dead. Sweet Sister Morphine picked up Willards lock-box, with thousands in CASH and all his important papers and left immediately after leaving poor Ruth Mitchell (Willard’s companion) to sit there by herself in the room where they just killed the man she loved more than anything in the world!


Dr. Miller apparently called in the prescription for Morphine to the Gil Co pharmacy — Dr. Miller later said she was lied to!

Dr Hillary Miller of Glenville was scared when questioned, but said she was lied to by Venita – Sister Morphine, and that she was sorry that Willard was dead!”

Even so, that still does not mean DR DEATH, Dr Miller was not guilty as hell of conspiracy to commit a heinous crimes with others, and several of those others came from out of state to forcefully deliver a powerful drug to a helpless man, and there was a witness… Ruth Mitchell the long time companion of the dead man.  Ruth witnessed the killing and explained it word for word recently to a high ranking member of the SS, and then it was shared with the CCC.

“The prescription was picked up 10/20/10. The killers get the morphine and hours later Willard Cottrill is dead!”

As witnessed by the above information and photos 2012 in Gilmer County was still knee deep in covering up the murder of Willard Cottrill just like they are still covering up the murder of Fred Hill!

Gilmer County High School kids learn to drink at a very early age, and this behavior is even condoned by the Gilmer County High School Principal Nasia Butcher who has even drank with students and it as been claimed the Principal Butcher even drank with students at the school.

Gilmer County High School kids learn to drink at a very early age, and this behavior is even condoned by the Gilmer County High School Principal Nasia Butcher who has even drank with students and it as been claimed the Principal Butcher even drank with students at the school.

Sheriff Mickey Metz was found not to be qualified as a coach of the Volley Ball team at Gilmer County High School because METZ LIED about having a GED as credentials !! Sheriff Metz was finally caught when he filed a FAKE HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA bought and paid for by a company named ADISON with no accreditation, but METZ LIED about the accreditation in an article published by a Parkersburg newspaper !

Metz, who served his second term as sheriff in 2012, said he was in full compliance with the requirements for a candidate for magistrate, but Metz lied, it was proved he lied and the Secretary of State Natalie Tennant didn’t do a god damn thing about it because she is crooked too!

This is the FAKE High School Diploma of Sheriff Metz that has NO VALUE and is not accredited anywhere, and Metz lied to the press and a Parkersburg newspaper about this document.

This is the FAKE High School Diploma of Sheriff Metz that has NO VALUE and is not accredited anywhere, and Metz lied to the press and a Parkersburg newspaper about this document.

“My credentials have been sent to state department and looked at by attorneys and are well within compliance with West Virginia Code,” Metz said, but METZ lied through his teeth, and Adison has been found to be completely fraudulent, yet Metz has had to pay no consequence yet so far.

West Virginia Secretary of State spokesman Jake Glance said he could neither confirm nor deny an investigation into Metz’s qualifications. Generally speaking, Glance said investigations become public through an indictment.

“Remember that we do not have arrest powers or prosecutorial powers,” he stated in an email, which was complete and total bullshit on the part of Jake Glance, they always say some stupid crap like that when they are caught covering for the misconduct of a public official!!

We conduct an investigation and then hand those findings off to a prosecuting attorney,” was what that dumb bitch Glance said later, and that is the generalized excuse they use when they know they already have a dishonest prosecutor in place like Gerald B Hough.


“I can tell you right now there is nothing for them to investigate,” Metz said, which was the final lie that absolutely nobody in the county believed and Mickey Metz left the office of Gilmer County Sheriff in disgrace for lying to the public about his credentials for eight years and then having the balls to buy a fake diploma and say that it was real, when it was proven worthless.


“Then finally after the Secret Seven Coalition exposed another rape at Glenville State College Amanda Smith filed her lawsuit in federal court in the fall of 2012.”

Former students says Glenville bungled rape case

CLARKSBURG – A former Glenville State College student is alleging campus police failed to properly investigate her claim she was raped two years ago following an impromptu party in her dormitory.

The College, and Daniel Bell, chief of its public safety department, are named as co-defendants in a civil rights suit filed by Amanda Smith. In her complaint filed Sept. 17 in U.S. District Court, Smith, 21, of Mineral Wells, says campus police not only failed to conduct the most routine of investigation into her allegation she was sexually assaulted by a fellow student in 2010, but also lost important evidence.

The Central West Virginia Secret Seven Coalition has been reporting the rapes at GSC since 2006, over six years now, but the local print media has ignored these horrible crimes. The Glenville Democrat has been in on the cover ups all along, for they are a bullshit propaganda machine for the Church of IKE and are inept journalists that are about as unprofessional and unskilled at journalism as they come.The saddest part of this situation is that Dave Corcoran the publisher of the Glenville Democrap and Pathfinder of BULLSHIT is the President of the Press association for the whole state of West Virginia!

The Central West Virginia Secret Seven Coalition has been reporting the rapes at GSC since 2006, over six years now, but the local print media has ignored these horrible crimes. The Glenville Democrat has been in on the cover ups all along, for they are a bullshit propaganda machine for the Church of IKE and are inept journalists that are about as unprofessional and unskilled at journalism as they come.The saddest part of this situation is that Dave Corcoran the publisher of the Glenville Democrap and Pathfinder of BULLSHIT is the President of the Press association for the whole state of West Virginia!

Additionally, Smith alleges hers is not the first time either campus police or GSC officials have showed deliberate indifference toward alleged rape victims.

A not-so-quiet evening

According to her suit, Smith, then a sophomore, after returning to her room in Goodwin Hall from her on-campus job on Sept. 18, 2010, received a text message from Michael McHenry, a fellow student, asking if she wanted to go out for ice cream. About that same time, Jayde Layne, another student, knocked on Smith’s door requesting help in the dorm’s laundry room.

However, Layne agreed to join Smith and McHenry for ice cream. They were accompanied by Jordan “Opie” Watkins, Erietta Patrianakos, and several “unidentified students.”

After returning to Goodwin Hall between 5:30 and 6 p.m., Smith alleges Layne, and another student, Kala Fisher, asked if she would get McHenry to buy them alcohol. When Smith declined, Fisher and Layne then asked Patrianakos who agreed.

According to the suit, Patrianakos then took the alcohol to Watkins’ room, and left to be with her boyfriend. Shortly thereafter, Smith joined other students including Layne in Watkins’ room.

About 8:30 p.m., Smith says she left to help her roommate carry groceries to their room on the second floor. Upon returning to Watkins’ room, Smith found additional students present including “unknown black males mixing drinks.”

Gabe Prophet getting fucked up and ready to rape some more bitches at GSC since he can since it is all part of the GSC football program plan where they recruit black criminals like their current GSC quarterback Justin Feagin from a BIG TEN college where he was busted for dealing COCAINE!! Thanks IKE !!!

Gabe Prophet getting fucked up and ready to rape some more bitches at GSC since he can since it is all part of the GSC football program plan where they recruit black criminals like their current GSC quarterback Justin Feagin from a BIG 10 college where he was busted for dealing COCAINE!! Thanks IKE !!!

Later around 9 p.m. Smith says Layne, who’d previously been mixing drinks in the bathroom, offered her a plastic cup. After consuming the unspecified contents of half of it, Layne brought her a different cup.

Sometime between then and 10 p.m., the suit maintains Smith appeared she was having a “mild seizure” after becoming nauseous “with alternating bouts of vomiting and urinating, crying and screaming.” Sometime thereafter she became unconscious.

According to the suit, someone removed Smith’s clothes leaving her in only her bra and panties. Upon discovering her disrobed and unconscious, Layne, Patrianakos and Fisher put Smith in the shower.

Sometime after 10 p.m., Andrew Lewis, Goodwin Hall’s resident director, heard Smith screaming, and went to Watkins’ room to investigate. After arriving, he was joined by Travis Nesbitt, a student in an adjoining room, in rending first aid to Smith.

At 10:09 p.m., Lewis called campus police requesting medical assistance for Smith. Twelve minutes later, Officer William Boone called for an ambulance.

An ambulance arrived at an unspecified time to take Smith to Stonewall Jackson Memorial Hospital in Weston. According to the suit, Nesbitt accompanied Smith, and observed her “holding her hands between her legs, stating “‘it hurts.’”

Upon arrival at SJMH, Smith was placed in the intensive care unit. An initial examination of Smith discovered “a bodily fluid ‘pouring out’ of [her] vagina that ‘was not supposed to be there together with bruising on [her] thigh and arm.”

A toxicology report revealed Smith had a blood alcohol content of .236, and the presence of benzodiazepine in her system. In her suit, Smith avers she was not taking any medication containing benzodiazepine, and only consumed half of the drink Layne gave her.

Grain alcohol and date rape drugs found a way on to the campus of Glenville State College and Amanda Smith was rendered helpless with alcohol and date rape drugs after being set up by two other female GSC students. Smith was an honor student and brutally raped and has filed a federal law suit against Glenville State College in 2012

Grain alcohol and date rape drugs found a way on to the campus of Glenville State College and Amanda Smith was rendered helpless with alcohol and date rape drugs after being set up by two other female GSC students. Smith was an honor student and brutally raped and has filed a federal law suit against Glenville State College in 2012

Because she did not regain full consciousness until sometime the next morning, a sexual assault examination was performed in Smith later that afternoon. The examination revealed, among other things, bruising on Smith’s left shin, knee, upper arm and hip.

Also, the examination discovered Smith had “a large amount of mucus/discharge from her vagina that was ‘white/yellow’ in color in spite of the negative findings of vaginitas and the appearance of bacteria in her vagina opening.” Furthermore, a nurse told Smith’s mother “‘This should not be there,’” when showing her a swab of the substance removed from Smith’s vagina.

Evidence lost

The suit accuses GSC officials, specifically Bell, of “failing to follow protocol routine in sexual assault cases.” This includes the “lack of safeguarding and storing of evidence [and] properly securing a crime scene.”

According to the suit, campus police failed to collect both the bed sheets in Watkins’ room and the clothes he used to dress Smith after she threw-up on herself before they were laundered. Also, the cups used to mix and serve the drinks were destroyed before they could be collected.

Additionally, the suit alleges an investigatory notebook kept by Bell was “accidently placed in a washing machine and destroyed.” Furthermore, Bell “showed minimal training” when he accused Smith of “placing the bruises found on her body herself.”

According to the suit, the inability of campus police to timely collect evidence was a result of no certified law enforcement officer being on duty at the time Lewis called them for help. The investigation did not begin until Glenville Police Sgt. Casey Jones arrived at a time not specified.

Any investigation into who might have raped Smith was hindered by Layne, Watkins, Patrianakos and Fisher refusing to cooperate with police. According to the suit, they “have refused to identify students in the room and have changed their statements.”

Following her alleged attack, Smith says she attempted to complete her classes that semester. However, due to harassment by Layne, Fisher, Watkins, Patrianakos and other students, who are named as co-defendants in the suit, Smith says she found not only attending classes, but also living in Goodwin Hall difficult.

Assurances college administrators made to “implement reasonable accommodations” for her to finish her classes, Smith said, where not kept. After receiving a letter dated Oct. 7, 2010 from the College’s provost that she would most likely receive failing grades in her classes, Smith decided to withdraw.

According to her suit, college officials continued to display insensitivity toward her after she withdrew. Bell, Lewis and Jerry Burkhammer II, the dean of student affairs, were all no-shows for a meeting with Smith and her parents when she returned to campus to retrieve some personal belongings from her dorm room.

In the two years since she was attacked, Smith says there have been other sexual assaults take place on campus. Though she does not provide specifics, Smith says due to “a lack of investigatory technique and result” similar to what happened in her case, the other women “are considering filing separate claims against [GSC].”

Meghan Ruddlesden shown in this photo a GSC rape victim was contacted by the SC of the SS and asked if she could please support AMANDA SMITH in her federal lawsuit filed against GSC.SMITH who was raped just 12 days before Meghan reported her rape, is seeking damages from the school and students that assisted in the rape and from the alleged rapist. Amanda was injured and almost died from the drugs and alcohol that were used in the sexual attack on her in Goodwin Hall on Campus, not long after the official opening of the dorm!

Meghan Ruddlesden shown in this photo a GSC rape victim was contacted by the SC of the SS and asked if she could please support AMANDA SMITH in her federal lawsuit filed against GSC.SMITH who was raped just 12 days before Meghan reported her rape, is seeking damages from the school and students that assisted in the rape and from the alleged rapist. Amanda was injured and almost died from the drugs and alcohol that were used in the sexual attack on her in Goodwin Hall on Campus, not long after the official opening of the dorm!

As a result of her attack, the failure of campus police to properly investigate it and the harassment she received afterwards, Smith alleges she’s suffered “severe and permanent psychological damage, emotional distress and decreased educational opportunities.” Along with ones for civil rights violations, she makes claims for failure to train, retaliation, assault and battery and intentional infliction of emotional distress.

Smith seeks unspecified damages, interest, court costs and attorneys fees. She is representing herself.

The case is assigned to Judge Irene M. Keeley.

U.S. District Court for the Northern District of West Virginia case number 12-cv-147


Last summer Crooked County decided to promote from within for its open vacancy of head football coach and Glenville State College graduate Jason Cunningham got the nod, and got to stretch his rod too, by fucking one of the high school students!!!

“Most of the kids on the 2012 team are juniors and we’ve had a good group of kids in the weight room since January. It’s always exciting to have some older guys who have some experience. As bad as it was last year, I think the experience will help them,” says the coach.

Cunningham finished his social studies fifth-through-adult degree from GSC last year and was anxious to get things rolling and he got things rolling real good with that little Hottie Bree Wolfe!!

MORE TEACHER – STUDENT SEX at Gilmer County High School down by the Crooked River!!

Gilmer County Head Football Coach Jason Cunningham who is also a teacher at GCHS during a wild party fucks a senior girl BREE WOLFE and confesses about it…. Nasia Butcher  GCHS principal and Ron Blankenship superintendent of Gilmer County school are doing nothing about it!!


Bree Wolfe in HOWLING form late one night down in Gilmer County where you if you are a coach or a TEACHER at Gilmer County High School, you can get your money nothing and your chicks like BREE for FREE !!

Bree Wolfe in HOWLING form late one night down in Gilmer County where if you are a coach or a TEACHER at Gilmer County High School, you can get your money 4 nothing and your chicks like BREE for FREE !!

This is just like when Hannah DeMarino fucked Bobby Duvall the Gilmer County basketball coach when she was a star player on the team. Hannah fucked dude during the raucous party up hwy 33 at the home of Shelly Morris DeMarino the same night her cousin Jordan Morris was raped by a black football player on the Gilmer TITANS and got pregnant and had to abort the baby in another state!  The little black child was murdered after Morris was five months pregnant, but then what do you want from a bunch of Crooks from Crooked County

INCEST is BEST in Gilmer County a little something made popular by Lizzy and Lexy Butcher, commonly known as the BUTCHER BITCHES!

The new Titan football boss who’s team only won three games all year,  are not even in the top 100 high schools in the state of WV and their national Rank is 13984.

“Yeah, I have been to Bobs House hundreds of times!” “A lot of students have been there, but I dont have much time so you better hurry up! This is some good weed dude!” “Just please dont tell anyone about this!” No worries there is not even any film in this camera, but if there were i could try an effect to take the dark circle under your eyes from when you were in jail. Yeah, I agree that school should not be able to say anything about when you,”Get Off” for the day! (Unless of course u r getting off on their students…whoops!)

“Yeah, I have been to Bobs House hundreds of times!” “A lot of students have been there, but I dont have much time so you better hurry up! This is some good weed dude!” “Just please dont tell anyone about this!” No worries there is not even any film in this camera, but if there were i could try an effect to take the dark circle under your eyes from when you were in jail. Yeah, I agree that school should not be able to say anything about when you,”Get Off” for the day! (Unless of course u r getting off on their students…whoops!)

But, Cunningham doesn’t care about the Top 100 because he is number one with fucking students currently at Gilmer County High School. Having sex with students is a deal that put Gilmer State College student and high school teacher SARAH RUTHERFORD in jail for two years where she is learning to have sex with girls infected with hep C. It appears that Jason Cunningham is trying to get some of that young sex just like Sarah Rutherford, but then again, it could just be a Crooked County thing, for in Crooked County, aka Gilmer County ILLICIT SEX IS FREE and it is JUST OK to FUCK HIGH SCHOOL students, in fact, it is a traditional right of being from Gilmer County!

Sarah Ann Rutherford GSC student and daughter to long time GSC secretary JoAnn Rutherford, has made it a Glenville tradition to go ahead and fuck  the bejesus out of the high school students you teach! Hell, Sarah got fucked by teachers when she was a student, and now that she has become a teacher she thought it only right to pass on the traditional behavior!  However, in the meantime she will have to wait for all that fuckin, for she still has two years of jail time to do at Central Regional Jail in flatwoods just down the road a piece from the Days Inn where Sarah Ann used to party with the Secret Seven Coalition!

“The cops are bought and paid for in Glenville West Virginia and up by the fright house on the hill, so better take your nerve pill and just get used to the fact that in Crooked County if You are a TEACHER or a COACH at Gilmer County High School you can go BUCK WILD and get your money for nothing and your chicks like BREE for FREE !!”


By Editor Edison – CalPatty Press Editor Special 12-12-12 edition

Jason Cunningham was particularly good with his cunnilingus skills the first night he banged BREE at a BUCK WILD GILMER COUNTY SEX and DRUGS party that we hear had lots of alcohol to go around just like at a BUTCHER BITCHES BASH!!!

Jason Cunningham was particularly good with his cunnilingus skills the first night he banged BREE at a BUCK WILD GILMER COUNTY SEX and DRUGS party that we hear had lots of alcohol to go around just like at a BUTCHER BITCHES BASH!!!

GLENVILLE – Last summer Crooked County decided to promote from within for its open vacancy of head football coach and Glenville State College graduate Jason Cunningham got the nod, and got to stretch his rod too, by fucking one of the high school students!!!

“Most of the kids on the 2012 team are juniors and we’ve had a good group of kids in the weight room since January. It’s always exciting to have some older guys who have some experience. As bad as it was last year, I think the experience will help them,” says the coach.

Cunningham finished his social studies fifth-through-adult degree from GSC last year and was anxious to get things rolling and he got things rolling real good with that little Hottie Bree Wolfe!!

Gilmer County Head Football Coach Jason Cunningham who is also a teacher at GCHS during a wild party fucks a senior girl BREE WOLFE and confesses about it…. Nasia Butcher  GCHS principal and Ron Blankenship superintendent of Gilmer County school are doing nothing about it!!

BREAKING BAD isn't just for the BUTCHER BITCHES says BREE showing her split personality in this photo, for she is one bad ass bitch too, and she is gonna get all the illicit sex she can while at Gilmer County High School ... after all it is a tradition!!

BREAKING BAD isn’t just for the BUTCHER BITCHES says BREE showing her split personality in this photo, for she is one bad ass bitch too, and she is gonna get all the illicit sex she can while at Gilmer County High School … after all it is a tradition!!


This is just like when Hannah DeMarino fucked Bobby Duvall the Gilmer County basketball coach when she was a star player on the team. Hannah fucked dude during the raucous party up hwy 33 at the home of Shelly Morris DeMarino the same night her cousin Jordan Morris was raped by a black football player on the Gilmer TITANS and got pregnant and had to abort the baby in another state!  The little black child was murdered after Morris was five months pregnant, but then what do you want from a bunch of Crooks from Crooked County

This could have been the granddaughter to the LORD of the Church of IKE Jordan Morris, but she aborted her black child, but every Gilmer county high school student should have a little black child out of rape and wedlock in their bathroom as clearly shown with BREE WOLFE taking the photo in this image.

This could have been the granddaughter to the LORD of da Church of IKE Jordan Morris however she aborted her black child, but every Gilmer County High School student should have a little black child out of rape and wedlock in their bathroom as clearly shown with BREE WOLFE taking the photo in this image.

INCEST is BEST in Gilmer County a little something made popular by Lizzy and Lexy Butcher, commonly known as the BUTCHER BITCHES!

The new Titan football boss who’s team only won three games all year,  are not even in the top 100 high schools in the state of WV and their national Rank is 13984.

But, Cunningham doesn’t care about the Top 100 because he is number one with fucking students currently at Gilmer County High School. Having sex with students is a deal that put Gilmer State College student and high school teacher SARAH RUTHERFORD in jail for two years where she is learning to have sex with girls infected with hep C. It appears that Jason Cunningham is trying to get some of that young sex just like Sarah Rutherford, but then again, it could just be a Crooked County thing, for in Crooked County, aka Gilmer County ILLICIT SEX IS FREE and it is JUST OK to FUCK HIGH SCHOOL students, in fact, it is a traditional right of being from Gilmer County! The cops are bought and paid for in Glenville and up by the fright house on the hill.

Bree Wolfe fucks the bejesus out of her high school teacher and the football coach at a WILD party, being a BAD ASS BUCK WILD BREE WOLFE BITCH in Gilmer County and still has time to feed the dog CAKE with a spoon, now that is our kind of girl!! BREAKING BAD BREE is a better looking than a BAD ASS BOX BANGING BUTCHER BITCH too!

Bree Wolfe fucks the bejesus out of her high school teacher and the football coach at a WILD party, being a BAD ASS BUCK WILD BREE WOLFE BITCH in Gilmer County and still has time to feed the dog CAKE with a spoon, now that is our kind of girl!! BREAKING BAD BREE is better looking than a BAD ASS BOX BANGING BUTCHER BITCH too!

“We ran the ball more and that’s probably the biggest thing as far as changing anything schematically,” Cunningham added in an interview with the press, but what he didn’t tell us was he was running his balls more too!! …with BREE WOLFE a high school senior!!

Winning football games is anything but easy at Gilmer County High School, but the bitches like BREE are easy, and Cunningham took the position as coach and took the missionary position the first time he fucked the young Wolfe girl in her senior year.

“I think we had a nice group of freshmen coming up and I think the middle school teams had over 30 kids,” Cunningham said in a freaky bit of child molestation foreshadowing!

Cunningham, who runs the lifting program at GCHS and is a full-time substitute teacher because that is how they do things in Gilmer County, by hook or crook, get dude a substitute job while bringing him in as coach, and then let him fuck some bitches as a perk and then, hey, what do you know maybe the Titans can get a team to go 5 and 5 next year!

Jason Cunningham the FOOTBALL COACH at GCHS says, " Most of the kids are juniors and we've had a good group of kids in the weight room since January. It's always exciting to have some older guys who have some experience." Well Jason gave some of his experience of an older guy to Bree Wolfe shown in this picture documenting the place where some of the fun happened with the coach ...the weight room!

Jason Cunningham the FOOTBALL COACH at GCHS says, ” Most of the kids are juniors and we’ve had a good group of kids in the weight room since January. It’s always exciting to have some older guys who have some experience.” Well Jason gave some of his experience of an older guy to Bree Wolfe shown in this picture documenting the place where some of the fun happened with the coach …the weight room!

Those Bitches in Gilmer County are some REAL SHOOTERS!!


Bree Wolfe says I need you to get me off
I’m your bomb getting ready to explode
I need you to get me off Jason Cunningham
I’ll Be your slave do anything I’m told just like a Butcher Bitch!
Because I’m a sex shooter
Shootin’ love in your direction
I’m a sex shooter
Come on play with my affections
Come on kiss the gun hun!!!  Oh yeah!!!

Whoa Ooh Oh, Whoa Ooh Oh, Whoa Ooh Oh !!!


This just in on Thursday December 13th

12 – 12 – 12 ANOTHER RAPE AT GSC

By Free Bird –  RGW Reporter/ Editor Edison – CalPatty Press Editor

Dan Bell who was named in a federal law suit for covering up the RAPE of Amanda Smith GSC honor student along with Glenville State College Public Safety Department arrested Rodney Lionel Smith from Virginia Thursday December 13th and Smith was taken to Central Regional Jail where he is being held on a $50,000 bail.

The alleged Rape took place on 12 -12 -12 on Campus Wednesday at the RAPE CAPITAL for West Virginia — Glenville the County seat of Gilmer County — known as Crooked County state-wide for the cover up of rapes, murders and crimes by public officials!

Detailed Offender Information

Imprisonment Status:  Pre-Trial Felon

Full Name: Smith,  Rodney  Lionel
Height: 5′  10″
Weight: 170 lbs.
Birth Date: 8/17/1993
Gender: Male
Booking Date: 12/13/2012
Facility: Central Regional Jail

Investigators told the mainstream press that 19-year-old Rodney Lionel Smith  knocked on the door where two girls resided and asked to watch movies. According to the police report they let him in, he allegedly started to inappropriately fondle one of their breasts and was touching the girls body up and down.

One of the girls then left the room and went into the bathroom and hopped into the shower and that’s when Smith allegedly tried having sex with her. When she tried to escape he reportedly blocked the door, and then raped her Gilmer County style which is usually very brutal.

Rodney Lionel Smith  19, tried  to then force both girls to have sex with him, according to a criminal complaint, filed by public safety officials.

Smith is being held in Central Regional Jail with bail set at 25,000 for each charge for a total of $50,000.

SS members investigating the matter have determined that Smith is a Glenville State student, as all of the alleged rapists at GSC usually are, unless they happen to be part of the public safety department, and or employees of the college.  It appears at this time there is one charge of kidnapping the two women, and only one charge of sexual assault.

… Smith at an unspecified time on Wednesday, Dec. 12 knocked on Kelly and Jarvis’ dorm room door. The complaint does not specify if they were residing in Pickens or Goodwin halls or Pioneer Village.
     Nevertheless, at the time, Kelly and Jarvis were “getting ready for finals and watching movies.” When Smith said he wanted to watch movies with them, Kelly said it was okay to let him come in.
     According to the complaint, Smith shortly thereafter put his arm around Kelly, and asked her if she had a boyfriend. Despite Kelly telling him she did, and was “very happy,” Smith then asked her if she wanted to have sex.

Though she told him no, Smith began touching Kelly’s breast. At that point, the complaint says Jarvis determined things “were getting out of hand, and went to get help.”

Sometime after Jarvis left, Kelly alleges Smith asked her to perform oral sex on him. After telling him no, and moving into the shower, the complaint states Smith “pinned her against the wall.”

In the course of pinning her against the wall, Smith unzipped his pants, and exposed his penis. After breaking free from his grasp, Kelly says Smith “got between her and the door so she couldn’t leave.”