By Free Bird/Reporter – Revenge of the Ghost Wolf website/Rina McCoy – Cosmos Communicator – Editor/ Editor Edison – CalPatty Press Editor

In a recent discussion between lawyers and other interested parties including at least one member of the press, concerning the misconduct of Judge Facemire, Gerald B Hough, Sheriff Metz, the former County Clerk Beverly Marks, and the BOG at GSCCRAZY was the first term used to describe what one person related as a bunch of Psycho Hillbillies from Central West Virginia!

It was then suggested that “Psychobilly 101″ be the next class taught at GSC!

"Psycho Billy" is a term first thought of when the witnesses to the FLAT WOODS MONSTER were presented on national TV in a disturbing light to cover up for the real facts of an unusual event. But, the Gilmer County Public officials truly turned out to be the REAL PSYCHO BILLIES and not the citizens of Central WV

Glenville State College has a lot of good local examples to draw from and a lot of current events related to GSC in the story of Andrae Wright attempting to break into a house off campus. Lenore Marks was the woman surprised by Andrae Wright as he acting in an insane manner tried to force his way into her residence.

Nice lesson on public safety, by Andrae Wright a public safety officer in uniform from Glenville State College where it is OK to rape the white girls if you are a black athlete. Yeah, you can even fuck the high school chicks, like GSC football player Erik Davis did to girls that were friends with Carly Hough who’s dad is the prosecutor of Gilmer County. That was JUST OK with Gerry at the time, in spite of the fact his daughter Carly whores her way through the local fraternity  TKE before they were kicked off campus and had the building torn down. We have even more photo’s to prove it.

Carly Hough the prosecutors daughter  picked up “POLLY”  the 17 year old victim from the rape scene, but Davis still walked on rape charges!

The rapes continued at GSC with NO CONVICTIONS which is a crime supported by an unskilled local prosecutor Gerald B Hough.

“The victim in the LATEST rape case said she was afraid for her life when she was forced to have endless sex for hours with number seven from the Glenville State Football team Gabe Phrophet imported from Washington DC!”

The Brightly shining RAPE spotlight is shining down on GSC for all of the state to see. Glenville State College has had several unsolved and unpunished rapes over the last few years that have been covered up by the BOG and with the help of the local print media news source the Glenville Democrat under the leadership of Dave Corcoran

But, do you think the CRAZY ASS Gilmer County Public Officials are going to do a god damn thing about the Gabe Phrophet rape?

Hell no, they haven’t even scheduled a preliminary hearing!


Quite frankly we are the dumb asses if we let the PSYCHO HILLBILLY RULE apply.

A fraternity at Glenville State College Tau Kappa Epsilon tells some tall tales of Carly Hough that includes box banging and a Butcher Bitches type get together and some say Carly was passed around TKE like a joint!

You would have thought we would have learned something from the Erik Davis rape case, but we didn’t learn a god damn thing except that the local court system was manipulated again, and again Tim Butcher got his way. When you combine this crime with the rape of a local high school girl and the rape of the AJ Woofter estate by Butcher and Butcher a pattern of criminal conduct emerges.

Number 11 OSMUND Brown a black tight end was busy dealing dope and at least getting the help of number 10 Steffan Colon a black QB that was kicked out of a prior college for threatening to beat, rob, and have their way with two women, but Colon was good for the use of his 97 Olds Cutlass when Number 11 the tight end wanted to run and do some dope deals. In fact number 11, Brown was pulled over for speeding and was found with a bag of weed in number 10′s car just 10 days before he got busted like a big dog with a felony amount of WEED in IKE’s Best Western Hotel, where the NEW ELITE MEET!

It comes as no surprise that the media is controlled in WV, but especially in Gilmer County. If not for the FREE PRESS, then the public would never be allowed to know what is really going on, for they certainly would not get any accurate or real information from the Glenville Democrat and Pathfinder.

People are seeking the truth for good reason, but they will never get it from the Democrat or Dave Corcoran, publisher.

Gabe Phrophet mug shot. There was an attempted cover up of this rape from the GET GO that included disinformation about the victim being distributed around the VILLE by employee's of the Glenville Democrat a newspaper that has many times reported false facts and information that is to the detriment of the community!

But, if you do want to sample some truth you might want to head on over to the Gilmer Free Press the news for citizens of Gilmer County.

Politicians in Gilmer County and our state representatives have grown more corrupt, immoral and deceitful and politically corrupted the Justice and Judicial systems locally.

Members of the media like Dave Corcoran that publishes the local print media is often in collaboration with government officials, keeping  the corruption out of the spotlight and counts on the readers to accept whatever information is fed to them as fact without question.

“This PHONY PRESS created by, “Psycho Hillbillies” creates a populace of ignorant and uninformed citizens kept in the dark.”

Force feeding lies on the population like we have witnessed by the Democrat, without public discussion and input only works when people stop asking questions and seeking the truth. Cassandra Huff the former news director rarely made school board meetings or other important local events, and relied on second hand reports to write her story.

Both the current County Commission Clerk and the former County Commission Clerk were charged with misdemeanors for their participation in election fraud, but the felony evidence has already been tampered with, and Gerry Hough is also accused of taking part in election fraud and was present when the criminal acts took place.

Citizens being kept in the dark was always the plan of the Power Elite in Gilmer County and the Secret Seven Coalition formed in 2006 was the first organization to fight the evil and the awful self serving power elite and made a serious attempt to get the real story to the public, especially when the matter included corrupt law enforcement and public officials.  And, then at the beginning of 2008 the Gilmer Free Press a more mainstream news service came on line, just about the time the leader of the SS was jailed on false charges knowingly brought forward by the first string of the PSYCHO BILLY BULLSHITTERS of Gilmer County, which included Judge Facemire, Gerry Hough, David LAME Smith, and a whole cast of other crazies!

A Glenville State College student charged with sexual assault, stemming from a September 2009 incident will not be prosecuted because there is no wish to prosecute rape cases at GSC because of PSYCHO BILLY POLITICS!

“When local politicians or media want to stop discussion on any subject or disagreement with  information they have presented as “Fact” and validate  lies, criminal actions and other misconduct, the first thing they do is label those seeking the truth as “Conspirators”!”  

Cipoletti of ODC recently suppressed evidence that proved Gerry Hough was involved in the felony crime of subornation of perjury! Cipoletti officially stated that the NEW COMPLAINT filed on 24 August 2011 against Gerry Hough was the same complaint that was time barred in 2008. The NEW EVIDENCE did not even exist in 2008 and the tax billings proving Gilmer County guilty for pulling a land title and conspiring to suppress evidence in a criminal case was not available until Oct. of 2010. A federal complaint and possible law action is being readied against Rachael Cipoletti who is believed to have acted unlawfully by out of state experts.

We have seen examples of this recently when IKE MORRIS employed PAT WARD at Waco Oil and Ass, and then employed his wife Leslie Ward to take over the GSC website at the school.

These two were constantly criticizing people that spoke out on the Gilmer Free Press and attacked those that did not agree with the plans of the Power Elite.

That label  “Conspirator,” actually is nothing more than a tool used by those in power in Gilmer County to affirm the reckless, unsubstantiated accusations and personal attacks on the character of those who question their actions or intentions.

The “Conspirator” label has been used to slander individuals and groups for decades, and Pat and Leslie Ward were brought in to perform propaganda skills and attack those who speak out.  Though it has become more difficult with the advent of the Gilmer Free Press, the attacks continue.

The conspiracy label has been used to chastise those who criticize the power mongers who cover up the truth about what really happens on a regular basis.

“A conspiracy is nothing but a secret agreement of a group of men for the pursuance of policies which they dare not mention in public.”

Mark Twain

Two of the most valuable commodities known to man are knowledge and information.  It is said that “Knowledge is power.” It is power to preserve our way of life, our rights and property that we express on the Secret Seven Websites.  It empowers us to gain and maintain wealth, health, and happiness, and our freedoms.

Knowledge and wisdom are more valuable than gold!

But, knowledge in West Virginia is often banned, suppressed, labeled with some smear word, or categorized as politically incorrect or radical. Recently a complaint was made to the ODC about the local prosecutor Gerry Hough, but NONE of the new evidence that proved Hough committed a felony of subornation of perjury was accepted by Rachael Cipoletti the chief counsel of the Office of Disciplinary Counsel.

A federal agency was asked to investigate the fact that Cipoletti knowingly suppressed evidence that was involved in a criminal act by the Gilmer County Commission Clerk Beverly Marks and Gerry Hough and further, that both of these public officials knowingly took part in a felony crime of covering evidence needed in a circuit court case and a case with a close vote of 3 to 2 in West Virginia Supreme Court.

Any movement to disprove and expose unlawfulness, corruption, dehumanization and tyranny is readily discouraged, and the corrupt state government in West Virginia will threaten you with jail and prison and even go so far as to make up false charges if you continue to bring the truth to the people of the state.

FASCISM has found a home in Gilmer County and Charleston West Virginia, as was evidenced by the forced state take over of Gilmer Public Schools.

“Truth and facts are hard to find and not readily available yet truly relevant and important to our lives.  The SS and the Gilmer Free Press have worked hard to bring our readers the truth and the facts and sometimes at great cost to ourselves for allowing an open forum.”

It should be noted that every single time some “Concerned Citizen” makes a valid point to an emotionally charged issue or responds to an open forum in a manner unpopular to the high echelon members of the power elite  … some interested party like Pat or Leslie Ward, already mentioned, or even the latest elite reject Cassandra Huff or some other member of the Hough Hooligan and Hate organization will attack the messenger, or in someway try and shut that  “Concerned Citizen” up.

When speaking of corruption one usually refers to misuse of a position of trust for personal gain. Political corruption is the illegitimate use of government powers by officials for personal purposes. It influences the lives of our citizens in many ways and hinders the overall development of the region.

Political corruption can take many forms like bribery, patronage (favoring supporters by granting financial aid or favors) and graft (offering money). All forms of corruption are illegal but when you don’t fear prosecution that just doesn’t seem to matter.

A government official has both money and power in his/her hand; citizens tax money for the development of the area served and power to utilize the money. The government official then uses both of these for personal gain. It is because of money and power that many politicians make politics a family business. In case the politician cannot rule the government then his brother, sister or even wife will participate at another level. Control must be maintained for success.

I do find it a little fascinating that the college does squash any negative response about GSC so quickly.  Given their financial status (most of their enrollment is paid by grants) they can not afford negative press yet do nothing to prevent the crimes.

I hope Peter Barr the president of GSC  is having a lot of sleepless nights over this but am sure he’s just drinking himself to sleep.  He is a puppet, nothing more and I don’t believe he even knows how to stop the insanity.

Edwin Dale Kinnison a student at GSC was charged with second-degree sexual assault stemming from an alleged incident that occurred at Pickens Hall dormitory at Glenville State College. The victim claimed she was assaulted after falling asleep

The only thing vetting means in Gilmer County is who recommends the employee. But, these bitches do take care of their own for we hear Donna Waddell will be getting a job at GSC since being screamed at and dismissed at the family resource center.  If you are an unemployed person with the same or better qualifications  for a position at GSC, you have NO CHANCE unless you are firmly a blood member of the elite of Gilmer County.

Why it’s the perfect time for Hough to hire his kid Carly Hough.  Is this the assistant he told the County Commission he’d need to collect years of unpaid back taxes? Yeah we remember because it was on the front page of the Glenville Democrat and Pathfinder of Bullshit!

It was just another BULLSHIT article the local paper put out to assist HOUGH on improving his image, since his misconduct has been found out and published for all to decide for themselves. The public knows Hough is guilty for they have seen the evidence for themselves, and now with the help of the local print media the Democrat, Hough can use the campaign of collection of back taxes from big business, a job he should have done all along.

Since GERALD B HOUGH has known all along about these overdue gas and oil tax payments and never did anything about it, a body would think he’d volunteer to do it without any more pay. But, he uses this excuse to get his daughter a pay check and keep the money in the family.

Here are just a few of the other complaints made against Hough:

Gerald B Hough can NEVER do his Research and obtain CORRECT information,

Hough punishes the innocent and let’s the guilty go!

Hough by his ad in the Glenville Democrat proved he is a racist, by using  slander and libel,

Hough complains about citizens abusing free speech from one side of his mouth while he actually commits acts of racial hatred making Hough the very definition of a hypocrite!

Gerry Hough with a bible under his arm, offered his family member by marriage $1 for one third of his property, and then threatened that person with emanate domain without the knowledge of the Gilmer County PSD, — while he then collected hundreds of thousands of dollars of taxpayers’ money for a piece of trashy property at the slip in hays city in Glenville

(Just ask  R. Terry Butcher, Thrasher Engineers, and The Gilmer county PSD),

Hough allows the needy to live in trashy filthy places, while collecting hefty rents from HUD!

Hough created a fake invoice for $16,000 in a matter of 15 minutes for the purpose of ILLEGALLY overcharging a local business for work done without a justification for his client – and then practicing private law, while getting paid to be a prosecutor

Carly Hough is the new assistant Hough is hiring to do the job he is already getting paid over 87 k a year to do, plus Hough pulls in a FULL TIME Salary working for the college in Summersville! His combined salary is more than the governor makes -- And HOUGH has already been CAUGHT committing acts of misconduct and knowingly bringing false evidence forward in a criminal case.

This situation is a clear conflict of interest and Hough needs to be reported to office of disciplinary Counsel.

HOUGH was not prepared in a breaking and entering case after the Gilmer County Sheriff Deputy gave him the list of about $10,000 worth damage, and then by the victim when he asked for it again because he lost the first one – and then,  after all that – the case was dismissed because HOUGH forgot to present it properly to the court.

Hough thought there was a lot of money to be made in the internet business and decided to go against Ramco Technologies by deceiving friends into contributing a lot of money without proper planning or business or marketing plan, an then embark on a business venture without doing any proper research on the matter.

Matter of fact that legend in his own mind should be paying the whole cost along with the Sheriff for their PSYCHO BILLY BULLSHIT MISTAKES!!  One thing for certain Hough should be able to afford it with the $87.800 he gets to be a full time Prosecutor who’s never there in the afternoon and full time teaching at a community college at the same time.  Guess he’s saving up for that forced retirement at election time, for the public is not going to put up with any more PSYCHO BILLY BULLSHIT from Gerry for we have had enough of Gerald B Hough!