Tag Archive: gilmer free press

By Editor Edison-CalPatty Press Editor for Revenge of the Ghost Wolf/Freebird – Revenge of the Ghost Wolf Reporter

Brian Kennedy on the left with a shit grin on his face, Beet Red Brian Kennedy was seen at the Brown Dog with his RED DOG inside a young thing known as Amy Skinner. That journey into the “Pink” of SKINNER weeks later pissed off Lisa Minney, for she accused SS members of breaking up the marriage of her friends like TARA KENNEDY and BRIAN KENNEDY since photos were taken of the late night meeting with that young girl named “SARAH” and now we ALL KNOW it is the current girlfriend of Brian Kennedy and the REASON behind his divorce with TARA KENNEDY --  Darrel Ramsey newly elected Commissioner on the right is thinking about getting something up tight and out of sight too. He gets hot at the thought of going for the BACK DOOR of the DOG FACE woman and the kick back in cash he will get for setting that old bitch up with another good gig!!!  Hoo yah!! Get some Darrel !! Gitty UP!!

Brian Kennedy on the left with a shit grin on his face, Beet Red Brian Kennedy was seen at the Brown Dog with his RED DOG inside a young thing known as Amy Skinner. That journey into the “Pink” of SKINNER weeks later pissed off Lisa Minney, for she accused SS members of breaking up the marriage of her friends like TARA KENNEDY and BRIAN KENNEDY since photos were taken of the late night meeting with that young girl named “SARAH” and now we ALL KNOW it is the current girlfriend of Brian Kennedy and the REASON behind his divorce with TARA KENNEDY — Darrel Ramsey Gilmer County Commissioner on the right is thinking about getting something up tight and out of sight too. He gets hot at the thought of going for the BACK DOOR of the DOG FACE woman Reta Kight former commissioner – And the kick back in cash he will get for setting that old bitch up with another good gig!!! Hoo yah!! Get some Darrel !! Gitty UP!!

Here it is the third of June 2014 and we always love Secret Seven articles published on June 3rd for traditionally it gives us a chance to play a cool song from a real country girl from back in the day so, “It’s about Time… we played that song — And its about SPACE for if we tried to convey to ANY SANE or reasonable person NOT from West Virginia how corrupt it really truly is in Gilmer County they would be a sayin…

“ARE YOU FROM OUTER SPACE or something?”

For, no reasonable person would believe the real truth, that is how bad the corruption has become!  The Crooks from Crooked County (a place called Gilmer) don’t even try to hide the rape and the murder and the drugs anymore. Hell the corruption is so thick Glenville actually has a SMELL to it, for you can SMELL the corruption up at the courthouse on the hill, and it smells musty and dusty and a little bit like a bad can of TUNA!!

The REAL TRUTH of the matter is that all local law enforcement, courts, prosecutor, county commission and politicians are ALL bought and paid for in Gilmer County, and they ALL have a good friend in Big Joe Manchin, who has reaped the rewards of campaign contributions both illegal and legal for years round here.

The matter that has everybody upset this third of JUNE 2014 is ANOTHER COURT HOUSE ACTION that most feel is corrupt for the fact it was recently announced that Darrel Ramsey is going to resign his County Commission seat and go back to his old job of running the Rec center and at quite a profit too. Ramsey’s latest accomplishments as a commissioner was to allow the MURDER of Willard Cottrill so that his estate could be plundered and the property could be divided up among thieves. The County Commission and their appointed fiduciary commissioner are in a position where people on the outside are sitting and waiting for them to make a move on the estate so that illegal actions can be exposed and people can be held accountable for fucking up another estate every bit as bad as Gilmer County did the AJ Woofter estate.

“Most people don’t know but …Gilmer County Commissioner Darrel Ramsey, practically prostituted himself to get elected! Hell ole Darrel was cuddling up to old, OLD retired school teachers to get elected – And went so far as to call one …his girlfriend. That much older girlfriend is displayed in a public picture at the Senior Center. Her husband also used to be Sheriff and Commissioner. Ramsey did say he would do anything to get votes and get elected. We now believe that to be true! But damn sniffing around old codge like that is really asking a lot!”

But, then again we are a talking bout SIN CITY- Glenville, West Virginia!! So lets come clean about the tale told in which there is the old commissioners wife that Ramsey dallied with day and night to get elected – who was Clark James (long deceased) wife Helen the Senior Center madam. OH HELEN you sure did a good job of a sellin that one. Ramsey ran to her house day and night even driving her around, but oddly enough her son Craig managed the band program up at the College back then. We a heard that dude Craig is as gay as hell.

“GAY YOU SAY?! Gay as fuck…allegedly!! Hell that flesh colored banana licker would even suck some Glenville Police Chief Ben Huffman dick. Huffman is the type that many gay guys are attracted to I hear. That is why that ole BEN has that night stick. That is what he uses it for, to beat off all them a gay men a after him all the time down there in the SIN city of Glenville!!”  Time for YOU to buy the KY Huffman!!

SEX in SIN CITY- GLENVILLE- Gas, Grass or Ass, Nobody Rides for Free!!! do do do do do do do do do…da da da da daa…. Sung to the tune of dueling banjo’s from the movie deliverance starring Burt Reynolds and Ned Beatty!!

SEX in SIN CITY- GLENVILLE- Gas, Grass or Ass, Nobody Rides for Free!!! do do do do do do do do do…da da da da daa…. Sung to the tune of dueling banjo’s from the movie deliverance starring Burt Reynolds and Ned Beatty!!

Now back to the story … why do you think Commissioner Darrel Ramsey found going to that 88 year old persons house so attractive?

“Could it be the gay like to play like it is Sarah Rutherford and Bob Henry Baber day …at GSC? OH YEAH!!! HELL YEAH!!”

Us folk at the Secret Seven Coalition heard that Craig goes out of town regularly and Ramsey supposedly travels every weekend to Ohio to see a daughter by his second wife. Can you see where we are going with this?
Gilmer County Commissioner Darrel Ramsey never talks about the second wife, just the 1st wife who died, I expect for pity purposes. Ramsey is such a great example of being and honest and good Gilmer County Citizen that he kicks his kids that live with him out of the house and onto the street for real, and then brags that he’s not going to take care of them!
One of the offspring of the Ramsey household winds up in regional jail multiple times because of those actions — and runs around drunk at the famous Glenville Folk Festival — telling people that Darrel’s gay and slept with one of the guys who worked with the Head Start kids at the Rec Center!
Oh Yeah!!

Taken with an Olympus digital camera LEXY BUTCHER gets up on the table and dances while watching her bouncing friend shows us what she's got. It would not be a THIRD of JUNE at Revenge of the Ghost Wolf without a Butcher Bitches photo or two, so here ya go!!

Taken with an Olympus digital camera LEXY BUTCHER gets up on the table and dances while watching her bouncing friend shows us what she’s got. It would not be a THIRD of JUNE at Revenge of the Ghost Wolf without a Butcher Bitches photo or two, so here ya go!!

The Recreation center has been the sponsor to many a PLAY DATE sponsored by Gilmer County Commissioner Darrel Ramsey — And now the people of Gilmer County have been learning about it via the FREE PRESS — And also all the romps getting some BACK DOOR action from the DOG FACE WOMAN commonly known around Crooked County as Reta Kight. Reta taught Ramsey all the tricks about how to make some fast cash as a commissioner and all she wanted was a little ramming from behind, “Doggie Style!”

The Secret Seven Coalition as far back as two years ago made a statement that the CROOKS from CROOKED COUNTY would find a way to get Reta Kight back in there as a commissioner and it looks like that statement got nailed right on the head!!

Please review the recent article by the VOICE of the PEOPLE the Gilmer Free Press to find out the rest of the story!!

G-LtE™: This Is Not about Ability.  It Is about Cronyism


The Gilmer Free Press

It was reported on this site that eight applications were received for the position of Director at the Gilmer County Recreation Center.

On May 23, 2014 one of the interviews is reported as being Darrell Ramsey a sitting Gilmer County Commissioner whose term does not end until 2016.

The Recreation Center is owned by the Gilmer County Commission, their board is appointed by those Commissioners, approval granted by them for their choice of a Director and their financial position is included in the financial statements of that Commission who also pays many of their bills and requires their audit.

It is the talk throughout this county that Reta Kight who lost to the incumbent in the May 2014 primary election and is the current Recreation Center book keeper, will be appointed to replace Mr. Ramsey who will be returned to the Recreation Center job he held prior to his election as Commissioner for an estimated $30,000 a year plus 5% of any events he books there.


The Gilmer Free Press
It would seem that just like State intervention of our schools the Commission will decide instead of the majority of the electorate who will run Gilmer County.

This is not about ability.  It is about cronyism.

It is about waiting until immediately after an election to make self serving, politically motivated, moves to retain authority.

It is about not taking the same chance as everyone else at getting a job and letting seven people believe they had equal opportunity.

It is about a handful of people getting multiple jobs, often all full time while working only 8 hours per day.

It is about taking the opportunity from regular citizens having these positions.

It is about using and abusing power and position to self-serve.

It is about the apparent lack of ethics and morality that pervades the political arena of local politics to the point that you don’t even have to resign to apply for a job you have voting control over and giving back in spite of the people.

Little wonder the State has no mercy on the tax payers and our school system.

They follow the example set by our own elected leadership.
West Virginia Code §6B-1-2. Legislative findings, purpose, declaration and intent
(a) The Legislature hereby finds that the holding of a public office or public employment is a public trust. Independence and impartiality of public officials and public employees are essential for the maintenance of the confidence of our citizens in the operation of a democratic government. The decisions and actions of public officials and public employees must be made free from undue influence, favoritism or threat, at every level of government. Public officials and public employees who exercise the powers of their office or employment for personal gain beyond the lawful emoluments of their position or who seek to benefit narrow economic or political interests at the expense of the public at large undermine public confidence in the integrity of a democratic government.


The Gilmer Free Press

The Gilmer Free Press

~~ By Multiple Gilmer County Citizens ~~
GFP: We attempted to contact the Commissioners about this CommunityConcerns™ and we received the following statement from Commissioner Ramsey:

“There were 8 applicants I think for the rec center job the board interviewed 4 applicants Martin Hess, Jeff Campbell, Lora Beall, and myself..”

“I did interview and they offered me the job…”

“I will be resigning at the commission meeting June 3rd I will start work at the rec center June 4th!”

“As for Reta Kight filling my seat for the next two yrs she can’t Brian is the commissioner that sits from city district so only one commissioner can sit from any district at a time so she is NOT taking my place.”

“Yes the salary is 30,000.00, and no I will not get 5% of any event I book there forgot that one. just regular pay.”

“Brian and Larry will have 30 days to fill my seat the person will need to come from my district and be a democrat.”

“They are free to pick whoever they want as long as they are a democrat I gave them two names Cindy Wilson or administrator and Johnnie Ishenart both said they would do it when I asked I told Brian and Larry both names those two are from my district.”

“Also my pay at the rec center was 27,500.00 when I left to go to the commission so I took a cut in pay to be commissioner…”

Brian Kennedy used to be City District.  He lives in Normantown and is Center District. If he doesn’t know that then why should Ramsey choose his own replacement?  Should have been done this election by the voter. This deal has been in the works long enough. There is no city commissioner so quit trying to manipulate.  Hear our Emergency Services manager with the four tax paid jobs just like him is also in the running. That $27,500 didn’t include the two bonuses the Rec Center gave the year he left. Why is the Commission giving a match of $5,000 to the Rec Centers $5,000 to give him a $10,000 raise above what Mr. Lyons got when they are so broke they talk about laying off employees? Heck, Kight came to the door campaigning and said she wasn’t done fixing the sheriffs books but the county ran out of money to pay her in September.

Comment by Stop The Back Room Deals!  on  05.27.2014

Ramsey?  Can you believe anything he says?
When he was running against Chapman, his exact words were: “Chapman has to go.“
But the voice inflection and body language was even more powerful.
Did not take Ramsey very long to **become one of them** did it?
Those who have been elected to serve the citizens have simply gone the route of **serving but a few** and taking care of themselves in the process.
How much money was stuffed in Kight’s pocket book to clean up the former sheriff’s accounting mess?
A gang of back scratching cronies.
Curley, Larry, and Moe.  Who will be the new Moe?

Comment by Resident  on  05.27.2014

Long time Rec Center board members and hard workers Collins and Sponaugle resigned before this mess happened.  Think they smelled what was in the wind and decided not to play the dirty game? Anybody on Facebook knew Ramsey was in and why would they bother to interview?  Ramsey really got 3 bonuses that last year.  How’s he going to work full time for the BOE, full time for the Rec Center and then be Maintenance man for Glenville Gardens plus do his salesman side job? How can he stay on the Commission that owns and has oversight of the Rec Center?  If he’s going then he needs to go all the way. He wants the administrator he voted to hire or his fellow school bus driver to fill two more years? There are plenty of other Democrats that can fill that seat who have been voted for in other elections. Just can’t be from DeKalb or Center District.  He gets retirement and health from the BOE and has about enough years to do just that and go back to Braxton County.

Comment by Let Him Go  on  05.27.2014

“public employment is a public trust” ?
You betcha!
This batch of jokers has busted GC !
Gilmer is BROKE.  Get it people?  We have been bankrupted.
Trust?  Trust you say?
All we can do now is buy Preparation-H by the case.

Comment by U.Y.  on  05.27.2014

One more example to contribute to overall distrust of the County’s court system, law enforcement, the State with its deplorable conduct in taking over our school system with an air tight clamp on transparency, and our County Commission. No wonder we are known as Crooked County. What can’t be done is to shut down the social media to continue with cover up. Let us hope that the feds and others in legitimate law enforcement will find something to stick to help break our chains of bondage.

Comment by Explorer  on  05.27.2014

63 young people graduated the other night.  Instead of trying to train and promote a future for any of them the hogs go to the trough again.

Comment by One Ticked Off Voter  on  05.27.2014

Before you run off – any comments on the Willard Cottrill murder and estate theft mess?  There has been no comment or communication since this was last on the agenda.

Comment by Greener pastures  on  05.27.2014

WHAT happened to all those computers from Gilmer County High School that ended up in the trunk of the technology worker’s car who ran for the office?!  Did those computers just go off the books? Step-by-Step on the Campaign Trail with former county clerk and the DOG FACE WOMAN must have been a stanky stank of a trail, and y’all should watch what you step in out there. We don’t need the same BAD people elected over and over and over again. Please GOD take us out of this GILMER COUNTY NIGHTMARE!!!!!!! Let us wake up to a county with NEW PEOPLE and please god please send that dog face woman a chasin some cats somewhere.

Comment by Truth Seeker  on  05.27.2014

Do I understand this right?
Rita Kight –  who was voted out when Brian Kennedy ran, and just lost in the primary, will be handed Ramsey’s final two years, when he quits?

If that is the case, it really tells our community what we have elected to the commission?
Commissioners who have no intention of carrying out any of the wishes of the voters!

Please don’t insult the memory of Curly Larry and Moe.  These commissioners don’t even come close.

Comment by correct me please  on  05.27.2014

Can anyone tell how many tax dollars go into that black hole?
Yes we have, and have had a lot of great volunteers over many years.  Yes, lots of memories for we who grew here as well.
But it comes to management.  Do not think the commissioners ever had good management over the place.  Not talking about the volunteer board or the person who has ever been hired as director.
Talking about the commissioners only.  They are the three responsible for whatever happens at that Rec Center.  They appoint the board and the board carries out their wishes.
The Commissioners are hooked to that Rec Center like Siamese twins!
The Commissioners giving the job to one of their own tells the whole story of the crooked county crooks?  yes?
Which will be followed by their appointing some go-along crony to replace Ramsey?
Ramsey was elected for SIX years and is going to do the democrat cut and run that West Virginia has become known for now?

Comment by Will He Answer??  on  05.27.2014

It is very simple: Mr. Ramsey should have quit before interviewing for the job. What has happen here is illegal and unethical.

Comment by jessie  on  05.27.2014

I hear the commissioners are thinking about young bill stalnaker to fill darrell’s seat! why him? Is he part of the ring too? with all the issues at the courthouse he will be making a very bad political move.

Comment by just an advice  on  05.27.2014

Ramsey is recommending johnnie ishenart to fill his seat. Doesn’t johonnie already have two full-time job? how could a person having full time jobs wanting another job? I know the answer, money. but do we need to give our tax money to people in such criteria when someone else who does not have multiple jobs can do a better job as a commissioner?
if the answer is no, then why not give it to the lady who works full time for schools and then college as well as ambulance service and office of emergency services. she may still have a little time left from the 8 hour day to attend the commission meetings. folks this madness needs to end. we are tired of it. there are rules for government jobs as well as criteria, in addition to responsibilities to people who pay taxes for their payrolls.

Comment by shocked  on  05.27.2014

Some of the candidates mentioned in Ramsey’s response do not have jobs. Are you telling me none of these candidates qualified for the job except the one who already has a full time job asking for another full time job while he is a commissioner, who overseas and responsible for rec center? It just does not make sense. It is obvious Ramsey went for more money, but why Chapman and Kennedy approve of it? Since the commissioners have to approve the rec center director and if they do they must want to get rid of Ramsey real bad. if so then why not give the job to those who really need it, Ramsey cannot be full time bus driver, full time at rec center and do his grass cutting business and all the other ventures he is into. More power to him for wanting to make more money. But he already has a full time job paid by tax payers. He should not have another full time job paid by tax payers. This is double dipping and not kosher. It is not too late to make this right. I trust Kennedy and Chapman do just that. Why try to do something which is not right, has not set well with the people? I am sure many people have questioned them about this sudden secret surprise. Neither one of you should approve of this appointment. Ramsey is just simply jumping to greener($$$) side of the fence. That is just it. It is shameful. He gave many promises to people to get elected and I feel whether he likes it or not he should finish his term and fulfill his responsibility to people.

Comment by greedy  on  05.27.2014

Think about the salary of a commissioner then think about how long they sit in session on there meeting days.  Most days they are gone before noon. Pretty good chunk of money for two days a month.  I might add they just received a pay raise.  Bet you ask any employee working there and you’ll find out they recieved no pay raise.  I suspect the replacement will be someone who can play ball with the good old boy’s club, don’t you think?  Time will tell.

Comment by candace V  on  05.27.2014

The actions by the duo of Chapman and Kennedy are as in your face as it can get. THEY control Gilmer County for the benefit of those with connections. Is that what is best for Gilmer County? Not if you take a close look at what’s happening.

Ramsey’s abandonment of his post says more about the situation in this county than the simple explanation of he did it for the money. We were warned what would happen if a once beaten Larry Chapman was reelected. It didn’t take a crystal ball to predict what would occur with the dynamic duo of Chapman and Kennedy in charge.

That’s all folks. No matter if you think you’re one of the beneficiaries of the elite’s handouts or you recognize you’ll never get a break, you are all on a sinking ship.

Comment by Amazing!  on  05.28.2014

Isn’t it illegal to give a position a pay raise, apply for that position and then hire yourself?? The commission is the governing body of all the boards, including the Rec center. Considering all of this was done before the resignation of Ramsey, I would say it was very illegal. The Commission has opened the door for every other applicant that applied for that position to sue the County!! It’s time to stop complaining and put them in their place!!

Comment by wake up!!  on  05.28.2014

This plan for Ramsey was in the works well before the primary.
Likely getting RK set for the job.
It was common rumor at the college and court house for a long time.

Comment by We Know  on  05.28.2014

Will not matter much who Commission appoints unless its the executive committees choice. That’s who puts the candidates on the ballot about August to finish that two year term. Experience tells us the fix is in.

Comment by Any Bets?  on  05.29.2014

Its about TIME its about SPACE it about the third of June 2014 in a REAL CROOKED PLACE…


The contents of this third of June Article produced by the Central West Virginia Secret Seven Coalition and the Council of Concerned Citizens and out of state property owners hold copyright on all material published in this RGW article dated June 3, 2014

The contents of this third of June Article produced by the Central West Virginia Secret Seven Coalition and the Council of Concerned Citizens  also hold copyright on all material published in this RGW article dated June 3, 2014 except for the material that is the copyright of the Gilmer Free Press. This has been  a CalPatty Press  Publication for Revenge  of the Ghost Wolf

Please write to secretsevencoalition@gmail.com to share misconduct along with illegal actions by Gilmer County Public officials that you feel you cannot hide any longer.  They don’t CALL this place CROOKED COUNTY for nothing. Enjoy the Folk Festival. And better to warn any out of town folk you may invite, and tell them about what happened  to Fred Hill for some locals don’t take too kindly to outsiders.


Every third of June 2 out of 3 kick ass little babies that do TV COMMERCIALS read Revenge of the Ghost Wolf for the interesting and informative articles!!

Every third of June 2 out of 3 kick ass little babies that do TV COMMERCIALS read Revenge of the Ghost Wolf for the interesting and informative articles!!

There’s danger out tonight..the man is on the prowl
Get the dynamite…the boys are set to howl
Lonely is the night when you hear the Ghost Wolf call
Are you ready for a fight–do you wanna take it all

Slowdown, showdown–waitin’ on line
Showtime, no time for changin’ your mind
Streets are ringin’, march to the sound
Let your secrets follow you down
Now Blood is dripping from your Crooked County Crown

"...Lonely is the night when you hear the Ghost Wolf call!"

“…Lonely is the night when you hear the Ghost Wolf call!”

“As promised Secrets from the Calhoun Lagoon of Conspiracy are revealed in this RGW article!”

For years many people wondered why Shelly Morris DeMarino suddenly gave up her job as the Calhoun County Prosecuting Attorney and went into private practice, a move Gerald B Hough should learn soon if he wants to save his law career given the wrongdoing that may be revealed during all the Cottrill Estate Court proceedings that are starting up full steam ahead as of March 5th at 9am in the Gilmer County Circuit Courtroom of Judge Alsop.

Shelly Morris DeMarino on the left and about 50 pounds heavier than she has ever been in her life for all of the stress. Shelly is a slimmed down sexy Church of Ike ette now, and most likely hates this photo. We like it because this is where the special deal Shelly put together for Todd Smith failed in court, back on the sixth of April 2010. Todd was going to walk on drug charges if he signed a "Snitch" agreement to give up information on whoever Shelly needed info on, but a Calhoun County Judge said, "NO WAY for the reason Christopher Todd Smith had a 20 year extensive criminal history in the county and that deal was never going to go down in Calhoun County.  Things started to fall apart for both Shelly DeMarino and "Hot Toddy Smith" soon after this photo was published the day following the court proceeding. Shelly resigned and Hot Toddy found himself in front of JUDGE ALSOP who was specially assigned when two 4th district circuit court judges refused to hear the drug case against Smith for the reason of having Hot Toddy before them in court on other matters over the years, so they chose to recuse themselves and safe themselves the ridicule that could with PRESS COVERAGE of such a high profile drug case in which Christopher Todd Smith eventually did one to three years in prison for and found himself in PC In Central Regional Jail for a long time making the jail guards work just a little harder for their money with his writing of letters and questionable jail house communications and threats issued for the Central Regional Jail facility. Some of those letters speaking about ARSON and Crooks from Crooked County are published on the pages of this website ... Revenge of the Ghost Wolf!

Shelly Morris DeMarino on the left and about 50 pounds heavier than she has ever been in her life for all of the stress. Shelly is a slimmed down sexy Church of Ike ette now, and most likely hates this photo. We like it because this is where the special deal Shelly put together for Todd Smith failed in court, back on the sixth of April 2010. Todd was going to walk on drug charges if he signed a “Snitch” agreement to give up information on whoever Shelly needed info on, but a Calhoun County Judge said, “NO WAY” for the reason Christopher Todd Smith had a 20 year extensive criminal history in the county — And that deal was never going to go down in Calhoun County. Things started to fall apart for both Shelly DeMarino and “Hot Toddy Smith” soon after this photo was published the day following the court proceeding. Shelly resigned and Hot Toddy found himself in front of JUDGE ALSOP who was specially assigned when two 4th district circuit court judges refused to hear the drug case against Smith for the reason of having Hot Toddy before them in court on other matters over the years, so they chose to recuse themselves and save themselves the ridicule that could come with PRESS COVERAGE of such a high profile drug case in which Christopher Todd Smith eventually did one to three years in prison for — and found himself in PC In Central Regional Jail for a long time making the jail guards work just a little harder for their money with his writing of letters and questionable jail house communications and threats issued from the Central Regional Jail facility. Some of those letters speaking about ARSON and Crooks from Crooked County are published on the pages of this website … Revenge of the Ghost Wolf!

“The Calhoun County Prosecuting attorney, asked me to work with an investigation to clean up the misconduct at the Calhoun Detachment, I did just that,”  said John Manis Richards also known as the LONE METH RANGER!

“That Calhoun Prosecuting Attorney Mrs. Shelly Morris DeMarino was set to blow the lid off a State Police Ring of Corruption but as you know, the good ole boy system within the WV State Police made threats, Mrs. DeMarino gave her resignation to the County Commission stating she has irreparable differences with the WVSP!”

“But, before that, I came across Video Evidence of another Prosecuting Attorney same county (Mr. Matt Minney) conspiring with Trooper Hunt and Trooper Campbell… let’s just say the Video came into my possession, where a hidden video camera was placed where Minney and the Officers were caught conspiring to mislead the Court about evidence issues. Mr. Minney later also resigned, sold his Calhoun House and moved to Charleston!”

Secret Seven Coalition members back in the early days were certainly active with all the corrupt cops in Calhoun County, The order of the day was stay well armed and keep plenty of ammo on hand...

Secret Seven Coalition members back in the early days were certainly active with all the corrupt cops in Calhoun County, The order of the day was stay well armed and keep plenty of ammo on hand…

John Richards secret arrangement with Shelly Morris DeMarino takes us back to the early days of the Secret Seven Coalition members — which were certainly active — with all the corrupt cops in Calhoun County back then.  The order of the day was stay well armed and keep plenty of ammo on hand…

Nothing much has changed since those days except most all of the bad cops are gone from Calhoun County!!Former Chief Deputy of the Calhoun County Sheriffs office, Sgt Bandy was ruined by his Court Case, where he was charged with seven felony charges and one misdemeanor, that is until a Special Prosecutor with a daughter that likes to pull her panties to the side — Gerald B Hough — came along and let him off like Carly used to let the TKE FRAT boys off up at that lazy crazy Glenville State College.


Grantsville Police Chief Ron Gordon is shown in this photo wearing Central Regional Jail orange. TEAM RANGERS under the leadership John Manis Richards (The Lone Meth Ranger) and the Calhoun County SS contacted 14 victims of sexual assault, some while under home confinement and most all subject to drug testing. Drug testing was sometimes overlooked in exchange for sexual favors. In one instance a mother and a daughter were both sexually assaulted. Out of the 14 contacted 3 came forward to testify against Ron Gordon.

Grantsville Police Chief Ron Gordon is shown in this photo wearing Central Regional Jail orange. TEAM RANGERS under the leadership of John Manis Richards (The Lone Meth Ranger) and the Calhoun County SS contacted 14 victims of sexual assault, some while under home confinement and most all subject to drug testing. Drug testing was sometimes overlooked in exchange for sexual favors. In one instance a mother and a daughter were both sexually assaulted. Out of the 14 contacted 3 came forward to testify against Ron Gordon.

The Police Chief Ron Gordon of Grantsville – the county seat of Calhoun County – went to prison for sexual assaults while using his badge to blackmail women into sex back in those early days of the newly formed Secret Seven Coalition. Then, there was Sgt Shane Dellinger who was prosecuted for crimes while on duty as a police officer in Grantsville. And then, one could never forget Sgt CJ Ellyson, an alleged best friend of Gerry Hough — And a West Virginia State Trooper in Grantsville who was given the boot for stealing all the evidence, money, drugs and guns from the State Police lockup.

JD Nicholson the next Grantsville Police Chief that replaced Gordon was later beaten by a man with a baseball bat, while another man with a baseball bat stood lookout-JD was beaten severely about the head and shoulders and died two weeks later from injuries. While JD was in the hospital it was determined he was addicted to pills. The men that attacked him in broad daylight with several witnesses present were never held accountable for the beating that led to the death. But it was said that JD Nicholson was a bed hopper and pill popper just like Kelli Nicole Stamper Lawson aka Lunacy Lucy and HOT TODDY “Roddy” RIDER for the Fire Starting CULT of Calhoun County.

“Damn those were the days my friend, we thought they would never end!”

Kelli Nicole Stamper Lawson, "Pill Popper and Bed Hopper" from the good old days of Calhoun County when Lisa MInney was a reporter for the Chronicle and everybody read the "HOT" internet websites like Crooked County Crooks, the CalPatty Press and the Lone Meth Ranger ... just to name a few!

Kelli Nicole Stamper Lawson, “Pill Popper and Bed Hopper” from the good old days of Calhoun County when Lisa MInney was a reporter for the Chronicle and everybody read the “HOT” internet websites like Crooked County Crooks, the CalPatty Press and the Lone Meth Ranger … just to name a few!

During a secret communication with the leader of the Secret Seven Coalition John Manis Richards, better known to Calhoun County as the LONE METH RANGER left this very simple and direct message…

“Be talking to you soon. My case is simple but dealing with Crooks again!”

“As many know I stand accused of an alleged State Police Break-in at Harrisville on October 30 and 31, 2012… I have no involvement, but the guy (William Willis Estep II) who did commit the crime is lying to save himself for a crime he committed himself… for a low plea for probation in the case…”

John Manis Richards in a recent photo with his children. John just filed a complaint with the Judicial Investigation Commission in regard to the misconduct of Circuit Court Judge Timothy L Sweeney.

John Manis Richards in a recent photo with his children. John just filed a complaint with the Judicial Investigation Commission in regard to the misconduct of Circuit Court Judge Timothy L Sweeney.

Mr. Estep lived in one of our Rental Apartments and Bartered for his rent by performing work around our rental property and paid $400 per month… Mr. Estep is also the Brother of my children’s Mother.

Me and my Father have 11 rental units in all and I run all aspects of the Rental Business!”

Mr. Estep had the run of our property and the use of my father’s Chevy Truck for business proposes. This was the Truck (photo below)Mr. Estep used in the crime without mine or my father’s knowledge. Mr. Estep driver’s license was suspended for unpaid court costs, and his car had very loud exhaust and no insurance. He was also pulled over several times by the police just before the State Police break-in. These were the main reasons Mr. Estep stole my father’s truck. So then,  he robbed the State Police drug locker to support his and his girlfriend and her mother’s drug habits.

I had given Mr. Estep an eviction notice on November 11, 2012 for poor work performance and not getting along with other renters; as well Kim Jacobs had threatened another lady renter. Three days later Police got a search warrant for my apartment on November 14, 2012 and kicked my front door in without knocking or announcing who they were. Once inside police order me to the floor, then a cop outside yelled “Police we have a search warrant”. I was on the phone just three feet from the door that was kicked in. I was talking with my children’s mother who was in the Regional Jail where all phone conversations are recorded. I have been trying to get attorney Sinkkanen to obtain the Jail phone conversations for over a year to no avail.

(Again, I felt my attorney  Sinkkanen was trying to cover-up the State Police Corruption in the Case and got rid of her.)

I did find some stills of William W. Estep where he hid some drugs while being caught on video And this is the same night he was escorted into the laundry room by police to question him. The audio portion of the Video Clips are intentionally being withheld due to the pending case and the misconduct complaint against a circuit court judge file with the office of the JIC.

I did find some stills of William W. Estep where he hid some drugs while being caught on video And this is the same night he was escorted into the laundry room by police to question him. The audio portion of the Video Clips are intentionally being withheld due to the pending case and the misconduct complaint against a circuit court judge filed with the office of the JIC.

Anyway, police in their search warrant alleged they wanted to search Mr. Estep’s apartment and when they kicked in my door, they asked for Mr. Estep, I told police he did not live here. Police told me they got reports that Mr. Estep lived at 820 Apt. # 1 Williams Hwy. Yes he does, but this was the address of 820 not 820 Apt # 1. All doors are clearly marked The search warrant even said Mr. Estep’s apartment was confirmed by Kim Jacobs and another Police officer that John Richards lives at the front of the Building in 820 and Mr. Estep lives at 820 Apt. # 1 which the search warrant states is located around back at the rear of the build. Neither apartment has access to the other.

“Being used as evidence is a photo of Estep with State Trooper in laundry facility where SP coerced and made threats to Estep to and promised him a low bond if he said me and Dave helped him and his bond was set at $15,000 where a bondsman who sucks cop dick charged his girlfriend $500 and let her make payments on the other $850 and me and Dave’s bond were set at $100,000 each!”

“One photo being used as evidence clearly shows William Estep hiding drugs in a private laundry facility next to his apartment. This video was captured on November 4, 2012 just 4 days after the SP B&E. I went into the laundry room the next day and found under the furnace in the laundry room where Estep had hidden the drugs and took photos. Also note Estep is wearing a sling on his arm in this photo as he said in his police statement he re-injured his shoulder while ramming his shoulder into the evidence room door. If he would have had help like he is trying to claim he would not have needed to use his shoulder!”

jiccomplaint(For those that seek further info as to the complaint mentioned in this above document please click the green link below to get the full story on the Gilmer Free Press)


Once the police enter my apartment and found out Mr. Estep lived in the rear of the build in an apartment… one of the cops said oh, whoops… the police went around back where Mr. Estep was trying to run out but was caught by police. Police searched my apartment and found nothing nothing nothing…. However, police searched Mr. Estep’s apartment and found drugs, drug use devices, he had the shoes he wore the night of the B&E on his feet and police found crowbars under his couch. Police also found a large amount of cigarettes that Estep also claimed me and Dave Wine also helped him steal from a store in Ritchie Co. Please understand that Mr. Estep is not Rat-ing on me and Dave Wine, but rather Mr. Estep is simply doing what the police suggested and that is to put the blame on me and Mr. Wine. Another reason is Dave Wine was the person who was going to move into Mr. Estep’s apartment and work for me and my father once Estep was evicted. Dave Wine is a solid person and a good friend of mine, and I am sure he was not involved in the B&E. Dave nor I gave a statement to police.

Truck Estep stole from the father of the Lone Meth Ranger John Manis Richards and used to drive to Harrisville and commit the State Police  Breaking & Entering.

Truck Estep stole from the father of the Lone Meth Ranger John Manis Richards and used to drive to Harrisville and commit the State Police Breaking & Entering.

Mr. Estep’s girlfriend and her mother lived with him and they were both heavy drug users as well as Mr. Estep.
Apparently after the crime they were all strung out on drugs, and Mr. Estep kicked his girlfriend’s mother out. In turn she went back to Charleston where she sobered up and became mad and called the State Police and told them that she has information of who did the B&E on the State Police in Harrisville. Her name is Kim Jacobs and she told State Police that her Daughter and her Boyfriend William “Billy” Estep did the B&E. His girlfriends name is Brandy Jacobs.

Both of these ladies gave Statements to State Police and both said on the night of the B&E Billy said he was going to work… However, neither lady said they never saw Billy leave with anyone or comeback with anyone. However, they did make statement that Billy came back about 3:30 a.m. with a lot of drugs. Kim Jacobs said she did not do drugs, but further gave statements that Billy put Meth in foil shaped like a “w” and smoke it through a straw… Kim further stated Billy put more Meth in a light bulb and smoked it… The State Trooper taking the Statement asked Kim how she knew it was Meth… Kim said because Billy told her it was Meth…

(That’s right Kim was smoking it too)
Just two (2) days after the B&E I had to report to my regular (first Friday of each month) meeting with my probation officer who is from Clay County due to Gilmer County’s probation officer Tara Kennedy pulling herself off the case a few years ago.

In Book one Revenge of the Ghost Wolf John Richards is featured as the Ranger ... "Lisianna turned to thank the man that helped them, and then suddenly felt that maybe she had seen that face before! Could it be? The mans picture had made the paper many times, and then she had to laugh a little to herself, after remembering an arrest mug shot, that was in the paper too. In the picture he was smiling. Although they had never met in person, Lisianna couldn’t help but feel like she almost knew this man, so also couldn’t help but smile a little. She shook his hand…he took it, but then gave her a little hug. Lisianna knew in her heart that the hug was certainly more proper under the circumstances. This was no time to be formal as every hour and every day could be their last. Lil Lissi stepped back a step or two, then moved toward that smiling familiar face, looking the man square in the eye and said, “Well at last…the famous JR, the mighty Ranger himself!” His face lit up like it was Christmas for a six year old. “I’ve waited a long time for this day, but hurry there is no time to waste, we need to make the camp before dawn,” exclaimed the Ranger.

In Book one Revenge of the Ghost Wolf John Richards is featured as the Ranger “Lisianna turned to thank the man that helped them, and then
suddenly felt that maybe she had seen that face before! Could it be?
The mans picture had made the paper many times, and then she
had to laugh a little to herself, after remembering an arrest mug shot,
that was in the paper too. In the picture he was smiling. Although they
had never met in person, Lisianna couldn’t help but feel like she almost
knew this man, so also couldn’t help but smile a little.
She shook his hand…he took it, but then gave her a little hug.
Lisianna knew in her heart that the hug was certainly more proper
under the circumstances. This was no time to be formal as every hour
and every day could be their last.
Lil Lissi stepped back a step or two, then moved toward that smiling
familiar face, looking the man square in the eye and said, “Well at
last…the famous JR, the mighty Ranger himself!” His face lit up like
it was Christmas for a six year old.
“I’ve waited a long time for this day, but hurry there is no time to
waste, we need to make the camp before dawn,” exclaimed the


“There is also video evidence from our rental property that shows police questioning Mr. Estep and getting right up in his face nose to nose… and the video does not jive with their report of when they allegedly read him his Miranda Warning and it sure appears he was in custody as Mr. Estep was in the room with two or three troopers all the time and he never left the room to smoke or pee for over 2 ½ hours and when he left two officers had their hands on Mr. Estep. Also have video of me and my Daughter leaving my home at around 8:15 p.m. in my car on the night of the B&E and other Video of me my Daughter and Dave Wine working in a shop adjacent to my home from around 8:30 p.m. on Oct. 30, 2012 till 1:35 a.m. on Oct. 31, 2012. Of course my daughter was in a friend’s apt. beside the shop most of the evening, and my Dads truck left my home around 15 minutes after we left in the car… but it was parked in such a way you can’t see who was driving the truck!”

John Manis Richards had to be in Ritchie County Court at 9:30 a.m. with his new attorney, John M. Butler Thursday February 20th 2014. We will have more on this case of the Lone Meth Ranger still fighting corruption in 2014 as the story unfolds…
John Says …
“The Crooks are mad at me so I look for a motion to revoke my $125,000 bond. Steven Jones tried to revoke the bond before, by claiming I had committed additional crimes since my release on bond in Ritchie County on State Police charges. Bogus statements were made by Steve Jones and documented!”
Steve Jones sounds like he could be related to Crooked County Prosecutor Gerald B Hough down by the Crooked River where there is Danger out tonight!

…The SS man is on the prowl
Get the dynamite…the boys are set to howl


“Lonely is the night when you hear the Ghost Wolf call!”

Are you ready for a fight–do you wanna take it all

Slowdown, showdown–waitin’ on line
Showtime, no time for changin’ your mind
Streets are ringin’, march to the sound
Let your secrets follow you down
Now Blood is dripping from your Crooked County Crown