By Editor Edison – CalPatty Press Editor and Secret Seven Coalition reporter for Central West Virginia/Winnie the Jew- Ghost Wolf Reporter from Charleston for the Secret Seven Coalition

Glenville West Virginia leads the state in unsolved rapes at Glenville State College — And is also the frequent home of what many consider to be the most corrupt judge in Central West Virginia, JUDGE RICHARD A FACEMIRE a 14th district circuit court judge that has been reversed by the SUPREME COURT more times than I care to mention — And a judge that has been caught in outright lies, denying to the Judicial Investigation Commission statements he made in court!

Glenville is also home to the most corrupt prosecutor in the entire state of West Virginia, and that is Gerald B Hough, a FERPA VIOLATOR and a man who has refused to bring rape cases forward, much to the disappointment of countless rape victims in Gilmer County!!

Phil Reale really stuck his foot in his mouth when he issued a public statement that had not one word of truth in it, besides the remark regarding the location of the prostitute that turned out to be a police woman, so Phil from Glenville, West Virginia located in the very corrupt county known as Gilmer was caught with his mouth open and his pants down last July 11th when he got caught and busted soliciting a prostitute. Phil tried the old "I am gonna KILL MYSELF," trick and damn if didn't work for him! Crook is a member of the Church of IKE and an original CROOK from CROOKED COUNTY that lives down by the Crooked River!!

Phil Reale really stuck his foot in his mouth when he issued a public statement that had not one word of truth in it, besides the remark regarding the location of the prostitute that turned out to be a police woman. So Phil from Glenville, West Virginia (located in the very corrupt county known as Gilmer) was caught with his mouth open and his pants down last July 11th when he got caught and busted soliciting a prostitute. Phil tried the old “I am gonna KILL MYSELF,” trick and damn if it didn’t work for him! Reale is a member of the Church of IKE and an original CROOK from CROOKED COUNTY that lives down by the Crooked River!!

Another corrupt member of the Glenville Community a powerful legislative lobbyist has emerged from a July prostitution sting in Charleston, that also makes Gilmer County his home and that is Phillip Reale, who has been an employee and close associate of Ike Morris, Lord of the Church of IKE,  since the beginning of time around here.

Charleston Mayor Danny Jones held a hastily-called press conference at City Hall not long ago in an attempt to explain how news of Philip A. Reale’s arrest on solicitation of prostitution charges escaped public notice for more than two months. Now this is a whopper of a story, and you know if we are covering the matter in the RGW it is true, but news most public officials would NOT want you to know much about it.

Our very own PHIL REALE has a sister named Susan Chapman(in this photo) who was married to Larry Chapman Crooked County Commissioner because the Crooks from Crooked County that live down by the Crooked River have to keep all that shit where the elite meet. Susan we had to lay off on for personal reasons. I am responsible for taking that action. Truly I have to think, what is she really guilty of anyway? …having too much fun with her own exclusive group? Well hell back in the day, when I ran with an exclusive group that called Hollywood their home and back when I lived on a ranch in Santa Barbara, well I too was just as guilty of anything that we gathered evidence about involving Susan Chapman. So, in actuality I would have to be a complete dick to report about any goings on that could be considered entertaining risky business, when I myself, have been every bit as guilty as she has in the past. I learned that some behavior and choices carry a high price. I think she has learned that lesson. So no more talking about Susan Chapman. But we are going to talk about how Susan’s brother Phil who is a LOT older dude than I am, who offered an undercover police chick sixty bucks for SEX! Yikes! SIXTY BUCKS? Jesus in real life that is like paying someone sixty dollars to give you the clap or HIV or something. Mr. Weenie would really hate like hell to bring home some awful STD to a beautiful wife, but Mr Weenie does all of Phil Reale’s thinking for him and that is what our story is all about. Damn Phil what the HELL could you have been thinking? We could have forgiven you if you got caught with a $300 hooker, or even $500 whore!

Our very own PHIL REALE has a sister named Susan Chapman(in this photo) who was married to Larry Chapman Crooked County Commissioner because the Crooks from Crooked County that live down by the Crooked River have to keep all that shit where the elite meet.
Susan we had to lay off on for personal reasons. I am responsible for taking that action.
Truly I have to think, what is she really guilty of anyway? …having too much fun with her own exclusive group? Well hell back in the day, when I ran with an exclusive group that called Hollywood their home and back when I lived on a ranch in Santa Barbara, well I too was just as guilty of anything that we gathered evidence about involving Susan Chapman.
So, in actuality I would have to be a complete dick to report about any goings on that could be considered entertaining risky business, when I myself, have been every bit as guilty as she has in the past.
I learned that some behavior and choices carry a high price. I think she has learned that lesson. So no more talking about Susan Chapman. But we are going to talk about how Susan’s brother Phil who is a LOT older dude than I am, that offered an undercover police chick sixty bucks for SEX! Yikes!
SIXTY BUCKS? Jesus in real life that is like paying someone sixty dollars to give you the clap or HIV or something Mr. Weenie would really hate like hell to bring home to a beautiful wife, but Mr Weenie does all of Phil Reale’s thinking for him — And that is what our story is all about.
Damn Phil what the HELL could you have been thinking?
We could have forgiven you if you got caught with a $300 hooker, or even $500 whore!

Reale, former Governor Gaston Caperton’s Chief of Staff and former State Democrat Chairman, has some of the biggest organizations involved in legislative lobbying as his clients. Included in the list is the West Virginia Press Association. Reale also represents the Beer Wholesalers, the Clay Center, Health Management Systems, Inc., Humana, the International Oil and Gas Association, Visa USA, Wells Fargo Insurance Services, the West Virginia Kennel Owners Association and numerous smaller groups.
Mayor Jones said he was particularly upset that Reale chose to visit the Charleston Daily Mail offices when the newspaper called to ask him about the arrest. Reale, accompanied by public relations specialist George Manahan, told the Daily Mail he was on his way to Berry Hills County Club when he encountered the female involved in the arrest. The charge was a part of a prostitution sting conducted by the Charleston Police Department and other agencies.
The police department issued a press release on July 12 regarding the sting and listed five individuals as being charged. They did not include Reale’s name.
At the time, Sergeant Bobby Eggleton was commander of the Special Enforcement Unit with the CPD. His unit conducted the sting and Eggleton told reporters he intentionally left Reale’s name off the release.

“How nice of Eggleton of the SPECIAL Enforcement Unit, to provide special services to Reale, sparing him the shame of solicitation. Too bad everyone is not entitled to this special treatment, which is reserved for the wealthy!”

Jones pointed out that, while Reale said he was going to Berry Hills Country Club on Edgewood Hill, he was actually on the other side of Washington Street. “He turned onto Beatrice Street, which is a dead end, after encountering the alleged prostitute,” said the Mayor. “If he was headed to Berry Hills, he was sure taking the scenic route to get there.”
Eggleton told reporters he consulted with City Attorney Paul Ellis before deciding not to list Reale in the press release. He said both he and Ellis decided Reale was distraught and suicidal and no purpose would be served in listing him. He said Reale told the city officials he was undergoing “treatment for a problem.”
It’s not the innocence or guilt of this as much as it is the adverse public notoriety that goes with it,” Reale told the Daily Mail.
Reale maintained in a written statement that “My first inclination was that she needed assistance,” in reference to the alleged prostitute. “When she approached my car, I was shocked to learn that she was a prostitute. I immediately declined her offer, but made a nervous, flippant response.”
(click green link below to read statement by Phil Reale)
The only thing truthful in the first paragraph of the statement by Phil Reale is that he noticed a woman at the corner of Beatrice and Washington, and then Phil just leaves out the part where he offers the chick $60 to suck his Gilmer County dick!
Now how much do you want to bet the cops have the whole thing on tape, and of course dude had to make the deal for sex or there could have been no grounds for arrest. The officer in the sting said he asked for sex, and then, they agreed on a price of sixty dollars.

Phil Reale from Glenville(in photo above) was looking to pick himself up a BAD GIRL as an earlier article of Revenge of the Ghost Wolf mentioned as far back as May of 2012, making reference that hiring whores for the people in the independent OIL and GAS business was part of his job, but that BAD GIRL PHIL tried to get in Charleston turned out to be a cop and Phil Reale used his influence to keep it out of the press until the mayor of Charleston found out about it and Danny put and end to the coverup, just as quickly as him and Big Joe Manchin put and end to the hit MTV show BuckWild that was loved by West Virginia people all around the state. Phil Reale was ready to BuckWild last summer and so was Mr. Weenie, and Donna's Summers song about bad girls below really sings the dude that Phil was trying to sing that sordid even when he got BUSTED like a BUTCHER BITCH!! HOO YA!!!

Phil Reale from Glenville(in photo above) was looking to pick himself up a BAD GIRL — as an earlier article of Revenge of the Ghost Wolf mentioned as far back as February of 2012– we made reference that hiring whores for the people in the independent OIL and GAS business was part of his job! However that BAD GIRL GLAD GIRL PHIL tried to get in Charleston turned out to be a cop and Phil Reale used his influence to keep it out of the press until the mayor of Charleston found out about it!  Danny put an end to the coverup, just as quickly as his effort with Big Joe Manchin put and end to the hit MTV show BuckWild! Shain Gandee and BuckWild was a show loved by West Virginia people all around the state. Phil Reale was ready to get  BuckWild with a prostitute and so was Mr. Weenie, but bitch was a COP– She turned out to be a KILLER QUEEN and her badge remained unseen .. that is until court. Phil was trying to sing the song Freddy Mercury does for QUEEN below on that sordid evening in Charleston when he got BUSTED like a BUTCHER BITCH!! HOO YA!!!

But SHE WAS A COP, she was a KILLER QUEEN, and her badge remained unseen… that is until COURT… is the line that tells the whole story about a Crook from Crooked County that just could not cover this one up for long!!

Phil Reale, a lobbyist for the West Virginia PRESS ASSOCIATION ,was BUSTED on the  solicitation charge. The arrest was part of a prostitution sting conducted by Charleston Police and other agencies. So far, we heard charges were going to be refiled and brought against him, but West Virginia is a very corrupt state and they may wait until all the hoop la dies down and then hope it all goes away. If they try that bullshit again we will be on their asses like flys on shit! For that is what we do at Revenge of the Ghost Wolf and we have been wanting this dumb bitches ASS for sometime, and just like our dogs, once we catch our prey, I doubt we will ever let it go.

Fuck you Phillip Reale call for Phillip Morris you dumb ass! That is the only call we will give you, for we know what a fake fuck you are and we are gonna let the rest of the world know too!

Five were arrested in the sting, according to a July 12 press release issued by the Charleston Police Department.

Their names were included in the release. Reale’s was not.

At the time, Sgt. Bobby Eggleton was the commander of the Special Enforcement Unit within the Charleston Police Department. His unit conducted the sting.

Eggleton said he intentionally left Reale’s name off the press release.

“If it happened again tomorrow, I can’t say I wouldn’t do the same thing on him or anybody else I thought was suicidal,” Eggleton said in a phone interview.

What a BULLSHIT story that ALL is told by Eggleton, what an idiot!!

He said in his 20 years as a police officer he’d never seen anyone so distraught over an alleged misdemeanor. He considered calling for paramedics, but did not. Eggleton said Reale thanked him for “Talking me off the ledge.”

That whole act Phil put on was just an act !

Hey PHIL you BITCH … you are a bad actor like the bitcher of the Butchers Timothy B Butcher, the B is for BITCH just like YOU!!

“We know you were just trying to hook up with some hottie on the street selling her ASS, for we know your kind, and we know you just wanted that BAD GIRL you thought was in distress to dominate with your money and your power and to make Mr Weenie feel not so alone!”

See that WHORE out on the street in Charleston, walkin’
picking up on a stranger, leading Phil to DANGER!
For $60 bucks you can score!
Phil Reale wants a good time with a whore!

You ask who they are, are they a cop…

For PHIL did ask, but like everybody else she SAID NO, did you want a good BLOW?!  Lets GO!

 SHE WAS A COP, she was a KILLER QUEEN, and her badge remained unseen…

She’s a Killer Queen
Gunpowder, Gelatine
Dynamite with a laser beam
Guaranteed to blow your mind
Recommended at the price
Insatiable an appetite
Wanna try?

An article about prostitution and the famous lobbyist from Glenville "Phil Reale," would not be complete with a photo of the famous "Butcher Bitches," Elizabeth, known as "Lizzy" on the left and "Alexis" on the right in a rare occasion where they were drinking and did not have their tongues down someones mouth, or where they are seen with all of their clothes on. We understand "Lizzy" got to know Phil Reale real well on night late after one of the raucous parties thrown by the "Power Elite" from up on the hill that included all the thrill of the Butcher Bitches Breaking Bad Box Banging and she was just 17, if you know what I mean .... HOO YA!!! Phil you bad boy you banging Butcher Bitches, but then what member of the Power Elite in Glenville hasn't?!

An article about prostitution and the famous lobbyist from Glenville “Phil Reale,” would not be complete without a photo of the famous “Butcher Bitches!” Elizabeth, known as “Lizzy” on the left and “Alexis” pictured here on the right CAUGHT during a rare occasion where they were drinking and did not have their tongues down someones throat, or where they are seen with all of their clothes on. We understand “Lizzy” got to know Phil Reale real well one night late after one of the raucous parties thrown by the “Power Elite” from up on the hill — that included all the thrill of the Box Banging Butcher Bitches Breaking Bad — And “Lizzy” was just 17, if you know what I mean …. HOO YA!!! Phil you are a Butcher Bitches Box Banging Bad Boy! But then what member of the Power Elite in Glenville isn’t?!

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"Listen Mr, go ahead and piss me off, because I don't really give a shit, but Don't Piss off my Dog! That is a real bad idea waitin to happen right there ...and I have to tell ya right now, I think you are starting to piss him off, because I am gettin the feelin .. that a noise he's a makin just under his breath there ... is a givin me the idea that my buddy FANG has bout had it with you Mister - Me and Fang are real close, and I can tell he is a gettin ready to teach somebody a lesson in manners, so better you get on out of here!" Head yourself back down that Crooked River! "Oh yeah, and say hey to Gerry for us, we will be seeing him soon enough, but have to tell ya, this camp is private, and you don't appear to be our kind. READ REVENGE OF THE GHOST WOLF - PICK UP YOUR COPY ON AMAZON DOT COM BEFORE ITS TOO LATE!!

“Listen Mr, go ahead and piss me off, because I don’t really give a shit, but Don’t Piss off my Dog! That is a real bad idea waitin to happen right there …and I have to tell ya right now, I think you are starting to piss him off, because I am gettin the feelin .. that a noise he’s a makin just under his breath there … is a givin me the idea that my buddy FANG has bout had it with you Mister – Me and Fang are real close, and I can tell he is a gettin ready to teach somebody a lesson in manners, so better you get on out of here…but real slow like, don’t make any sudden movements if you want to leave here the same way you came..”” Head yourself back down that Crooked River!” “Oh yeah, and say hey to Gerry for us, we will be seeing him soon enough! But have to tell ya, this camp is private, and you don’t appear to be our kind.”


These are actual money bands that came from thousand stacks from a LOCAL BANK that held the bank account of WIllard Cottrill. This is PROOF the bonded executor of the estate Mike Murphy looted the bank account of the deceased 20 days before he was murdered by Venita Cottrill-Murphy on October the 20th -- with an overdose of morphine and other drugs mixed to form a lethal concoction mixed together -- for the purpose of ending the life of Willard Cottrill 73 years old from Linn, West Virginia.

These are actual money bands that came from thousand stacks from a LOCAL BANK that held the bank account of WIllard Cottrill. This is PROOF the bonded executor of the estate Mike Murphy looted the bank account of the deceased 20 days before he was murdered by Venita Cottrill-Murphy on October the 20th — with an overdose of morphine and other drugs mixed to form a lethal concoction mixed together — for the purpose of ending the life of Willard Cottrill 73 years old from Linn, West Virginia.

Here is an update on the Willard Cottrill estate at issue with the Gilmer County Commission. Research has shown Mike Murphy the executor of the Cottrill estate is bonded for $338,500.00 November 5th 2010 in a document that will be published and the document is signed by one of the biggest Crooks in Crooked County — Beverly Marks — former Gilmer County Clerk of the Commission.

That bond company will have to forfeit the entire amount when evidence is presented to them that Murphy on October 1st liquidated the local bank account of Willard Cottrill for a large amount of money.

An executor has no legal authority before a person’s death, nor can such authority be administered if the funds were withdrawn without permission of the account holder and the bank acknowledges that a current or future executor withdrew funds. The act of withdrawal of funds is considered felony embezzlement.

Mike Murphy took all of the money out of Willard Cottrill’s bank account on October 1st, twenty days before his wife Venita Cottrill-Murphy gave Willard Cottrill a lethal dose of morphine mixed with several other drugs, with the assistance of Freda Cottrill who is the wife to Melvin Cottrill from Gilmer County.

The bond paper will be published soon on the Gilmer Free Press along with proof that Gerald B Hough, the Gilmer County Prosecutor took money in regard to the will of Willard Cottrill from Sally Bozeat the ex-wife of the deceased as early as 2006—- against rules of ethics for taking money for civil cases while acting as a prosecuting attorney.
Deputy Wheeler, I will say may find himself up on charges for not even investigating the overdose death of Willard Cottrill.

Doctor Hillary Miller should have her license to practice medicine pulled for prescribing a lethal dose of morphine over the phone without ever seeing Willard Cottrill as a patient. It is time she is confronted for this heinous act. Within hours of that big big mistake Willard was dead.

Mike Murphy is supposed to protect the assets of the estate, but had already raided a private lock box with over $50,000 in cash in it. Ruth Mitchell was also held at gun point by a Deputy Huffman from the Gilmer County Sheriff’s office.

Facts point that not only is Gerry Hough involved with illegal actions involving principle members of this wrongful death action, but also deputy Wheeler is implicated for not even questioning one of the witnesses, and was recently “Outed” by Larry Gerwig, the Gilmer County Sheriff for conducting NO INVESTIGATION while lying in direct service of an FOIA from the press as to why has there been no investigation into the drug death of Willard Cottrill in three years.

It is obvious to the local CCC that Hough took a bribe and told Wheeler to stand down.

Mike Murphy executor is liable for looting the bank account and having personal items taken from the house within hours of the death, which goes against laws pertaining to be a bonded executor of an estate. Please contact the Gilmer FREE PRESS for further information on the murder of Willard Cottrill.

By Council of Concerned Citizens President 

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